mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
870 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
870 lines
31 KiB
Executable File
# MINpuT made in collaberation between the Arias and Kim groups at Cornell University
# Drake Niedzielski, Eli Gerber, Yanjun Liu, Eun-Ah Kim, Tomas Arias
# February 19 2024
import re
import numpy as np
import sys
Angstrom = 0.529177 # This many Angstroms per bohr
# return a list of all lines in filename with pattern
def grep(pattern, filename):
retval = []
foundPattern = False
file = open(filename, "r")
for line in file:
if re.search(pattern, line):
foundPattern = True
if not foundPattern:
print("grep failed to find:", pattern, "in", filename)
print("returning an empty list")
return retval
# NEED remove comments
def removeComments(stringList, commentChar):
stringListNoComments = []
for eachStr in stringList:
# remove leading whitespace and then partition on the comment character
partitionedLine = eachStr.lstrip().partition(commentChar)
if partitionedLine[0] != "":
return stringListNoComments
def readFor(pattern, filename):
stringList = removeComments( grep() )
if len(stringList) == 0:
# No command provided -> choosing default value
if len(stringList) > 1:
print("WARNING! Multiple field entries found:")
print("Choosing the first one by default")
return stringList[0]
def readFor(pattern, filename):
return chooseFirst( removeComments( grep() ) )
# Generated using chatGPT 7/19/23
# I haven't checked to see if it's 100% correct yet (too lazy)
atomic_numbers = {
'H': 1,
'He': 2,
'Li': 3,
'Be': 4,
'B': 5,
'C': 6,
'N': 7,
'O': 8,
'F': 9,
'Ne': 10,
'Na': 11,
'Mg': 12,
'Al': 13,
'Si': 14,
'P': 15,
'S': 16,
'Cl': 17,
'Ar': 18,
'K': 19,
'Ca': 20,
'Sc': 21,
'Ti': 22,
'V': 23,
'Cr': 24,
'Mn': 25,
'Fe': 26,
'Ni': 28,
'Co': 27,
'Cu': 29,
'Zn': 30,
'Ga': 31,
'Ge': 32,
'As': 33,
'Se': 34,
'Br': 35,
'Kr': 36,
'Rb': 37,
'Sr': 38,
'Y': 39,
'Zr': 40,
'Nb': 41,
'Mo': 42,
'Tc': 43,
'Ru': 44,
'Rh': 45,
'Pd': 46,
'Ag': 47,
'Cd': 48,
'In': 49,
'Sn': 50,
'Sb': 51,
'I': 53,
'Te': 52,
'Xe': 54,
'Cs': 55,
'Ba': 56,
'La': 57,
'Ce': 58,
'Pr': 59,
'Nd': 60,
'Pm': 61,
'Sm': 62,
'Eu': 63,
'Gd': 64,
'Tb': 65,
'Dy': 66,
'Ho': 67,
'Er': 68,
'Tm': 69,
'Yb': 70,
'Lu': 71,
'Hf': 72,
'Ta': 73,
'W': 74,
'Re': 75,
'Os': 76,
'Ir': 77,
'Pt': 78,
'Au': 79,
'Hg': 80,
'Tl': 81,
'Pb': 82,
'Bi': 83,
'Po': 84,
'At': 85,
'Rn': 86,
'Fr': 87,
'Ra': 88,
'Ac': 89,
'Th': 90,
'Pa': 91,
'U': 92,
'Np': 93,
'Pu': 94,
'Am': 95,
'Cm': 96,
'Bk': 97,
'Cf': 98,
'Es': 99,
'Fm': 100,
'Md': 101,
'No': 102,
'Lr': 103,
'Rf': 104,
'Db': 105,
'Sg': 106,
'Bh': 107,
'Hs': 108,
'Mt': 109,
'Ds': 110,
'Rg': 111,
'Cn': 112,
'Nh': 113,
'Fl': 114,
'Mc': 115,
'Lv': 116,
'Ts': 117,
'Og': 118
# Functions for writing the lattice, ion positions, and ion species to output files
# as of (PWscf, XCrysDen, CIF, VASP, Castep, and PDB)
# Write to an ionpos file (JDFTx)
def writeIonposFile(ionpos,ionsp,fname):
with open(fname,'w') as f:
f.write("#Ionic Positions in Lattice Coordinates \n")
for i in range(len(ionsp)):
f.write("ion "+ionsp[i]+" "+str(ionpos[i][0])+" "+str(ionpos[i][1])+" "+str(ionpos[i][2])+" 1 \n")
def writeLatticeFile(M, fname):
