
1286 lines
42 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2019-2019 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
!! In this subroutine, the matrix elements required for AHC temperature-
!! dependent electronic structure calculation are calculated and written to
!! file. Three different quantities are computed.
!! 1. First:
!! $$ \text{ahc_gkk}(ib,jb,\text{imode}) = \langle\psi_{ib}(k+q)
!! \|\frac{dV}{du_{q,\text{imode}}\|\psi_{jb}(k)\rangle $$
!! (Eq.(2) of \(\texttt{PHonon/Doc/dfpt_self_energy.pdf}\)) with
!! \(1\leq ib\leq\text{nbnd}\), \(ib_{\text{ahc}_{min}} \leq jb
!! \leq ib_{\text{ahc}_{max}}\).
!! Needed to calculate the static or dynamic Fan term.
!! 2. Second:
!! $$ \text{ahc_upfan}(ib,jb,\text{imode},\text{jmode}) = \langle P_{c,k+q}^+
!! \frac{d\psi_ib(k+q)}{du_{q,\text{imode}} \| \frac{dV}{du_{q,\frac{jmode}}
!! \|\psi_{jb}(k)\rangle $$
!! (Eq.(4) of \(\texttt{PHonon/Doc/dfpt_self_energy.pdf}\)) with
!! \(\text{ib_ahc_min} \leq \text{ib}\), \(\text{jb} \leq \text{ib_ahc_max}\).
!! Here, \(P_{c,k+q}\) is the orthogonalization to the \(\text{nbnd}\) lowest-lying
!! bands in the k+q subspace (\(\text{nbnd}\) may differ from the number of bands used
!! in the SCF and phonon calculations).
!! Needed to compute the "upper Fan" term which approximates the contribution
!! of high-energy (unoccpied) bands in the Fan term.
!! Ref: X. Gonze, P. Boulanger, and M. Cote, Ann. Phys. 523, 168 (2011)
!! 3. Third:
!! $$ \text{ahc_dw}(ib, jb, \text{imode}, \text{jdir}) = i \langle \psi_{ib}(k)
!! \|[\frac{dV_{SCF}}{du_{\text{Gamma,imode}}, p_{jdir}\]\|\psi_{jb}(k)\rangle $$
!! (Eq.(3) of PHonon/Doc/dfpt_self_energy.pdf ) with
!! \(ib_{\text{ahc}_min} \leq ib, jb \leq ib_{\text{ahc}_min}+\text{ahc_nbnd}-1 \).
!! Here, \(p_\text{jdir} = -i d/dr_\text{jdir}\) is the momentum operator.
!! Computed only for \(q = \text{Gamma}\).
!! Needed to calculate the Debye-Waller term.
!! We use the generalized acoustic sum rule for electron-phonon matrix,
!! which gives both the diagonal the off-diagonal matrix elements of the
!! Debye-Waller term (in the electron eigenbasis).
!! Ref: J.-M. Lihm, and C.-H. Park, Phys. Rev. B, 101, 121102(R) (2020)
!! In all cases, the imode index is in the Cartesian basis, so that only one
!! atom with index iatm is displaced along Cartesian direction idir. In this
!! case, the mode index is \(\text{imode} = 3(\text{iatm}-1) + \text{idir}\).
!! \(\text{ib_ahc_min} = \text{ahc_nbndskip} + 1 \)
!! \(\text{ib_ahc_max} = \text{ahc_nbndskip} + \text{ahc_nbnd} \)
!! Eigenvalues of the \(\text{ahc_nbnd}\) bands should be well-separated
!! with the nbnd-th band to avoid problems in solving the Sternheimer equation.
!! Not implemented (or not tested) for the following cases:
!! - USPP;
!! - PAW;
!! - DFPT + U;
!! - magnetism (both collinear and noncollinear);
!! - 2d Coulomb cutoff.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
! Input parameters
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: ahc_dir
!! Directory where the output binary files for AHC e-ph coupling are written
INTEGER :: ahc_nbnd
!! Number of bands for which the electron self-energy is to be computed.
INTEGER :: ahc_nbndskip
!! Number of bands to exclude when computing the self-energy. The
!! self-energy is computed for ibnd from \(\text{ahc_nbndskip} + 1\)
!! to \(\text{ahc_nbndskip} + \text{ahc_nbnd}\).
LOGICAL :: skip_upperfan = .FALSE.
!! If TRUE, skip the calculation of upper Fan self-energy,
!! which involves solving the Sternheimer equation.
! Public variables
LOGICAL :: elph_ahc
!! If TRUE, calculate ahc e-ph variables.
INTEGER :: ahc_nbnd_gauge
!! Number of bands to compute self-energy or bands degenerate with those.
INTEGER :: ib_ahc_gauge_min
!! Minimum band index to compute \(\text{dvpsi}\). Needed to deal with degeneracy.
INTEGER :: ib_ahc_gauge_max
!! Maximum band index to compute \(\text{dvpsi}\). Needed to deal with degeneracy.
! Local variables
INTEGER :: ib_ahc_min
!! Mininum band index to compute electron self-energy
INTEGER :: ib_ahc_max
!! Maximum band index to compute electron self-energy
INTEGER :: iungkk
!! Unit for \(\text{ahc_gkk}\) (\(\text{dV_q}\) matrix element) output
INTEGER :: iunupfan
!! Unit for \(\text{ahc_upfan}\) (upper Fan by Sternheimer) output
INTEGER :: iundw
!! Unit for \text{ahc_dw}\) (Debye-Waller) output
INTEGER :: nbase_ik
!! The position in the list of the first point that belong to this \(\text{npool}-1\)
REAL(DP) :: e_degen_thr = 1.d-4
!! threshold for degeneracy
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ahc_gkk(:,:,:)
!! Usual dimansions: (\(\text{nbnd},\ \text{ahc_nbnd},\ \text{nmodes}\));
!! \(\text{dV_q}\) matrix element.
