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Example calculation of water periodic box using PBE0 xc
In this example, we demonstrate how EXX calculations with maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs)
can be performed for a 32 water periodic simulation box.
Files included
- 01.input and 02.input are two input files to run electron minimization and NVT MD, respectively.
- 01.out and 02.out are two corresponding output files.
- H_HSCV_PBE-1.0.UPF and O_HSCV_PBE-1.0.UPF are two pseudopotentials used to generate the outputs.
- example-job-script is an example job submission script.
===== electron minimization =====
Here, we have performed a PBE0 electron minimization from_scratch
using damped electron dynamics, keeping ions and cell fixed.
The input file is 01.input and the corresponding output file is 01.out.
The exx related keywords are highlighted in the input.
In the output the exx related information is printed as:
Exact Exchange Using Wannier Function Initialization
The exx calculation requires MLWFs which are not present when the calculation starts from_scratch.
So in the beginning, the calculation starts with PBE (no exx) to generate MLWFs.
When the MLWFs are generated and sufficiently converged the calculation automatically
switches to PBE0 by turning on exx. See in the output the following message:
Exact Exchange is turned on ...
When exx is activated the quantities related to exx are printed, for example
nj_max nj_min nj_avg : 12 9 10.23
The nj_max and nj_min refer to the maximum and minimum number of orbital pairs distributed over
different MPI tasks. nj_avg is the total number of orbital pairs / number of MPI tasks.
The computed exx energy multiplied with the exx_fraction is also printed in the 5th column of the
energy printing line in the output. In this case the value at the final step is -31.505128874085 Hartree.
The energies are also printed in the .evp file.
At the end of the output file the time required to compute the exx energy is printed as
exact_exchan : 948.10s CPU 555.95s WALL ( 53 calls)
For this calculation we have used
- 256 MPI tasks which is two times the number of electronic states of the system.
- 2 OpenMP threads per MPI task
- 2 task groups
- ndiag is set to 121 which is the largest perfect square number less or equal to the number of electronic states.
An example job submission script is added which is specific to Edison machine in NERSC.
Similar parallelization scheme can be used in other architectures.
For more information on the parallelization of exx calculations see the description of
README-Parallelization or the user_guide in CPV/Doc/user_guide.tex.
===== Molecular dynamics =====
Using the minimized wavefunction one can start MD in various (NVE or NVT or NPT) ensembles.
An example NVT input file 02.input and the corresponding output file 02.out are provided.
The exx related keywords are the same as used in the electron minimization.
For this calculation we have used
- 256 MPI tasks which is two times the number of electronic states of the system.
- 2 OpenMP threads per MPI task
- 2 task groups
- ndiag is set to 121 which is the largest perfect square number less or equal to the number of electronic states.
===== Questions / Comments / Feedback =====
You may send your queries to
Biswajit Santra <bishalya@gmail.com>
Hsin-Yu Ko <kosinyj@gmai.com>
Robert A. DiStasio <robdistasio@gmail.com>