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24 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE dfpt_kernels
SUBROUTINE dfpt_kernel(code, npert, iter0, lrdvpsi, iudvpsi, dr2, drhos, drhop, dvscfs, dvscfp, dbecsum, &
irr, imode0, option, drhoc)
!! Driver routine for the solution of the linear system that computes the change
!! of the electron density due to a generic perturbation to the Hamiltonian.
!! This routine assumes the follwing input:
!! a) the bare potential term multiplied to the wavefunction \(\Delta V | \psi \rangle\)
!! and an additional term in the case of US pseudopotentials.
!! For DFPT+U also the bare perturbation of the Hubbard potential should be included.
!! This data is stored in the buffer iudvpsi with length lrdvpsi.
!! Then, it performs the following tasks:
!! b) compute the wavefunction response \(\Delta \psi\) and the charge density response
!! \(\Delta \rho\text{SCF}\) by calling sternheimer_kernel.
!! Inside sternheimer_kernel, the following tasks are performed:
!! b-1) adds the screening term \(\Delta V_\text{SCF} | \psi \rangle\).
!! b-2) applies \(P_c^+\) (orthogonalization to valence states);
!! b-3) CALLs \(\text{cgsolve_all}\) to solve the linear system;
!! b-4) compute the
!! c) For the USPP case, add additional contribution to \(\Delta\rho\text{SCF}\).
!! d) Symmetrize the charge density response \(\Delta\rho\text{SCF}\).
!! e) Compute \(\Delta V_\text{SCF}\) from \(\Delta\rho\text{SCF}\).
!! f) If \(\text{lda_plus_u}=\text{TRUE}\) compute also the response
!! occupation matrices \(\text{dnsscf}\);
!! g) Mix the potentials;
!! h) If converged, return. Otherwise, return to step b.
!! For systems with noncollinear magnetism (noncolin = true and domag = true), the linear
!! system is solved twice (nsolv = 2).
!! The first case \(\text{isolv}=1\) is the ordinary one, while the second case
!! \(\text{isolv}=2\) needs the time-reversed wave functions. For the theoretical
!! background, please refer to:
!! Phys. Rev. B 100, 045115 (2019).
!! Input:
!! - code : Name of the code calling this subroutine
!! - npert : Number of perturbations
!! - iter0 : Number of iterations already performed (> 0 for restart, 0 otherwise)
!! - lrdvpsi : Record length for the buffer storing dV_bare * psi
!! - iudvpsi : Unit for the buffer storing dV_bare * psi
!! - option : Option that tells the type of perturbation. phonon / efield / ...
!! Input/Output:
!! - drhos : change of the charge density (smooth part only, dffts)
!! - drhop : change of the charge density (smooth and hard parts, dfftp)
!! - dvscfs : change of the scf potential (smooth part only, dffts)
!! - dvscfp : change of the scf potential (smooth and hard parts, dfftp)
!! - dbecsum : change of the becsum (used if USPP or PAW)
!! (When restarting, nonzero input is used. When starting from scratch, zero input is used.)
!! Output (stored in modules, not in argument):
!! - dpsi : Wavefunction perturbation dpsi. Stored in buffer iudwf with length lrdwf
!! - def : Fermi energy shift (only for metals at q=0)
!! variable "*s" : real-space quantity defined on the soft grid (dffts)
!! variable "*h" : real-space quantity defined on the hard grid (dfftp)
!! (If doublegrid == false, the two quantities are identical.)
!! A short summary of the workflow:
!! dvscfs, dvscfp -> (sternheimer_kernel)
!! -> drhos, drhop -> (dv_of_drho)
!! -> dvscftmp -> (mix_potential)
!! -> dvscfs, dvscfp -> ...
!! NOTE: The following features are not implemented.
!! - Custom convergence parameter
!! - Custom printing
!! Currently the code needs branches for phonon / e-field (using variable option)
!! in the following places
!! 1. addusddens / addusddense : USPP contribution to drho
!! 2. becsumort : alphasum contribution to dbecsum
!! 3. PAW related stuff. symmetrization, factor of 2, ...
