! ! Copyright (C) 2002 FPMD group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! MODULE parallel_types USE kinds IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE SAVE TYPE processors_grid INTEGER :: context ! Communication handle, grid identification INTEGER :: nproc ! number of processors in the grid INTEGER :: my_pe ! process index (0 ... nproc -1) INTEGER :: npx ! Grid dimensions : INTEGER :: npy ! (nprows, npcolumns, npplanes) INTEGER :: npz ! INTEGER :: mex ! Processor coordinates: INTEGER :: mey ! (mex, mey, mez) INTEGER :: mez ! 0 <= mex < npx-1 ! 0 <= mey < npy-1 ! 0 <= mez < npz-1 END TYPE ! ... Valid values for data distribution ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: BLOCK_CYCLIC_DIST = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: BLOCK_PARTITION_DIST = 2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FREE_PATTERN_DIST = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: REPLICATED_DATA_DIST = 4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: CYCLIC_DIST = 5 ! ---------------------------------------------- ! BEGIN manual ! ! Given the Array |a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11| ! and three processors P0, P1, P2 ! ! in the BLOCK_PARTITION_DIST scheme, the Array is partitioned ! as follow ! P0 P1 P2 ! |a1 a2 a3 a4| |a5 a6 a7 a8| |a9 a10 a11| ! ! in the BLOCK_CYCLIC_DIST scheme the Array is first partitioned ! into blocks (i.e. of size 2) |a1 a2|a3 a4|a5 a6|a7 a8|a9 a10|a11| ! Then the block are distributed cyclically among P0, P1 and P2 ! P0 P1 P2 ! |a1 a2|a7 a8| |a3 a4|a9 a10| |a5 a6|a11| ! ! in the CYCLIC_DIST scheme the Array elements are distributed round robin ! among P0, P1 and P2 ! P0 P1 P2 ! |a1 a4 a7 a10| |a2 a5 a8 a11| |a3 a6 a9| ! ! ---------------------------------------------- ! END manual TYPE descriptor INTEGER :: matrix_type ! = 1, for dense matrices TYPE (processors_grid) :: grid ! Communication handle INTEGER :: nx ! rows, number of rows in the global array INTEGER :: ny ! columns, number of columns in the global array INTEGER :: nz ! planes, number of planes in the global array INTEGER :: nxblk ! row_block, if DIST = BLOCK_CICLYC_DIST, ! this value represent the blocking factor ! used to distribute the rows of the array, ! otherwise this is the size of local block of rows INTEGER :: nyblk ! column_block, same as row_block but for columns INTEGER :: nzblk ! plane_block, same as row_block but for planes INTEGER :: nxl ! local_rows, number of rows in the local array INTEGER :: nyl ! local_columns, number of columns in the local array INTEGER :: nzl ! local_planes, number of planes in the local array INTEGER :: ixl ! irow INTEGER :: iyl ! icolumn INTEGER :: izl ! iplane INTEGER :: ipexs ! row_src_pe, process row over which the first row ! of the array is distributed INTEGER :: ipeys ! column_src_pe, process column over which the first column ! of the array is distributed INTEGER :: ipezs ! plane_src_pe, process plane over which the first plane ! of the array is distributed INTEGER :: ldx ! local_ld, leading dimension of the local sub-block of the array INTEGER :: ldy ! local_sub_ld, sub-leading dimension of the local sub-block ! of the array INTEGER :: ldz ! INTEGER :: xdist ! row_dist INTEGER :: ydist ! column_dist INTEGER :: zdist ! plane_dist END TYPE PUBLIC :: processors_grid PUBLIC :: BLOCK_CYCLIC_DIST, BLOCK_PARTITION_DIST, & FREE_PATTERN_DIST, REPLICATED_DATA_DIST, CYCLIC_DIST END MODULE parallel_types