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344 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine cgsolve_all (ch_psi, cg_psi, e, d0psi, dpsi, h_diag, &
ndmx, ndim, ethr, ik, kter, conv_root, anorm, nbnd, npol)
! iterative solution of the linear systems (i=1,nbnd):
! ( H - e_i + Q ) * dpsi_i = d0psi_i (1)
! where H is a complex hermitean matrix, e_i is a real scalar, Q is a
! projector on occupied states, dpsi_i and d0psi_ are complex vectors
! on input:
! ch_psi EXTERNAL name of a subroutine:
! Calculates (H-e+Q)*psi products.
! Vectors psi and psip should be dimensioned
! (ndmx,nbnd)
! cg_psi EXTERNAL name of a subroutine:
! which calculates (h-e)^-1 * psi, with
! some approximation, e.g. (diag(h)-e)
! e real unperturbed eigenvalue.
! dpsi contains an estimate of the solution
! vector.
! d0psi contains the right hand side vector
! of the system.
! ndmx integer row dimension of dpsi, ecc.
! ndim integer actual row dimension of dpsi
! ethr real convergence threshold. solution
! improvement is stopped when the error in
! eq (1), defined as l.h.s. - r.h.s., becomes
! less than ethr in norm.
! on output: dpsi contains the refined estimate of the
! solution vector.
! d0psi is corrupted on exit
! revised (extensively) 6 Apr 1997 by A. Dal Corso & F. Mauri
! revised (to reduce memory) 29 May 2004 by S. de Gironcoli
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE mp_bands, ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm, inter_bgrp_comm, use_bgrp_in_hpsi
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_barrier
USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
USE gvect, ONLY : gstart
USE eqv, ONLY : evq
USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
#if defined(__CUDA)
USE cublas
implicit none
! first the I/O variables
integer :: ndmx, & ! input: the maximum dimension of the vectors
ndim, & ! input: the actual dimension of the vectors
kter, & ! output: counter on iterations
nbnd, & ! input: the number of bands
npol, & ! input: number of components of the wavefunctions
ik ! input: the k point
real(DP) :: &
e(nbnd), & ! input: the actual eigenvalue
anorm, & ! output: the norm of the error in the solution
h_diag(ndmx*npol,nbnd), & ! input: an estimate of ( H - \epsilon )
ethr ! input: the required precision
complex(DP) :: &
dpsi (ndmx*npol, nbnd), & ! output: the solution of the linear syst
d0psi (ndmx*npol, nbnd) ! input: the known term
logical :: conv_root ! output: if true the root is converged
external ch_psi ! input: the routine computing ch_psi
external cg_psi ! input: the routine computing cg_psi
! here the local variables
integer, parameter :: maxter = 400
! the maximum number of iterations
integer :: iter, ibnd, ibnd_, lbnd
! counters on iteration, bands
integer , allocatable :: conv (:)
! if 1 the root is converged
complex(DP), allocatable :: g (:,:), t (:,:), h (:,:), hold (:,:)
! the gradient of psi
! the preconditioned gradient
! the delta gradient
! the conjugate gradient
! work space
complex(DP) :: dcgamma, dclambda
! the ratio between rho
! step length
! the scalar product
real(DP), allocatable :: rho (:), rhoold (:), eu (:), a(:), c(:)
! the residue
! auxiliary for h_diag
real(DP) :: kter_eff
! account the number of iterations with b
! coefficient of quadratic form
! bgrp parallelization auxiliary variables
INTEGER :: n_start, n_end, my_nbnd
logical :: lsave_use_bgrp_in_hpsi
!auxiliary for ddot
real(DP) :: ddotval, addot, cddot
call start_clock ('cgsolve')
call divide (inter_bgrp_comm,nbnd,n_start,n_end)
my_nbnd = n_end - n_start + 1
! allocate workspace (bgrp distributed)
allocate ( conv(nbnd) )
allocate ( g(ndmx*npol,my_nbnd), t(ndmx*npol,my_nbnd), h(ndmx*npol,my_nbnd), &
hold(ndmx*npol,my_nbnd) )
allocate ( a(my_nbnd), c(my_nbnd) )
allocate ( rho(my_nbnd), rhoold(my_nbnd) )
allocate ( eu(my_nbnd) )
! WRITE( stdout,*) g,t,h,hold
kter_eff = 0.d0 ; conv (1:nbnd) = 0
! bgrp parallelization is done outside h_psi/s_psi. set use_bgrp_in_hpsi temporarily to false
lsave_use_bgrp_in_hpsi = use_bgrp_in_hpsi ; use_bgrp_in_hpsi = .false.