with open(fname,'w') as f:
f.write("lattice \ \n")
for i in range(2):
f.write(str(M[i][0])+" "+str(M[i][1])+" "+str(M[i][2])+" \ \n")
f.write(str(M[2][0])+" "+str(M[2][1])+" "+str(M[2][2]))
# fname acts as the file pattern here e.g. "system.ionpos" and "system.lattice"
def writeJDFTx(M,ionpos,ionsp,path):
print("Writing to", path+"/system.ionpos")
print("Writing to", path+"/system.lattice")
writeLatticeFile(M, path+"/system.lattice")
def writeXSF(M,ionpos,ionsp,path):
M_Angstrom = M*Angstrom
print("Writing to", path+"/system.xsf")
with open(path+"/system.xsf",'w') as xsf_file:
xsf_file.write("CRYSTAL \n")
xsf_file.write("PRIMVEC \n")
for i in range(3):
xsf_file.write(" "+str(M_Angstrom.T[i][0])+" "+str(M_Angstrom.T[i][1])+" "+str(M_Angstrom.T[i][2])+" \n")
xsf_file.write("PRIMCOORD \n")
xsf_file.write(str(len(ionpos))+" 1 \n")
ionpos_Angstrom = lat2cart(M_Angstrom,ionpos)
for i in range(len(ionpos)):
xsf_file.write(str(atomic_numbers[ionsp[i]])+" "+str(ionpos_Angstrom[i][0])+" "+str(ionpos_Angstrom[i][1])+" "+str(ionpos_Angstrom[i][2]) + " \n" )
def writeCIF(M,ionpos,ionsp,path):
# Convert the lattice from bohr to angstrom
M_Angstrom = M*Angstrom
# Compute magnitudes and angles
a_vec, b_vec, c_vec = M_Angstrom[:,0], M_Angstrom[:,1], M_Angstrom[:,2]
a_mag, b_mag, c_mag = np.linalg.norm(a_vec), np.linalg.norm(b_vec), np.linalg.norm(c_vec)
alpha = np.arccos(np.dot(b_vec,c_vec)/(b_mag*c_mag))*180/np.pi # angle between b and c
beta = np.arccos(np.dot(a_vec,c_vec)/(a_mag*c_mag))*180/np.pi # angle between a and c
gamma = np.arccos(np.dot(a_vec,b_vec)/(a_mag*b_mag))*180/np.pi # angle between a and b
volume = np.abs (np.dot(np.cross(a_vec,b_vec),c_vec)) # scalar triple product is the volume
print("Writing to", path+"/system.cif")
# Open the CIF file for writing
with open(path+"/system.cif",'w') as cif_file:
# Write CIF header and lattice information
cif_file.write("\n") # Spaces are important
cif_file.write("_cell_length_a {:f}\n".format(a_mag))
cif_file.write("_cell_length_b {:f}\n".format(b_mag))
cif_file.write("_cell_length_c {:f}\n".format(c_mag))
cif_file.write("_cell_angle_alpha {:f}\n".format(alpha)) # angle between b and c
cif_file.write("_cell_angle_beta {:f}\n".format(beta)) # angle between a and c
cif_file.write("_cell_angle_gamma {:f}\n".format(gamma)) # angle between a and b
cif_file.write("_cell_volume {:f}\n".format(volume))
cif_file.write("\n") # Spaces are important
# Ignore symmetry information
# Write atomic coordinates loop header
# Write atomic coordinates
for i in range(len(ionsp)):
cif_file.write("{}{} {} {:f} {:f} {:f}\n".format(ionsp[i], i, ionsp[i], ionpos[i][0], ionpos[i][1], ionpos[i][2] ))
def writePOSCAR(M,ionpos,ionsp,path):
M_Angstrom = M.T*Angstrom # transpose for VASP convention
unique_ionsp, counts = np.unique(ionsp, return_counts=True)
chemical_name = ""
for i in range(len(unique_ionsp)):
chemical_name += unique_ionsp[i]+str(counts[i])
print("Writing to", path+"/POSCAR")
with open(path+"/POSCAR",'w') as poscar_file:
# Write Lattice information
for i in range(3):
poscar_file.write(str(M_Angstrom[i][0])+" "+str(M_Angstrom[i][1])+" "+str(M_Angstrom[i][2])+" \n")