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ahc_upfan(:,:,:,:)
!! Usual dimensions: (\(\text{ahc_nbnd},\ \text{ahc_nbnd},\ \text{nmodes},\ \text{nmodes}\));
!! upper Fan self-energy by Sternheimer
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ahc_dw(:,:,:,:)
!! Usual dimensions: (\(\text{ahc_nbnd}, \text{ahc_nbnd}, \text{nmodes}, 3\));
!! \([dV,p]\) matrix element for Debye-Waller
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvpsi_cart(:,:,:)
!! Usual dimensions: (\(\text{npwx}\cdot\text{npol},\ \text{ahc_nbnd},\ \text{nmodes}\));
!! the Cartesian atomic displacement: \(dV/du_{q, \text{imode}}\cdot \psi_nk in\)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psi_gauge(:,:)
!! Usual dimensions: (\(\text{ahc_nbnd_gauge},\ \text{ahc_nbnd}\));
!! \(\langle\psi_{nk}(\text{at q})|\psi_{mk}(\text{at q=gamma})\rangle \);
!! Used to fix gauge of \(\text{psi_nk}\) computed at different q points.
SUBROUTINE ahc_do_upperfan(ik)
!! Compute:
!! $$ \text{ahc_upperfan}(\text{ib,jb,imode,jmode})
!! = \langle P_{c,k+q}^+ d\psi_ib(k+q)/du_{q,\text{imode}} | dV/du_{q,\text{jmode}}
!! | \psi_jb(k)\rangle $$.
!! Implements Eq.(4) of \(\texttt{PHonon/Doc/dfpt_self_energy.pdf}\)
!! To do so, compute \(d\psi_ib(k+q)/du{q,\text{imode}}\) by solving Sternheimer
!! equation \((H - e_{ib}) \text{dpsi_ib} = -P_{c,k+q}^+ dV/du_{q,\text{imode}} \psi_{ib}\).
!! Adapted from \(\texttt{solve_linter.f90}\) with modifications by Jae-Mo Lihm.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE mp_pools, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, me_pool, root_pool
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, nbnd, et
USE klist, ONLY : ngk, igk_k, xk
USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
USE uspp, ONLY : vkb
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer
USE qpoint, ONLY : ikks, ikqs
USE modes, ONLY : nmodes
USE eqv, ONLY : dvpsi, dpsi, evq
USE units_lr, ONLY : lrwfc, iuwfc
USE control_ph, ONLY : tr2_ph
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma
USE uspp_init, ONLY : init_us_2
!! k point index where \(\text{dvpsi}\) is calculated
INTEGER :: ikk, ikq, npw, npwq, nrec, ibnd, imode, jmode
LOGICAL :: conv_root
!! true if linear system is converged
INTEGER :: lter
!! Counter on iterations of Sternheimer equation
REAL(DP) :: thresh
!! convergence threshold for solving Sternheimer equation
REAL(DP) :: anorm
!! the norm of the error of Sternheimer equation
REAL(DP) :: error_sum
!! error for checking the solution of Sternheimer equation
REAL(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: h_diag (:,:)
!! diagonal part of the Hamiltonian
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dpsi_cart(:,:,:)
!! Solution of the Sternheimer equation
EXTERNAL ch_psi_all, cg_psi
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,I8)') 'Computing ahc_upperfan for ik = ', ik
CALL start_clock('ahc_upfan')
! Set Sternheimer threshold, following that of solve_linter
thresh = MIN(1.d-1 * SQRT(tr2_ph / npol), 1.d-2)
ALLOCATE(h_diag(npwx*npol, nbnd))
ALLOCATE(dpsi_cart(npwx*npol, ahc_nbnd, nmodes))
dpsi_cart = (0.d0, 0.d0)
ikk = ikks(ik)
ikq = ikqs(ik)
npw = ngk(ikk)
npwq = ngk(ikq)
! Read unperturbed wavefunctions psi(k) and psi(k+q) from file
IF (lgamma) THEN
CALL get_buffer(evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk)
!$acc update device(evc)
CALL get_buffer(evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk)
!$acc update device(evc)
CALL get_buffer(evq, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikq)
!$acc update device(evq)
! Setup for Sternheimer solver
! compute beta functions and kinetic energy for k-point ikq
! needed by h_psi, called by ch_psi_all, called by cgsolve_all
CALL init_us_2(npwq, igk_k(1, ikq), xk(1, ikq), vkb, .true.)
!$acc update host(vkb)
CALL g2_kin(ikq)
! compute preconditioning matrix h_diag used by cgsolve_all
CALL h_prec(ik, evq, h_diag)
DO imode = 1, nmodes
dvpsi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
dvpsi(:,ib_ahc_min:ib_ahc_max) = dvpsi_cart(:,:,imode)
! Apply -P_c^+ : orthogonalize dvpsi to all nbnd states
CALL orthogonalize(dvpsi, evq, ikk, ikq, dpsi, npwq, .FALSE.)
conv_root = .true.