!! The plan is to get rid of all these branches by designing a generic subroutine, or
!! if that is not feasible, by using callback arguments.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp_pools, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : fft_interpolate
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp, dffts
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_files, ONLY : diropn
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_now
USE klist, ONLY : ltetra, lgauss
USE gvecs, ONLY : doublegrid
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin, lsda
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE uspp, ONLY : okvan
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm
USE uspp_init, ONLY : init_us_2
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, domag, npol, nspin_mag
USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
USE paw_onecenter, ONLY : paw_dpotential
USE paw_symmetry, ONLY : paw_dusymmetrize, paw_dumqsymmetrize, paw_desymmetrize
USE phus, ONLY : becsumort
USE modes, ONLY : npertx, t, tmq
USE recover_mod, ONLY : write_rec
USE efermi_shift, ONLY : ef_shift, ef_shift_wfc, def
USE lrus, ONLY : int3_paw, int3_nc
USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : irotmq, minus_q, nsymq, rtau
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
USE control_ph, ONLY : lnoloc
USE control_lr, ONLY : lgamma, niter_ph, nmix_ph, tr2_ph, alpha_mix, convt, &
lgamma_gamma, flmixdpot, where_rec, lmultipole
USE dv_of_drho_lr, ONLY : dv_of_drho
USE ldaU, ONLY : lda_plus_u
USE lr_nc_mag, ONLY : int3_nc_save
USE apply_dpot_mod, ONLY : apply_dpot_allocate, apply_dpot_deallocate
USE response_kernels, ONLY : sternheimer_kernel
USE two_chem, ONLY : twochem
USE lr_two_chem, ONLY : allocate_twochem, deallocate_twochem
!! Name of the code calling this subroutine
!! Number of perturbations
!! Number of iterations already performed (> 0 for restart, 0 otherwise)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lrdvpsi
!! record length for the buffer storing dV_bare * psi
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iudvpsi
!! unit for the buffer storing dV_bare * psi
! self-consistency error. Input is used for restart.
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: drhos(dffts%nnr, nspin_mag, npert)
!! change of the charge density (smooth part only, but allocated with dfftp)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: drhop(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, npert)
!! change of the charge density (smooth and hard parts, dfftp)
COMPLEX(DP), POINTER, INTENT(INOUT) :: dvscfs(:, :, :)
!! change of the scf potential (smooth part only, dffts)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: dvscfp(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, npert)
!! change of the scf potential (smooth and hard parts, dfftp)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: dbecsum((nhm * (nhm + 1))/2, nat, nspin_mag , npert)
!! change of becsum
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: drhoc(dfftp%nnr, npert)
!! Change in the core charge due to the perturbation.
!! input: the irreducible representation (to be removed after moving from PH to LR_Modules)
!! Set to 1 if not using phonon perturbation.
!! input: the position of the modes (to be removed after moving from PH to LR_Modules)
!! Set to 0 if not using phonon perturbation.
!! input: Option that tells the type of perturbation.
!! Possible options: 'phonon', 'efield'
! ... local variables
REAL(DP) :: thresh, averlt
! thresh: convergence threshold
! averlt: average number of iterations
REAL(DP) :: dos_ef
!! dos_ef: density of states at Ef
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dvscftmp(:, :, :)
!! change of scf potential (output before mixing)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ldos (:,:), ldoss (:,:), mixin(:), mixout(:), &
dbecsum_nc(:,:,:,:,:,:), dbecsum_aux (:,:,:,:)
! Misc work space
! ldos : local density of states af Ef
! ldoss: as above, without augmentation charges
! dbecsum: the derivative of becsum
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: becsum1(:,:,:)
LOGICAL :: all_conv
!! True if sternheimer_kernel is converged at all k points and perturbations
logical :: lmetq0, & ! true if xq=(0,0,0) in a metal
first_iter ! true if first iteration where induced rho is not yet calculated
integer :: kter, & ! counter on iterations
ipert, & ! counter on perturbations
iter, & ! counter on iterations
ndim, &
ndim_pot, &
ndim_paw, &
is, & ! counter on spin polarizations
isolv, & ! counter on linear systems
nsolv ! number of linear systems
REAL(DP) :: tcpu, get_clock
!! timing variables
! This routine is task group aware
CALL start_clock('dfpt_kernel')
IF (option /= 'phonon' .AND. option /= 'efield') THEN
CALL errore('dfpt_kernel', 'Unknown option' // TRIM(option), 1)
nsolv = 1
IF (noncolin .AND. domag) nsolv=2
CALL apply_dpot_allocate()
ALLOCATE(dvscftmp(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag, npert))
IF (noncolin) ALLOCATE(dbecsum_nc(nhm, nhm, nat, nspin, npert, nsolv))
IF (noncolin .AND. domag .AND. okvan) THEN
ALLOCATE(int3_nc_save(nhm, nhm, nat, nspin_mag, npert, 2))
ALLOCATE(dbecsum_aux((nhm * (nhm + 1))/2, nat, nspin_mag, npert))
! Allocate temporary variables for mixing
ndim_pot = npert * dfftp%nnr * nspin_mag
IF (okpaw) THEN
ndim_paw = (nhm * (nhm+1) * nat * nspin_mag * npert) / 2
ALLOCATE(mixin(ndim_pot + ndim_paw))
ALLOCATE(mixout(ndim_pot + ndim_paw))
! PAW: Set mixin from the intial dvscfp and dbecsum. Used as the input for mixing.