# Write the ionic species information
for i in range(len(unique_ionsp)):
poscar_file.write(unique_ionsp[i]+" ")
for i in range(len(counts)):
poscar_file.write(str(counts[i])+" ")
# Write ionic position information in lattice coords
for i in range(len(ionsp)):
poscar_file.write("{:f} {:f} {:f}\n".format(ionpos[i][0], ionpos[i][1], ionpos[i][2] ))
# This just writes the ATOMIC_POSITIONS and CELL_PARAMETERS fields
# The rest is up to the user for now
def writePWscf(M,ionpos,ionsp,path):
print("Writing to", path+"/pw.x")
with open(path+"/pw.x",'w') as pwscf_file:
pwscf_file.write("CELL_PARAMETERS bohr\n")
for i in range(3):
pwscf_file.write("{:f} {:f} {:f}\n".format(M[0][i], M[1][i], M[2][i])) # transpose convention
# Ionic position and species information
pwscf_file.write("ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal\n")
for i in range(len(ionsp)):
pwscf_file.write("{} {:f} {:f} {:f}\n".format(ionsp[i], ionpos[i][0], ionpos[i][1], ionpos[i][2]))
# Use a dictionary to handle the different output cases
# "JDFTx","XSF","CIF","POSCAR","PWscf"
output_options = {"JDFTx" : writeJDFTx,
"XSF" : writeXSF,
"CIF" : writeCIF,
"PWscf" : writePWscf
# End section of output functions
# Create dictionary of default values
inputParams = {
"SubstrateLattice": None,
"SubstrateIonpos": None,
"FlakeLattice": None,
"FlakeIonpos": None,
"SubstrateCIF": None,
"FlakeCIF": None,
"FlakeTermination": "N",
"TermAtomDist": ["0.0","bohr"],
"FlakeEdgeHPC": "None",
"FlakeXCOMHPC": "N",
"FlakeYCOMHPC": "N",
"FlakeRotaHPC": "N",
"FlakeSupercell": None,
"FlakeCut": [], # Flake Cut can be issued multiple times
"FlakeRotate": ["0.0", "rad", "0.0", "0.0", "bohr"], # Rotate by 0 radians centered on the axis through 0.0, 0.0
"FlakeShift": ["0.0", "0.0", "bohr"],
"MinVacuumPad": ["5.0","5.0","bohr"], # Padding between periodic images in the two different lattice directions
# Use 0.0 to indicate a commensurate lock-in
"InterlayerDistance": None,
"LatticeVectorC": None
allowedParamValues = {
"SubstrateLattice": "ANY",
"SubstrateIonpos": "ANY",
"FlakeLattice": "ANY",
"FlakeIonpos": "ANY",
"SubstrateCIF": "ANY",
"FlakeCIF": "ANY",
"FlakeTermination": [["Y","N"]],
"TermAtomDist": [["ANY"],["bohr","Angstrom"]],
"FlakeEdgeHPC": "None",
"FlakeXCOMHPC": [["Y","N"]],
"FlakeYCOMHPC": [["Y","N"]],
"FlakeRotaHPC": [["Y","N"]],
"FlakeSupercell": [["ANY"], ["ANY"]],
"FlakeCut": "ANY",
"FlakeRotate": [ ["ANY"], ["rad","deg"], ["ANY"], ["ANY"], ["bohr","Angstrom","latticeFlake"]], # Rotate by 0 radians centered on the axis through 0.0, 0.0
"FlakeShift": [["ANY"], ["ANY"], ["bohr","Angstrom","latticeFlake","latticeSubstrate"]],
"MinVacuumPad": [["ANY"],["ANY"], ["bohr","Angstrom"] ],
"InterlayerDistance": [["ANY"], ["bohr","Angstrom"] ],
"LatticeVectorC": [["ANY"],["ANY"],["ANY"],["bohr","Angstrom"]]
def isValidCommand(splitLine):
key = splitLine[0]
APVs = allowedParamValues[key]
if APVs == "ANY":
return True
elif APVs == "None":
print("WARNING: I haven't implemented",key,"yet, so this isn't doing anything")
return True
for i in range(len(splitLine)-1):
if (not splitLine[i+1] in allowedParamValues[key][i]) and allowedParamValues[key][i][0] != "ANY":
