mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
503 lines
12 KiB
503 lines
12 KiB
variable indentNum
set var_chars 15
set var_chars1 [expr $var_chars + 1]
set var_chars_indent [expr 15 + 5]
switch -exact -- $tag {
input_description {
if { [info exists ::opt(version)] && $::opt(version) ne {} } {
set arr(version) "(version: $::opt(version))"
printfNormalize [subst {
Program: [arr program] / [arr package] / [arr distribution] [arr version]
printf \n
intro {
printf $content\n
toc {
# o-la-la ...
# simple elements
switch -exact -- $tag {
label {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
printf [string toupper $content]\n
message {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
printf $content\n
keyword {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend [arr name]
constant {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend $content
etc {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend ". . ."
if { ! $vargroup && ! $dimensiongroup && ! $colgroup && ! $rowgroup && ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
switch -exact -- $tag {
info {
if { $options == 0 } {
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Description:] $content]
} else {
if { ! $options_first } {
printf " "
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" {}] $content]
set options_first 0
opt {
if { [string trim $content] ne {} } {
if { ! $options_first } {
printf " "
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" {}] "[arr val] :"]
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars_indent}s" {}] $content]
} else {
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars_indent}s" {}] "[arr val]"]
set options_first 0
"default" {
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Default:] $content]
status {
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Status:] $content]
see {
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" See:] $content]
# composite elements
switch -exact -- $tag {
options {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
set options 1
set options_first 1
printf [format "%-${var_chars}s" Description:]
var - col - row {
if { ! $vargroup && ! $colgroup && ! $rowgroup && ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
if { [printableVarDescription $tree $node] } {
printf +--------------------------------------------------------------------
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Variable:] [arr name]]\n
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Type:] [arr type]]
if { $tag == "var" && [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend [arr name]
dimension {
if { ! $dimensiongroup && ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
if { [printableVarDescription $tree $node] } {
printf +--------------------------------------------------------------------
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Variable:] "[arr name](i), i=[arr start],[arr end]"]\n
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Type:] [arr type]]
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend "[arr name], i=[arr start],[arr end]"
multidimension {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
if { [printableVarDescription $tree $node] } {
printf +--------------------------------------------------------------------
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Variable:] "[arr name]([arr indexes]), ([arr indexes])=([arr start]) ... ([arr end]"])\n
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Type:] [arr type]]
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend "[arr name], i=[arr start],[arr end]"
vargroup - dimensiongroup - colgroup - rowgroup {
if { ($tag == "colgroup" || $tag == "rowgroup") && ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
set $tag 1
foreach child [$tree descendants $node] {
set _tag [getFromTree $tree $child tag]
set _attr [getFromTree $tree $child attributes]
set _text [txt_atTags [txt_ref_link [getFromTree $tree $child text]]]
attr2array_ _arr $_attr
switch -exact -- $_tag {
var - col - row {
append Data(vars) "$_arr(name), "
dimension {
append Data(dims) "${_arr(name)}(i), "
status - "default" - info - see {
set Data($_tag) [formatString $_text]
if { [printableVarDescription $tree $node] } {
printf +--------------------------------------------------------------------
if { $tag != "dimensiongroup" } {
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Variables:] [string trim $Data(vars) {, }]]\n
} else {
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Variables:] "${Data(dims)}i=[arr start],[arr end]"]\n
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Type:] [arr type]]
foreach field {default status see info} {
if { [info exists Data($field)] } {
if { $field != "info" } {
set label [string totitle $field]:
} else {
set label Description:
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" $label] $Data($field)]
switch -exact -- $tag {
list {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
if { [printableVarDescription $tree $node] } {
set vars [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node format]
printf +--------------------------------------------------------------------
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Variables:] $vars]\n
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" Type:] [arr type]]
if { $tag == "var" && [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend [arr name]
format {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend $content
table {
rows {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
set rows(start) [arr start]
set rows(end) [arr end]
lappend mode rows
cols {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
set cols(start) [arr start]
set cols(end) [arr end]
lappend mode cols
rowgroup {
set rowgroup 1
colgroup {
set colgroup 1
col {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode rows] } {
append rows(line) "[arr name] "
row {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode cols] } {
append cols(vline) "[arr name] "
optional {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode rows] } {
append rows(line) "__optional::begin__ "
} elseif { [::tclu::lpresent $mode cols] } {
append cols(vline) "__optional::begin__ "
} elseif { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend "\{"
conditional {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode rows] } {
append rows(line) "__conditional::begin__ "
} elseif { [::tclu::lpresent $mode cols] } {
append cols(vline) "__conditional::begin__ "
} elseif { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
syntaxAppend "\["
group { # todo
printf ///---
incr txtDepth
namelist {
printf ========================================================================
printf "NAMELIST: &[arr name]\n"
