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314 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE solve_linter (irr, imode0, npe, drhos, drhop)
!! Driver routine for the solution of the linear system that
!! defines the change of the wavefunction due to a lattice distorsion.
!! It performs the following tasks:
!! a) computes the bare potential term \(\Delta V | \psi \rangle\)
!! and an additional term in the case of US pseudopotentials.
!! If \(\text{lda_plus_u}=\text{TRUE}\) compute also the bare
!! potential term Delta \(V_\text{hub} | \psi \rangle\);
!! b) adds to it the screening term \(\Delta V_\text{SCF} | \psi \rangle\).
!! If \(\text{lda_plus_u}=\text{TRUE}\) computes also the SCF part
!! of the response Hubbard potential;
!! c) applies \(P_c^+\) (orthogonalization to valence states);
!! d) calls \(\text{cgsolve_all}\) to solve the linear system;
!! e) computes \(\Delta\rho\), \(\Delta V_\text{SCF}\) and symmetrizes
!! them;
!! f) If \(\text{lda_plus_u}=\text{TRUE}\) compute also the response
!! occupation matrices \(\text{dnsscf}\);
!! g) --Introduced in February 2020-- If \(\text{noncolin}=\text{TRUE}\)
!! and \(\text{domag}=\text{TRUE}\), the linear system is solved twice
!! (\(\text{nsolv}=2\), the case \(\text{isolv}=2\) needs the time-reversed
!! wave functions). For the theoretical background, please refer to:
!! Phys. Rev. B 100, 045115 (2019).
!! Step b, c, d are done inside sternheimer_kernel.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, diropn
USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
USE cell_base, ONLY : at
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm
USE klist, ONLY : xk, ngk, igk_k
USE gvecs, ONLY : doublegrid
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp, dffts
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda, current_spin, isk
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE uspp, ONLY : okvan, vkb, deeq_nc
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, domag, nspin_mag
USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
USE paw_onecenter, ONLY : paw_dpotential
USE buffers, ONLY : save_buffer, get_buffer
USE ldaU, ONLY : lda_plus_u
USE control_ph, ONLY : ext_recover
USE el_phon, ONLY : elph
USE uspp, ONLY : nlcc_any
USE units_ph, ONLY : iudrho, lrdrho, iubar, lrbar, &
iudvscf, iuint3paw, lint3paw
USE units_lr, ONLY : iuwfc, lrwfc
USE output, ONLY : fildrho, fildvscf
USE phus, ONLY : alphap, int1_nc
USE modes, ONLY : u
USE recover_mod, ONLY : read_rec
USE dfile_autoname, ONLY : dfile_name
USE save_ph, ONLY : tmp_dir_save
USE lrus, ONLY : int3_paw, becp1
USE eqv, ONLY : dvpsi
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq, nksq, ikks, ikqs
USE qpoint_aux, ONLY : ikmks, becpt, alphapt
USE control_lr, ONLY : convt, rec_code, rec_code_read, where_rec, lmultipole
USE uspp_init, ONLY : init_us_2
USE lr_nc_mag, ONLY : int1_nc_save, deeq_nc_save
USE dfpt_kernels, ONLY : dfpt_kernel
integer :: irr
!! input: the irreducible representation
integer :: npe
!! input: the number of perturbation
integer :: imode0
!! input: the position of the modes
complex(DP) :: drhos(dffts%nnr,nspin_mag,npe)
!! output: the change of the scf charge
complex(DP) :: drhop(dfftp%nnr,nspin_mag,npe)
!! output: the change of the scf charge, including augmentation
! ... local variables
real(DP) :: dr2
! dr2 : self-consistency error
complex(DP), allocatable, target :: dvscfp(:,:,:)
! change of the scf potential
complex(DP), pointer :: dvscfs (:,:,:)
! change of the scf potential (smooth part only)
complex(DP), allocatable :: dbecsum (:,:,:,:)
! the derivative of becsum
COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: drhoc(:, :)
!! Change in the core charge due to the perturbation.
logical :: exst
!! used to open the recover file
integer :: iter0, & ! starting iteration
ipert, & ! counter on perturbations
ik, ikk, & ! counter on k points
ikq, & ! counter on k+q points
nrec, & ! the record number for dvpsi and dpsi
mode, & ! mode index
isolv, & ! counter on linear systems
nsolv, & ! number of linear systems
ikmk ! index of mk
integer :: npw, npwq
integer :: iq_dummy
character(len=256) :: filename
integer :: nnr
IF (rec_code_read > 20 ) RETURN
call start_clock ('solve_linter')
! This routine is task group aware
IF (noncolin.AND.domag) nsolv=2
allocate (dvscfp ( dfftp%nnr , nspin_mag , npe))
nnr = dfftp%nnr
if (doublegrid) then
allocate (dvscfs (dffts%nnr , nspin_mag , npe))
dvscfs = (0.d0, 0.d0)
nnr = dffts%nnr
dvscfs => dvscfp
allocate (drhoc (dfftp%nnr, npe))
allocate (dbecsum((nhm * (nhm + 1))/2, nat, nspin_mag , npe))
dbecsum = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
!$acc enter data create(dvscfs(1:nnr, 1:nspin_mag, 1:npe))
if (rec_code_read == 10.AND.ext_recover) then
! restart from Phonon calculation
IF (okpaw) THEN
CALL read_rec(dr2, iter0, npe, dvscfp, dvscfs, drhop, dbecsum)
IF (convt) THEN
CALL PAW_dpotential(dbecsum,rho%bec,int3_paw,npe)
CALL read_rec(dr2, iter0, npe, dvscfp, dvscfs, drhop)
iter0 = 0
convt =.FALSE.
dr2 = 0.d0
IF (lmultipole) THEN
IF (irr == 1) THEN
iter0 = 0
convt =.FALSE.