return False
# Return True if it failed all of the invalidity checks
return True
#inFileName = "30DEG_NbSe2_TEST.in"
# Load in the path to the input file from commandline
inFileName = sys.argv[1]
# Parse the input file:
# Load entire input file into a list of strings
with open(inFileName, "r") as inFile:
inFileLines = inFile.readlines()
# Remove leading whitespace and comments
inFileLines = removeComments(inFileLines,"#")
# For each parameter type
toBeRemoved = []
for key in inputParams:
# handle the multiple FlakeCut commands separately
if key != "FlakeCut":
# find the first line starting with "key"
for line in inFileLines:
splitLine = line.split()
if splitLine[0] == key:
# update from the default value if the command is valid
if isValidCommand(splitLine):
inputParams[key] = splitLine[1:]
# mark this line for removal from inFileLines
# Remove the found commands leaving the "FlakeCut"'s and unparsable lines
for line in toBeRemoved:
# Do another pass to handle the "FlakeCut" commands
toBeRemoved = []
for line in inFileLines:
#print("line:", line)
splitLine = line.split()
if splitLine[0] == "FlakeCut":
# Remove the "FlakeCut" commands leaving only the unparsable lines
for line in toBeRemoved:
# If there are remaining lines, then there were lines that didn't parse correctly
# Print those and exit
if len(inFileLines) > 0:
print("ERROR: The following lines were unable to be parsed")
for line in inFileLines:
#import time
# These reading functions will be specific to DFTCODE_INPUT ##########################
def get_ionpos_ionsp(path2file):
ionspecies = []
ionpos = []
with open(path2file,'r') as file:
# Skip the comment line at the top of the file
line = file.readline()
# record ionspecies, and lattice coordinate
while line:
line = file.readline()
line_text = line.split()
if len(line_text) > 0:
if line_text[0] == "ion":
ionpos.append([float(x) for x in line_text[2:5]])
return ionpos,ionspecies
def get_LatticeMatrix(path2file):
LatticeMatrix = []
with open(path2file,'r') as file:
# skip the first two lines
#line = file.readline()
line = file.readline()
# get the contents as a list of lines
contents = file.readlines()
LM = [line.split()[:3] for line in contents]
LatticeMatrix = np.array([ [float(i) for i in lm] for lm in LM ])
return LatticeMatrix
# TODO: This only works for nonsymmetrized fractional coordinate cif files
# This does NOT support _atom_site_Cartn_(x,y,z)
# ionspecies labels are from the "_atom_site_label" field
def readCIF_aux(path2file):
# Read in the lattice parameters
a = float( grep("_cell_length_a", path2file)[0].split()[1] )
b = float( grep("_cell_length_b", path2file)[0].split()[1] )
c = float( grep("_cell_length_c", path2file)[0].split()[1] )
alpha = float(grep("_cell_angle_alpha", path2file)[0].split()[1])*np.pi/180
beta = float(grep("_cell_angle_beta", path2file)[0].split()[1])*np.pi/180
gamma = float(grep("_cell_angle_gamma", path2file)[0].split()[1])*np.pi/180
# Form the lattice matrix s.t. a and b lie along the x-y plane
a_vec = a*np.array([1,0,0])
b_vec = b*np.array([np.cos(gamma),np.sin(gamma),0])
cx = np.cos(beta)
cy = (np.cos(alpha) - np.cos(beta)*np.cos(gamma) )/ np.sin(gamma)
