! ! Copyright (C) 2002 FPMD group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= MODULE stick_base !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= USE kinds USE io_global, ONLY: ionode IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE SAVE PUBLIC :: sticks_maps, sticks_sort, sticks_countg, sticks_dist, sticks_pairup PUBLIC :: sticks_owner, sticks_deallocate, pstickset, sticks_maps_scalar ! ... sticks_owner : stick owner, sticks_owner( i, j ) is the index of the processor ! ... (starting from 1) owning the stick whose x and y coordinate are i and j. INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: sticks_owner( : , : ) INTERFACE sticks_dist MODULE PROCEDURE sticks_dist1 END INTERFACE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= CONTAINS !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE sticks_maps( tk, ub, lb, b1, b2, b3, gcut, gcutw, gcuts, st, stw, sts ) USE mp, ONLY: mp_sum USE mp_global, ONLY: me_pool, nproc_pool, intra_pool_comm, my_image_id LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: tk ! if true use the full space grid INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ub(:) ! upper bounds for i-th grid dimension INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lb(:) ! lower bounds for i-th grid dimension REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: b1(:), b2(:), b3(:) ! reciprocal space base vectors REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: gcut ! cut-off for potentials REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: gcutw ! cut-off for plane waves REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: gcuts ! cut-off for smooth mesh INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: st( lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for potential INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: stw(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for wave functions INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sts(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for smooth mesh INTEGER :: i, j, k, kip REAL(dbl) :: gsq stw = 0 st = 0 sts = 0 ! ... Here find the basic maps of sticks st, stw and sts for the potential ! ... cut-off gcut, wavefunction cut-off gcutw, and smooth mesh cut-off gcuts ! ... st(i,j) will contain the number of G vectors of the stick whose ! ... indices are (i,j). IF( .NOT. tk ) THEN kip = 0 + ABS(lb(3)) + 1 IF( MOD( kip, nproc_pool ) == me_pool ) THEN st (0,0) = st (0,0) + 1 stw(0,0) = stw(0,0) + 1 sts(0,0) = sts(0,0) + 1 END IF DO i= 0, 0 DO j= 0, 0 DO k= 1, ub(3) kip = k + ABS(lb(3)) + 1 IF( MOD( kip, nproc_pool ) == me_pool ) THEN gsq= (REAL(i)*b1(1)+REAL(j)*b2(1)+REAL(k)*b3(1) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(2)+REAL(j)*b2(2)+REAL(k)*b3(2) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(3)+REAL(j)*b2(3)+REAL(k)*b3(3) )**2 IF(gsq.LE.gcut ) THEN st(i,j) = st(i,j) + 1 IF(gsq.LE.gcutw) THEN stw(i,j) = stw(i,j) + 1 END IF IF(gsq.LE.gcuts) THEN sts(i,j) = sts(i,j) + 1 END IF END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO DO i = 0, 0 DO j = 1, ub(2) DO k = lb(3), ub(3) kip = k + ABS(lb(3)) + 1 IF( MOD( kip, nproc_pool) == me_pool ) THEN gsq= (REAL(i)*b1(1)+REAL(j)*b2(1)+REAL(k)*b3(1) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(2)+REAL(j)*b2(2)+REAL(k)*b3(2) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(3)+REAL(j)*b2(3)+REAL(k)*b3(3) )**2 IF(gsq.LE.gcut ) THEN st(i,j) = st(i,j) + 1 IF(gsq.LE.gcutw) THEN stw(i,j) = stw(i,j) + 1 END IF IF(gsq.LE.gcuts) THEN sts(i,j) = sts(i,j) + 1 END IF END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO DO i = 1, ub(1) DO j = lb(2), ub(2) DO k = lb(3), ub(3) kip = k + ABS(lb(3)) + 1 IF( MOD( kip, nproc_pool) == me_pool ) THEN gsq= (REAL(i)*b1(1)+REAL(j)*b2(1)+REAL(k)*b3(1) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(2)+REAL(j)*b2(2)+REAL(k)*b3(2) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(3)+REAL(j)*b2(3)+REAL(k)*b3(3) )**2 IF(gsq.LE.gcut ) THEN st(i,j) = st(i,j) + 1 IF(gsq.LE.gcutw) THEN stw(i,j) = stw(i,j) + 1 END IF IF(gsq.LE.gcuts) THEN sts(i,j) = sts(i,j) + 1 END IF END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO ELSE DO i= lb(1), ub(1) DO j= lb(2), ub(2) DO k= lb(3), ub(3) kip = k + ABS(lb(3)) + 1 IF( MOD( kip, nproc_pool ) == me_pool ) THEN gsq= (REAL(i)*b1(1)+REAL(j)*b2(1)+REAL(k)*b3(1) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(2)+REAL(j)*b2(2)+REAL(k)*b3(2) )**2 gsq=gsq+(REAL(i)*b1(3)+REAL(j)*b2(3)+REAL(k)*b3(3) )**2 IF(gsq.LE.gcut ) THEN st(i,j) = st(i,j) + 1 END IF IF(gsq.LE.gcutw) THEN stw(i,j) = stw(i,j) + 1 END IF IF(gsq.LE.gcuts) THEN sts(i,j) = sts(i,j) + 1 END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO END IF CALL mp_sum(st ,intra_pool_comm ) CALL mp_sum(stw ,intra_pool_comm ) CALL mp_sum(sts ,intra_pool_comm ) ! Test sticks ! WRITE( 6,*) 'testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest' ! WRITE( 6,*) 'lb = ', lb(1), lb(2) ! WRITE( 6,*) 'ub = ', ub(1), ub(2) ! WRITE( 6,*) 'counts = ', COUNT( st > 0 ), COUNT( stw > 0 ), COUNT( sts > 0 ) ! WRITE( 6,*) 'cut-offs = ', gcut, gcutw, gcuts ! WRITE( 6,*) 'b1 = ', b1(1:3) ! WRITE( 6,*) 'b2 = ', b2(1:3) ! WRITE( 6,*) 'b3 = ', b3(1:3) ! DO i = lb(1), ub(1) ! DO j = lb(2), ub(2) ! WRITE( 6,'(2I4,I6)') i,j,stw(i,j) ! END DO ! END DO ! WRITE( 6,*) 'testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest' ! Test sticks RETURN END SUBROUTINE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE sticks_maps_scalar( lgamma, ub, lb, b1, b2, b3, gcutm, gkcut, gcutms, stw, ngm, ngms ) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lgamma ! if true use gamma point simmetry INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ub(:) ! upper bounds for i-th grid dimension INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lb(:) ! lower bounds for i-th grid dimension REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: b1(:), b2(:), b3(:) ! reciprocal space base vectors REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: gcutm ! cut-off for potentials REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: gkcut ! cut-off for plane waves REAL(dbl) , INTENT(IN) :: gcutms ! cut-off for smooth mesh ! INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ngm, ngms ! ! stick map for wave functions, note that map is taken in YZ plane ! INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: stw( lb(2) : ub(2), lb(3) : ub(3) ) INTEGER :: i1, i2, i3, n1, n2, n3 REAL(dbl) :: amod ngm = 0 ngms = 0 n1 = MAX( ABS( lb(1) ), ABS( ub(1) ) ) n2 = MAX( ABS( lb(2) ), ABS( ub(2) ) ) n3 = MAX( ABS( lb(3) ), ABS( ub(3) ) ) loop1: do i1 = - n1, n1 ! ! Gamma-only: exclude space with x<0 ! if (lgamma .and. i1 < 0) cycle loop1 ! loop2: do i2 = - n2, n2 ! ! Gamma-only: exclude plane with x=0, y<0 ! if(lgamma .and. i1 == 0.and. i2 < 0) cycle loop2 ! loop3: do i3 = - n3, n3 ! ! Gamma-only: exclude line with x=0, y=0, z<0 ! if(lgamma .and. i1 == 0 .and. i2 == 0 .and. i3 < 0) cycle loop3 ! amod = (i1 * b1 (1) + i2 * b2 (1) + i3 * b3 (1) ) **2 + & (i1 * b1 (2) + i2 * b2 (2) + i3 * b3 (2) ) **2 + & (i1 * b1 (3) + i2 * b2 (3) + i3 * b3 (3) ) **2 if (amod <= gcutm) ngm = ngm + 1 if (amod <= gcutms) ngms = ngms + 