! ! Copyright (C) 2004 Axel Kohlmeyer ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! This file holds gaussian cube generation subroutines. ! Adapted by Axel Kohlmeyer from xsf.f90. ! updated by Axel Kohlmeyer on Sep 27, 2004. ! updated by PG on Sep. 15, 2005 to account for the case in which ! nr1x,nr2x,nr3x (the physical dimensions of array rho) differ from ! nr1, nr2, nr3 (the true dimensions) ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! this routine writes a gaussian 98 like formatted cubefile. ! atoms outside the supercell are wrapped back according to PBC. ! plain dumping of the data. no re-gridding or transformation to an ! orthorhombic box (needed for most .cube aware programs :-/). ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE write_cubefile ( alat, at, bg, nat, tau, atm, ityp, rho, & nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, ounit ) USE kinds, ONLY : DP IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nat, ityp(nat), ounit,nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x CHARACTER(len=3) :: atm(*) real(DP) :: alat, tau(3,nat), at(3,3), bg(3,3), rho(nr1x,nr2x,nr3x) ! -- INTEGER :: i, nt, i1, i2, i3, at_num INTEGER, EXTERNAL:: atomic_number real(DP) :: at_chrg, tpos(3), inpos(3) !C WRITE A FORMATTED 'DENSITY-STYLE' CUBEFILE VERY SIMILAR !C TO THOSE CREATED BY THE GAUSSIAN PROGRAM OR THE CUBEGEN UTILITY. !C THE FORMAT IS AS FOLLOWS (LAST CHECKED AGAINST GAUSSIAN 98): !C !C LINE FORMAT CONTENTS !C =============================================================== !C 1 A TITLE !C 2 A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY STORED IN CUBEFILE !C 3 I5,3F12.6 #ATOMS, X-,Y-,Z-COORDINATES OF ORIGIN !C 4-6 I5,3F12.6 #GRIDPOINTS, INCREMENT VECTOR !C #ATOMS LINES OF ATOM COORDINATES: !C ... I5,4F12.6 ATOM NUMBER, CHARGE, X-,Y-,Z-COORDINATE !C REST: 6E13.5 CUBE DATA !C !C ALL COORDINATES ARE GIVEN IN ATOMIC UNITS. WRITE(ounit,*) 'Cubfile created from PWScf calculation' WRITE(ounit,*) ' Total SCF Density' ! origin is forced to (0.0,0.0,0.0) WRITE(ounit,'(I5,3F12.6)') nat, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0 WRITE(ounit,'(I5,3F12.6)') nr1, (alat*at(i,1)/dble(nr1),i=1,3) WRITE(ounit,'(I5,3F12.6)') nr2, (alat*at(i,2)/dble(nr2),i=1,3) WRITE(ounit,'(I5,3F12.6)') nr3, (alat*at(i,3)/dble(nr3),i=1,3) DO i=1,nat nt = ityp(i) ! find atomic number for this atom. at_num = atomic_number(trim(atm(nt))) at_chrg= dble(at_num) ! at_chrg could be alternatively set to valence charge ! positions are in cartesian coordinates and a.u. ! ! wrap coordinates back into cell. tpos = matmul( transpose(bg), tau(:,i) ) tpos = tpos - nint(tpos - 0.5d0) inpos = alat * matmul( at, tpos ) WRITE(ounit,'(I5,5F12.6)') at_num, at_chrg, inpos ENDDO DO i1=1,nr1 DO i2=1,nr2 WRITE(ounit,'(6E13.5)') (rho(i1,i2,i3),i3=1,nr3) ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE write_cubefile