cz = np.sqrt(1-cx**2-cy**2)
c_vec = c*np.array([cx,cy,cz])
LatticeMatrix = (1.0/Angstrom)*np.array([a_vec,b_vec,c_vec]).T
# Parse the file and locate the loop containing the atomic coordinate information
ionpos = []
ionsp = []
with open(path2file,'r') as file:
prevline = ""
line = ""
for line in file:
if prevline.strip() == "loop_" and "_atom_site" in line:
# Put all the "_atom_site_*" commands into a list
cmd_list = []
while "_atom_site" in line:
cmd_list.append(line.strip()) # remove leading and trailing whitespace
prevline = line
line = file.readline()
site_label_index = cmd_list.index("_atom_site_label")
site_atom_x_index = cmd_list.index("_atom_site_fract_x")
site_atom_y_index = cmd_list.index("_atom_site_fract_y")
site_atom_z_index = cmd_list.index("_atom_site_fract_z")
# Atom information listed until a whitespace
while len(line.split()) > 1:
# make sure to remove all numbers from the label
split = line.split()
ionsp.append( ''.join([j for j in split[site_label_index] if not j.isdigit()]) )
ionpos.append( [float(split[site_atom_x_index]),float(split[site_atom_y_index]),float(split[site_atom_z_index])] )
prevline = line
line = file.readline()
prevline = line
return ionpos, ionsp, LatticeMatrix
# returns ionpos, ionsp, and lattice information from the specified flake and substrate ionpos and lattice files
def readJDFTx():
flakeIonpos, flakeIonsp = get_ionpos_ionsp(*inputParams["FlakeIonpos"])
flakeLattice = get_LatticeMatrix(*inputParams["FlakeLattice"])
subsIonpos, subsIonsp = get_ionpos_ionsp(*inputParams["SubstrateIonpos"])
subsLattice = get_LatticeMatrix(*inputParams["SubstrateLattice"])
return flakeIonpos, flakeIonsp, flakeLattice, subsIonpos, subsIonsp, subsLattice
# returns ionpos, ionsp, and lattice information from the specified flake and substrate cif files
def readCIF():
flakeIonpos, flakeIonsp, flakeLattice = readCIF_aux(*inputParams["FlakeCIF"])
subsIonpos, subsIonsp, subsLattice = readCIF_aux(*inputParams["SubstrateCIF"])
return flakeIonpos, flakeIonsp, flakeLattice, subsIonpos, subsIonsp, subsLattice
# Use a dictionary to handle the different output cases
# "JDFTx","XSF","CIF","POSCAR","PWscf"
input_options = {"JDFTx" : readJDFTx,
"CIF" : readCIF,
def lat2cart(M,ionpos):
return np.dot(ionpos,np.transpose(M))
def cart2lat(M,ionpos):
return np.dot(ionpos,np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(M)))
def make_supercell(M,ionpos,ionspecies,nx,ny,nz):
newM = np.dot( M,np.diag((nx,ny,nz)) )
newIonpos = []
newIonspecies = []
for i in range(nx):
fi = i/nx
for j in range(ny):
fj = j/ny
for k in range(nz):
fk = k/nz
for v in ionpos:
newIonspecies = np.concatenate((newIonspecies,ionspecies))
return newM,np.array(newIonpos),newIonspecies
# Read in the geometry of the flake and the substrate
flakeIonpos_uc, flakeIonsp_uc, flakeLattice_uc, subsIonpos_uc, subsIonsp_uc, subsLattice_uc = input_options[inputParams["INPUT_FORMAT"][0]]()
# Ensure that the flake and substract fractional ion positions are compact i.e. -0.5 < z < 0.5
# This ensures transformation to cartesian coordinates works properly
flakeIonpos_uc = np.array(flakeIonpos_uc)
subsIonpos_uc = np.array(subsIonpos_uc)