dpsi(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
! Iteratively solve the Sternheimer equation
CALL cgsolve_all(ch_psi_all, cg_psi, et(ib_ahc_min, ikk), &
dvpsi(1, ib_ahc_min), dpsi, h_diag, npwx, npwq, thresh, ik, &
lter, conv_root, anorm, ahc_nbnd, npol)
IF (.NOT. conv_root) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"kpoint",i4," mode",i4, &
& " ahc_upperfan: cgsolve_all root not converged ", &
& es10.3)') ik , imode, anorm
dpsi_cart(:,:,imode) = dpsi(:,1:ahc_nbnd)
ENDDO ! imode
! Calculate ahc_upfan(:,:,ik,:,:)
ahc_upfan = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO jmode = 1, nmodes
DO imode = 1, nmodes
CALL ZGEMM('C', 'N', ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbnd, npwx * npol, &
(1.d0, 0.d0), dpsi_cart(1, 1, imode), npwx * npol, &
dvpsi_cart(1, 1, jmode), npwx * npol, &
(0.d0, 0.d0), ahc_upfan(1, 1, imode, jmode), ahc_nbnd)
CALL mp_sum(ahc_upfan, intra_pool_comm)
! Write ahc_upfan to file
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
nrec = ik + nbase_ik
WRITE(iunupfan, REC=nrec) ahc_upfan
! Check: (H - e(ib)) dpsi_cart(:,ib,imode) = - P_c dvpsi_cart(:,ib,imode)
imode = 2
dvpsi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
dvpsi(:, ib_ahc_min:ib_ahc_max) = dvpsi_cart(:, :, imode)
CALL orthogonalize(dvpsi, evq, ikk, ikq, dpsi, npwq, .FALSE.)
dpsi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
CALL h_psi(npwx, npwq, ahc_nbnd, dpsi_cart(1,1,imode), dpsi)
DO ibnd = 1, ahc_nbnd
dpsi(:,ibnd) = dpsi(:,ibnd) - et(ibnd + ahc_nbndskip, ikk) * dpsi_cart(:,ibnd,imode)
! Check total error is small
error_sum = SUM(ABS(dpsi(:,1:ahc_nbnd) - dvpsi(:,ib_ahc_min:ib_ahc_max)))
CALL mp_sum(error_sum, intra_pool_comm)
IF (ionode) THEN
IF (error_sum > 1.d-4 * REAL(ahc_nbnd, DP)) THEN
WRITE(stdout, *) 'WARNING: Sternheimer equation error is large.'
WRITE(stdout, *) 'Consider increasing nbnd of the NSCF calculation.'
WRITE(stdout, *) 'sum of absolute error = ', error_sum
WRITE(stdout, *) 'sum of absolute value = ', &
! To print the error of each bands, uncomment the following block.
! DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
! WRITE(stdout, *) 'Sternheimer error ', ibnd, &
! SUM(ABS(dpsi(:,ibnd) - dvpsi(:,ibnd)))
CALL stop_clock('ahc_upfan')
END SUBROUTINE ahc_do_upperfan
SUBROUTINE ahc_do_dw(ik)
!! Compute and write to file the matrix elements of \([dV,p]\). This quantity is
!! needed to compute Debye-Waller self-energy within rigid-ion approximation.
!! $$ \text{ahc_dw}(\text{ib, jb, imode, jdir})
!! = i\cdot \langle\psi_{ib}(k)|[dV_{SCF}/du_{\text{Gamma, imode}}, p_\text{jdir}]|
!! \psi_{jb}(k)\rangle $$
!! Implements Eq.(3) of \(\texttt{PHonon/Doc/dfpt_self_energy.pdf}\)
!! Here, the 'operator-generalized acoustic sum rule' is used to represent
!! Debye-Waller self-energy as a simple matrix element.
!! See Eq.(13) of the following reference:
!! Jae-Mo Lihm and Cheol-Hwan Park, Phys. Rev. B, 101, 121102(R) (2020).
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE mp_pools, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, me_pool, root_pool
USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx
USE klist, ONLY : ngk, igk_k, xk
USE gvect, ONLY : g
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer
USE qpoint, ONLY : ikks, ikqs
USE modes, ONLY : nmodes
USE units_lr, ONLY : lrwfc, iuwfc
!! k point index where \(\text{dvpsi}\) is calculated
INTEGER :: ikk
!! Counter on k-point
INTEGER :: ikq
!! Counter on k+q-point
INTEGER :: imode
!! Counter on modes
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: idir
!! Counter on Cartesian directions
!! Counter on plane waves
INTEGER :: npw
!! number of plane waves at k
INTEGER :: npwq
!! number of plane waves at k+q
INTEGER :: nrec
!! Record to write file
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: p_psi(:, :, :)
!! wavefunction multiplied by the momentum operator p
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: p_psi_gauged(:, :, :)
!! wavefunction multiplied by the momentum operator p after gauge fixing
CALL start_clock('ahc_dw')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,I8)') 'Computing ahc_dw for ik = ', ik
ALLOCATE(p_psi(npwx * npol, ahc_nbnd_gauge, 3))
ALLOCATE(p_psi_gauged(npwx * npol, ahc_nbnd, 3))
ikk = ikks(ik)
ikq = ikqs(ik)
npw = ngk(ikk)
npwq = ngk(ikq)
! Read unperturbed wavefunctions psi(k) from file
! No need of k+q because q == 0.
