
924 lines
31 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE read_uspp_module
! routines reading ultrasoft pseudopotentials in older formats:
! Vanderbilt's code and Andrea's RRKJ3 format
USE upf_kinds, ONLY: DP
USE upf_params, ONLY: lmaxx, lqmax
USE upf_io, ONLY: stdout
USE upf_invmat
PUBLIC :: readvan, readrrkj
subroutine readvan( iunps, upf, ierr )
! Read Vanderbilt pseudopotential from unit "iunps"
! into structure "upf" - info on DFT level in module "funct"
!unf For the "unformatted" data file: open file as "unformatted",
!unf remove all formats from reads, look for comments introduced by
!unf like this one - Beware: may or may not work - PG 2020
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Important:
! ------------------------------------------------------
! The order of all l-dependent objects is always s,p,d
! ------------------------------------------------------
! potentials, e.g. vloc_at, are really r*v(r)
! wave funcs, e.g. chi, are really proportional to r*psi(r)
! and are normalized so int (chi**2) dr = 1
! thus psi(r-vec)=(1/r)*chi(r)*y_lm(theta,phi)
! conventions carry over to beta, etc
! charge dens, e.g. rho_atc, really 4*pi*r**2*rho
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Notes on qfunc and qfcoef:
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Since Q_ij(r) is the product of two orbitals like
! psi_{l1,m1}^star * psi_{l2,m2}, it can be decomposed by
! total angular momentum L, where L runs over | l1-l2 | ,
! | l1-l2 | +2 , ... , l1+l2. (L=0 is the only component
! needed by the atomic program, which assumes spherical
! charge symmetry.)
! Recall qfunc(r) = y1(r) * y2(r) where y1 and y2 are the
! radial parts of the wave functions defined according to
! psi(r-vec) = (1/r) * y(r) * Y_lm(r-hat) .
! For each total angular momentum L, we pseudize qfunc(r)
! inside rc as:
! qfunc(r) = r**(L+2) * [ a_1 + a_2*r**2 + a_3*r**4 ]
! in such a way as to match qfunc and its 1'st derivative at
! rc, and to preserve
! integral dr r**L * qfunc(r) ,
! i.e., to preserve the L'th moment of the charge. The array
! qfunc has been set inside rc to correspond to this pseudized
! version using the minimal L, namely L = | l1-l2 | (e.g., L=0
! for diagonal elements). The coefficients a_i (i=1,2,3)
! are stored in the array qfcoef(i,L+1,j,k) for each L so that
! the correctly pseudized versions of qfunc can be reconstructed
! for each L. (Note that for given l1 and l2, only the values
! L = | l1-l2 | , | l1-l2 | +2 , ... , l1+l2 are ever used.)
! ------------------------------------------------------
USE upf_const, ONLY : fpi
USE pseudo_types
implicit none
! First the arguments passed to the subroutine
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
integer, intent(in) :: iunps ! The unit of the pseudo file
integer, intent(out):: ierr ! Error code: 0 = ok, not 0 = not ok
! Local variables
real(DP) &
& exfact, &! index of the exchange and correlation used
& etotpseu, &! total pseudopotential energy
& eloc, &! energy of the local potential
& dummy, &! dummy real variable
& rinner1, &! rinner if only one is present
& rcloc ! the cut-off radius of the local potential
real(DP), allocatable:: &
& ee(:), &! the energy of the valence states
& rc(:), &! the cut-off radii of the pseudopotential
& eee(:), &! energies of the beta function
& ddd(:,:) ! the screened D_{\mu,\nu} parameters
integer, allocatable :: &
& nnlz(:), &! The nlm values of the valence states
& iptype(:) ! more recent parameters
integer &
& iver(3), &! contains the version of generating code
& idmy(3), &! contains the date of creation of the pseudo
& ifpcor, &! for core correction, 0 otherwise
& ios, &! integer variable for I/O control
& i, &! dummy counter
& keyps, &! the type of pseudopotential. Only US allowed
& irel, &! says if the pseudopotential is relativistic
& ifqopt, &! level of Q optimization
& npf, &! as above
& nang, &! number of angular momenta in pseudopotentials
& lloc, &! angular momentum of the local part of PPs
& lp, &! counter on Q angular momenta
& l, &! counter on angular momenta
& iv, jv, ijv, &! beta function counter
& ir ! mesh points counter
character(len=20) :: title
character(len=60) :: fmt
ierr = 1
read(iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(iver(i),i=1,3), (idmy(i),i=1,3)
write(upf%generated, &
"('Generated by Vanderbilt code, v. ',i1,'.',i1,'.',i1)") iver
if ( iver(1) > 7 .or. iver(1) < 1 .or. &
iver(2) > 9 .or. iver(2) < 0 .or. &
iver(3) > 9 .or. iver(3) < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong file version read")')
end if
read( iunps, '(a20,3f15.9)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
title, upf%zmesh, upf%zp, exfact
! compatibility
upf%is_gth = .false.
