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! Copyright (C) 2020 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE dft_setting_params
!! Parameters that define the XC functionals.
USE kind_l, ONLY: DP
#if defined(__LIBXC)
USE xc_f03_lib_m
CHARACTER(LEN=32) :: dft = 'not set'
!! Full name of the XC functional
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: notset = -1
!! Value of indexes that have not been set yet
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_flags = 29
!! maximum number of libxc flags per functional
LOGICAL :: is_libxc(6) = .FALSE.
!! \(\text{is_libxc(i)}=TRUE\) if the i-th term of the input
!! functional is from Libxc
LOGICAL :: libxc_initialized(6) = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if libxc functionals have been initialized
#if defined(__LIBXC)
TYPE(xc_f03_func_t) :: xc_func(6)
!! pointers to libxc functional structs
TYPE(xc_f03_func_info_t) :: xc_info(6)
!! pointers to libxc info structs
INTEGER :: libxc_flags(6,0:max_flags) = notset
!! flags related to specific features of libxc functionals
!! (see Libxc doc)
INTEGER :: n_ext_params(6) = 0
!! number of external parameters for each functional
REAL(DP) :: par_list(6,50)
!! list of external parameters
LOGICAL :: xc_kind_error = .FALSE.
!! some Libxc dfts are currently not usable in QE (for example
!! kinetic dfts). If one of them is detected this variable is
!! set to TRUE.
CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: lxc_exx_desc(5)
DATA lxc_exx_desc / 'Fraction of HF exchange', &
'Fraction of exact exchange', &
'Fraction of Hartree-Fock exchange ', &
'Coefficient for exact exchange ', &
'Mixing parameter '/
CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: lxc_scr_desc(5)
DATA lxc_scr_desc / 'Range separation parameter', &
'Range-separation parameter', &
'Range separation constant', &
'Range-separation constant', &
'Screening parameter for HF' /
LOGICAL :: exx_started = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if Exact Exchange is active
REAL(DP) :: exx_fraction = 0.0_DP
!! Exact Exchange fraction parameter
INTEGER :: iexch = notset
!! LDA exchange index
INTEGER :: icorr = notset
!! LDA correlation index
REAL(DP) :: finite_size_cell_volume = -1._DP
!! Cell volume parameter for finite size correction
REAL(DP) :: rho_threshold_lda = 1.E-10_DP
!! Threshold value for the density in LDA
INTEGER :: igcx = notset
!! GGA exchange index
INTEGER :: igcc = notset
!! GGA correlation index
REAL(DP) :: rho_threshold_gga = 1.E-6_DP
!! Threshold value for the density in GGA
REAL(DP) :: grho_threshold_gga = 1.E-10_DP
!! Threshold value for the density gradient in GGA
REAL(DP) :: screening_parameter
!! Screening parameter for PBE exchange
REAL(DP) :: gau_parameter
!! Gaussian parameter for PBE exchange
INTEGER :: imeta = notset
!! MGGA exchange index
INTEGER :: imetac = notset
!! MGGA correlation index
REAL(DP) :: rho_threshold_mgga = 1.E-12_DP
!! Threshold value for the density in MGGA
REAL(DP) :: grho2_threshold_mgga = 1.E-24_DP
!! Threshold value for the density gradient (square modulus) in MGGA
REAL(DP) :: tau_threshold_mgga = 1.0E-12_DP
!! Threshold value for the density laplacian in MGGA
LOGICAL :: islda = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if the functional is LDA only
LOGICAL :: isgradient = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if the functional is GGA
LOGICAL :: has_finite_size_correction = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if finite size correction is present
LOGICAL :: finite_size_cell_volume_set = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if the cell volume has been set for finite size correction.
LOGICAL :: ismeta = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if the functional is MGGA
LOGICAL :: ishybrid = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if the functional is hybrid
INTEGER :: exx_term = 0
!! term of the functional that is hybrid
LOGICAL :: discard_input_dft = .FALSE.
!! TRUE if input DFT can be overwritten
INTEGER :: beeftype = -1
!! Index for BEEF functional
INTEGER :: beefvdw = 0
!! Index for vdw term of BEEF
END MODULE dft_setting_params