1 if (amod <= gkcut ) then stw( i2, i3 ) = 1 if (lgamma) stw( -i2, -i3 ) = 1 end if enddo loop3 enddo loop2 enddo loop1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE sticks_sort( ngc, ngcw, ngcs, nct, index ) ! ... This subroutine sorts the sticks indexes, according to ! ... the lenght and type of the sticks, wave functions sticks ! ... first, then smooth mesh sticks, and finally potential ! ... sticks USE mp_global, ONLY: nproc_pool ! lenghts of sticks, ngc for potential mesh, ngcw for wave functions mesh ! and ngcs for smooth mesh INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngc(:), ngcw(:), ngcs(:) ! nct, total number of sticks INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nct ! index, on output, new sticks indexes INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: index(:) INTEGER :: mc, nr3x, ic REAL(dbl), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:) nr3x = MAXVAL( ngc(1:nct) ) + 1 IF( nproc_pool > 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( aux( nct ) ) DO mc = 1, nct aux(mc) = -(ngcw(mc)*nr3x**2 + ngcs(mc)*nr3x + ngc(mc)) index(mc) = 0 END DO CALL hpsort( nct, aux(1), index(1)) DEALLOCATE( aux ) ELSE ic = 0 do mc = 1, nct if( ngcw(mc) > 0 ) then ic = ic + 1 index(ic) = mc endif end do do mc = 1, nct if( ngcs(mc) > 0 .AND. ngcw(mc) == 0 ) then ic = ic + 1 index(ic) = mc endif end do do mc = 1, nct if( ngc(mc) > 0 .AND. ngcs(mc) == 0 .AND. ngcw(mc) == 0 ) then ic = ic + 1 index(ic) = mc endif end do END IF ! WRITE( stdout,*) '-----------------' ! WRITE( stdout,*) 'STICKS_SORT DEBUG' ! DO mc = 1, nct ! WRITE( stdout, fmt="(4I10)" ) index(mc), ngcw( index(mc) ), ngcs( index(mc) ), ngc( index(mc) ) ! END DO ! WRITE( stdout,*) '-----------------' RETURN END SUBROUTINE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE sticks_countg( tk, ub, lb, st, stw, sts, in1, in2, ngc, ngcw, ngcs ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ub(:), lb(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: st( lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for potential INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: stw(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for wave functions INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sts(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for smooth mesh LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: tk INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: in1(:), in2(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ngc(:), ngcw(:), ngcs(:) INTEGER :: j1, j2, i1, i2, nct, min_size ! ! ... initialize the sticks indexes array ist ! ... nct counts columns containing G-vectors for the dense grid ! ... ncts counts columns contaning G-vectors for the smooth grid ! nct = 0 ngc = 0 ngcs = 0 ngcw = 0 min_size = MIN( SIZE( in1 ), SIZE( in2 ), SIZE( ngc ), SIZE( ngcw ), SIZE( ngcs ) ) DO j2 = 0, ( ub(2) - lb(2) ) DO j1 = 0, ( ub(1) - lb(1) ) i1 = j1 if( i1 > ub(1) ) i1 = lb(1) + ( i1 - ub(1) ) - 1 i2 = j2 if( i2 > ub(2) ) i2 = lb(2) + ( i2 - ub(2) ) - 1 IF( st( i1, i2 ) > 0 ) THEN ! this sticks contains G-vectors nct = nct + 1 IF( nct > min_size ) & CALL errore(' sticks_countg ',' too many sticks ', nct ) in1(nct) = i1 in2(nct) = i2 ngc(nct) = st( i1 , i2) IF( stw( i1, i2 ) .GT. 0 ) ngcw(nct) = stw( i1 , i2) IF( sts( i1, i2 ) .GT. 0 ) ngcs(nct) = sts( i1 , i2) END IF ! WRITE(7,fmt="(5I5)") i1, i2, nct, ngc(nct), ngcw( nct ) END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE sticks_dist1( tk, ub, lb, index, in1, in2, ngc, ngcw, ngcs, nct, & ncp, ncpw, ncps, ngp, ngpw, ngps, stown, stownw, stowns ) USE mp_global, ONLY: nproc_pool LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: tk INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ub(:), lb(:), index(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: stown( lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for potential INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: stownw(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for wave functions INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: stowns(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for smooth mesh INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: in1(:), in2(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngc(:), ngcw(:), ngcs(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nct INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ncp(:), ncpw(:), ncps(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ngp(:), ngpw(:), ngps(:) INTEGER :: mc, i1, i2, i, j, jj ncp = 0 ncps = 0 ncpw = 0 ngp = 0 ngps = 0 ngpw = 0 stown = 0 stownw = 0 stowns = 0 DO mc = 1, nct i = index( mc ) ! ! index contains the desired ordering of sticks (see above) ! i1 = in1( i ) i2 = in2( i ) ! if ( ( .NOT. tk ) .AND. ( (i1 < 0) .or. ( (i1 == 0) .and. (i2 < 0) ) ) ) go to 30 ! jj = 1 if ( ngcw(i) > 0 ) then ! ! this is an active sticks: find which processor has currently ! the smallest number of plane waves ! do j = 1, nproc_pool if ( ngpw(j) < ngpw(jj) ) then jj = j else if ( ( ngpw(j) == ngpw(jj) ) .AND. ( ncpw(j) < ncpw(jj) ) ) then jj = j end if end do else ! ! this is an inactive sticks: find which processor has currently ! the smallest number of G-vectors ! do j = 1, nproc_pool if ( ngp(j) < ngp(jj) ) jj = j end do end if ! ! potential mesh ncp(jj) = ncp(jj) + 1 ngp(jj) = ngp(jj) + ngc(i) stown(i1,i2) = jj ! smooth mesh if ( ngcs(i) > 0 ) then ncps(jj) = ncps(jj) + 1 ngps(jj) = ngps(jj) + ngcs(i) stowns(i1,i2) = jj endif ! wave functions mesh if ( ngcw(i) > 0 ) then ncpw(jj) = ncpw(jj) + 1 ngpw(jj) = ngpw(jj) + ngcw(i) stownw(i1,i2) = jj endif 30 continue END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE sticks_pairup( tk, ub, lb, index, in1, in2, ngc, ngcw, ngcs, nct, & ncp, ncpw, ncps, ngp, ngpw, ngps, stown, stownw, stowns ) USE mp_global, ONLY: nproc_pool LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: tk INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ub(:), lb(:), index(:) INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: stown( lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for potential INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: stownw(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for wave functions INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: stowns(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for wave functions INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: in1(:), in2(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngc(:), ngcw(:), ngcs(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nct INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ncp(:), ncpw(:), ncps(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ngp(:), ngpw(:), ngps(:) INTEGER :: mc, i1, i2, i, j, jj, iss, is, ip IF ( .NOT. tk ) THEN ! when gamma symmetry is used only the sticks of half reciprocal space ! are generated, then here we pair-up the sticks with those of the other ! half of the space, using the gamma symmetry relation ! Note that the total numero of stick "nct" is not modified DO mc = 1, nct i = index(mc) i1 = in1(i) i2 = in2(i) IF( i1 == 0 .and. i2 == 0 ) THEN jj = stown( i1, i2 ) if( jj > 0 ) ngp( jj ) = ngp( jj ) + ngc( i ) - 1 jj = stowns( i1, i2 ) if( jj > 0 ) ngps( jj ) = ngps( jj ) + ngcs( i ) - 1 jj = stownw( i1, i2 ) if( jj > 0 ) ngpw( jj ) = ngpw( jj ) + ngcw( i ) - 1 ELSE jj = stown( i1, i2 ) if( jj > 0 ) then stown( -i1, -i2 ) = jj ncp( jj ) = ncp( jj ) + 1 ngp( jj ) = ngp( jj ) + ngc( i ) end if jj = stowns( i1, i2 ) if( jj > 0 ) then stowns( -i1, -i2 ) = jj ncps( jj ) = ncps( jj ) + 1 ngps( jj ) = ngps( jj ) + ngcs( i ) end if jj = stownw( i1, i2 ) if( jj > 0 ) then stownw( -i1, -i2 ) = jj ncpw( jj ) = ncpw( jj ) + 1 ngpw( jj ) = ngpw( jj ) + ngcw( i ) end if END IF END DO END IF IF( ALLOCATED( sticks_owner ) ) DEALLOCATE( sticks_owner ) ALLOCATE( sticks_owner( lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) sticks_owner( :, : ) = ABS( stown( :, :) ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE pstickset( dfftp, dffts, alat, a1, a2, a3, gcut, gkcut, gcuts, & nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nr1sx, nr2sx, nr3sx, & ngw, ngm, ngs ) USE kinds, ONLY: dbl USE mp_global, ONLY: mpime, nproc, group USE mp, ONLY: mp_max USE control_flags, ONLY: gamma_only USE io_global, ONLY: ionode USE io_global, ONLY: stdout USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_dlay_descriptor, fft_dlay_allocate, fft_dlay_set, & fft_dlay_scalar TYPE(fft_dlay_descriptor), INTENT(INOUT) :: dfftp, dffts REAL(dbl), INTENT(IN) :: a1(3), a2(3), a3(3), alat REAL(dbl), INTENT(IN) :: gcut, gkcut, gcuts INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nr1sx, nr2sx, nr3sx INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ngw, ngm, ngs LOGICAL :: tk ! ... tk logical flag, TRUE if the symulation does not have the ! ... GAMMA symmetry REAL(dbl) :: b1(3), b2(3), b3(3) ! ... b1, b2, b3 reciprocal space base vectors. INTEGER :: ub(3), lb(3) ! ... ub(i), lb(i) upper and lower miller indexes ! ! ... Plane Waves ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: stw(:,:) ! ... stick map (wave functions), stw(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstpw(:) ! ... number of sticks (wave functions), nstpw(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstpw(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (wave functions), sstpw(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks lenght for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nstw, nstpwx ! ... nstw local number of sticks (wave functions) ! ... nstpwx maximum among all processors of nstw ! ! ... Potentials ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: st(:,:) ! ... stick map (potentials), st(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstp(:) ! ... number of sticks (potentials), nstp(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstp(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (potentials), sstp(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks lenght for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nst, nstpx ! ... nst local number of sticks (potentials) ! ... nstpx maximum among all processors of nst ! ! ... Smooth Mesh ! INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sts(:,:) ! ... stick map (smooth mesh), sts(i,j) = number of G-vector in the ! ... stick whose x and y miller index are i and j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nstps(:) ! ... number of sticks (smooth mesh), nstp(ip) = number of stick ! ... for processor ip INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sstps(:) ! ... number of G-vectors (smooth mesh), sstps(ip) = sum of the ! ... sticks lenght for processor ip = number of G-vectors ! ... owned by the processor ip