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859 lines
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# Help-file automatically created by helpdoc utility
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help title -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>title</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> ' '
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
reprinted on output, CUB files and other places
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help prefix -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>prefix</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
prefix of files saved by program pw.x
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help outdir -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>outdir</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em>
value of the <tt>ESPRESSO_TMPDIR</tt> environment variable if set;
current directory ('./') otherwise
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
directory containing the input data, i.e. the same as in pw.x
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help filplot -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>filplot</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
file "filplot" contains the quantity selected by plot_num
(can be saved for further processing)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help plot_num -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>plot_num</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Selects what to save in filplot:
0 = electron (pseudo-)charge density
1 = total potential V_bare + V_H + V_xc
2 = local ionic potential V_bare
3 = local density of states at specific energy or grid of energies
(number of states per volume, in bohr^3, per energy unit, in Ry)
4 = local density of electronic entropy
5 = STM images
Tersoff and Hamann, "PRB 31, 805 (1985)"
6 = spin polarization (rho(up)-rho(down))
7 = contribution of selected wavefunction(s) to the
(pseudo-)charge density. For norm-conserving PPs,
|psi|^2 (psi=selected wavefunction). Noncollinear case:
contribution of the given state to the charge or
to the magnetization along the direction indicated
by spin_component (0 = charge, 1 = x, 2 = y, 3 = z )
8 = electron localization function (ELF)
9 = charge density minus superposition of atomic densities
10 = integrated local density of states (ILDOS)
from "emin" to "emax" (emin, emax in eV)
if "emax" is not specified, "emax"=E_fermi
11 = the V_bare + V_H potential
12 = the sawtooth electric field potential (if present)
13 = the noncollinear magnetization.
17 = all-electron valence charge density
can be performed for PAW calculations only
requires a very dense real-space grid!
18 = The exchange and correlation magnetic field in the noncollinear case
19 = Reduced density gradient
( J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7, 625 (2011), "doi:10.1021/ct100641a" )
Set the isosurface between 0.3 and 0.6 to plot the
non-covalent interactions (see also plot_num = 20)
20 = Product of the electron density (charge) and the second
eigenvalue of the electron-density Hessian matrix;
used to colorize the RDG plot (plot_num = 19)
21 = all-electron charge density (valence+core).
For PAW calculations only; requires a very dense real-space grid.
22 = kinetic energy density (for meta-GGA and XDM only)
123 = DORI: density overlap regions indicator
("doi: 10.1021/ct500490b") Implemented by D. Yang & Q.Liu
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help spin_component -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>spin_component</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
0 = total charge (default value),
1 = spin up charge,
2 = spin down charge.
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>spin_component</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
0 = spin averaged potential (default value),
1 = spin up potential,
2 = spin down potential.
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>spin_component(i), i=1,2</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Status: </em> OPTIONAL
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
<b>Noncollinear case only:</b>
plot the contribution of the given state(s) to the charge
or to the magnetization along the direction(s) indicated
by spin_component:
0 = charge (default),
1 = x,
2 = y,
3 = z.
Ignored in unpolarized or LSDA case
To plot a single component ispin, specify spin_component=ispin or spin_component(1)=ispin
To plot a range of components [imin, imax], specify spin_component(1)=imin and spin_component(2)=imax
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>spin_component</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
for LSDA case only: plot the contribution to ILDOS of
0 = spin-up + spin-down (default)
1 = spin-up only
2 = spin-down only
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>spin_component</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
0 = absolute value (default value)
1 = x component of the magnetization
2 = y component of the magnetization
3 = z component of the magnetization
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>spin_component</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
0 = total charge (default value),
1 = spin up charge,
2 = spin down charge.
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>spin_component</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
0 = total density (default value),
1 = spin up density,
2 = spin down density.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help emin -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>emin</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> e_fermi
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
lower boundary of energy grid (in eV).
Defaults to Fermi energy.
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>emin</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
lower energy boundary (in eV)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help emax -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>emax</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Status: </em> OPTIONAL
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
upper boundary of energy grid (in eV).
Defaults to Fermi energy.
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>emax</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
upper energy boundary (in eV),
i.e. compute ILDOS from "emin" to "emax"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help delta_e -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>delta_e</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 0.1
<br><li> <em>Status: </em> OPTIONAL
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
spacing of energy grid (in eV).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help degauss_ldos -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>degauss_ldos</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> degauss (converted to eV)
<br><li> <em>Status: </em> OPTIONAL
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
broadening of energy levels for LDOS (in eV).
Defaults to broadening degauss specified for electronic smearing
in pw.x calculation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help use_gauss_ldos -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>use_gauss_ldos</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> .false.
<br><li> <em>Status: </em> OPTIONAL
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
If .true., gaussian broadening (ngauss=0) is used for LDOS calculation.
