
230 lines
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input_description -distribution {Quantum ESPRESSO} -package turboEELS -program turbo_eels.x {
toc {}
intro {
Input data format: { } = optional, [ ] = it depends.
All quantities whose dimensions are not explicitly specified are in
Comment lines in namelists can be introduced by a "!", exactly as in
fortran code. Comments lines in ``cards'' can be introduced by
either a "!" or a "#" character in the first position of a line.
@b {Structure of the input data:}
namelist LR_INPUT {
label { This namelist is always needed ! }
var prefix -type CHARACTER {
default { 'pwscf' }
info {
Sets the prefix for generated and read files. The files
generated by the ground state pw.x run must have this
same prefix.
var outdir -type CHARACTER {
default { './' }
info {
The directory that contains the run critical files, which
include the files generated by ground state pw.x run.
var restart -type LOGICAL {
default {.false.}
info {
When set to .true., turbo_eels.x will attempt to restart
from a previous interrupted calculation. (see @ref restart_step
Beware, if set to .false. turbo_eels.x will OVERWRITE any
previous runs.
var restart_step -type INTEGER {
default {itermax}
info {
The code writes restart files every restart_step iterations.
Restart files are automatically written at the end of
itermax Lanczos steps.
var lr_verbosity -type INTEGER {
default {1}
info {
This integer variable controls the amount of information
written to standard output.
var disk_io -type CHARACTER {
default { 'default' }
info {
Fine control of disk usage. Currently only 'reduced' is
supported where no restart files are written, apart from
the 'default' mode.
namelist LR_CONTROL {
var approximation -type CHARACTER {
default { 'TDDFT' }
options {
info {A string describing a level of theory:}
opt -val 'TDDFT' {
Time-Dependent Local Density Approximation or
Time-Dependent Generalized Gradient Approximation
(depending on the XC functional)
opt -val 'IPA' {
Independent Particle Approximation (IPA)
opt -val 'RPA_with_CLFE' {
Random Phase Approximation (RPA) with
Crystal Local Field Effects (CLFE)
vargroup -type REAL {
var q1
var q2
var q3
default { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
info {
The values of the transferred momentum q = (q1, q2, q3)
in Cartesian coordinates in units of 2pi/a, where
"a" is the lattice parameter.
var calculator -type CHARACTER {
default {'lanczos'}
options {
info {
Variable that controls which algorithm is used to compute EELS spectra.
opt -val 'lanczos' {
corresponds to the Lanczos recursive algorithm
opt -val 'sternheimer' {
corresponds to the Sternheimer algorithm
var itermax -type INTEGER {
default {500}
info {
When @ref calculator = 'lanczos', @ref itermax is the
maximum number of Lanczos iterations that will be performed.
When @ref calculator = 'sternheimer', @ref itermax is the
maximum number of iterations in a SCF step for each frequency.
var pseudo_hermitian -type LOGICAL {
default {.true.}
info {
This variable is used only when @ref calculator = 'lanczos'.
When set to .true. the pseudo-Hermitian Lanczos algorithm is
used. When set to .false. the non-Hermitian Lanczos
biorthogonalization algorithm is used (which is two times slower).
var alpha_mix(i) -type REAL {
default { alpha_mix(1)=0.7 }
info {
This variable is used only when @ref calculator = 'sternheimer'.
Mixing parameter (for the i-th iteration) for updating
the response SCF potential using the modified Broyden
method: D.D. Johnson, PRB 38, 12807 (1988).
var epsil -type REAL {
default {0.02}
info {
This variable is used only when @ref calculator = 'sternheimer'.
The broadening/damping term (in Rydberg units).
var units -type INTEGER {
default {0}
info {
This variable is used only when @ref calculator = 'sternheimer'.
The unit system used for the output, for @ref start, @ref end,
and @ref increment input parameters.
0 = Rydbergs, 1 = Electron volts.
var start -type REAL {
default {0.0}
see {end, increment}
info {
This variable is used only when @ref calculator = 'sternheimer'.
@ref start is the value of frequency starting from which the
susceptibility and the loss function (-Im(1/eps)) will be computed.
@ref start is specified in units controlled by @ref units.
var end -type REAL {
default {2.5}
see {start, increment}
info {
This variable is used only when @ref calculator = 'sternheimer'.
@ref end is the value of frequency up to which the
susceptibility and the loss function (-Im(1/eps)) will be computed.
@ref end is specified in units controlled by @ref units.
var increment -type REAL {
default {0.001}
see {start, end}
info {
This variable is used only when @ref calculator = 'sternheimer'.
@ref increment is an incremental step used to define the mesh
of frequencies between @ref start and @ref end.
@ref increment is specified in units controlled by @ref units.
var ethr_nscf -type REAL {
default { 1.D-11 }
info {
Threshold for the convergence of eigenvalues during
the iterative diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in
the non-self-consistent-field (NSCF) calculation at
k and k+q points. Note, this quantity is NOT extensive.