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This directory contains a collection of simple tools for specific tasks.
Most codes run interactively and contain their (essential) documentation.
ev.x :
Reads a file containing 2 columns: lattice parameter (or volume) and
the corresponding total energy, fits the data to the specified EOS
(equation of states), computes the optimized lattice parameter,
bulk modulus and more. With contributions by Eyvaz Isaev
kpoints.x :
Produces sets of uniform k-points grid, centered or not centered at k=0,
reduced by the symmetry of the crystal, for usage in the pw.x input
ibrav2cell.x :
Computes the cell vectors from parameters ibrav and celldm(1-6),
as used by pw.x and cp.x; optionally, the cell may be rotated.
cell2ibrav.x :
The inverse of the above: finds ibrav and celldm(1-6) from the three input
crystal axis. May fail if the input cell vectors are rotated or weird
scan_ibrav.x :
A more sophisticated and more robust version of cell2ibrav.x,
should work for a much wider set of cases
For RISM-1d calculations, same input as pw.x or cp.x
pwi2xsf.sh / pwo2xsf.sh :
Converts a pw.x input or output to the xcrysden format
xsf2pwi.sh :
The inverse of pwi2xsf.sh
qeout2axsf.sh :
Converts pw.x output to animated xcrysden file
cif2qe.sh :
Generates a pw.x format from the crystal structure in a cif file
castep2qe.sh :
Convert a CASTEP input to pw.x
md_analyzer.sh :
Reads the pw.x output of a MD run and prints, for each step,
total, kinetic and potential energies, and temperature
Description of MINpuT, Structure generation for MINT calculations,
by Drake Niedzielski, Eli Gerber, Yanjun Liu, Eun-Ah Kim, Tomás Arias