!$acc enter data create(rho(1:my_nbnd),a(1:my_nbnd),c(1:my_nbnd),eu(1:my_nbnd),t(1:ndmx*npol,1:my_nbnd),g(1:ndmx*npol,1:my_nbnd),h(1:ndmx*npol,1:my_nbnd),hold(1:ndmx*npol,1:my_nbnd)) copyin(e(1:nbnd),dpsi(1:ndmx*npol,1:nbnd),evq,h_diag(1:ndmx*npol,1:nbnd),d0psi(1:ndmx*npol,1:nbnd))
!$acc kernels present(g,t,h,hold)
!$acc end kernels
do iter = 1, maxter
! compute the gradient. can reuse information from previous step
if (iter == 1) then
call ch_psi (ndim, dpsi(1,n_start), g, e(n_start), ik, my_nbnd)
!$acc parallel loop
do ibnd = n_start, n_end
ibnd_ = ibnd - n_start + 1
g(:,ibnd_) = g(:,ibnd_) - d0psi(:,ibnd)
! compute preconditioned residual vector and convergence check
lbnd = 0
!CALL start_clock('loop1')
do ibnd = n_start, n_end ; ibnd_ = ibnd - n_start + 1
if (conv (ibnd) .eq.0) then
lbnd = lbnd+1
!$acc kernels
h(:,ibnd_) = g(:, ibnd_)
!$acc end kernels
call cg_psi(ndmx, ndim, 1, h(1,ibnd_), h_diag(1,ibnd) )
IF (gamma_only) THEN
!$acc host_data use_device(g,h,rho)
CALL MYDDOTV3(2*ndmx*npol,h(1,ibnd_),1,g(1,ibnd_),1, rho(lbnd))
!$acc end host_data
!$acc serial
rho(lbnd) = rho(lbnd)*2.0d0
!$acc end serial
IF(gstart==2) THEN
!$acc serial
!$acc end serial
!$acc host_data use_device(g,h,rho)
CALL MYDDOTV3 (2*ndmx*npol, h(1,ibnd_), 1, g(1,ibnd_), 1, rho(lbnd))
!$acc end host_data
!$acc update host(rho)
!CALL stop_clock('loop1')
kter_eff = kter_eff + DBLE (lbnd) / DBLE (nbnd)
call mp_sum( rho(1:lbnd), intra_bgrp_comm )
do ibnd = n_end, n_start, -1 ; ibnd_ = ibnd - n_start + 1
if (conv(ibnd).eq.0) then
lbnd = lbnd -1
anorm = sqrt (rho (ibnd_) )
!write(6,*) 'anorm', ibnd, anorm ; FLUSH(6)
if (anorm.lt.ethr) conv (ibnd) = 1
conv_root = .true.