flakeIonpos_uc[:,2] = np.mod(flakeIonpos_uc[:,2] + 0.5, 1.0) - 0.5
subsIonpos_uc[:,2] = np.mod(subsIonpos_uc[:,2] + 0.5, 1.0) - 0.5
# Edit ionsp to add unique identity to each of the atoms from the unitcell (e.g. C1, C2, ...)
# This will let me identify their unique nieghborhoods when doing flake termination
cur_sp = flakeIonsp_uc[0]
count = 0
for i in range(len(flakeIonsp_uc)):
sp = flakeIonsp_uc[i]
if sp != cur_sp:
cur_sp = sp
count = 0
flakeIonsp_uc[i] += str(count)
count += 1
# For each atom in the flake's unit cell
my_tuple_list = []
for i in range(len(flakeIonpos_uc)):
sc_lat,sc_ip,sc_is = make_supercell(flakeLattice_uc,flakeIonpos_uc,flakeIonsp_uc,3,3,1)
centerCell_ip = flakeIonpos_uc + np.array([1,1,0])
# convert to cartesian coords
sc_ip = lat2cart(sc_lat,sc_ip)
centerCell_ip = lat2cart(flakeLattice_uc,centerCell_ip)
# compute displacements from atom i to all other atoms
# sort from smallest to largest
disps = sc_ip - centerCell_ip[i]
dists = np.linalg.norm(disps,axis=1)
sort_indecies = np.argsort(dists)
disps = disps[sort_indecies]
dists = dists[sort_indecies]
# Find the displacements to the 1NNs
NN_cart_disps = [disps[1]] # skip the zero displacement to itself
for j in range(2,len(disps)):
if abs(dists[j]-dists[j-1]) < 0.5: # noise tolerance of 0.5 bohr
# Add a new tuple to the key, values list
# Create a dictionary where keys are unique unitcell ion labels, values are the displacements to its 1NNs
NN_dict = dict(my_tuple_list)
# Create Flake supercell
# Handle the possibility of fractional supercells by generating a ceil(nx) x ceil(ny) supercell
# And adding two additional cuts
nx = float(inputParams["FlakeSupercell"][0])
ny = float(inputParams["FlakeSupercell"][1])
print("Flake Supercell:", nx,ny)
flakeLattice,flakeIonpos,flakeIonsp = make_supercell(flakeLattice_uc,flakeIonpos_uc,flakeIonsp_uc,int(np.ceil(nx)),int(np.ceil(ny)),1)
Ra_cart = lat2cart(flakeLattice_uc,np.array([nx,0,0]))
Rb_cart = lat2cart(flakeLattice_uc,np.array([0,ny,0]))
inputParams["FlakeCut"].append([Ra_cart[0],Ra_cart[1],-flakeLattice_uc[1][1], flakeLattice_uc[0][1],"cartesian"]) # R+90
inputParams["FlakeCut"].append([Rb_cart[0],Rb_cart[1], flakeLattice_uc[1][0],-flakeLattice_uc[0][0],"cartesian"]) # R-90
# Convert to Cartesian
flakeIonpos = lat2cart(flakeLattice,flakeIonpos)
# Perform Cuts on the Flake
for cut in inputParams["FlakeCut"]:
print("cut =", cut)
center = np.array([float(cut[0]),float(cut[1]),0.0])
normal = np.array([float(cut[2]),float(cut[3]),0.0])
# convert into cartesian coordinates if given in flake lattice coordinates
if cut[4] == "Angstrom":
center /= Angstrom
normal /= Angstrom
elif cut[4] == "latticeFlake":
center = lat2cart(flakeLattice_uc,center)
normal = lat2cart(flakeLattice_uc,normal)
# toss all the ions on the negative side of the cut
delList = []
for i in range(len(flakeIonpos)):
#print("flakeIonpos[i]-center", flakeIonpos[i]-center)
if np.dot(flakeIonpos[i]-center, normal) <= 0:
#print("removing this ion!")
