
279 lines
9.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine d2ionq( nat, ntyp, ityp, zv, tau, alat, omega, q, at, &
bg, g, gg, ngm, gcutm, nmodes, u, dyn )
!! This routine computes the contribution of the ions to the
!! dynamical matrix. Both the real and reciprocal space terms
!! are included.
!! The original routine was from C. Bungaro.
!! Revised 16 oct. 1995 by Andrea Dal Corso.
!! April 1997: parallel stuff added (SdG).
!! 2021-2022: Refactored by P. Bonfa with parallelization over atoms and openMP parallelization
!! 2022: restrict outer loops to selected atoms if nat_todo specified in input (P. Delugas)
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : e2, tpi, fpi
USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm, me_bgrp, nproc_bgrp
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE Coul_cut_2D, ONLY : do_cutoff_2D, cutoff_2D
USE Coul_cut_2D_ph, ONLY : cutoff_2D_qg
USE partial, ONLY : atomo, nat_todo, nat_todo_input, set_local_atomo
USE symm_base, ONLY : irt
USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : nsymq
implicit none
integer :: nat
!! input: the number of atoms
integer :: ntyp
!! input: the number of types of atoms
integer :: ngm
!! input: the number of G vectors
integer :: ityp(nat)
!! input: the type of each atom
integer :: nmodes
!! input: the number of modes
real(DP) :: tau(3,nat)
!! input: the positions of the atoms
real(DP) :: g(3,ngm)
!! input: the coordinates of g vectors
real(DP) :: gg(ngm)
!! input: the modulus of g vectors
real(DP) :: zv(ntyp)
!! input: the charge of each type
real(DP) :: at(3,3)
!! input: the direct lattice vectors
real(DP) :: bg(3,3)
!! input: the reciprocal lattice vectors
real(DP) :: omega
!! input: the volume of the unit cell
real(DP) :: alat
!! input: the length scale
real(DP) :: gcutm
!! input: cut-off of g vectors
real(DP) :: q(3)
!! input: the q vector
complex(DP) :: dyn(3*nat,nmodes)
!! output: the ionic part of the dynamical matrix
complex(DP) :: u(3*nat,nmodes)
!! input: the pattern of the modes
! ... local variables
integer, parameter :: mxr = 100
! the maximum number of r shells
integer :: nat_l
! total number of effectively displaced atoms
integer, allocatable :: atomo_l(:)
! list of atoms effectively displaced and work space
integer :: na, nb, nta, ntb, ng, nrm, nr, icart, &
jcart, na_icart, na_jcart, nb_icart, nb_jcart, na_l, nb_l
! counters
real(DP) :: arg, argq, tpiba2, alpha, r (3, mxr), r2 (mxr), &
dtau (3), rmax, rr, upperbound, charge, df, d2f, ar, &
gtq2, gt2, qrg, zvab
real(DP), allocatable :: fac(:), facq(:)
! auxiliary variables
complex(DP) :: dy1(3,3), dy2 (3,3), facg, fnat
complex(DP), allocatable :: dy3 (: , :)
! work spaces, factors
real(DP), external :: qe_erfc
integer :: na_s, na_e, mykey
integer :: na_i, nb_i
integer :: allocstat
call start_clock ('d2ionq')
if (nat_todo_input > 0 ) then
call set_local_atomo(nat, nat_todo, atomo, nsymq, irt, nat_l, atomo_l)
nat_l = nat
end if
allocate(dy3(3*nat, nmodes) , stat = allocstat)
call errore ("d2ionq:", "failed allocation of workspace", allocstat)
tpiba2 = (tpi / alat) **2
charge = 0.d0
do na = 1, nat
charge = charge+zv (ityp (na) )
! choose alpha in order to have convergence in the sum over G
! upperbound is an upper bound for the error in the sum over G
! estimated for the energy (empirical trust!)
