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181 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE set_small_group_of_q(nsymq, invsymq, minus_q)
! This routine is a driver that sets the small group of q. It rotates
! the matrices s so that the first nsymq elements are the small group
! of q, and tells to the colling code is minus_q is true.
! It deals also with the case modenum /= 0
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau
USE symm_base, ONLY : s, nsym, irt, time_reversal
USE control_flags, ONLY : modenum
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
USE symm_base, ONLY : copy_sym, d1, d2, d3, inverse_s, s_axis_to_cart
USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
LOGICAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: minus_q, invsymq
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rtau(:,:,:)
INTEGER :: isym
LOGICAL :: sym(48)
CALL smallg_q (xq, modenum, at, bg, nsym, s, sym, minus_q)
IF ( .not. time_reversal ) minus_q = .false.
IF (modenum /= 0) THEN
! In this case remove also the symmetries that do not send the mode
! in itself
ALLOCATE(rtau (3, 48, nat))
CALL sgam_lr (at, bg, nsym, s, irt, tau, rtau, nat)
CALL mode_group (modenum, xq, at, bg, nat, nsym, s, irt, minus_q, &
rtau, sym)
nsymq = copy_sym ( nsym, sym )
CALL inverse_s ( )
! Check if inversion (I) is a symmetry
! Note that the first symmetry operation is always the identity (E)
invsymq =.FALSE.
DO isym = 1, nsymq
IF ( ALL ( s(:,:,isym) == -s(:,:,1) ) ) THEN
invsymq = .TRUE.
! Since the order of the s matrices is changed we need to recalculate:
CALL s_axis_to_cart ( )
IF (okpaw) CALL d_matrix(d1,d2,d3)
END SUBROUTINE set_small_group_of_q
SUBROUTINE smallg_q (xq, modenum, at, bg, nrot, s, sym, minus_q)
! This routine selects, among the symmetry matrices of the point group
! of a crystal, the symmetry operations which leave q unchanged.
! Furthermore it checks if one of the above matrices send q --> -q+G.
! In this case minus_q is set true.
! input-output variables
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE symm_base, ONLY : t_rev
implicit none
real(DP), parameter :: accep = 1.e-5_dp
real(DP), intent(in) :: bg (3, 3), at (3, 3), xq (3)
! input: the reciprocal lattice vectors
! input: the direct lattice vectors
! input: the q point of the crystal
integer, intent(in) :: s (3, 3, 48), nrot, modenum
! input: the symmetry matrices
! input: number of symmetry operations
! input: main switch of the program, used for
! q<>0 to restrict the small group of q
! to operation such that Sq=q (exactly,
! without G vectors) when iswitch = -3.
logical, intent(inout) :: sym (48), minus_q
! input-output: .true. if symm. op. S q = q + G
! output: .true. if there is an op. sym.: S q = - q + G
! local variables
real(DP) :: aq (3), raq (3), zero (3)
! q vector in crystal basis
! the rotated of the q vector
! the zero vector
integer :: irot, ipol, jpol
! counter on symmetry op.
! counter on polarizations
! counter on polarizations
logical :: eqvect
! logical function, check if two vectors are equa
! return immediately (with minus_q=.true.) if xq=(0,0,0)
minus_q = .true.
if ( (xq (1) == 0.d0) .and. (xq (2) == 0.d0) .and. (xq (3) == 0.d0) ) &
! Set to zero some variables
minus_q = .false.
zero(:) = 0.d0
! Transform xq to the crystal basis
aq = xq
call cryst_to_cart (1, aq, at, - 1)
! Test all symmetries to see if this operation send Sq in q+G or in -q+G
do irot = 1, nrot
if (.not.sym (irot) ) goto 100
raq(:) = 0.d0
do ipol = 1, 3
do jpol = 1, 3
raq(ipol) = raq(ipol) + DBLE( s(ipol,jpol,irot) ) * aq( jpol)
IF (t_rev(irot)==1) raq=-raq
sym (irot) = eqvect (raq, aq, zero, accep)
! if "iswitch.le.-3" (modenum.ne.0) S must be such that Sq=q exactly !
if (modenum.ne.0 .and. sym(irot) ) then
do ipol = 1, 3
sym(irot) = sym(irot) .and. (abs(raq(ipol)-aq(ipol)) < 1.0d-5)
! if (.not.minus_q) then
if (sym(irot).and..not.minus_q) then
raq = - raq
minus_q = eqvect (raq, aq, zero, accep)
100 continue
! if "iswitch.le.-3" (modenum.ne.0) time reversal symmetry is not included !
if (modenum.ne.0) minus_q = .false.