upf%tpawp = .false.
upf%tcoulombp = .false.
upf%q_with_l = .false.
upf%has_wfc = .false.
upf%has_gipaw = .false.
! NC-PP in this format are assumed not to be multi-projector
upf%is_multiproj = .false.
upf%psd = title(1:2)
if ( upf%zmesh < 1 .or. upf%zmesh > 100.0_DP) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong zmesh read")')
end if
if ( upf%zp <= 0.0_DP .or. upf%zp > 100.0_DP) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong atomic charge read")')
end if
if ( exfact < -6 .or. exfact > 6) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong exch-corr read")')
end if
! convert from Vanderbilt conventions to QE conventions
call dftname_qe (nint(exfact), upf%dft)
if ( upf%dft == 'UNKNOWN' ) return
read( iunps, '(2i5,1pe19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%nwfc, upf%mesh, etotpseu
!unf replace the two reads above with
!unf read (iunps, err=100, iostat=ios ) title, &
!unf upf%zmesh, upf%zp, exfact, upf%nwfc, upf%mesh, etotpseu
if ( upf%nwfc < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong nchi read")')
end if
if ( upf%mesh < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong mesh read")')
end if
! info on pseudo eigenstates - energies are not used
ALLOCATE ( upf%oc(upf%nwfc), upf%lchi(upf%nwfc), upf%nchi(upf%nwfc) )
ALLOCATE ( nnlz(upf%nwfc), ee(upf%nwfc) )
read( iunps, '(i5,2f15.9)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( nnlz(iv), upf%oc(iv), ee(iv), iv=1,upf%nwfc )
do iv = 1, upf%nwfc
i = nnlz(iv) / 100
upf%lchi(iv) = nnlz(iv)/10 - i * 10
upf%nchi(iv) = i
read( iunps, '(2i5,f15.9)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
keyps, ifpcor, rinner1
upf%nlcc = (ifpcor == 1)
! keyps= 0 --> standard hsc pseudopotential with exponent 4.0
! 1 --> standard hsc pseudopotential with exponent 3.5
! 2 --> vanderbilt modifications using defaults
! 3 --> new generalized eigenvalue pseudopotentials
! 4 --> frozen core all-electron case
if ( keyps < 0 .or. keyps >= 4 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong or unimplemented keyps")')
end if
upf%tvanp = (keyps == 3)
! Read information on the angular momenta, and on Q pseudization
! (version > 3.0)
if (iver(1) >= 3) then
read( iunps, '(2i5,f9.5,2i5,f9.5)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
nang, lloc, eloc, ifqopt, upf%nqf, dummy
!!! PWSCF: lmax(is)=nang, lloc(is)=lloc
! NB: In the Vanderbilt atomic code the angular momentum goes
! from 1 to nang
if ( nang < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong nang read")')
end if
if ( lloc == -1 ) lloc = nang+1
if ( lloc > nang+1 .or. lloc < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong lloc read")')
end if
if ( upf%nqf < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong nqf read")')
end if
if ( ifqopt < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong ifqopt read")')
end if
! old format: no distinction between nang and nchi
nang = upf%nwfc
end if
! Read and test the values of rinner (version > 5.1)
! rinner = radius at which to cut off partial core or q_ij
ALLOCATE ( upf%rinner(2*nang-1) )
if (10*iver(1)+iver(2) >= 51) then
read( iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(upf%rinner(lp), lp=1,2*nang-1 )
do lp = 1, 2*nang-1
if (upf%rinner(lp) < 0.0_DP) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong rinner read")')