Defaults .false., in which case the broadening scheme
of the pw.x calculation will be used.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help sample_bias -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>sample_bias</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
the bias of the sample (Ry) in stm images
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help kpoint -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>kpoint(i), i=1,2</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Unpolarized and noncollinear case:
k-point(s) to be plotted
k-point(s) and spin polarization to be plotted
(spin-up and spin-down correspond to different k-points!)
To plot a single kpoint ikpt, specify kpoint=ikpt or kpoint(1)=ikpt
To plot a range of kpoints [imin, imax], specify kpoint(1)=imin and kpoint(2)=imax
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help kband -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>kband(i), i=1,2</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Band(s) to be plotted.
To plot a single band ibnd, specify kband=ibnd or kband(1)=ibnd
To plot a range of bands [imin, imax], specify kband(1)=imin and kband(2)=imax
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help lsign -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>lsign</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>LOGICAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
if true and k point is Gamma, plot |psi|^2 sign(psi)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help nfile -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>nfile</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 1
<br><li> <em>Status: </em> OPTIONAL
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
the number of data files to read
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help filepp -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>filepp(i), i=1,nfile</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> filepp(1)=filplot
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
nfile = 1 : file containing the quantity to be plotted
nfile > 1 : see "weight"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help weight -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>weight(i), i=1,nfile</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> weight(1)=1.0
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
weighing factors: assuming that rho(i) is the quantity
read from filepp(i), the quantity that will be plotted is:
weight(1)*rho(1) + weight(2)*rho(2) + weight(3)*rho(3) + ...
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help iflag -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>iflag</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
0 = 1D plot of the spherical average
1 = 1D plot
2 = 2D plot
3 = 3D plot
4 = 2D polar plot on a sphere
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help output_format -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>output_format</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
(ignored on 1D plot)
0 = format suitable for gnuplot (1D)
1 = obsolete format no longer supported
2 = format suitable for plotrho (2D)
3 = format suitable for XCRYSDEN (2D or user-supplied 3D region)
4 = obsolete format no longer supported
5 = format suitable for XCRYSDEN (3D, using entire FFT grid)
6 = format as gaussian cube file (3D)
(can be read by many programs)
7 = format suitable for gnuplot (2D) x, y, f(x,y)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help fileout -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>fileout</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> standard output
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
name of the file to which the plot is written
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help interpolation -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>interpolation</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> 'fourier'
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Type of interpolation:
<dl style="margin-left: 1.5em;">
<dd><pre style="margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: -1em;">
<dl style="margin-left: 1.5em;">
<dt><tt><b>'bspline'</b> :</tt></dt>
<dd><pre style="margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: -1em;"> (EXPERIMENTAL)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help e1 -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>e1(i), i=1,3</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
3D vector which determines the plotting line (in alat units)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help x0 -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>x0(i), i=1,3</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
3D vector, origin of the line (in alat units)
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>x0(i), i=1,3</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
3D vector, origin of the plane (in alat units)
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>x0(i), i=1,3</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
3D vector, origin of the parallelepiped
"x0" is in alat units !
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help nx -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>nx</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
number of points in the line:
rho(i) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/(nx-1) ), i=1, nx
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
grouphelp {e1 e2} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>e1(i),
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
3D vectors which determine the plotting plane (in alat units)
BEWARE: <b>e1</b> and <b>e2</b> must be orthogonal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
grouphelp {nx ny} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>nx, ny</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Number of points in the plane:
rho(i,j) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/(nx-1)
+ e2 * (j-1)/(ny-1) ), i=1,nx ; j=1,ny
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>nx, ny</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Number of points in the polar plane:
phi(i) = 2 pi * (i - 1)/(nx-1), i=1, nx
theta(j) = pi * (j - 1)/(ny-1), j=1, ny
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
grouphelp {e1 e2 e3} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>e1(i),
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
3D vectors which determine the plotting parallelepiped
(if present, must be orthogonal)
"e1", "e2", and "e3" are in alat units !
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
grouphelp {nx ny nz} -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variables: </em><big><b>nx, ny, nz</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>INTEGER</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Number of points in the parallelepiped:
rho(i,j,k) = rho( x0 + e1 * (i-1)/nx
+ e2 * (j-1)/ny
+ e3 * (k-1)/nz ),
i = 1, nx ; j = 1, ny ; k = 1, nz
- If "output_format" = 3 (XCRYSDEN), the above variables
are used to determine the grid to plot.
- If "output_format" = 5 (XCRYSDEN), the above variables
are ignored, the entire FFT grid is written in the
XCRYSDEN format - works for any crystal axis (VERY FAST)
- If "e1", "e2", "e3", "x0" are present,
and "e1", "e2", "e3" are parallel to xyz
and parallel to crystal axis, a subset of the FFT
grid that approximately covers the parallelepiped
defined by "e1", "e2", "e3", "x0", is
written - untested, might be obsolete
- Otherwise, the required 3D grid is generated from the
Fourier components (may be VERY slow)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help radius -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>radius</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>REAL</li>
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
Radius of the sphere (alat units), centered at (0,0,0)