mirror of https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git
295 lines
8.8 KiB
295 lines
8.8 KiB
tracevar plot_num w {
switch -exact -- [vartextvalue plot_num] {
"charge density" -
"total potential (= V_bare + V_H + V_xc)" -
"charge density minus superposition of atomic densities" -
"all-electron valence charge density (for PAW)" -
"all-electron charge density (valence+core, for PAW)" {
widget spin_component enable
widget spin_component(2) disable
widgetconfigure spin_component(1) -textvalues {
"spin up + spin down"
"spin up only"
"spin down only"
switch -exact [varvalue spin_component(1)] {
0 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin up + spin down" }
1 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin up only" }
2 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin down only" }
groupwidget stm disable
groupwidget psi2 disable
groupwidget ildos disable
groupwidget ldos disable
"local density of states at specific energies (LDOS)" {
widget spin_component enable
widget spin_component(2) disable
widgetconfigure spin_component(1) -textvalues {
"spin up + spin down"
"spin up only"
"spin down only"
switch -exact [varvalue spin_component(1)] {
0 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin up + spin down" }
1 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin up only" }
2 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin down only" }
groupwidget stm disable
groupwidget psi2 disable
groupwidget ildos enable
groupwidget ldos enable
"STM images" {
widget spin_component disable
groupwidget stm enable
groupwidget psi2 disable
groupwidget ildos disable
groupwidget ldos disable
"|psi|^2" {
widget spin_component disable
groupwidget stm disable
groupwidget psi2 enable
groupwidget ildos disable
groupwidget ldos disable
"|psi|^2 (noncollinear case)" {
widget spin_component enable
widget spin_component(2) enable
foreach i {1 2} {
widgetconfigure spin_component($i) -textvalues {
"x component of the magnetization"
"y component of the magnetization"
"z component of the magnetization"
switch -exact [varvalue spin_component($i)] {
0 { varset spin_component($i) -textvalue "charge" }
1 { varset spin_component($i) -textvalue "x component of the magnetization" }
2 { varset spin_component($i) -textvalue "y component of the magnetization" }
3 { varset spin_component($i) -textvalue "z component of the magnetization" }
groupwidget stm disable
groupwidget psi2 enable
groupwidget ildos disable
groupwidget ldos disable
"integrated local density of states (ILDOS)" {
widget spin_component enable
widget spin_component(2) disable
widgetconfigure spin_component(1) -textvalues {
"spin up + spin down"
"spin up only"
"spin down only"
switch -exact [varvalue spin_component(1)] {
0 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin up + spin down" }
1 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin up only" }
2 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "spin down only" }
groupwidget stm disable
groupwidget psi2 disable
groupwidget ildos enable
groupwidget ldos disable
"noncolinear magnetization" {
widget spin_component enable
widget spin_component(2) disable
widgetconfigure spin_component(1) -textvalues {
"absolute value"
"x component of the magnetization"
"y component of the magnetization"
"z component of the magnetization"
switch -exact [varvalue spin_component(1)] {
0 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "absolute value" }
1 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "x component of the magnetization" }
2 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "y component of the magnetization" }
2 { varset spin_component(1) -textvalue "z component of the magnetization" }
groupwidget stm disable
groupwidget psi2 disable
groupwidget ildos disable
groupwidget ldos disable
default {
widget spin_component disable
groupwidget stm disable
groupwidget ildos disable
groupwidget psi2 disable
groupwidget ldos disable
tracevar nfile w {
widgetconfigure filepp -end [varvalue nfile]
widgetconfigure weight -end [varvalue nfile]
tracevar iflag w {
switch -exact -- [vartextvalue iflag] {
"1D plot, spherical average" {
widget x0 enable
widget e1 enable
widget nx enable
widget e2 disable
widget e3 disable
widget ny disable
widget nz disable
widget radius disable
if { [string match "*2D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] || [string match "*3D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] } {
varset output_format -textvalue "format suitable for gnuplot (1D)"
"1D plot" {
widget x0 enable
widget e1 enable
widget nx enable
widget e2 disable
widget e3 disable
widget ny disable
widget nz disable
widget radius disable
if { [string match "*2D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] || [string match "*3D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] } {
varset output_format -textvalue "format suitable for gnuplot (1D)"
"2D plot" {
widget x0 enable
widget e1 enable
widget e2 enable
widget nx enable
widget ny enable
widget e3 disable
widget nz disable
widget radius disable
if { [string match "*3D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] || [string match "*1D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] } {
varset output_format -textvalue "XCRYSDEN's XSF format - slow (2D or 3D)"
"3D plot" {
set fmt [vartextvalue output_format]
if { ([string match "*1D*" $fmt] || [string match "*2D*" $fmt]) && ![string match "*XSF*" $fmt] } {
varset output_format -textvalue "XCRYSDEN's XSF format - fast (whole unit cell, 3D)"
switch -exact -- [vartextvalue output_format] {
"XCRYSDEN's XSF format - fast (whole unit cell, 3D)" -
"Gaussian cube-file format (3D)" {
widget e1 disable
widget e2 disable
widget e3 disable
widget x0 disable
widget nx disable
widget ny disable
widget nz disable
widget radius disable
default {
widget e1 enable
widget e2 enable
widget e3 enable
widget x0 enable
widget nx enable
widget ny enable
widget nz enable
widget radius disable
"2D polar plot" {
widget e1 enable
widget e2 enable
widget e3 disable
widget x0 enable
widget nx enable
widget ny enable
widget nz disable
widget radius enable
if { [string match "*1D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] || [string match "*3D*" [vartextvalue output_format]] } {
varset output_format -textvalue ""
tracevar output_format w {
# also take output_format into account
set iflag [varvalue iflag]
switch -exact -- [vartextvalue output_format] {
"XCRYSDEN's XSF format - fast (whole unit cell, 3D)" -
"Gaussian cube-file format (3D)" {
widget e1 disable
widget e2 disable
widget e3 disable
widget x0 disable
widget nx disable
widget ny disable
widget nz disable
widget radius disable
varset iflag -textvalue "3D plot"
"XCRYSDEN's XSF format - slow (2D or 3D)" {
widget e1 enable
widget e2 enable
widget x0 enable
widget nx enable
widget ny enable
widget radius disable
if { [string is integer $iflag] && $iflag > 2 } {
widget e3 enable
widget nz enable
if { $iflag != 2 && $iflag != 3 } {
varset iflag -textvalue "3D plot"
"format suitable for gnuplot (1D)" {
if { $iflag != 0 && $iflag != 1 } {
varset iflag -textvalue "1D plot"
"format suitable for plotrho (2D)" -
"format suitable for gnuplot (2D)" {
if { $iflag != 2 && $iflag != 4 } {
varset iflag -textvalue "2D plot"
default {
# induce a trace-action on iflag variable
varset iflag -textvalue [vartextvalue iflag]
tracevar spin_component(2) w {
varset plot_num -textvalue "|psi|^2 (noncollinear case)"
postprocess {
varset iflag -textvalue "3D plot"
varset output_format -textvalue "XCRYSDEN's XSF format - fast (whole unit cell, 3D)"
varset plot_num -textvalue ""