end if
else if (iver(1) > 3) then
do lp = 2, 2*nang-1
end do
end if
if (iver(1) >= 4) &
read( iunps, '(i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) irel
! set the number of angular momentum terms in q_ij to read in
if (iver(1) == 1) then
! oldvan(is) = .TRUE. OBSOLETE
! old format: no optimization of q_ij => 3-term taylor series
else if (iver(1) == 2) then
upf%nqlc = 2*nang - 1
upf%nqlc = 2*nang - 1
end if
if ( upf%nqlc > lqmax .or. upf%nqlc < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong nqlc read")')
end if
ALLOCATE ( rc(nang) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( rc(l), l=1,nang )
! reads the number of beta functions
read( iunps, '(2i5)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%nbeta, upf%kkbeta
ALLOCATE ( upf%kbeta(upf%nbeta) )
upf%kbeta(:) = upf%kkbeta
if( upf%nbeta < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: wrong nbeta read")')
end if
if( upf%kkbeta > upf%mesh .or. upf%kkbeta < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: kkbeta wrong or too large")')
end if
! Now reads the main Vanderbilt parameters
ALLOCATE ( upf%lll(upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%beta(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%dion(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta), upf%qqq(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%qfunc(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta*(upf%nbeta+1)/2) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%qfcoef(upf%nqf, upf%nqlc, upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( eee(upf%nbeta), ddd(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta) )
do iv=1,upf%nbeta
read( iunps, '(i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) upf%lll(iv)
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
eee(iv), ( upf%beta(ir,iv), ir=1,upf%kkbeta )
!unf: replace the two reads above with
!unf read( iunps,err=100, iostat=ios ) &
!unf upf%lll(iv), eee(iv), ( upf%beta(ir,iv), ir=1,upf%kkbeta )
do ir=upf%kkbeta+1,upf%mesh
if ( upf%lll(iv) > lmaxx .or. upf%lll(iv) < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: lll wrong or too large")')
end if
do jv=iv,upf%nbeta
! the symmetric matric Q_{nb,mb} is stored in packed form
! Q(iv,jv) => qfunc(ijv) as defined below (for jv >= iv)
ijv = jv * (jv-1) / 2 + iv
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%dion(iv,jv), ddd(iv,jv), upf%qqq(iv,jv), &
(upf%qfunc(ir,ijv),ir=1,upf%kkbeta), &
do ir=upf%kkbeta+1,upf%mesh
! Use the symmetry of the coefficients
if ( iv /= jv ) then
upf%qqq(jv,iv) =upf%qqq(iv,jv)
end if
! Set additional, not present, variables to dummy values
ALLOCATE(upf%els(upf%nwfc), upf%epseu(upf%nwfc))
upf%els(:) = 'nX'
upf%epseu(:) = 0._dp
ALLOCATE(upf%rcut_chi(upf%nwfc), upf%rcutus_chi(upf%nwfc))
upf%rcut_chi(:) = 0._dp
upf%rcutus_chi(:) = 0._dp
upf%els_beta(:) = 'nX'
ALLOCATE(upf%rcut(upf%nbeta), upf%rcutus(upf%nbeta))
upf%rcut(:) = 0._dp
upf%rcutus(:) = 0._dp
! for versions later than 7.2
if (10*iver(1)+iver(2) >= 72) then
ALLOCATE (iptype(upf%nbeta))
read( iunps, '(6i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(iptype(iv), iv=1,upf%nbeta)
read( iunps, '(i5,f15.9)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