CALL get_buffer(evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk)
! Compute p_psi(:,ibnd,idir) = p_idir |evc(:,ibnd)>
! p_idir = -i d/dr_idir
p_psi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO idir = 1, 3
DO ibnd = 1, ahc_nbnd_gauge
DO ig = 1, npw
p_psi(ig, ibnd, idir) = evc(ig, ibnd + ib_ahc_gauge_min - 1) &
* ( xk(idir, ik) + g(idir, igk_k(ig, ik)) ) * tpiba
IF (noncolin) THEN
DO ig = 1, npw
p_psi(ig + npwx, ibnd, idir) &
= evc(ig + npwx, ibnd + ib_ahc_gauge_min - 1) &
* ( xk(idir, ik) + g(idir, igk_k(ig, ik)) ) * tpiba
! Fix gauge of p_psi: dvpsi_gauged = p_psi * psi_gauge
DO idir = 1, 3
CALL ZGEMM('N', 'N', npwx*npol, ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbnd_gauge, &
(1.d0,0.d0), p_psi(1, 1, idir), npwx * npol, &
psi_gauge, ahc_nbnd_gauge, &
(0.d0,0.d0), p_psi_gauged(1, 1, idir), npwx * npol)
! Calculate ahc_dw(ib,jb,imode,jdir)
! = i * <\psi_ib(k)|[dV_{SCF}/du^Gamma_{imode}, p_jdir]|\psi_jb(k)>
ahc_dw = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO idir = 1, 3
DO imode = 1, nmodes
CALL ZGEMM('C', 'N', ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbnd, npwx * npol, &
(0.d0, 1.d0), dvpsi_cart(1,1,imode), npwx * npol, &
p_psi_gauged(1,1,idir), npwx * npol, &
(1.d0, 0.d0), ahc_dw(1,1,imode,idir), ahc_nbnd)
CALL ZGEMM('C', 'N', ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbnd, npwx * npol, &
(0.d0,-1.d0), p_psi_gauged(1,1,idir), npwx * npol, &
dvpsi_cart(1,1,imode), npwx * npol, &
(1.d0, 0.d0), ahc_dw(1,1,imode,idir), ahc_nbnd)
CALL mp_sum(ahc_dw, intra_pool_comm)
! Write ahc_dw to file
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
nrec = ik + nbase_ik
WRITE(iundw, REC=nrec) ahc_dw
CALL stop_clock('ahc_dw')
SUBROUTINE ahc_do_gkk(ik)
!! Calculate and write to file \(\text{ahc_gkk}\).
!! $$ \text{ahc_gkk}(\text{ib, jb, imode}) = \langle\psi_{ib}(k+q)|dV/
!! du_{q,\text{imode}}|\psi_{jb}(k)\rangle $$
!! with: \(1 \leq ib \leq \text{nbnd}, \text{ib_ahc_min} \leq jb \leq \text{ib_ahc_max}\)
!! Implements Eq.(2) of \(\texttt{PHonon/Doc/dfpt_self_energy.pdf}\)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE mp_pools, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, me_pool, root_pool
USE modes, ONLY : nmodes
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, nbnd
USE qpoint, ONLY : ikqs
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
USE units_lr, ONLY : lrwfc, iuwfc
USE eqv, ONLY : evq
!! k point index where dvpsi is calculated
INTEGER :: imode, nrec
CALL start_clock('ahc_gkk')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,I8)') 'Computing ahc_gkk for ik = ', ik
ahc_gkk = (0.d0, 0.d0)
CALL get_buffer(evq, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikqs(ik))
DO imode = 1, nmodes
CALL ZGEMM('C', 'N', nbnd, ahc_nbnd, npwx*npol, &
(1.d0,0.d0), evq, npwx*npol, dvpsi_cart(1, 1, imode), npwx*npol, &
(0.d0,0.d0), ahc_gkk(1, 1, imode), nbnd)
CALL mp_sum(ahc_gkk, intra_pool_comm)
! Write ahc_gkk to file
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
nrec = ik + nbase_ik
WRITE(iungkk, REC=nrec) ahc_gkk
CALL stop_clock('ahc_gkk')
SUBROUTINE compute_psi_gauge(ik)
!! Compute \(\text{psi_gauge}(n, m) = \langle \psi_{nk}(q) | \psi_\text{ref_mk}\rangle\).
!! \( n = \text{ib_ahc_gauge_min}, ..., \text{ib_ahc_gauge_max} \);
!! \( m = \text{ib_ahc_min}, ..., \text{ib_ahc_max} \).
!! The range of m is wider than the range of n because of possible degeneracy
!! at \(\text{ib_ahc_min}\) or \(\text{ib_ahc_max}\).
!! The overlap is computed indirectly by comparing \(\psi_{nk}\) at a few G vectors.
!! G vectors with Miller indices (Gx, Gy, Gz) with \(-3 \leq Gx, Gy, Gz \leq 3\)
!! are used.
!! P: projection operator to the selected G vectors.
!! \(P|\psi_\text{ref_m}\rangle = P|\psi_n\rangle\cdot \psi_\text{gauge}(n,m)\);
!! \(S_{nm} = \langle\psi_\text{ref_n}|P|\psi_\text{ref_m}\rangle\);
!! \(A_{nm} = \langle\psi_n|P|\psi_\text{ref_m}\rangle;
!! \(\psi_\text{gauge}(n, m) = (A\cdot \text{inv}(S))_{nm}\).
!! Implemented only for NCPP case.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_files, ONLY : seqopn
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum
USE mp_pools, ONLY : me_pool, root_pool, intra_pool_comm
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer, save_buffer
USE matrix_inversion, ONLY : invmat
USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
USE gvect, ONLY : mill, ngm
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, et
USE klist, ONLY : igk_k, ngk
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol
USE qpoint, ONLY : ikks
USE disp, ONLY : nqs
USE control_ph, ONLY : current_iq
USE units_lr, ONLY : iuwfc, lrwfc
USE units_ph, ONLY : iugauge
!! Current k point index
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: gmax_search = 3
!! Max \(|G_x,y,z|\) to use for gauge fixing.