flakeIonpos = np.delete(flakeIonpos,delList,axis=0)
flakeIonsp = np.delete(flakeIonsp,delList)
# Now I have a trimmed flake in cartesian coordinates
# Terminate the edges of the flake with placeholder atoms to fill up 1NN sites of the edge atoms
#print("*inputParams[FlakeTermination]", *inputParams["FlakeTermination"])
if inputParams["FlakeTermination"][0] == 'Y':
terminators = np.array([[]]) # Termination sites
coordnums = np.array([]) # Coordination numbers of termination sites
dispsFromFlake = []
for i in range(len(flakeIonpos)):
# Identify its desired 1NN sites
NN_disps = NN_dict[ flakeIonsp[i] ]
NN_sites = NN_disps + flakeIonpos[i]
# If any of its desired 1NN sites are not occupied, and not already in the list of flake terminators, add the site
for j in range(len(NN_sites)):
site = NN_sites[j]
# consider a site filled if it is occupied within a tolerance of 0.1 bohr
if np.min( np.linalg.norm(flakeIonpos - site, axis=1) ) >= 0.1 :
# Just add this site if no other termination sites identified
if terminators.shape[1] == 0:
terminators = np.append(terminators,[site],axis=1)
coordnums = np.append(coordnums,[1])
dispsFromFlake.append([NN_disps[j]]) # store displacement vector from flake to this site
# Add if this site not shared by a previous atom
elif np.min( np.linalg.norm(terminators - site, axis=1) ) >= 0.1 :
terminators = np.append(terminators,[site],axis=0)
coordnums = np.append(coordnums,[1])
dispsFromFlake.append([NN_disps[j]]) # store displacement vector from flake to this site
# Else increment the coordination number of this termination site
indx = np.argmin( np.linalg.norm(terminators - site, axis=1) )
coordnums[indx] += 1
#print("Terminating Sites:")
#print("Coordination Numbers:")
#print("Displacements from the flake:")
# It is neccessary to reduce the distance of the coordnum=1 terminating sites if they are a small atom (e.g. H)
# Otherwise they may not bond to or stabilize the flake edge
for i in range(len(coordnums)):
if coordnums[i] == 1 and float(inputParams["TermAtomDist"][0]) != 0:
newdisp = (dispsFromFlake[i][0] / np.linalg.norm(dispsFromFlake[i][0]) ) * float(inputParams["TermAtomDist"][0])
if inputParams["TermAtomDist"][1] == "Angstrom":
newdisp /= Angstrom
terminators[i] -= dispsFromFlake[i][0]
terminators[i] += newdisp
# Add terminating atoms to the MINT flake
flakeIonpos = np.concatenate((flakeIonpos,terminators))
flakeIonsp = np.concatenate((flakeIonsp,['H']*len(terminators)))
# Remove unique ionsp labels from the flake
for i in range(len(flakeIonsp)):
flakeIonsp[i] = ''.join([j for j in flakeIonsp[i] if not j.isdigit()])
# Rotate the flake about the specified axis
rotateParams = inputParams["FlakeRotate"] #"FlakeRotate": ["0.0", "rad", "0.0", "0.0", "cartesian"]
if rotateParams[1] == "rad":
theta = float(rotateParams[0])
elif rotateParams[1] == "deg":
theta = float(rotateParams[0]) * np.pi/180
print("FlakeRotate needs to be [theta] [deg/rad] [x] [y] [cartesian/latticeFlake]")
theta = float(rotateParams[0])
center = np.array([float(rotateParams[2]),float(rotateParams[3]),0.0])
if rotateParams[4] == "Angstrom":
center /= Angstrom
elif rotateParams[4] == "latticeFlake":
center = lat2cart(flakeLattice_uc,center)
# Shift flake so that the rotation center lies at the origin
flakeIonpos -= center
# Rotate the flake in the centered coordinate system
R = np.array([[np.cos(theta),-np.sin(theta),0.],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta),0.],
[ 0., 0.,1.]])