npf, dummy
!unf: replace the two reads above with
!unf: read( iunps, err=100, iostat=ios ) &
!unf (iptype(iv), iv=1,upf%nbeta), npf, dummy
end if
! read the local potential
ALLOCATE ( upf%vloc(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
rcloc, ( upf%vloc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! If present reads the core charge rho_atc(r)=4*pi*r**2*rho_core(r)
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_atc(upf%mesh) )
if (iver(1) >= 7) &
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) dummy
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%rho_atc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! Read the screened local potential (not used)
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_at(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(upf%rho_at(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh)
! Read the valence atomic charge
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(upf%rho_at(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh)
! Read the logarithmic mesh (if version > 1)
ALLOCATE ( upf%r(upf%mesh), upf%rab(upf%mesh) )
if (iver(1) >1) then
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
! generate herman-skillman mesh (if version = 1)
call herman_skillman_grid &
( upf%mesh, upf%zmesh, upf%r, upf%rab )
end if
! convert vloc to the conventions used in the rest of the code
! (as read from Vanderbilt's format it is r*v_loc(r))
do ir = 2, upf%mesh
upf%vloc (ir) = upf%vloc (ir) / upf%r(ir)
upf%vloc (1) = upf%vloc (2)
! set rho_atc(r)=rho_core(r) (without 4*pi*r^2 factor,
! for compatibility with rho_atc in the non-US case)
if (upf%nlcc) then
upf%rho_atc(1) = 0.0_DP
do ir=2,upf%mesh
upf%rho_atc(ir) = upf%rho_atc(ir)/fpi/upf%r(ir)**2
end if
! Read the wavefunctions of the atom
if (iver(1) >= 7) then
read( iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) i
if (i /= upf%nwfc) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: unexpected or unimplemented case")')
end if
end if
ALLOCATE ( upf%chi(upf%mesh, upf%nwfc) )
if (iver(1) >= 6) &
read( iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( (upf%chi(ir,iv), ir=1,upf%mesh), iv=1,upf%nwfc )
if (iver(1) == 1) then
! old version: read the q_l(r) and fit them with the Vanderbilt's form
call fit_qrl ( ierr )
if ( ierr /= 0 ) return
end if
ierr = 0
! Pseudopotential successfully read
! Here we write on output information on the pseudopotential
WRITE( stdout,200) upf%psd
200 format (/4x,60('=')/4x,'| pseudopotential report', &
& ' for atomic species: ',a2,11x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,300) 'pseudo potential version', &
iver(1), iver(2), iver(3)
300 format (4x,'| ',1a30,3i4,13x,' |' /4x,60('-'))
WRITE( stdout,400) title, upf%dft
400 format (4x,'| ',2a20,' exchange-corr |')
WRITE( stdout,500) upf%zmesh, upf%zp, exfact
500 format (4x,'| z =',f5.0,4x,'zval =',f5.0,5x,'exfact =', &
& f10.5, 9x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,600) ifpcor, etotpseu
600 format (4x,'| ifpcor = ',i2,10x,' atomic energy =',f10.5, &
& ' Ry',6x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,700)
700 format(4x,'| index orbital occupation energy',14x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,800) ( iv, nnlz(iv), upf%oc(iv), ee(iv), iv=1,upf%nwfc )
