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! Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! Poor-man FoX_wxml replacement - Paolo Giannozzi, 2022
! Uses xmltools, with a workaround to deal with a difference in logic:
! FoX adds attributes after tag, xmltools expects them before tag.
! Workaround: a new tag is stored but not actually written until its
! contents is provided, or a new tag is opened, or when it is closed.
! A second workaround: use variable "sameline" to keep track of tags
! to be written on a single line
use xmltools
#if !defined(__XML_STANDALONE)
USE upf_kinds, ONLY : DP_XML => dp
implicit none
type :: xmlf_t
integer :: unit = -1
end type xmlf_t
character(len=80), save :: opentag = ''
logical :: sameline = .false.
logical :: newline = .false.
public :: xmlf_t, xml_openfile, xml_close, xml_addcharacters, &
xml_addattribute, xml_declarenamespace, xml_newelement, &
xml_endelement, xml_addnewline, xml_addcomment
INTERFACE xml_addcharacters
MODULE PROCEDURE xml_addcharacters_c, xml_addcharacters_l, &
xml_addcharacters_r, xml_addcharacters_rv,&
xml_addcharacters_i, xml_addcharacters_iv,&
xml_addcharacters_rm, xml_addcharacters_lv
END INTERFACE xml_addcharacters
INTERFACE xml_addattribute
MODULE PROCEDURE xml_addattribute_c, xml_addattribute_r, &
xml_addattribute_i, xml_addattribute_l, &
xml_addattribute_iv, xml_addattribute_rv
END INTERFACE xml_addattribute
subroutine xml_openfile( filename, xf, unit, pretty_print, replace, &
namespace, iostat)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
type(xmlf_t), intent(out) :: xf
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
integer, intent(out) :: iostat
logical, intent(in) :: pretty_print, replace, namespace
! unit, pretty_print, namespace are ignored
character(len=7) :: writable
integer :: iun
iun = xml_open_file ( filename )
if ( iun == -1 ) then
iostat = 1
inquire (unit=iun, write=writable)
if ( writable /= 'YES' ) then
iostat = 1
iun = -1
iostat = 0
! dirty trick to have the same format with no changes to qexsd.f90
if ( replace ) then
call add_attr('version','1.0')
call add_attr('encoding','UTF-8')
call xmlw_writetag ( 'xml', '?' )
end if
end if
end if
xf%unit = iun
end subroutine xml_openfile
subroutine xml_close ( xf, empty )
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
! ignored
logical, optional :: empty
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
call xmlw_closetag ( )
call xml_closefile ( )
xf%unit = -1
end if
end subroutine xml_close
subroutine xml_declarenamespace ( xf, prefix, nsURI )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix, nsURI
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
call add_attr('xmlns:'//trim(prefix), nsURI)
end if
end subroutine xml_declarenamespace
subroutine xml_addattribute_c ( xf, name, value )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
call add_attr(name, value)
end if
end subroutine xml_addattribute_c
subroutine xml_addattribute_r ( xf, name, value )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real(DP_XML), intent(in) :: value
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
call add_attr(name, value)
end if
end subroutine xml_addattribute_r
subroutine xml_addattribute_rv( xf, name, value )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real(DP_XML), intent(in) :: value(:)
character(len=80) :: cvalue
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
write(cvalue,*) value
call add_attr(name, cvalue)
end if
end subroutine xml_addattribute_rv
subroutine xml_addattribute_iv ( xf, name, value )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: value(:)
character(len=80) :: cvalue
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
write(cvalue,*) value
call add_attr(name, cvalue)
end if
end subroutine xml_addattribute_iv
subroutine xml_addattribute_i ( xf, name, value )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: value
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
call add_attr(name, value)
end if
end subroutine xml_addattribute_i
subroutine xml_addattribute_l ( xf, name, value )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
logical, intent(in) :: value
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
call add_attr(name, l2c(value) )
end if
end subroutine xml_addattribute_l
subroutine xml_newelement (xf, name)
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer :: ierr
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '' ) call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr )
opentag = name
end if
end subroutine xml_newelement
subroutine xml_endelement (xf, name)
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer :: ierr
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '' ) then
call xmlw_writetag ( opentag, '', ierr )
call xmlw_closetag ( noind = sameline )
end if
sameline = .false.
opentag = ''
end if
end subroutine xml_endelement
subroutine xml_addcharacters_c ( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: field
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '') then
sameline = .true.
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr, noadv=sameline )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
end if
write( xf%unit, '(A)', advance='no' ) trim(field)
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_c
subroutine xml_addcharacters_l ( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: field
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '') then
sameline = .true.
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr, noadv=sameline )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
end if
write( xf%unit, '(A)', advance='no' ) l2c(field)
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_l
subroutine xml_addcharacters_lv( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: field(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr, n
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround: write previous tag when contents is added
! (FoX adds attributes after tag, xmltools expects them before tag)
if ( opentag /= '') then
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
end if
write( xf%unit, '(A)', advance='no' ) l2c(field(1))
do n = 2, size(field)
write( xf%unit, '(" ",A)', advance='no' ) l2c(field(n))
end do
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_lv
subroutine xml_addcharacters_r ( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
real(DP_XML), intent(in) :: field
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr
character(len=24) :: cfield
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '') then
sameline = .true.
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr, noadv=sameline )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
end if
write( cfield, '(1pes24.15e3)' ) field
write( xf%unit, '(A)', advance='no' ) trim(adjustl(cfield))
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_r
subroutine xml_addcharacters_rv( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
real(DP_XML), intent(in) :: field(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr, nf
character(len=72) :: cfield
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '') then
sameline = (size(field) <= 3) .and..not.newline
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr, noadv=sameline )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
newline = .false.
end if
if ( sameline) then
write( cfield, '(1p3es24.15e3)' ) field
write( xf%unit, '(A)', advance='no' ) trim(adjustl(cfield))
write( xf%unit, '(1p3es24.15e3)' ) field
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_rv
subroutine xml_addcharacters_rm( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
real(DP_XML), intent(in) :: field(:,:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '') then
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
end if
write( xf%unit, '(1p3es24.15e3)' ) field
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_rm
subroutine xml_addcharacters_i ( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
integer, intent(in) :: field
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr
character(len=16) :: cfield
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '') then
sameline = .true.
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr, noadv=sameline )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
end if
write( cfield, * ) field
write( xf%unit, '(A)', advance='no' ) trim(adjustl(cfield))
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_i
subroutine xml_addcharacters_iv( xf, field, fmt )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
integer, intent(in) :: field(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
integer :: ierr
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! workaround for different logic
if ( opentag /= '') then
call xmlw_opentag (opentag, ierr )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
opentag = ''
end if
write( xf%unit, '(6i12)' ) field
end if
end subroutine xml_addcharacters_iv
subroutine xml_addnewline ( xf )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! used only for vectors of real numbers
end if
end subroutine xml_addnewline
subroutine xml_addcomment ( xf, comment )
type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
integer :: ierr
logical, save :: first=.true.
if ( xf%unit == -1 ) then
print *, 'xml file not opened'
! dirty trick to have the same format with no changes to qexsd.f90
if ( first .and. opentag /= '') then
call xmlw_opentag ( opentag, ierr )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) print *, 'xml_addcharacter: ierr = ', ierr
first = .false.
end if
write( xf%unit, '("<!-- ",A," -->")' ) trim(comment)
end if
end subroutine xml_addcomment