CALL setmixout(ndim_pot, ndim_paw, mixin, dvscfp, dbecsum, ndim, -1)
! if q=0 for a metal: allocate and compute local DOS at Ef
lmetq0 = (lgauss .OR. ltetra) .AND. lgamma
IF (lmetq0) THEN
ALLOCATE(ldos(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag))
ALLOCATE(ldoss(dffts%nnr, nspin_mag))
ALLOCATE(becsum1((nhm * (nhm + 1))/2 , nat , nspin_mag))
CALL localdos(ldos, ldoss, becsum1, dos_ef)
IF (.NOT. okpaw) DEALLOCATE(becsum1)
IF (twochem) CALL allocate_twochem(npert, nsolv)
! Loop over DFPT self-consistent iterations
do kter = 1, niter_ph
iter = kter + iter0
first_iter = (iter == 1)
drhos = (0.d0, 0.d0)
dbecsum = (0.d0, 0.d0)
IF (noncolin) dbecsum_nc = (0.d0, 0.d0)
! DFPT+U: at each ph iteration calculate dnsscf,
! i.e. the scf variation of the occupation matrix ns.
IF (lda_plus_u .AND. (.NOT. first_iter)) CALL dnsq_scf(npert, lmetq0)
! Start the loop on the two linear systems, one at B and one at -B
DO isolv = 1, nsolv
! Set threshold for iterative solution of the linear system
IF (first_iter) THEN
thresh = 1.0d-2
thresh = min(1.d-1 * sqrt(dr2), 1.d-2)
! Compute drhos, the charge density response to the total potential
CALL sternheimer_kernel(first_iter, isolv==2, npert, lrdvpsi, iudvpsi, &
thresh, dvscfs, all_conv, averlt, drhos, dbecsum, &
ENDDO ! isolv
IF (nsolv == 2) THEN
drhos = drhos / 2.0_DP
dbecsum = dbecsum / 2.0_DP
dbecsum_nc = dbecsum_nc / 2.0_DP
! The calculation of dbecsum is distributed across processors (see addusdbec)
! Sum over processors the contributions coming from each slice of bands
IF (noncolin) THEN
CALL mp_sum(dbecsum_nc, intra_bgrp_comm)
CALL mp_sum(dbecsum, intra_bgrp_comm)
IF (doublegrid) THEN
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
DO ipert = 1, npert
CALL fft_interpolate(dffts, drhos(:, is, ipert), dfftp, drhop(:, is, ipert))
CALL zcopy(npert * nspin_mag * dfftp%nnr, drhos, 1, drhop, 1)
! In the noncolinear, spin-orbit case rotate dbecsum
IF (noncolin .AND. okvan) THEN
CALL set_dbecsum_nc(dbecsum_nc, dbecsum, npert)
IF (nsolv == 2) THEN
dbecsum_aux = (0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
CALL set_dbecsum_nc(dbecsum_nc(1,1,1,1,1,2), dbecsum_aux, npert)
dbecsum(:,:,1,:) = dbecsum(:,:,1,:) + dbecsum_aux(:,:,1,:)
dbecsum(:,:,2:4,:) = dbecsum(:,:,2:4,:) - dbecsum_aux(:,:,2:4,:)
! Now we compute for all perturbations the total charge and potential
IF (option == 'phonon') THEN
CALL addusddens(drhop, dbecsum, imode0, npert, 0)
ELSEIF (option == 'efield') THEN
call addusddense(drhop, dbecsum)
CALL errore('dfpt_kernel', 'Unknown option' // TRIM(option), 1)
! Reduce the delta rho across pools
CALL mp_sum(drhos, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_sum(drhop, inter_pool_comm)
IF (okpaw) CALL mp_sum(dbecsum, inter_pool_comm)
IF (okpaw) THEN
IF (option == 'phonon') THEN
! For efield, factor 2 is multiplied after mixing
DO ipert = 1, npert
dbecsum(:,:,:,ipert) = 2.0_DP * dbecsum(:,:,:,ipert) &
+ becsumort(:,:,:,imode0+ipert)
! Metallic case and q=0: add a correction to the response charge density
! due to the shift of the Fermi energy (see Eq.(75) in Rev. Mod. Phys. 73, 515 (2001)).