alpha = 2.9d0
11 alpha = alpha - 0.1d0
if (alpha == 0.d0) call errore ('d2ionq', 'optimal alpha not found',1)
upperbound = 2.d0 * charge**2 * sqrt (2.d0 * alpha / tpi) * &
erfc ( sqrt (tpiba2 * gcutm / 4.d0 / alpha) )
if (upperbound > 1.d-9) goto 11
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Alpha used in Ewald sum = ",f8.4)') alpha
dy3 (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
! Prepare coefficients
!$omp parallel do private(gtq2, gt2) shared(facq, fac) if(ngm > 0)
do ng = 1, ngm
gtq2 = dot_product(g(:, ng) + q, g(:, ng) + q) * tpiba2
if (abs (gtq2) > 1.d-8) then
facq(ng) = - e2*fpi * tpiba2 / omega * exp ( - gtq2 / alpha / 4.d0) / gtq2
if (do_cutoff_2D) facq(ng) = facq(ng)*cutoff_2D_qg(ng)
facq(ng) = 0.d0
gt2 = gg (ng) * tpiba2
if (abs (gt2) > 1.d-8) then
fac(ng) = - e2 * fpi * tpiba2 / omega * exp ( - gt2 / alpha / 4.d0) / gt2
if (do_cutoff_2D) fac(ng) = fac(ng)*cutoff_2D(ng)
fac(ng) = 0.d0
end do
!$omp end parallel do
! G-space sums here
!$omp parallel do &
!$omp private(na, na_l, na_i, nta, dy2, nb, nb_i, ntb, zvab, dtau, argq, dy1) &
!$omp private(ng, arg, fnat, facg, icart, jcart) shared(dy3,atomo_l) &
!$omp schedule(static) if(ngm > 0)
do na_l = 1, nat_l
if (nat_l < nat) then
na = atomo_l(na_l)
na = na_l
end if
na_i = 3 * (na - 1)
nta = ityp (na)
dy2 (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do nb = 1, nat
nb_i = 3 * (nb - 1)
ntb = ityp (nb)
zvab = zv (nta) * zv (ntb)
dtau = tau (:, na) - tau (:, nb)
argq = tpi * dot_product( q , dtau )
dy1 (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ng = 1, ngm
!if (fac(ng) == 0.d0 .and. facq(ng) == 0.d0) cycle
arg = tpi * dot_product( g (:, ng) , dtau )
fnat = fac(ng) * zvab * CMPLX(cos (arg), 0.d0, kind=DP)
facg = facq(ng) * zvab * CMPLX(cos (arg + argq), sin (arg + argq), kind=DP)
do icart = 1, 3
do jcart = 1, 3
dy1 (icart, jcart) = dy1 (icart, jcart) + facg * (q (icart) + &
g (icart, ng) ) * (q (jcart) + g (jcart, ng) )
dy2(icart , jcart) = dy2(icart,jcart) + fnat * g(icart, ng) * g(jcart, ng)
dy3( na_i + 1: na_i+3, nb_i + 1:nb_i+3) = dy3( na_i+1: na_i+3, nb_i+1:nb_i+3) + dy1(1:3,1:3)
dy3( na_i + 1: na_i+3, na_i + 1:na_i+3) = dy3( na_i+1: na_i+3, na_i+1:na_i+3) - dy2(1:3,1:3)
!$omp end parallel do
deallocate(facq, fac)
CALL block_distribute(nat_l, me_bgrp, nproc_bgrp, na_s, na_e, mykey )
! Then there is also a part in real space which is computed here.
! ... only by the nodes for which mykey == 0 see PW/src/ewald.f90 for more.
if ( mykey>0 ) goto 100
rmax = 5.d0 / sqrt (alpha) / alat
! with this choice terms up to ZiZj*erfc(5) are counted (erfc(5)=2x10^-1
do na_l = na_s, na_e
do nb = 1, nat
if (nat_l < nat ) then
na = atomo_l(na_l)
na = na_l
end if
nta = ityp (na)
ntb = ityp (nb)
do icart = 1, 3
dtau (icart) = tau (icart, na) - tau (icart, nb)
! generates nearest-neighbors shells r(i)=R(i)-dtau(i)
call rgen (dtau, rmax, mxr, at, bg, r, r2, nrm)
do nr = 1, nrm
rr = sqrt (r2 (nr) ) * alat
ar = sqrt (alpha) * rr
qrg = tpi * (q (1) * (r (1, nr) + dtau (1) ) + &
q (2) * (r (2, nr) + dtau (2) ) + &
q (3) * (r (3, nr) + dtau (3) ) )
d2f = (3.d0 * erfc (ar) + sqrt (8.d0 / tpi) * ar * &
(3.d0 + 2.d0 * ar**2) * exp ( - ar**2) ) / rr**5
df = ( - erfc (ar) - sqrt (8.d0 / tpi) * ar * exp ( - ar**2) ) &
/ rr**3
do icart = 1, 3
na_icart = 3 * (na - 1) + icart
nb_icart = 3 * (nb - 1) + icart
do jcart = 1, 3
nb_jcart = 3 * (nb - 1) + jcart
na_jcart = 3 * (na - 1) + jcart
dy3 (na_icart, nb_jcart) = dy3 (na_icart, nb_jcart) + &
e2 * zv (nta) * zv (ntb) * CMPLX(cos (qrg), sin (qrg),kind=DP)&
* (d2f * alat * r (icart, nr) * alat * r (jcart, nr) )
dy3 (na_icart, na_jcart) = dy3 (na_icart, na_jcart) - &
e2 * zv (nta) * zv (ntb) * (d2f * alat * r (icart, nr) *&
alat * r (jcart, nr) )
dy3 (na_icart, nb_icart) = dy3 (na_icart, nb_icart) + e2 * &
zv (nta) * zv (ntb) * CMPLX(cos (qrg), sin (qrg) ,kind=DP) * df
dy3 (na_icart, na_icart) = dy3 (na_icart, na_icart) - e2 * &
zv (nta) * zv (ntb) * df
100 continue
call mp_sum ( dy3, intra_bgrp_comm )
! The dynamical matrix was computed in Cartesian axis and now we put
! it on the basis of the modes
dy3 = -dy3
CALL rotate_pattern_add(nat, u, dyn, dy3)
call stop_clock ('d2ionq')
end subroutine d2ionq