
47 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine print_mem_usage (out_unit, title)
!! in human-readable format. Uses a standard f90 call.
use clib_wrappers, only : memstat, get_mem_usage, get_mem_avail
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: out_unit
character(len=*), intent(in) :: title
integer mem_used, mem_avail
write(out_unit, '(/, A, A)') "---- Real-time Memory Report at ", trim(title)
mem_used = get_mem_usage()
write(out_unit, '(I14, A)') mem_used / 1024, " MiB given to the printing process from OS"
call memstat(mem_used)
write(out_unit, '(I14, A)') mem_used / 1024, " MiB allocation reported by mallinfo(arena+hblkhd)"
mem_avail = get_mem_avail()
write(out_unit, '(I14, A)') mem_avail / 1024, " MiB available memory on the node where the printing process lives"
call print_gpu_mem(out_unit)
write(out_unit, '(A)') "------------------"
end subroutine print_mem_usage
subroutine print_gpu_mem(out_unit)
#if defined(__CUDA)
use cudafor
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: out_unit
integer(kind=cuda_count_kind) :: freeMem, totalMem, usedMB, freeMB, totalMB
integer :: istat
istat = CudaMemGetInfo(freeMem, totalMem)
totalMB = totalMem/(1024*1024)
freeMB = freeMem/(1024*1024);
usedMB = (totalMem-freeMem)/(1024*1024);
write(out_unit,'(5X, "GPU memory used/free/total (MiB): ", I0, A3, I0,A3, I0)') &
& usedMB, " / ", freeMB, " / ", totalMB
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: out_unit
end subroutine