incr txtDepth
supercard {
# rule is as follows: if -startag and -endtag exists use then, otherwise use the name instead.
set start [supercardStarttag]
set name $start
set end [arr endtag]
set rem [formatString [arr remark]]
if { $end ne "" } { set name $name/$end }
printf "########################################################################"
printf "| SUPERCARD: $name"
if { $end != "" } {
printf "| this supercard is enclosed within the keywords:"
printf "|"
printf "| $start"
printf "| ... content of the supercard here ..."
printf "| $end"
} else {
printf "| this supercard starts with the keyword:"
printf "|"
printf "| $start"
printf "| ... content of the supercard here ..."
printf "|"
if { $rem ne "" } {
printf "| REMARK:"
foreach line [split $rem \n] {
printf "| $rem"
printf "|"
printf "| The syntax of supercard's content follows below:\n"
incr txtDepth
card {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode card] } {
lappend mode card
set flags [string trim [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node enum]]
set use [getAttributeFromDescendantPath $tree $node flag use]
if { $use == "optional" } {
set flag "{ $flags }"
} else {
set flag "$flags"
set card(name) [arr name]
set card(flag) $flag
set nameless [arr nameless]
switch -- [string tolower $nameless] {
1 - true - yes - .true. { set card(name) "" }
printf ========================================================================
printf "CARD: $card(name) $flag\n"
incr txtDepth
# first parse subtree in syntax mode
txt_subtree $tree $node syntax
# now parse subtree in description mode
# card's items will be described only when at least one of
# info, status or see records is present.
set Info [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node info]
set Status [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node status]
set See [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node see]
set Opt [getTextFromDescendant $tree $node opt]
if { $Info != "" || $Status != "" || $See != "" || $Opt != "" } {
incr txtDepth
txt_subtree $tree $node description
incr txtDepth -1
incr txtDepth -1
printf "===END OF CARD==========================================================\n\n"
::tclu::lpop mode
linecard {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode card] } {
lappend mode card
set card(name) ""
set card(flag) ""
printf ========================================================================
printf "Line of input:\n"
incr txtDepth
# first parse subtree in syntax mode
incr txtDepth
txt_subtree $tree $node syntax
incr txtDepth -1
printf \n
# now parse subtree in description mode
incr txtDepth
txt_subtree $tree $node description
incr txtDepth -2
printf "===End of line-of-input=================================================\n\n"
::tclu::lpop mode
flag {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
printf +--------------------------------------------------------------------
printf [labelMsg [format "%-${var_chars}s" "Card's flags:"] $card(flag)]\n
enum {
# nothing
syntax {
if { [::tclu::lpresent $mode syntax] } {
set _flags [arr flag]
if { $_flags == "" } {
set flags $card(flag)
} else {
set flags $_flags
printf "/////////////////////////////////////////"
printf "// Syntax: //"
printf "/////////////////////////////////////////\n"
incr txtDepth
if { $card(name) != "" } {
printf "$card(name) $flags"
incr txtDepth
line {
# nothing ??
if {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
printf "* IF [arr test] : \n"
incr txtDepth
choose {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
printf ________________________________________________________________________
when {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
printf "* IF [arr test] : \n"
incr txtDepth
elsewhen {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
printf "* ELSE IF [arr test] : \n"
incr txtDepth
otherwise {
if { ! [::tclu::lpresent $mode description] } {
printf "* ELSE : \n"
incr txtDepth
# some text structure stuff
switch -exact -- $tag {
section {
printf "\n:::: [arr title]\n"
incr txtDepth
subsection {
printf "\n::: [arr title]\n"
incr txtDepth
subsubsection {
printf "\n:: [arr title]\n"
incr txtDepth
paragraph {
printf "* [arr title]\n"
text {
printf $content\n