do ibnd = n_start, n_end
conv_root = conv_root.and. (conv (ibnd) .eq.1)
if (conv_root) goto 100
! compute the step direction h. Conjugate it to previous step
lbnd = 0
!CALL start_clock('loop2')
do ibnd = n_start, n_end ; ibnd_ = ibnd - n_start + 1
if (conv (ibnd) .eq.0) then
! change sign to h
!$acc kernels
h(:,ibnd_) = -h(:,ibnd_)
!$acc end kernels
if (iter.ne.1) then
dcgamma = rho (ibnd_) / rhoold (ibnd_)
!$acc kernels
h(:,ibnd_) = h(:,ibnd_) + dcgamma*hold(:,ibnd_)
!$acc end kernels
! here hold is used as auxiliary vector in order to efficiently compute t = A*h
! it is later set to the current (becoming old) value of h
lbnd = lbnd+1
!$acc kernels
hold(:,lbnd) = h(:,ibnd_)
!$acc end kernels
!$acc serial
eu (lbnd) = e (ibnd)
!$acc end serial
!CALL stop_clock('loop2')
! compute t = A*h
call ch_psi (ndim, hold, t, eu, ik, lbnd)
! compute the coefficients a and c for the line minimization
! compute step length lambda
!CALL start_clock('loop3')
do ibnd = n_start, n_end ; ibnd_ = ibnd - n_start + 1
if (conv (ibnd) .eq.0) then
IF (gamma_only) THEN
!$acc host_data use_device(g,h,t,a,c)
CALL MYDDOTV3(2*ndmx*npol,h(1,ibnd_),1,g(1,ibnd_),1,a(lbnd))
CALL MYDDOTV3(2*ndmx*npol,h(1,ibnd_),1,t(1,lbnd),1,c(lbnd))
!$acc end host_data
!$acc serial
a(lbnd) = a(lbnd)*2.0d0
c(lbnd) = c(lbnd)*2.0d0
!$acc end serial
IF (gstart == 2) THEN
!$acc serial
!$acc end serial
!$acc host_data use_device(g,h,t,a,c)
CALL MYDDOTV3(2*ndmx*npol, h(1,ibnd_), 1, g(1,ibnd_), 1, a(lbnd))
CALL MYDDOTV3(2*ndmx*npol, h(1,ibnd_), 1, t(1,lbnd), 1, c(lbnd))
!$acc end host_data
end if
end do
!$acc update host(a,c)
!CALL stop_clock('loop3')
call mp_sum( a(1:lbnd), intra_bgrp_comm )
call mp_sum( c(1:lbnd), intra_bgrp_comm )
!CALL start_clock('loop4')
do ibnd = n_start, n_end ; ibnd_ = ibnd - n_start + 1
if (conv (ibnd) .eq.0) then
dclambda = CMPLX( - a(lbnd) / c(lbnd), 0.d0,kind=DP)
! move to new position
!$acc kernels
dpsi(:,ibnd) = dpsi(:,ibnd) + dclambda*h(:,ibnd_)
!$acc end kernels
! update to get the gradient
!$acc kernels
g(:,ibnd_) = g(:,ibnd_) + dclambda*t(:,lbnd)
!$acc end kernels
! save current (now old) h and rho for later use
!$acc kernels
hold(:,ibnd_) = h(:,ibnd_)
!$acc end kernels
rhoold (ibnd_) = rho (ibnd_)
!CALL stop_clock('loop4')
100 continue
!$acc exit data delete(rho,evq,a,c,g,h,h_diag,d0psi,hold,t,eu,e) copyout(dpsi)
! deallocate workspace not needed anymore
deallocate (eu) ; deallocate (rho, rhoold) ; deallocate (a,c) ; deallocate (g, t, h, hold)
! wait for all bgrp to complete their task
CALL mp_barrier( inter_bgrp_comm )
! check if all root converged across all bgrp
call mp_sum( conv, inter_bgrp_comm )
conv_root = .true.
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
conv_root = conv_root.and. (conv (ibnd) .eq.1)
deallocate (conv)
! collect the result
if (n_start > 1 ) dpsi(:, 1:n_start-1) = (0.d0,0.d0) ; if (n_end < nbnd) dpsi(:, n_end+1:nbnd) = (0.d0,0.d0)
call mp_sum( dpsi, inter_bgrp_comm )
call mp_sum( kter_eff, inter_bgrp_comm )
kter = kter_eff
! restore the value of use_bgrp_in_hpsi to its saved value
use_bgrp_in_hpsi = lsave_use_bgrp_in_hpsi
call stop_clock ('cgsolve')
end subroutine cgsolve_all