! This term is added to the response charge density (in order to obtain correct
! response HXC potential) and to the response occupation matrices.
IF (lmetq0) THEN
IF (okpaw) THEN
CALL ef_shift(npert, dos_ef, ldos, drhop, dbecsum, becsum1)
CALL ef_shift(npert, dos_ef, ldos, drhop)
! Repeat the above for the case of two chemical potentials
IF (twochem) THEN
IF (okpaw) THEN
CALL twochem_postproc_dfpt(npert, nsolv, imode0, lmetq0, &
convt, dos_ef, ldos, ldoss, drhop, dbecsum, becsum1)
CALL twochem_postproc_dfpt(npert, nsolv, imode0, lmetq0, &
convt, dos_ef, ldos, ldoss, drhop, dbecsum)
! After the loop over the perturbations we have the linear change
! in the charge density for each mode of this representation.
! Here we symmetrize them ...
IF (.NOT. lgamma_gamma) THEN
CALL psymdvscf(drhop)
IF (lmultipole) THEN !FM: density computed for the first representation only, needs to be symmetrized
IF (doublegrid) then
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
DO ipert = 1, npert
CALL fft_interpolate(dfftp, drhop(:, is, ipert), dffts, drhos(:, is, ipert))
CALL zcopy(npert * nspin_mag * dfftp%nnr, drhop, 1, drhos, 1)
IF (okpaw) THEN
IF (option == 'phonon') THEN
! For efield, PAW symmetrization is done after mixing
IF (minus_q) CALL PAW_dumqsymmetrize(dbecsum,npert,irr, npertx,irotmq,rtau,xq,tmq)
CALL PAW_dusymmetrize(dbecsum,npert,irr,npertx,nsymq,rtau,xq,t)
! compute the corresponding change in scf potential : drhop -> dvscftmp
DO ipert = 1, npert
CALL zcopy(dfftp%nnr*nspin_mag, drhop(1,1,ipert), 1, dvscftmp(1,1,ipert), 1)
! Compute the response HXC potential
IF (lnoloc) THEN
! No local field effect: set dvscf to 0
dvscftmp(:, :, ipert) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
IF (PRESENT(drhoc) .AND. .NOT. lmultipole) THEN
CALL dv_of_drho(dvscftmp(1, 1, ipert), drhoc = drhoc(:, ipert))
ELSE !FM: as the case of solve_e
CALL dv_of_drho(dvscftmp(1, 1, ipert))
! And we mix with the old potential: dvscftmp -> dvscfp
IF (okpaw) THEN
! In this case we mix also dbecsum
CALL setmixout(ndim_pot, ndim_paw, mixout, dvscftmp, dbecsum, ndim, -1)
CALL mix_potential(2 * (ndim_pot + ndim), mixout, mixin, alpha_mix(kter), dr2, &
npert * tr2_ph / npol, iter, nmix_ph, flmixdpot, convt)
CALL setmixout(ndim_pot, ndim_paw, mixin, dvscfp, dbecsum, ndim, 1)
CALL mix_potential(2 * ndim_pot, dvscftmp, dvscfp, alpha_mix(kter), dr2, &
npert * tr2_ph / npol, iter, nmix_ph, flmixdpot, convt)
! Check that convergence have been reached on ALL processors in this image.
! If convergence is reached on only some processors, call errore.
