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! Copyright (C) 2013 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE mp_global
!! Wrapper module, for compatibility. Contains a few "leftover" variables
!! used for checks (all the *_file variables, read from data file),
!! plus the routine mp_startup initializing MPI and the command line,
!! plus the routine mp_global_end stopping MPI.
!! Do not use this module to reference variables (e.g. communicators)
!! belonging to each of the various parallelization levels:
!! use the specific modules instead.
! ... PLEASE DO NOT ADD NEW STUFF TO THIS MODULE. Removing stuff is ok.
USE mp_world, ONLY: world_comm, mp_world_start, mp_world_end
USE mp_images
USE mp_pools
USE mp_bands
USE mp_bands_TDDFPT
! ... number of processors for the various groups: values read from file
INTEGER :: nproc_file = 1
INTEGER :: nproc_image_file = 1
INTEGER :: nproc_pool_file = 1
INTEGER :: nproc_ortho_file = 1
INTEGER :: nproc_bgrp_file = 1
INTEGER :: ntask_groups_file= 1
INTEGER :: nyfft_file= 1
SUBROUTINE mp_startup ( my_world_comm, start_images, images_only )
!! This wrapper subroutine initializes all parallelization levels.
!! If option with_images=.true., processes are organized into images,
!! each performing a quasi-indipendent calculation, such as a point
!! in configuration space (NEB) or a phonon irrep (PHonon).
!! Within each image processes are further subdivided into various
!! groups and parallelization levels.
! IMPORTANT NOTICE 1: since the command line is read here, it may be
! convenient to call it in serial execution as well
! IMPORTANT NOTICE 2: most parallelization levels are initialized here
! but at least some will be moved to a later stage
! SPECIAL CASE: command-line options "-ntg" and "-nyfft", introduced to
! improve scaling, coexist and are in part interchangeable.
! If task groups are available, -ntg is faster than -nyfft
! because it communicates larger data chuncks less frequently
! Sometimes task groups are not available as for instance
! when metagga is used or realus or for conjugate gradient.
! For those cases, -nyfft can be used instead.
! You may specify one or another: the same value will be set
! for both ntg and nyfft. These variables are kept separated
! to help understanding which operation belong to task groups
! or to nyfft, allowing to differenciate them if need arises.
USE command_line_options, ONLY : get_command_line, &
nimage_, npool_, nband_, ntg_, nyfft_
USE parallel_include
INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: my_world_comm
LOGICAL :: do_images, only_images
INTEGER :: my_comm
my_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
IF ( PRESENT(my_world_comm) ) my_comm = my_world_comm
CALL mp_world_start( my_comm )
CALL get_command_line ( )
#if defined (__CUDA)
IF ( ntg_ > 1 ) CALL errore('mp_startup','No task groups for GPUs',ntg_)
do_images = .FALSE.
IF ( PRESENT(start_images) ) do_images = start_images
IF ( do_images ) THEN
CALL mp_start_images ( nimage_, world_comm )
CALL mp_init_image ( world_comm )
! if images_only is present and .t., do not initialize all other
! parallelization levels - Temporary solution for backward-compatibility
only_images = .FALSE.
IF ( PRESENT(images_only) ) only_images = images_only
IF ( only_images ) RETURN
! npool_ is 0 if not specified in command line
IF ( npool_== 0 ) npool_ = 1
CALL mp_start_pools ( npool_, intra_image_comm )
! ntg_ is 0 if not specified in command line
IF ( ntg_== 0 ) ntg_ = 1
#if defined (__CUDA_OPTIMIZED)
CALL mp_start_bands ( 1 , ntg_, nyfft_, intra_pool_comm )
CALL mp_start_bands ( nband_, ntg_, nyfft_, intra_pool_comm )
SUBROUTINE mp_global_end ( )
USE mp, ONLY : mp_comm_free
USE mp_orthopools, ONLY: mp_stop_orthopools
CALL mp_comm_free ( intra_bgrp_comm )
CALL mp_comm_free ( inter_bgrp_comm )
CALL mp_comm_free ( intra_pool_comm )
CALL mp_comm_free ( inter_pool_comm )
CALL mp_stop_orthopools( ) ! cleans orthopools if used in exx
CALL mp_world_end( )
END SUBROUTINE mp_global_end
END MODULE mp_global