CALL init_rho(npe,drhos,drhop,iq_dummy)
IF (convt) GOTO 155
! In this case it has recovered after computing the contribution
! to the dynamical matrix. This is a new iteration that has to
! start from the beginning.
IF (iter0==-1000) iter0=0
! Compute dV_bare * psi and write to buffer iubar
DO ik = 1, nksq
ikk = ikks(ik)
ikq = ikqs(ik)
npw = ngk(ikk)
npwq = ngk(ikq)
IF (lsda) current_spin = isk(ikk)
! compute beta functions for k-point ikq
CALL init_us_2(npwq, igk_k(1, ikq), xk(1, ikq), vkb)
DO isolv = 1, nsolv
IF (isolv == 1) THEN
ikmk = ikks(ik)
ikmk = ikmks(ik)
! read unperturbed wavefunctions psi(k) and psi(k+q)
IF (nksq > 1 .OR. nsolv == 2) THEN
CALL get_buffer(evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikmk)
!$acc update device(evc)
DO ipert = 1, npe
mode = imode0 + ipert
nrec = (isolv-1) * npe * nksq + (ipert - 1) * nksq + ik
IF (isolv==1) THEN
CALL dvqpsi_us(ik, u(1, mode), .FAlSE., becp1, alphap)
IF (okvan) THEN
deeq_nc(:,:,:,:) = deeq_nc_save(:,:,:,:,2)
!$acc update device(deeq_nc)
int1_nc(:,:,:,:,:) = int1_nc_save(:,:,:,:,:,2)
CALL dvqpsi_us(ik, u(1, mode), .FAlSE., becpt, alphapt)
IF (okvan) THEN
deeq_nc(:,:,:,:) = deeq_nc_save(:,:,:,:,1)
!$acc update device(deeq_nc)
int1_nc(:,:,:,:,:) = int1_nc_save(:,:,:,:,:,1)
CALL save_buffer(dvpsi, lrbar, iubar, nrec)
ENDDO ! ipert
ENDDO ! isolv
ENDDO ! ik
! Compute the change of core charge due to atomic displacement
! drhoc is computed only once, stored in drhoc, passed to dfpt_kernel.
DO ipert = 1, npe
CALL addcore(u(1, imode0+ipert), drhoc(1, ipert))
! Set records for restart
rec_code = 10
where_rec = 'solve_lint'
! Solve DFPT fixed-point equation
CALL dfpt_kernel('PHONON', npe, iter0, lrbar, iubar, dr2, drhos, drhop, dvscfs, &
dvscfp, dbecsum, irr, imode0, 'phonon', drhoc = drhoc)
! A part of the dynamical matrix requires the integral of
! the self consistent change of the potential and the variation of
! the charge due to the displacement of the atoms.
! We compute it here.
IF (convt) THEN
IF (lmultipole) CALL write_epsilon(npe, drhop)
CALL drhodvus (irr, imode0, dvscfp, npe)
IF (nlcc_any) CALL dynmat_nlcc (imode0, drhop, npe)
! Write charge density to file
IF (fildrho /= ' ') THEN
IF (ionode) THEN
INQUIRE(UNIT = iudrho, OPENED = exst)
IF (exst) CLOSE (UNIT = iudrho, STATUS='keep')
filename = dfile_name(xq, at, fildrho, TRIM(tmp_dir_save)//prefix, generate=.true., index_q=iq_dummy)
CALL diropn (iudrho, filename, lrdrho, exst)
ENDIF ! ionode
DO ipert = 1, npe
CALL davcio_drho(drhop(1,1,ipert), lrdrho, iudrho, imode0+ipert, +1)
CLOSE (UNIT = iudrho, STATUS='keep')
ENDIF ! fildrho
if (fildvscf.ne.' ') then
do ipert = 1, npe
call davcio_drho ( dvscfp(1,1,ipert), lrdrho, iudvscf, imode0 + ipert, +1 )
IF (okpaw.AND.ionode) CALL davcio( int3_paw(:,:,:,:,ipert), lint3paw, &
iuint3paw, imode0+ipert, + 1 )
end do
if (elph) call elphel (irr, npe, imode0, dvscfs)
ENDIF ! fildvscf
IF (lda_plus_u) CALL dnsq_store(npe, imode0)
ENDIF ! convt
!$acc exit data delete(dvscfs)
if (doublegrid) deallocate (dvscfs)
deallocate (dvscfp)
deallocate (drhoc)
call stop_clock ('solve_linter')
END SUBROUTINE solve_linter