DEALLOCATE (ee, nnlz)
800 format(4x,'|',i5,i11,5x,f10.2,f12.2,15x,'|')
if (iver(1) >= 3 .and. nang > 0) then
IF (nang < 4) THEN
write(fmt,900) 2*nang-1, 40-8*(2*nang-2)
write(fmt,900) 2*nang-1, 1
900 format('(4x,"| rinner =",',i1,'f8.4,',i2,'x,"|")')
WRITE( stdout,fmt) (upf%rinner(lp),lp=1,2*nang-1)
end if
WRITE( stdout,1000)
1000 format(4x,'| new generation scheme:',32x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,1100) upf%nbeta, upf%kkbeta, rcloc
1100 format(4x,'| nbeta = ',i2,5x,'kkbeta =',i5,5x,'rcloc =',f10.4,4x,&
& '|'/4x,'| ibeta l epsilon rcut',25x,'|')
do iv = 1, upf%nbeta
WRITE( stdout,1200) iv,upf%lll(iv),eee(iv),rc(lp)
1200 format(4x,'|',5x,i2,6x,i2,4x,2f7.2,25x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,1300)
1300 format (4x,60('='))
DEALLOCATE (eee, rc)
100 write(stdout,'(5x,"readvan: error reading pseudo file")')
subroutine fit_qrl ( ierr )
! find coefficients qfcoef that fit the pseudized qrl in US PP
! these coefficients are written to file in newer versions of the
! Vanderbilt PP generation code but not in some ancient versions
implicit none
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: qrl(:,:), a(:,:), ainv(:,:), b(:), x(:)
integer :: iv, jv, ijv, lmin, lmax, l, ir, irinner, i,j
ierr = 1
allocate ( a(upf%nqf,upf%nqf), ainv(upf%nqf,upf%nqf) )
allocate ( b(upf%nqf), x(upf%nqf) )
ALLOCATE ( qrl(upf%kkbeta, upf%nqlc) )
do iv=1,upf%nbeta
do jv=iv,upf%nbeta
! original version, assuming lll(jv) >= lll(iv)
! lmin=lll(jv,is)-lll(iv,is)+1
! lmax=lmin+2*lll(iv,is)
! note that indices run from 1 to Lmax+1, not from 0 to Lmax
lmin = ABS( upf%lll(jv) - upf%lll(iv) ) + 1
lmax = upf%lll(jv) + upf%lll(iv) + 1
IF ( lmin < 1 .OR. lmax > SIZE(qrl,2)) then
write(stdout,'(5x,"fit_qrl: bad 2rd dimension for array qrl")')
end if
! read q_l(r) for all l
read(iunps,*, err=100) &
( (qrl(ir,l),ir=1,upf%kkbeta), l=lmin,lmax)
ijv = jv * (jv-1) / 2 + iv
do l=lmin,lmax
! reconstruct rinner
do ir=upf%kkbeta,1,-1
if ( abs(qrl(ir,l)-upf%qfunc(ir,ijv)) > 1.0d-6) go to 10
end do
10 irinner = ir+1
upf%rinner(l) = upf%r(irinner)
! least square minimization: find
! qrl = sum_i c_i r^{l+1}r^{2i-2} for r < rinner
a(:,:) = 0.0_DP
b(:) = 0.0_DP
do i = 1, upf%nqf
do ir=1,irinner
b(i) = b(i) + upf%r(ir)**(2*i-2+l+1) * qrl(ir,l)
end do
do j = i, upf%nqf
do ir=1,irinner
a(i,j) = a(i,j) + upf%r(ir)**(2*i-2+l+1) * &
end do
if (j > i) a(j,i) = a(i,j)
end do
end do
call invmat (upf%nqf, a, ainv)
do i = 1, upf%nqf
upf%qfcoef(i,l,iv,jv) = dot_product(ainv(i,:),b(:))
if (iv /= jv) upf%qfcoef(i,l,jv,iv) = upf%qfcoef(i,l,iv,jv)
end do
end do
end do
end do
deallocate ( qrl, x, b , ainv, a )
ierr = 0
100 write(stdout,'("fit_qrl: error reading Q_L(r)")')
end subroutine fit_qrl
end subroutine readvan
SUBROUTINE herman_skillman_grid (mesh,z,r,rab)
! generate Herman-Skillman radial grid (obsolescent)
! c - 0.88534138/z**(1/3)
REAL(DP) :: z, r(mesh), rab(mesh)
REAL(DP) :: deltax,pi
INTEGER :: nblock,i,j,k
nblock = mesh/40
DO j=1,nblock
DO k=1,40
END SUBROUTINE herman_skillman_grid
subroutine readrrkj( iunps, upf, ierr )
! This routine reads Vanderbilt pseudopotentials produced by the
! code of Andrea Dal Corso. Hard PPs are first generated
! according to the Rabe Rappe Kaxiras Johannopoulos recipe.
