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! Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! This module contains the variables and subroutines necessary to cutoff
! the quantities used in the PHonon code. Details of the implementation can be found in:
! Sohier, T., Calandra, M., & Mauri, F. (2017),
! "Density functional perturbation theory for gated two-dimensional heterostructures:
! Theoretical developments and application to flexural phonons in graphene."
! Physical Review B, 96(7), 75448. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.075448
MODULE Coul_cut_2D_ph
! ... this module contains the variables and subroutines needed for the
! ... 2D Coulomb cutoff
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : tpi, pi
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cutoff_2D_qg(:)
! cutoff factor at q+G
! cutoff version of the long-range pat of the local ionic potential
PUBLIC :: cutoff_fact_qg, cutoff_lr_Vlocq, cutoff_localq
PUBLIC :: deallocate_2d_arrays
subroutine cutoff_fact_qg ()
! ...This routine calculates the cutoff factor at q+G and stores it in
! a vector called cutoff_2D(:), to be re-used in various routines.
! see Eq. (24) of PRB 96, 075448
USE kinds
USE gvect, ONLY : g, ngm
USE cell_base, ONLY : alat, celldm, at
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
implicit none
integer :: ng, i
real(DP) :: qGzlz, qGplz, lz
IF (.not.ALLOCATED(cutoff_2D_qg)) ALLOCATE( cutoff_2D_qg (ngm) )
! Check that material is in the x-y plane
do i=1,2
IF (abs(at(3,i))>1d-8) WRITE(stdout, *) "2D CODE WILL NOT WORK, 2D MATERIAL NOT IN X-Y PLANE!!"
! redefine cutoff distance
do ng = 1, ngm
qGplz=SQRT( ( xq(1)+ g (1, ng) )**2 + &
( xq(2)+ g (2, ng) )**2 )*tpi*lz/alat
qGzlz= ( xq(3)+ g (3, ng))*tpi*lz/alat
! sufficient if xq3=0
cutoff_2D_qg(ng)= 1.0d0- exp(-qGplz)*cos(qGzlz)
! otherwise one needs to use. But I don see why would want
! out-of-plane q for 2D material.
!cutoff_2D_qg(ng)= 1.0d0+ exp(-qGplz)* &
! (qGzlz/qGplz*sin(qGzlz) -cos(qGzlz))
end subroutine cutoff_fact_qg
subroutine cutoff_lr_Vlocq ( )
! This routine calculates the long-range part of vloc(q+G) for 2D calculations.
! see Eq. (69) of PRB 96, 075448
USE kinds
USE constants, ONLY : fpi, e2, eps8
USE gvect, ONLY : g, ngm
!USE gvecs, ONLY : ngms
USE ions_base, ONLY : zv, nsp
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba2
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
implicit none
! local variable
integer :: ig, nt
REAL(DP)::fac, g2a
! counter over G vectors
IF (.not.ALLOCATED(lr_Vlocq)) ALLOCATE( lr_Vlocq (ngm,nsp) )
lr_Vlocq (:,:)=0.0d0
DO nt = 1, nsp
fac= upf(nt)%zp * e2 / tpiba2
DO ig = 1, ngm
g2a = (xq (1) + g (1, ig) ) **2 + (xq (2) + g (2, ig) ) **2 + &
(xq (3) + g (3, ig) ) **2
if (g2a<eps8) then
lr_Vlocq (ig, nt)=0.0d0
lr_Vlocq (ig, nt)= - fpi / omega* fac * cutoff_2D_qg(ig)* &
exp ( - g2a * tpiba2 * 0.25d0) / g2a
end subroutine cutoff_lr_Vlocq
subroutine cutoff_localq (dvlocin, fact, u1, u2, u3, gu0, nt, na)
! This subroutine is called to re-add the long-range part of the
! derivative of teh local part of the ionic potential, using lr_Vlocq
! computed in above routine.
! see Eq. (68) of PRB 96, 075448
USE kinds
USE fft_base, ONLY : dffts
USE gvect, ONLY : eigts1, eigts2, eigts3, mill, g
USE gvecs, ONLY : ngms
implicit none
complex(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: dvlocin (dffts%nnr)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: fact, u1, u2, u3, gu0
! input/output: derivative of vloc
! input : some local vatriables from the routines calling this one
! local variables
integer :: ig
complex(DP) :: gtau, gu
do ig = 1, ngms
gtau = eigts1 (mill(1,ig), na) * eigts2 (mill(2,ig), na) * &
eigts3 (mill(3,ig), na)
gu = gu0 + g (1, ig) * u1 + g (2, ig) * u2 + g (3, ig) * u3
dvlocin (dffts%nl (ig) ) = dvlocin (dffts%nl (ig) ) + lr_Vlocq (ig, nt) &
* gu * fact * gtau
end subroutine cutoff_localq
subroutine cutoff_dv_of_drho (dvaux, is, dvscf)
! This subroutine cuts off the Hartree potential generated by the
! induced change in electronic density
! see Eq. (70) of PRB 96, 075448
USE kinds
USE constants, ONLY : fpi, e2
USE cell_base, ONLY : tpiba2
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag
USE gvect, ONLY : g, ngm
USE qpoint, ONLY : xq
implicit none
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: dvaux( dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dvscf (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag)
! input / output : dv
! input : drho
! input : spin counter
!local variables
REAL(DP) :: qg2
do ig = 1, ngm
qg2 = (g(1,ig)+xq(1))**2 + (g(2,ig)+xq(2))**2 + (g(3,ig)+xq(3))**2
if (qg2 > 1.d-8) then
dvaux(dfftp%nl(ig),is) = dvaux(dfftp%nl(ig),is) + cutoff_2D_qg(ig)*&
e2 * fpi * dvscf(dfftp%nl(ig),1) / (tpiba2 * qg2)
end subroutine cutoff_dv_of_drho
subroutine cutoff_dynmat0 (dynwrk, rhog)
! This subroutine cuts off d^2Vloc/dudu * rho^0
! See Eq. (66) in PRB 96, 075448
USE kinds
USE constants, ONLY : tpi, eps8
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba2
USE fft_base, ONLY: dfftp
USE gvect, ONLY : g, ngm, gg
USE Coul_cut_2D, ONLY : lr_Vloc
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp, tau
implicit none
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: dynwrk (3 * nat, 3 * nat)
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rhog ( dfftp%nnr)
integer :: ng, na, icart, jcart, na_icart, na_jcart
REAL(DP) :: gtau, fac
DO na = 1, nat
DO icart = 1, 3
na_icart = 3 * (na - 1) + icart
DO jcart = 1, 3
na_jcart = 3 * (na - 1) + jcart
DO ng = 1, ngm
gtau = tpi * (g (1, ng) * tau (1, na) + &
g (2, ng) * tau (2, na) + &
g (3, ng) * tau (3, na) )
fac = omega * lr_Vloc ( ng , ityp (na) ) * tpiba2 * &
( DBLE (rhog (dfftp%nl (ng) ) ) * COS (gtau) - &
AIMAG (rhog (dfftp%nl (ng) ) ) * SIN (gtau) )
dynwrk (na_icart, na_jcart) = dynwrk (na_icart, na_jcart) - &
fac * g (icart, ng) * g (jcart, ng)
end subroutine cutoff_dynmat0
subroutine deallocate_2d_arrays ()
IF ( allocated(cutoff_2D_qg) ) DEALLOCATE(cutoff_2D_qg)
IF ( allocated(lr_Vlocq) ) DEALLOCATE(lr_Vlocq)
end subroutine deallocate_2d_arrays
END MODULE Coul_cut_2D_ph