LOGICAL :: is_last_group
!! true if at the last degenerate group
INTEGER :: info
!! Info output of zheev
INTEGER :: found_g
!! set to 1 if given G vector is found in mill
INTEGER :: ikk
!! Counter on k point
INTEGER :: igx
!! Counter on plane waves
INTEGER :: igy
!! Counter on plane waves
INTEGER :: igz
!! Counter on plane waves
INTEGER :: ng_gauge
!! Number of G vectors to use in computing overlap
!! Counter on plane waves
!! Counter on plane waves
INTEGER :: igroup
!! Counter on degenerate groups
INTEGER :: ndegen
!! Degree of degeneracy
INTEGER :: ndegen_ref
!! Degree of degeneracy
INTEGER :: npw
!! Number of plane waves
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: ibnd_ref
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: jbnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: lwork
!! dimension of workspace for diagonalization
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: gauge_mill_tmp(:, :)
!! G-points to use for computing gauge
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: gauge_mill(:, :)
!! G-points to use for computing gauge
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ndegen_list(:)
!! Degree of degeneracy for each degenerate groups.
!! workspace for diagonalization
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eigvals(:)
!! eigenvalues of smat
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: evc_select_ref(:, :, :)
!! Reference wavefunction at selected G vectors
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: evc_select(:, :, :)
!! Wavefunction at selected G vectors
!! overlap matrix of \(\text{psi_ref}\)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: smat_inv(:, :)
!! inverse of smat
!! overlap matrix of \(\text{psi_ref}\) and psi
!! workspace for diagonalization
CALL start_clock('ahc_gauge')
! If there is only a single q point, no need of gauge fixing.
! Set psi_gauge to identity and return.
IF (nqs == 1) THEN
psi_gauge = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO ibnd = 1, ahc_nbnd
psi_gauge(ibnd - ib_ahc_gauge_min + ib_ahc_min, ibnd) = (1.d0, 0.d0)
CALL stop_clock('ahc_gauge')
psi_gauge = (0.d0, 0.d0)
ikk = ikks(ik)
npw = ngk(ikk)
CALL get_buffer(evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk)
! If iq == 1,
! 1) Set gauge_mill with the G vectors to use to compute overlap.
! 2) Group degenerate bands and set ndegen_list.
! 3) Find selected G vectors from each pools and set evc_select_ref
! 4) Write gauge_mill, ndegen_list, and evc_select_ref to file.
! 5) For each degenerate group, compute inv(S) matrix and write to file.
! 6) Set psi_gauge to identity and return.
IF (current_iq == 1) THEN
! 1) Set gauge_mill.
ALLOCATE(gauge_mill_tmp(3, (2 * gmax_search + 1)**3))
gauge_mill_tmp = 0
ng_gauge = 0
DO igx = -gmax_search, gmax_search
DO igy = -gmax_search, gmax_search
DO igz = -gmax_search, gmax_search
! Check if (igx, igy, igz) is in mill_g
found_g = 0
DO ig = 1, ngm
IF (mill(1, ig) == igx .AND. &
mill(2, ig) == igy .AND. &
mill(3, ig) == igz) THEN
found_g = 1
CALL mp_sum(found_g, intra_pool_comm)
! found_g must be 0 (not found) or 1 (found)
IF (found_g /= 0 .AND. found_g /= 1) CALL errore(&
'compute_psi_gauge', 'problem setting gauge_mill', 1)
IF (found_g == 1) THEN
ng_gauge = ng_gauge + 1
gauge_mill_tmp(:, ng_gauge) = (/ igx, igy, igz /)
! Make a smaller array containing found G vectors only.
ALLOCATE(gauge_mill(3, ng_gauge))
gauge_mill(:, 1:ng_gauge) = gauge_mill_tmp(:, 1:ng_gauge)
! 2) Group degenerate bands and set ndegen_list
ndegen_list = 0
igroup = 1
DO ibnd = ib_ahc_min, ib_ahc_max
! If nondegenerate, increase igroup
IF (ibnd > ib_ahc_min) THEN
IF (et(ibnd, ikk) - et(ibnd - 1, ikk) > e_degen_thr) THEN
igroup = igroup + 1
ndegen_list(igroup) = ndegen_list(igroup) + 1
ENDDO ! ibnd
! 3) Find selected G vectors from each pools and set evc_select_ref.
! In case of PW parallelization, evc_select_ref is set by the processor that
! contains the G vector and is later summed by mp_sum.
ALLOCATE(evc_select_ref(ng_gauge, npol, ahc_nbnd))
evc_select_ref = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO ig = 1, ng_gauge
DO jg = 1, npw
IF (mill(1, igk_k(jg, ikk)) == gauge_mill(1, ig) .AND. &
mill(2, igk_k(jg, ikk)) == gauge_mill(2, ig) .AND. &
mill(3, igk_k(jg, ikk)) == gauge_mill(3, ig)) THEN
DO ibnd = 1, ahc_nbnd
jbnd = ibnd - 1 + ib_ahc_min
evc_select_ref(ig, 1, ibnd) = evc(jg, jbnd)
IF (noncolin) THEN
evc_select_ref(ig, 2, ibnd) = evc(jg + npwx, jbnd)
ENDDO ! jg
ENDDO ! ig
CALL mp_sum(evc_select_ref, intra_pool_comm)
! 4) Write gauge_mill, ndegen_list, and evc_select_ref to file.
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
WRITE(iugauge) ng_gauge
WRITE(iugauge) gauge_mill
WRITE(iugauge) ndegen_list
WRITE(iugauge) evc_select_ref
! 5) For each degenerate group, compute inv(S) matrix and write to file.
