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subroutine lanczos_nonhermitian(j, npwx_npol, nbnd_occ, nksq, qj, Aqj, Sqj, qjold, n_ipol, u, alpha, beta, gamma, zeta)
!! Bi-Orthogonal Lanczos algorithm
!! $$ g(w) =\sum_j (u,q_j){q_j,(w-A)^(-1)q}
!! Algorithm 1 in "Computer Physics Communications 185 (2014) 2080-2089"
!! this subroutine generates alpha, beta and gamma coefficients (the
!! tridiagonal matrix elements), z = (u,q_j) elements. And update
!! Lanczos vectors
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
!! iteration index
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: npwx_npol
!! firts dimension of qj, Aqj, SAqj, qjold, u in qe npwx*npol
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbnd_occ
!! second dimension of qj, Aqj, SAqj, qjold, n_ipol, u in qe nbnd
!! third dimension of qj, Aqj, SAqj, qjold, n_ipol, u in qe nksq
!! polarization, forth dimension of u and dimension of zeta
COMPLEX(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: Aqj(npwx_npol,nbnd_occ,nksq, 2)
!! operator applied to qj vector
COMPLEX(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: u(npwx_npol,nbnd_occ,nksq,n_ipol)
!! second lanczos vector, in qe d0psi (q0psi2 for eels)
COMPLEX(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: Sqj(npwx_npol,nbnd_occ,nksq)
!! S operator applied to qj vector only for USPP, otherwise a copy of qj
COMPLEX(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT) :: qj(npwx_npol,nbnd_occ,nksq, 2)
!! qj vector, become qj+1 vector
COMPLEX(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT) :: qjold(npwx_npol,nbnd_occ,nksq, 2)
!! qj-1 vector, become qj vector
REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: alpha
!! diagonal cofficient of the tridiagonal matrix
REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: beta
!! lower coefficient of the tridiagonal matrix
REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: gamma
!! upper coefficient of the tridiagonal matrix
COMPLEX(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT) :: zeta(n_ipol)
!! (u,q_j) products
COMPLEX(kind=dp),EXTERNAL :: lr_dot
INTEGER :: size_evc, ip
size_evc = npwx_npol*nbnd_occ*nksq
! By construction <p|Lq>=0 should be 0, forcing this both conserves
! resources and increases stability.
alpha = 0.0d0
! Orthogonality requirement: <v|\bar{L}|v> = 1
beta = dble(lr_dot(qj(:,:,:,1), Sqj(:,:,:)))
IF ( beta<0.0d0 ) THEN
beta = sqrt(-beta)
gamma = -beta
ELSEIF ( beta>0.0d0 ) THEN
! X. Ge: Actually, this is the only case in the pseudo-Hermitian
! algorithm.
beta = sqrt(beta)
gamma = beta
! Renormalize q(i) and Lq(i), also p(i) and Lp(i) in the non-Hermitian case
CALL zscal(size_evc,cmplx(1.0d0/beta,0.0d0,kind=dp),qj(1,1,1,1),1)
CALL zscal(size_evc,cmplx(1.0d0/beta,0.0d0,kind=dp),Aqj(1,1,1,1),1)
CALL zscal(size_evc,cmplx(1.0d0/gamma,0.0d0,kind=dp),qj(1,1,1,2),1)
CALL zscal(size_evc,cmplx(1.0d0/gamma,0.0d0,kind=dp),Aqj(1,1,1,2),1)
! Calculation of zeta coefficients.
! See Eq.(35) in Malcioglu et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 182, 1744 (2011).
IF (mod(j,2)==0) THEN
DO ip = 1, n_ipol
! Optics: In the ultrasoft case, the S operator was already
! applied to d0psi, so we have <S*d0psi|evc1>.
zeta(ip) = lr_dot(u(:,:,:,ip),qj(:,:,:,1))
DO ip = 1, n_ipol
zeta(ip) = (0.0d0,0.0d0)
! X. Ge: q(i+1) = Lq(i) - beta(i)*q(i-1);
! Renormalization will be done in the begining of the next iteration.
! In the non-Hermitian case, similar operation needs to be done also for p(i).
CALL zaxpy(size_evc,-cmplx(gamma,0.0d0,kind=dp),qjold(1,1,1,1),1,Aqj(1,1,1,1),1)
CALL zaxpy(size_evc,-cmplx(beta,0.0d0,kind=dp),qjold(1,1,1,2),1,Aqj(1,1,1,2),1)
! X. Ge: Throw away q(i-1), and make q(i+1) to be the current vector,
! be ready for the next iteration. Aqj will be free again after this
! step
CALL zcopy(size_evc,qj(1,1,1,1),1,qjold(1,1,1,1),1) ! qjold = qj
CALL zcopy(size_evc,Aqj(1,1,1,1),1,qj(1,1,1,1),1) ! qj = Aqj
CALL zcopy(size_evc,qj(1,1,1,2),1,qjold(1,1,1,2),1) ! qjold = qj
CALL zcopy(size_evc,Aqj(1,1,1,2),1,qj(1,1,1,2),1) ! qj = Aqj
end subroutine lanczos_nonhermitian