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371 lines
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* make a proc: optionmenuhelp -nohelp 1 --> proc optionmenu {} that will pass
-nohelp 1 to optionmenuhelp
* gui::_openInput: if the two same files are open add some postfix so
that the tabname will indicate the 2nd file is opened
* when deleting some tab from tabset the enumaration/naming of newly
created tabs are not handled correctly.
* the state of a given line cannot be changed (i.e. no enable,
disable, forget, create): only state of input's variable widgets can
be manipulated: would be cool to do that also for line, group,
namelist There is actually groupwidget (also keywordwidget) method,
but this should be generalized.
* there should be a way to specify the maximum length of label (if
longer, it's split into several lines).
* ::guib::keywordObj::setOptions : needs a better validation for widget and validate option values:
maybe they should be checked in the guib-keyword's procs
* ::guib::moduleObj::_isDisabledKey : this method should return 0 or 1
and not return -code continue --> don't use this, the caller code is
less explicit
x.) add a silent save method (no complain). Enhance the save
method. Currently, there is too much complains...
x.) there is a mass with _comafy $ident now. Some procs expects
dim(elem), while the other dim,elem. Check that.
x.) optionmenuhelp widget: menubbuton does not disable upon disable
x.) make also "widgetcget" GUIB keyword !!!
x.) keyword widgetconfigure bypass the keywordObj cmd() array, hence
it become out of date. FIX this synchronization.
DONE; check it
x.) make a public method that will assign all _guibVar elements to
cooresponding variables, i.e., set $varName $_guibVar($ident) !!!
x.) should we allow () chars in indentifier. In principle, this is possible,
by always _comafy the $ident!!!
x.) varvalue should return value, not textvalue, while vartextvalue
should return textvalue (create a vartextvalue routine and adapt the
code accordingly)
(Partly DONE; checking needed)
x.) make some mechanism which will enable/disable the GUIB-widget
decoration (i.e. Line:, Namelist:, ...), and also chenge the themes on
the fly (NOTE: there is already a -noframe option)
x.) CONSIDER: in moduleObj constructor all the variables and array
elements should be defined in order to avoid variable does not exists
errors !!!
x.) check all Varident strings (fastly DONE)
x.) when testing, test also the namelist "undefined variable"
test also help for different stacking
x.) getIdFromVarident: the names should be getIdFromVariable & getIdFromIdent.
x.) consider the -textvalue -value -default ... options for dimension & tables.
Usually, the dimensions are used for some numeric values, and above
options are not significant. We can simplify and common -textvalue
-value -default for all the dimension elements. Moreover, the
varObjList list stores only the root of dimension variable (i.e. if we
have dim(10), only the root "dim" is stored. Also the routines
valueToTextvalue and textvalueToValue only takes the root-name into
account !!!
The only expection to the common treatment of the above value is for
-default for dimension, which supposes every element can have
different default-value. Here is the code:
# INCOMING: SYNTAX of -default for the dimension:
# -default { elem1-default elem2-default elem3-default ... }
if { ! [info exists $textVar] } {
set default [lindex $itk_option(-default) $icount]
if { $default == "" } {
set default [lindex $itk_option(-default) end]
$_moduleObj dimset $var $idim $default
x.) implement the cardlist:
cardlist -name **** {
var { .... }; var { .... }
keyword xxxx; var { .... }
line -name "XXXX" {
line -name "XXXX" {
card BLA_BLA
0.) I should rename the nomenclature !!!
There are seven types of guib keywords:
1. objects -- these create the guib::base object
(page, line, namelist, optional, required, group)
2. items -- these are: var, dimension, table, keyword, help
4. events -- event driven keywords (tracevar, widget,
groupwidget, widgetconfigure, keywordconfigure)
5. getsets -- keywords associated with querying and setting input variables
(varvalue, varname, varset, dimvalue, dimname, dimset,
tablevalue, tablename, tableset)
6. specials -- special keywords (readfilter, writefilter,
postprocess, this, loaddata)
7. decorations -- these are void, and only create some guib widget
decorations (separator)
Thre are two levels of objects:
moduleObj --> this is the top object holding the everything
(i.e. module name -title title -script {...})
keywordObj --> this are keyword objects (constructed by keywords:
page, line, namelist, optional, required, group)
Hence, I should rename the classes as:
2.) construct the "separator" magewidget
DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
DONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.) the packwidgets should be stack-like, i.e., specifying packwidgets should
have effect on a current or a higher stacking levels !!! (DONE)
x.) Transformations:
traceVarList --> traceVaridentList
traceVarModeScriptList --> traceVaridentModeScriptList
varWidgetList --> varidentWidgetList
varObjList --> varidentObjList
getWidgetFromVar --> getWidgetFromVarident
_addVarWidget --> _addVaridentWidget
_addVarObj --> _addVaridentObj
_getObjFromVar --> _getObjFromVarident
getIdFromVar --> getIdFromVarname
getIdFromIdent --> getIdFromVarident
Status: DONE
x.) fix this in open.itcl:
body ::guib::moduleObj::_openReadNamelistVar {obj} {
set ind [string first = $readline]
if { $ind <= 0 } {
::tku::errorDialog "syntax error in the input file. Error in the namelist"