CALL check_all_convt(convt)
IF (doublegrid) THEN
DO ipert = 1, npert
DO is = 1, nspin_mag
CALL fft_interpolate(dfftp, dvscfp(:, is, ipert), dffts, dvscfs(:, is, ipert))
IF (option == 'efield') THEN
IF (okpaw) THEN
IF (noncolin) THEN
! call PAW_dpotential(dbecsum_nc, becsum_nc, int3_paw, npert)
! The presence of c.c. in the formula gives a factor 2.0
! For phonons, this factor was multiplied before mixing
dbecsum = 2.0_DP * dbecsum
IF (.NOT. lgamma_gamma) CALL PAW_desymmetrize(dbecsum)
! calculate here the change of the D1-~D1 coefficients due to the phonon
! perturbation
IF (okvan) THEN
IF (okpaw) CALL PAW_dpotential(dbecsum, rho%bec, int3_paw, npert)
! with the new change of the potential we compute the integrals
! of the change of potential and Q
CALL newdq(dvscfp, npert)
! In the noncollinear magnetic case computes the int3 coefficients with
! the opposite sign of the magnetic field. They are saved in int3_nc_save,
! that must have been ALLOCATEd by the calling routine
IF (noncolin .AND. domag) THEN
int3_nc_save(:,:,:,:,:,1) = int3_nc(:,:,:,:,:)
IF (okpaw) rho%bec(:,:,2:4) = -rho%bec(:,:,2:4)
DO ipert = 1, npert
dvscfp(:, 2:4, ipert) = -dvscfp(:, 2:4, ipert)
IF (okpaw) dbecsum(:, :, 2:4, ipert) = -dbecsum(:, :, 2:4, ipert)
! if needed recompute the paw coeffients with the opposite sign of
! the magnetic field
IF (okpaw) CALL PAW_dpotential(dbecsum, rho%bec, int3_paw, npert)
! here compute the int3 integrals
CALL newdq(dvscfp, npert)
int3_nc_save(:,:,:,:,:,2) = int3_nc(:,:,:,:,:)
! restore the correct sign of the magnetic field.
DO ipert = 1, npert
dvscfp(:, 2:4, ipert) = -dvscfp(:, 2:4, ipert)
IF (okpaw) dbecsum(:, :, 2:4, ipert) = -dbecsum(:, :, 2:4, ipert)
IF (okpaw) rho%bec(:, :, 2:4) = -rho%bec(:, :, 2:4)
! put into int3_nc the coefficient with +B
ENDIF ! noncolin .AND. domag
ENDIF ! okvan
tcpu = get_clock(code)
dr2 = dr2 / npert
WRITE( stdout, '(/,5x," iter # ",i3," total cpu time :",f8.1, &
& " secs av.it.: ",f5.1)') iter, tcpu, averlt
WRITE( stdout, '(5x," thresh=",es10.3, " alpha_mix = ",f6.3, &
& " |ddv_scf|^2 = ",es10.3 )') thresh, alpha_mix(kter) , dr2
! Here we save the information for recovering the run from this poin
IF (okpaw) THEN
CALL write_rec(where_rec, irr, dr2, iter, convt, npert, dvscfp, drhop, dbecsum)
CALL write_rec(where_rec, irr, dr2, iter, convt, npert, dvscfp, drhop)
IF (check_stop_now()) CALL stop_smoothly_ph(.FALSE.)
IF (convt) EXIT
ENDDO ! iteration
! Update the responses with the Fermi energy shift
IF (lmetq0) THEN
! Update the response potential.
DO ipert = 1, npert
dvscfp(:, 1, ipert) = dvscfp(:, 1, ipert) - def(ipert)
IF (doublegrid) dvscfs(:, 1, ipert) = dvscfs(:, 1, ipert) - def(ipert)
IF (lsda) THEN
dvscfp(:, 2, ipert) = dvscfp(:, 2, ipert) - def(ipert)
IF (doublegrid) dvscfs(:, 2, ipert) = dvscfs(:, 2, ipert) - def(ipert)
! Update the response wavefunction (dpsi, stored in buffer iudwf).
! Also update drhos. (drhop is updated by ef_shift.)
CALL ef_shift_wfc(npert, ldoss, drhos)
ENDIF ! lmetq0
CALL apply_dpot_deallocate()
IF (noncolin) DEALLOCATE(dbecsum_nc)
IF (noncolin .AND. domag .AND. okvan) THEN
IF (lmetq0) THEN
IF (okpaw) DEALLOCATE(becsum1)
IF (twochem) CALL deallocate_twochem()
CALL stop_clock ('dfpt_kernel')
END SUBROUTINE dfpt_kernel
SUBROUTINE check_all_convt( convt )
!! Work out how many processes in the image have converged.
!! If only some processors have converged, call errore.
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE mp_images, ONLY : nproc_image, intra_image_comm
INTEGER :: tot_conv
IF (nproc_image==1) RETURN
! Work out how many processes have converged
tot_conv = 0
IF (convt) tot_conv = 1
CALL mp_sum(tot_conv, intra_image_comm)
IF ((tot_conv > 0) .AND. (tot_conv < nproc_image)) THEN
CALL errore('check_all_convt', 'Only some processors converged: '&
&' either something is wrong with dfpt_kernel, or a different'&
&' parallelism scheme should be used.', 1)
END SUBROUTINE check_all_convt
END MODULE dfpt_kernels