! Ultrasoft PP's are subsequently generated from the hard PP's.
! Output parameters in module "uspp_param"
! info on DFT level in module "dft"
USE upf_const, ONLY : fpi
USE pseudo_types
implicit none
! First the arguments passed to the subroutine
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
integer, intent(in) :: iunps ! The unit of the pseudo file
integer, intent(out):: ierr ! Error code: 0 = ok, not 0 = not ok
! Local variables
integer:: iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
integer:: &
nb,mb, ijv,&! counters on beta functions
n, &! counter on mesh points
ir, &! counters on mesh points
pseudotype,&! the type of pseudopotential
ios, &! I/O control
ndum, &! dummy integer variable
l ! counter on angular momentum
real(DP):: &
x, &! auxiliary variable
etotps, &! total energy of the pseudoatom
rdum ! dummy real variable
logical :: &
rel ! if true the atomic calculation is relativistic
character(len=75) :: &
titleps ! the title of the pseudo
integer :: &
lmax ! max angular momentum
character(len=2) :: &
adum ! dummy character variable
ierr = 1
read( iunps, '(a75)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%psd = titleps(7:8)
read( iunps, '(i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%tvanp = (pseudotype == 3)
upf%is_multiproj = (pseudotype == 2)
! compatibility
upf%is_gth = .false.
upf%tpawp = .false.
upf%q_with_l = .false.
upf%has_wfc = .false.
upf%has_gipaw = .false.
if ( upf%tvanp ) then
upf%generated = &
"RRKJ3 Ultrasoft PP, generated by Andrea Dal Corso code"
upf%generated = &
"RRKJ3 norm-conserving PP, generated by Andrea Dal Corso code"
read( iunps, '(2l5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
rel, upf%nlcc
read( iunps, '(4i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
! workaround to keep track of which dft was read - assuming no vdW, no metaGGA
write( upf%dft, "('INDEX:',6i2)") iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc,0,0
read( iunps, '(2e17.11,i5)') &
upf%zp, etotps, lmax
if ( upf%zp < 1 .or. upf%zp > 100 ) then
write(stdout,'("readrrkj: wrong potential read")')
end if
read( iunps, '(4e17.11,i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%xmin, rdum, upf%zmesh, upf%dx, upf%mesh
if ( upf%mesh < 0) then
write(stdout,'("readrrkj: wrong number of grid points")')
end if
read( iunps, '(2i5)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%nwfc, upf%nbeta
if ( upf%nbeta < 0) then
write(stdout,'("readrrkj: wrong nbeta")')
end if
if ( upf%nwfc < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'("readrrkj: wrong nchi")')
end if
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( rdum, nb=1,upf%nwfc )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( rdum, nb=1,upf%nwfc )
ALLOCATE ( upf%oc(upf%nwfc), upf%lchi(upf%nwfc), upf%nchi(upf%nwfc) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%lll(upf%nwfc) )
do nb=1,upf%nwfc
read(iunps,'(a2,2i3,f6.2)',err=100,iostat=ios) &
adum, ndum, upf%lchi(nb), upf%oc(nb)
! oc < 0 distinguishes between bound states from unbound states
if ( upf%oc(nb) <= 0.0_DP) upf%oc(nb) = -1.0_DP