scan [lindex [split $readline =] 0] %s result
# do we have dimension/table var(1) or var(1,2) ???
set postfix [lindex [split $result ()] 1]
if { $postfix != "" } {
set postfix (${postfix})
::tclu::DEBUG _openReadNamelistVar: postfix=$postfix
# If namelist's variable are case-insensitive, then try to find a
# registered variable (i.e. from varObjList) that matches in
# "-nocase" fashion !!!
foreach {varobj} $varObjList {
#FIX.t.k.: map from varname --> varident !!!
x.) replace tablename with tableref, sma for dim*
x.) check for all *Var routines (_addVarWidget, _addVarObj). Check for
everything that contain "Var"
x.) check for all "getOptionValue $id variable" and replace with
"getOptionValue $id ident"
x.) in save.itcl:
for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
# TODO: a validation against the format-string
set varName ${dimName}($i)
x.) check for tableName and tableIdent !!! (same for dimName ...)
x.) update the getIdFromVar (shoudl refer to ident !!!)
x.) in open.itcl:
while { $readline != {} } {
set varName [_openReadNamelistVar $childObj]
set varValue [_openReadNamelistValue]
# check if varName is defined; if NOT
# ... TODO: put it under "undefined" variables
# (only if undefined variables are supported,
# otherwise report an error in the input)
-------------------> # TODO: map from varName to varIdent !!!
x.) check this code (TODO mark):
body ::guib::moduleObj::_getObjFromVar {varIdent} {
set i [lsearch -glob $varObjList [list $varIdent *]]
if { $i == -1 } {
# TODO: check this ... (I guess it is useless)
# maybe varIdent corresponds to dimension,
# i.e. var(x), but we need just "var"
set varIdent [lindex [split $varIdent "("] 0]
set i [lsearch -glob $varObjList [list $varIdent *]]
if { $i == -1 } {
return {}
} else {
return [lindex [lindex $varObjList $i] 1]
x.) now I changed the syntax to
var ident ?options?
Before fully updating the code, make clear when we want the value of
-variable and when ident!!! For example, ident is unique, the value of
-variable is not (in general). For querying the widgets and other info
of a given variable, the "ident" should be used, but when saving the
file, the value of "-variable" should be used instead.
Due to this, we have to adapt varname-varvalue-varset family of
options. First the "varname" should be renamed to "varref" or
"varpointer" or "var****"
varvalue var --> varvalue ident
varname var --> varref ident
varset var value --> varset ident value
Then we should add an additional routine that returns -variable
option-value of a given key on the basis of ident.
Possible syntax could be:
> keyinfo $ident option
> getFromIdent $ident pattern
> getFromIdent options $ident pattern
> getFromIdent option $ident option
> indentinfo $ident what (<-- THIS WAS SELECTED !!!)
NOTE: this getFromIndent is not a GUIB keyword since it will probably
be only used internally !!!
x.) correct this error:
body ::guib::moduleObj::_manageNameObj {key args} {
# make a unique name of nameObjList
# TODO: this is not OK, as later the searching by "gropuwidget"
# will be unsuccessful !!!
set _i 0
while { [lsearch $nameObjList $value] > -1 } {
set value "${value}~[incr _i]"
lappend nameObjList [list $value $childObj]
# END:
SOLUTION: solution is the following syntax: namelist ident -name name { ... }
CONSIDER: consider adapting such a syntax for items and objects, i.e., keyword ident -optionn value { ... }
1.) check the validation procedures (nonnegint, nonposint, and alike) (DONE)
3.) namelist variables should be case-insensitive, make a settings()
variable for specifying the case-insensitivity of the input. (DONE)
4.) there was en error reading line {} do to nesting object possibility.
The reading was fixed, but writing is still erroneous !!! (DONE)
seems also writing works)
x.) check what is going on with nameObjList
x.) in build.itcl: check for -variable and -ident options !!!
x.) table: open.save does not work !!!
x.) it is not clear for keyword:
keyword ident keyword (are we refering to keyword or to ident when enabling/disabling)!!!
x.) make a method/proc for changing the default values of options()
x.) handle the "!", i.e., comments in namelists