
180 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE cft_wave (ik, evc_g, evc_r, isw)
! Inverse Fourier (isw=+1) or Fourier (isw=-1) transform of a wavefunction
! Typical usage: compute product Vpsi = (Vq*psi)(k+q+G)
! where Vq = perturbation of wave-vector q . Example:
! cft_wave (ik, psi, aux,+1) psi in G space, psi(i) =\psi(k+G_i)
! compute aux(r)= Vq(r)*aux(r) Vq in R-space, Vq(i) =V(r_i)
! cft_wave (ik, vpsi, aux,-1) Vpsi in G-space,Vpsi(i)=Vpsi(k+q+G_i)
! Input/Output variables:
! ik: index of k-point under consideration
! evc_g(npwx*npol): wavefunction in G space, ordering: see below
! evc_r(dffts%nnr,npol): wavefunction in R space, ordering: same as
! real-space points on the "smooth" FFT grid
! isw =+1 input: evc_g (ordered as \psi(k+G), using k+G indices)
! output: evc_r = Fourier(evc_g), evc_g = unchanged
! isw =-1 input: evc_r (overwritten on output)
! output: evc_g = evc_g + InvFourier(evc_r)
! ordered as \psi(k+q+G), using k+q+G indices
! ikks(ik) and ikqs(ik) must point in array igk_k(:,i) to the list of k+G
! vectors (i=ikks(ik)) and to k+q+G indices (i=ikqs(ik)), respectively
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx
USE qpoint, ONLY : ikks, ikqs
USE klist, ONLY : ngk, igk_k
USE fft_base, ONLY : dffts
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
USE fft_wave, ONLY : fwfft_wave, invfft_wave
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ik, isw
COMPLEX(DP) :: evc_g (npwx*npol), evc_r (dffts%nnr,npol)
! intent depends upon the value of isw
INTEGER :: ig, ikk, ikq, npw, npwq
CALL start_clock ('cft_wave')
!$acc data present(igk_k)
IF (isw == 1) THEN
ikk = ikks(ik) ! points to k+G indices
npw = ngk(ikk)
CALL invfft_wave (npwx, npw, igk_k (1,ikk), evc_g, evc_r )
ELSE IF (isw == -1) then
ikq = ikqs(ik) ! points to k+q+G indices
npwq= ngk(ikq)
CALL fwfft_wave (npwx, npwq, igk_k (1,ikq), evc_g, evc_r )
CALL errore ('cft_wave',' Wrong value for isw',1)
!$acc end data
CALL stop_clock ('cft_wave')
SUBROUTINE cft_wave_tg (ik, evc_g, evc_r, isw, v_size, ibnd, nbnd_occ)
! Inverse Fourier (isw=+1) or Fourier (isw=-1) transform of a wavefunction
! using task group parallelization
! ik: index of k-point under consideration
! evc_g(npwx*npol,nbnd_occ): wavefunction in G space, ordering: see below
! evc_r(v_size,npol): wavefunction in R space, ordering: same as
! real-space points on the "smooth" FFT grid
! isw =+1 input: evc_g (ordered as \psi(k+G), using k+G indices)
! output: evc_r = Fourier(evc_g), evc_g = unchanged
! isw =-1 input: evc_r (overwritten on output)
! output: evc_g = evc_g + InvFourier(evc_r)
! ordered as \psi(k+q+G), using k+q+G indices
! v_size: dimension of FFT arrays in real space using task groups
! ibnd : index of first band in the current task group
! nbnd_occ: number of occupied states
! Further required variables from modules (must be properly initialized,
! unchanged on output):
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx
USE fft_base, ONLY : dffts
USE qpoint, ONLY : ikks, ikqs
USE klist, ONLY : ngk, igk_k
USE mp_bands, ONLY : me_bgrp
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY: fwfft, invfft
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol
USE fft_helper_subroutines
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ik, v_size, isw, ibnd, nbnd_occ
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(inout) :: evc_g(npwx*npol,nbnd_occ), evc_r(v_size,npol)
INTEGER :: ig, ikk, ikq, ioff, idx, npw, npwq, ntgrp, right_inc
CALL start_clock ('cft_wave_tg')
ntgrp = fftx_ntgrp( dffts )
CALL tg_get_recip_inc( dffts, right_inc )
IF (isw == 1) then
ikk = ikks(ik) ! points to k+G indices
npw = ngk(ikk)
evc_r = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
ioff = 0
DO idx = 1, ntgrp
IF( idx + ibnd - 1 <= nbnd_occ ) THEN
DO ig = 1, npw
evc_r(dffts%nl (igk_k(ig,ikk))+ioff,1) = evc_g(ig,idx+ibnd-1)
IF (noncolin) THEN
DO ig = 1, npw
evc_r(dffts%nl (igk_k(ig,ikk))+ioff,2) = evc_g(npwx+ig,idx+ibnd-1)
ioff = ioff + right_inc
CALL invfft ('tgWave', evc_r(:,1), dffts)
IF (noncolin) CALL invfft ('tgWave', evc_r(:,2), dffts)
ELSE IF(isw == -1) THEN
ikq = ikqs(ik) ! points to k+q+G indices
npwq= ngk(ikq)
CALL fwfft ('tgWave', evc_r(:,1), dffts)
IF (noncolin) CALL fwfft ('tgWave', evc_r(:,2), dffts)
ioff = 0
DO idx = 1, ntgrp
IF( idx + ibnd - 1 <= nbnd_occ ) THEN
DO ig = 1, npwq
evc_g(ig, ibnd+idx-1) = evc_g(ig, ibnd+idx-1) + &
evc_r( dffts%nl(igk_k(ig,ikq)) + ioff, 1 )
IF (noncolin) THEN
DO ig = 1, npwq
evc_g (ig+npwx, ibnd+idx-1) = evc_g (ig+npwx, ibnd+idx-1) &
+ evc_r (dffts%nl(igk_k(ig,ikq))+ ioff,2)
ioff = ioff + right_inc
CALL errore ('cft_wave_tg',' Wrong value for isw',1)
CALL stop_clock ('cft_wave_tg')
END SUBROUTINE cft_wave_tg