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
ibnd = 1
DO igroup = 1, ahc_nbnd
IF (ndegen_list(igroup) == 0) EXIT
ndegen = ndegen_list(igroup)
! S_nm = sum_G [evc_select_ref(ig, n)]* evc_select_ref(ig, m)
ALLOCATE(smat(ndegen, ndegen))
ALLOCATE(smat_inv(ndegen, ndegen))
CALL ZGEMM('C', 'N', ndegen, ndegen, npol * ng_gauge, &
(1.d0, 0.d0), evc_select_ref(1, 1, ibnd), npol * ng_gauge, &
evc_select_ref(1, 1, ibnd), npol * ng_gauge, &
(0.d0, 0.d0), smat, ndegen)
CALL invmat(ndegen, smat, smat_inv)
! Check whether smat is singular by computing the eigenvalues
lwork = 2 * ndegen - 1
ALLOCATE(rwork(3 * ndegen - 2))
CALL ZHEEV('N', 'U', ndegen, smat, ndegen, eigvals, work, lwork, rwork, info)
IF (info /= 0) THEN
CALL errore('compute_psi_gauge', 'problem diagonalizing smat', info)
IF (eigvals(1) < 1.d-2) THEN
CALL errore('compute_psi_gauge', 'smat close to singluar. &
&Try increasing gmax_search.', 1)
WRITE(iugauge) smat_inv
ibnd = ibnd + ndegen
IF (ibnd /= ahc_nbnd + 1) CALL errore('compute_psi_gauge', &
'ibnd /= ahc_nbnd + 1 after loop over degenreate groups at first iq', 1)
! 6) Set psi_gauge to identity and return.
psi_gauge = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO ibnd = 1, ahc_nbnd
psi_gauge(ibnd - ib_ahc_gauge_min + ib_ahc_min, ibnd) = (1.d0, 0.d0)
CALL stop_clock('ahc_gauge')
! If iq > 1,
! 1) Read wfcgauge file from root_pool and bcast.
! 2) Find selected G vectors from each pools and set evc_select.
! 3) For each degenerate group:
! 3-1) Read inv(S) matrix from file
! 3-2) Compute A matrix
! 3-3) Compute psi_gauge.
! 1) Read wfcgauge file from root_pool and bcast.
IF (me_pool == root_pool) READ(iugauge) ng_gauge
CALL mp_bcast(ng_gauge, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
ALLOCATE(gauge_mill(3, ng_gauge))
ALLOCATE(evc_select_ref(ng_gauge, npol, ahc_nbnd))
ALLOCATE(evc_select(ng_gauge, npol, ahc_nbnd_gauge))
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
READ(iugauge) gauge_mill
READ(iugauge) ndegen_list
READ(iugauge) evc_select_ref
CALL mp_bcast(gauge_mill, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(ndegen_list, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(evc_select_ref, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
! 2) Find selected G vectors from each pools and set evc_select.
evc_select = (0.d0, 0.d0)
DO ig = 1, ng_gauge
DO jg = 1, npw
IF (mill(1, igk_k(jg, ikk)) == gauge_mill(1, ig) .AND. &
mill(2, igk_k(jg, ikk)) == gauge_mill(2, ig) .AND. &
mill(3, igk_k(jg, ikk)) == gauge_mill(3, ig)) THEN
DO ibnd = 1, ahc_nbnd_gauge
jbnd = ibnd - 1 + ib_ahc_gauge_min
evc_select(ig, 1, ibnd) = evc(jg, jbnd)
IF (noncolin) THEN
evc_select(ig, 2, ibnd) = evc(jg + npwx, jbnd)
ENDDO ! jg
ENDDO ! ig
CALL mp_sum(evc_select, intra_pool_comm)
! 3) For each degenerate group:
ibnd_ref = 1
ibnd = 1
DO igroup = 1, ahc_nbnd
IF (ndegen_list(igroup) == 0) EXIT
ndegen_ref = ndegen_list(igroup)
is_last_group = .FALSE.
IF (igroup == ahc_nbnd) THEN
is_last_group = .TRUE.
ELSEIF (ndegen_list(igroup + 1) == 0) THEN
is_last_group = .TRUE.
! Enlarge ndegen when at the first or last degenerate group.
IF (igroup == 1) THEN
! First group.
ndegen = ndegen_ref + ib_ahc_min - ib_ahc_gauge_min
ELSEIF (is_last_group) THEN
! Last group.
ndegen = ndegen_ref - ib_ahc_max + ib_ahc_gauge_max
ndegen = ndegen_ref
ALLOCATE(smat_inv(ndegen_ref, ndegen_ref))
ALLOCATE(amat(ndegen, ndegen_ref))
! 3-1) Read inv(S) matrix from file
! S_nm = sum_G [evc_select_ref(ig, n)]* evc_select_ref(ig, m)
IF (me_pool == root_pool) READ(iugauge) smat_inv
CALL mp_bcast(smat_inv, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
! 3-2) Compute A matrix
! A_nm = sum_G [evc_select(ig, n)]* evc_select_ref(ig, m)
CALL ZGEMM('C', 'N', ndegen, ndegen_ref, npol * ng_gauge, &
(1.d0, 0.d0), evc_select(1, 1, ibnd), npol * ng_gauge, &
evc_select_ref(1, 1, ibnd_ref), npol * ng_gauge, &
(0.d0, 0.d0), amat, ndegen)
! 3-3) Compute psi_gauge
! psi_gauge(n, m) = (A * inv(S))_nm
CALL ZGEMM('N', 'N', ndegen, ndegen_ref, ndegen_ref, &
(1.d0, 0.d0), amat, ndegen, smat_inv, ndegen_ref, &
(0.d0, 0.d0), psi_gauge(ibnd, ibnd_ref), ahc_nbnd_gauge)
ibnd_ref = ibnd_ref + ndegen_ref
ibnd = ibnd + ndegen
ENDDO ! igroup
IF (ibnd_ref /= ahc_nbnd + 1) CALL errore('compute_psi_gauge', &
'ibnd_ref /= ahc_nbnd + 1 after loop over degenreate groups', 1)
IF (ibnd /= ahc_nbnd_gauge + 1) CALL errore('compute_psi_gauge', &
'ibnd /= ahc_nbnd_gauge + 1 after loop over degenreate groups', 1)
CALL stop_clock('ahc_gauge')
END SUBROUTINE compute_psi_gauge
SUBROUTINE elph_ahc_setup()
!! Initialize variables for ahc calculation.