flakeIonpos = np.dot(R,flakeIonpos.T).T
# Shift back to original location
flakeIonpos += center
# Shift the flake by the prescribed ammount
shiftParams = inputParams["FlakeShift"] # "FlakeShift": ["0.0", "0.0", "cartesian"]
shift = np.array([float(shiftParams[0]),float(shiftParams[1]),0.0])
if shiftParams == "Angstrom":
shift /= Angstrom
elif shiftParams == "latticeFlake":
shift = lat2cart(shift,flakeLattice_uc)
elif shiftParams == "latticeSubstrate":
shift = lat2cart(shift,subsLattice_uc)
flakeIonpos += shift
# Generate the smallest substrate supercell that fits the flake
# Naive but easy to code
def getMinDist(setA,setB):
retval = np.infty
for a in setA:
for b in setB:
d = np.linalg.norm(a-b)
if d < retval:
retval = d
return retval
pad_a1 = float(inputParams["MinVacuumPad"][0])
pad_a2 = float(inputParams["MinVacuumPad"][1])
if inputParams["MinVacuumPad"][2] == "Angstrom":
pad_a1 /= Angstrom
pad_a2 /= Angstrom
# Substrate Unitcell Lattice Vectors
a1 = subsLattice_uc[:,0] #np.array([1.5*a, SQRT3_2*a,0.0])
a2 = subsLattice_uc[:,1] #np.array([1.5*a,-SQRT3_2*a,0.0])
maxiter = 100
m_a1 = 1
for m in range(1,maxiter):
d = getMinDist(flakeIonpos,flakeIonpos + m*a1)
if d >= pad_a1:
m_a1 = m
n_a2 = 1
for n in range(1,maxiter):
d = getMinDist(flakeIonpos,flakeIonpos + n*a2)
if d >= pad_a2: # 5 bohr
n_a2 = n
print("Making a",m_a1, "x",n_a2, "supercell of the substrate")
# Now construct the supercell
subsLattice, subsIonpos, subsIonsp = make_supercell(subsLattice_uc,subsIonpos_uc,subsIonsp_uc,m_a1,n_a2,1) # returns in lattice coords
subsIonpos = lat2cart(subsLattice,subsIonpos)
# Finally it's time to place the flake on top of the substrate
#find the z-coord on the top most substrate atom. This is the top of the substrate
subsTop = np.max(subsIonpos[:,2])
#find the z-coord on the bottom most flake atom. This is the bottom of the flake
flakeBot = np.min(flakeIonpos[:,2])
#shift the flake in the z-dir so that it lies on top of the substrate separated by the indicated distance
il_dist = float( inputParams["InterlayerDistance"][0] )
if inputParams["InterlayerDistance"][1] == "Angstrom":
il_dist /= Angstrom
flakeIonpos += np.array([0.0,0.0,il_dist-(flakeBot-subsTop)])
# Combine the flake and substrate
ionpos = np.concatenate((flakeIonpos,subsIonpos))
ionsp = np.concatenate((flakeIonsp,subsIonsp))
# The out of plane lattice vector is specified by the user
# This allows for the possibily of different interlayer stacking
lattice = subsLattice
c_vec = np.array([float(inputParams["LatticeVectorC"][0]),float(inputParams["LatticeVectorC"][1]),float(inputParams["LatticeVectorC"][2])])
if inputParams["LatticeVectorC"][3] == "Angstrom":
c_vec /= Angstrom
lattice[:,2] = c_vec
# Finally, convert back into lattice coordinates
ionpos = cart2lat(lattice,ionpos)
# Now sort by ionspecies type
# TODO: maybe sort each ionspecies by their z-coordinate or distance from the x-y plane
# this would allow post-processing scripts to more easily separate the flake from the substrate
sort_inds = np.argsort(ionsp)
ionsp = ionsp[sort_inds]
ionpos = ionpos[sort_inds]
# Write structure files based on the chosen DFTCODE_OUTPUT
path = "."