ALLOCATE ( upf%kbeta(upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%dion(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta), upf%qqq(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%beta(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%qfunc(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta*(upf%nbeta+1)/2) )
upf%kkbeta = 0
do nb=1,upf%nbeta
read ( iunps, '(i6)',err=100, iostat=ios ) upf%kbeta(nb)
upf%kkbeta = MAX ( upf%kkbeta, upf%kbeta(nb) )
read ( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%beta(ir,nb), ir=1,upf%kbeta(nb))
do ir=upf%kbeta(nb)+1,upf%mesh
do mb=1,nb
! the symmetric matric Q_{nb,mb} is stored in packed form
! Q(nb,mb) => qfunc(ijv) as defined below (for mb <= nb)
ijv = nb * (nb - 1) / 2 + mb
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
if (pseudotype == 3) then
read(iunps,'(1p4e19.11)',err=100,iostat=ios) &
read(iunps,'(1p4e19.11)',err=100,iostat=ios) &
if ( mb /= nb ) then
end if
! reads the local potential
ALLOCATE ( upf%vloc(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
rdum, ( upf%vloc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! reads the atomic charge
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_at(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%rho_at(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! if present reads the core charge
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_atc(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%rho_atc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! read the pseudo wavefunctions of the atom
ALLOCATE ( upf%chi(upf%mesh, upf%nwfc) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
! set several variables for compatibility with the rest of the code
if ( upf%nqlc > lqmax .or. upf%nqlc < 0 ) then
write(stdout,'("readrrkj: wrong nqlc")')
end if
ALLOCATE ( upf%rinner(upf%nqlc) )
do l=1,upf%nqlc
! compute the radial mesh
ALLOCATE ( upf%r(upf%mesh), upf%rab(upf%mesh) )
do ir = 1, upf%mesh
x = upf%xmin + DBLE(ir-1) * upf%dx
upf%r(ir) = EXP(x) / upf%zmesh
upf%rab(ir) = upf%dx * upf%r(ir)
end do
! set rho_atc(r)=rho_core(r) (without 4*pi*r^2 factor)
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
do ir=1,upf%mesh
upf%rho_atc(ir) = upf%rho_atc(ir)/fpi/upf%r(ir)**2
end if
! Set additional, not present, variables to dummy values
ALLOCATE(upf%els(upf%nwfc), upf%epseu(upf%nwfc))
upf%els(:) = 'nX'
upf%epseu(:) = 0._dp
ALLOCATE(upf%rcut_chi(upf%nwfc), upf%rcutus_chi(upf%nwfc))
upf%rcut_chi(:) = 0._dp
upf%rcutus_chi(:) = 0._dp
upf%els_beta(:) = 'nX'
allocate(upf%rcut(upf%nbeta), upf%rcutus(upf%nbeta))
upf%rcut(:) = 0._dp
upf%rcutus(:) = 0._dp
ierr = 0
100 write(stdout,'(5x,"readrrkj: error reading PP file")')
end subroutine readrrkj
subroutine dftname_qe (exfact, dft)
implicit none
integer :: exfact
character(len=25) dft
if (exfact == 0) then
dft = 'PZ'
elseif (exfact == 1) then
dft = 'BLYP'
elseif (exfact == 2) then
dft = 'B88'
elseif (exfact == - 5 .or. exfact == 3) then
dft = 'BP'
elseif (exfact == - 6 .or. exfact == 4) then
dft = 'PW91'
elseif (exfact == 5) then
dft = 'PBE'
elseif (exfact ==-1) then
dft = 'WIG'
elseif (exfact ==-2) then
dft = 'HL'
elseif (exfact ==-3) then
dft = 'GL'
elseif (exfact == 6) then
dft = 'TPSS'
dft = 'UNKNOWN'
write(stdout,'("dftname_qe: unknown DFT name")')
end if
end subroutine dftname_qe
end module read_uspp_module