!! Look for degeneracy around \(\text{ib_ahc_min}\) or \(\text{ib_ahc_max}\) and
!! set \(\text{ahc_nbnd_gauge}\), the number of bands to compute \(\text{dvpsi}\)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE io_files, ONLY : create_directory
USE mp, ONLY : mp_min, mp_max, mp_bcast
USE mp_pools, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, root_pool, me_pool
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, et
USE qpoint, ONLY : nksq, ikks, nksqtot
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma
USE control_ph, ONLY : current_iq
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: filoutetk
!! Filename for \(e_n(k)\) energy eigenvalue output
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: filoutetq
!! Filename for \(e_n(k+q)\) energy eigenvalue output
!! Counter for k points
INTEGER :: ikk
!! Counter for k points
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Counter for bands
INTEGER :: ib_ahc_gauge_min_ik
!! Counter for bands
INTEGER :: ib_ahc_gauge_max_ik
!! Counter for bands
INTEGER :: recl
!! length of the files to be written
INTEGER :: iunetk
!! Unit for \(e_n(k)\) energy eigenvalue output
INTEGER :: iunetq
!! Unit for \(e_n(k+q)\) energy eigenvalue output
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: et_collect(:, :, :)
!! energy eigenvalues at k and k+q for all k points
CHARACTER(LEN=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit
IF (ahc_nbndskip + ahc_nbnd > nbnd) CALL errore('elph_ahc_setup', &
'ahc_nbndskip + ahc_nbnd cannot be greater than nbnd', 1)
! Create output directory
CALL create_directory(ahc_dir)
ib_ahc_min = ahc_nbndskip + 1
ib_ahc_max = ahc_nbndskip + ahc_nbnd
! Search degeneracy around ib_ahc_min or ib_ahc_max to set
! ib_ahc_gauge_min, ib_ahc_gauge_max, and ahc_nbnd_gauge.
! Compute at each root_pool and bcast to other nodes.
! ib_ahc_gauge_min/max are different for each pool.
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
ib_ahc_gauge_min = ib_ahc_min
ib_ahc_gauge_max = ib_ahc_max
DO ik = 1, nksq
ikk = ikks(ik)
ib_ahc_gauge_min_ik = ib_ahc_min
IF (ib_ahc_min > 1) THEN
DO ibnd = ib_ahc_min - 1, 1, -1
IF (ABS(et(ibnd, ikk) - et(ib_ahc_min, ikk)) < e_degen_thr) THEN
ib_ahc_gauge_min_ik = ibnd
ib_ahc_gauge_max_ik = ib_ahc_max
IF (ib_ahc_max < nbnd) THEN
DO ibnd = ib_ahc_max + 1, nbnd
IF (ABS(et(ibnd, ikk) - et(ib_ahc_max, ikk)) < e_degen_thr) THEN
ib_ahc_gauge_max_ik = ibnd
ib_ahc_gauge_min = MIN(ib_ahc_gauge_min_ik, ib_ahc_gauge_min)
ib_ahc_gauge_max = MAX(ib_ahc_gauge_max_ik, ib_ahc_gauge_max)
ENDIF ! root_pool
CALL mp_bcast(ib_ahc_gauge_min, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast(ib_ahc_gauge_max, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
ahc_nbnd_gauge = ib_ahc_gauge_max - ib_ahc_gauge_min + 1
! Write energy eigenvalues to file
IF (ionode) THEN
ALLOCATE(et_collect(nbnd, nksqtot, 2))
filoutetk = TRIM(ahc_dir) // 'ahc_etk_iq' // TRIM(int_to_char(current_iq)) // '.bin'
filoutetq = TRIM(ahc_dir) // 'ahc_etq_iq' // TRIM(int_to_char(current_iq)) // '.bin'
INQUIRE(IOLENGTH=recl) et_collect(:, :, 1)
iunetk = find_free_unit()
OPEN(UNIT=iunetk, FILE=TRIM(filoutetk), FORM='unformatted', &
ACCESS='direct', RECL=recl)
iunetq = find_free_unit()
OPEN(UNIT=iunetq, FILE=TRIM(filoutetq), FORM='unformatted', &
ACCESS='direct', RECL=recl)
DO ik = 1, nksqtot
IF (lgamma) THEN
et_collect(:, ik, 1) = et(:, ik)
et_collect(:, ik, 2) = et(:, ik)
et_collect(:, ik, 1) = et(:, 2*ik-1)
et_collect(:, ik, 2) = et(:, 2*ik)
WRITE(iunetk, REC=1) et_collect(:,:,1)
WRITE(iunetq, REC=1) et_collect(:,:,2)
END SUBROUTINE elph_ahc_setup
SUBROUTINE elph_do_ahc()
!! The main driver of the AHC calculation.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : diropn
USE mp_pools, ONLY : npool, my_pool_id, me_pool, root_pool
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, nbnd
USE klist, ONLY : lgauss
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer
USE qpoint, ONLY : nksq, nksqtot
USE modes, ONLY : u, nmodes
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma, nbnd_occ
USE units_ph, ONLY : lrdvpsi, iudvpsi
USE eqv, ONLY : dvpsi
USE control_ph, ONLY : current_iq
CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: iq_name
!! \(\text{int_to_char(current_iq)}\)
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: filoutgkk
!! Filename for \(\text{ahc_gkk}\) (\(\text{dV_q}\) matrix element) output
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: filoutdw
!! Filename for \(\text{ahc_dw}\) (Debye-Waller) output
CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: filoutupfan
!! Filename for \(\text{ahc_upfan}\) (upper Fan by Sternheimer) output
!! Counter for k points
INTEGER :: imode
!! Counter for atomic displacements
INTEGER :: jmode
!! Counter for atomic displacements
INTEGER :: recl
!! length of the files to be written
INTEGER :: nrec
!! record number
INTEGER :: rest
!! integer for calculating \(\text{nbase_ik}\)
INTEGER :: nks1
!! integer for calculating \(\text{nbase_ik}\)
! CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: filename_wf
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvpsi_gauged(:, :)
!! Temporary storage of \(\text{dvpsi}\) for rotating to Cartesian
CHARACTER(LEN=6), EXTERNAL :: int_to_char
INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit
WRITE(stdout, *) ""
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Begin electron-phonon calculation for AHC theory"
CALL start_clock('ahc_elph')
! For k point parallelization, compute the global ik index
! ik_global = ik_local + nbase_ik
! Adapted from el_ph_collect.f90
IF (npool == 1) THEN
nbase_ik = 0
nks1 = nksqtot / npool
rest = nksqtot - nks1 * npool
IF ((my_pool_id + 1) <= rest) nks1 = nks1 + 1
IF (nks1 /= nksq) CALL errore('elph_do_ahc', 'problem with nks1', 1)
nbase_ik = nksq * my_pool_id
IF ((my_pool_id + 1) > rest) nbase_ik = nbase_ik + rest
ENDIF ! npool
ALLOCATE(ahc_gkk(nbnd, ahc_nbnd, nmodes))
ALLOCATE(ahc_upfan(ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbnd, nmodes, nmodes))
ALLOCATE(ahc_dw(ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbnd, nmodes, 3))
ALLOCATE(dvpsi_cart(npwx*npol, ahc_nbnd, nmodes))
ALLOCATE(psi_gauge(ahc_nbnd_gauge, ahc_nbnd))
! Open units for binary output. Each root_pool writes different records.
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
iq_name = int_to_char(current_iq)
filoutgkk = TRIM(ahc_dir) // 'ahc_gkk_iq' // TRIM(iq_name) // '.bin'
filoutupfan = TRIM(ahc_dir) // 'ahc_upfan_iq' // TRIM(iq_name) // '.bin'
filoutdw = TRIM(ahc_dir) // 'ahc_dw.bin'
iungkk = find_free_unit()
INQUIRE(IOLENGTH=recl) ahc_gkk
OPEN(UNIT=iungkk, FILE=TRIM(filoutgkk), FORM='unformatted', &
ACCESS='direct', RECL=recl)
IF (.NOT. skip_upperfan) THEN
iunupfan = find_free_unit()
INQUIRE(IOLENGTH=recl) ahc_upfan
OPEN(UNIT=iunupfan, FILE=TRIM(filoutupfan), FORM='unformatted', &
ACCESS='direct', RECL=recl)
IF (lgamma) THEN
iundw = find_free_unit()
OPEN(UNIT=iundw, FILE=TRIM(filoutdw), FORM='unformatted', &
ACCESS='direct', RECL=recl)
ENDIF ! root_pool
! We need to change nbnd_occ because we solve the Sternheimer
! equation for all bands, not only for occupied bands.
nbnd_occ(:) = nbnd
! Metallic case: we do not want lgauss anymore.
lgauss = .FALSE.
! alpha_pv for Sternheimer equation changes because nbnd_occ is changed.
CALL setup_alpha_pv()
DO ik = 1, nksq
! Compute phase of wavefunctions psi_nk at q, using psi_nk at q=gamma
CALL compute_psi_gauge(ik)
dvpsi_cart = (0.d0, 0.d0)
! Read dV_{SCF} psi from file and rotate from pattern to Cartesian basis
! Note that dvpsi is computed in elphon only for the relevant bands:
! ibnd = ib_ahc_gauge_min,..., ib_ahc_gauge_max (in total, ahc_nbnd_gauge)
ALLOCATE(dvpsi_gauged(npwx*npol, ahc_nbnd))
DO imode = 1, nmodes
nrec = (ik - 1) * nmodes + imode
CALL get_buffer(dvpsi, lrdvpsi, iudvpsi, nrec)
! Fix gauge of dvpsi: dvpsi_gauged = dvpsi * psi_gauge
CALL ZGEMM('N', 'N', npwx*npol, ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbnd_gauge, &
(1.d0,0.d0), dvpsi(1, 1), npwx*npol, &
psi_gauge, ahc_nbnd_gauge, &
(0.d0,0.d0), dvpsi_gauged, npwx*npol)
! Rotate dvpsi from pattern basis (u) to Cartesian basis
DO jmode = 1, nmodes
CALL ZAXPY(npwx*npol*ahc_nbnd, CONJG(u(jmode, imode)), &
dvpsi_gauged, 1, dvpsi_cart(:, :, jmode), 1)
ENDDO ! imode
CALL ahc_do_gkk(ik)
IF (.NOT. skip_upperfan) THEN
CALL ahc_do_upperfan(ik)
! If q = Gamma, compute Debye-Waller matrix elements
IF (lgamma) CALL ahc_do_dw(ik)
ENDDO ! ik
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "AHC e-ph calculation done"
! Close output file units
IF (me_pool == root_pool) THEN
IF (.NOT. skip_upperfan) CLOSE(iunupfan, STATUS='KEEP')
IF (lgamma) CLOSE(iundw, STATUS='KEEP')
ENDIF ! root_pool
CALL stop_clock('ahc_elph')
END SUBROUTINE elph_do_ahc