INTEGER :: nsts, nstpsx ! ... nsts local number of sticks (smooth mesh) ! ... nstpsx maximum among all processors of nst INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ist(:,:) ! sticks indexes ordered INTEGER :: i, j, k INTEGER :: ip, is, itmp, iss, i1, i2, ngm_ , ngs_ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ist_tmp(:), index(:) tk = .NOT. gamma_only ub(1) = ( nr1 - 1 ) / 2 ub(2) = ( nr2 - 1 ) / 2 ub(3) = ( nr3 - 1 ) / 2 lb = - ub ! ... reciprocal lattice generators CALL recips( a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 ) b1 = b1 * alat b2 = b2 * alat b3 = b3 * alat ! ... Allocate maps ALLOCATE( stw ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) ALLOCATE( st ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) ALLOCATE( sts ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ) st = 0 stw = 0 sts = 0 ! ... Fill in the stick maps, for given g-space base (b1,b2,b3) and cut-off CALL sticks_maps( tk, ub, lb, b1, b2, b3, gcut, gkcut, gcuts, st, stw, sts ) ! ... Now count the number of stick nst and nstw nst = COUNT( st > 0 ) nstw = COUNT( stw > 0 ) nsts = COUNT( sts > 0 ) IF (ionode) THEN WRITE( stdout,*) WRITE( stdout,10) 10 FORMAT(3X,'Stick Mesh',/, & 3X,'----------') WRITE( stdout,15) nst, nstw, nsts 15 FORMAT( 3X, 'nst =', I6, ', nstw =', I6, ', nsts =', I6 ) END IF ALLOCATE(ist(nst,5)) ALLOCATE(nstp(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstp(nproc)) ALLOCATE(nstpw(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstpw(nproc)) ALLOCATE(nstps(nproc)) ALLOCATE(sstps(nproc)) ! ... initialize the sticks indexes array ist CALL sticks_countg( tk, ub, lb, st, stw, sts, & ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5) ) ! ... Sorts the sticks according to their lenght ALLOCATE( index( nst ) ) CALL sticks_sort( ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), nst, index ) ! ... Set as first stick the stick containing the G=0 ! ! DO iss = 1, nst ! IF( ist( index( iss ), 1 ) == 0 .AND. ist( index( iss ), 2 ) == 0 ) EXIT ! END DO ! itmp = index( 1 ) ! index( 1 ) = index( iss ) ! index( iss ) = itmp CALL sticks_dist( tk, ub, lb, index, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), & nst, nstp, nstpw, nstps, sstp, sstpw, sstps, st, stw, sts ) ngw = sstpw( mpime + 1 ) ngm = sstp( mpime + 1 ) ngs = sstps( mpime + 1 ) CALL sticks_pairup( tk, ub, lb, index, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), ist(:,4), ist(:,3), ist(:,5), & nst, nstp, nstpw, nstps, sstp, sstpw, sstps, st, stw, sts ) ! ... Allocate and Set fft data layout descriptors #if defined __PARA CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dfftp, nproc, nr1x, nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, nproc, nr1sx, nr2sx ) CALL fft_dlay_set( dfftp, tk, nst, nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, (mpime+1), & nproc, ub, lb, index, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), nstp, nstpw, sstp, sstpw, st, stw ) CALL fft_dlay_set( dffts, tk, nsts, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nr1sx, nr2sx, nr3sx, (mpime+1), & nproc, ub, lb, index, ist(:,1), ist(:,2), nstps, nstpw, sstps, sstpw, sts, stw ) #else DEALLOCATE( stw ) ALLOCATE( stw( lb(2) : ub(2), lb(3) : ub(3) ) ) CALL sticks_maps_scalar( (.not.tk), ub, lb, b1, b2, b3, gcut, gkcut, gcuts, stw, ngm_ , ngs_ ) IF( ngm_ /= ngm ) CALL errore( ' pstickset ', ' inconsistent ngm ', ABS( ngm - ngm_ ) ) IF( ngs_ /= ngs ) CALL errore( ' pstickset ', ' inconsistent ngs ', ABS( ngs - ngs_ ) ) CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dfftp, nproc, MAX(nr1x, nr3x), nr2x ) CALL fft_dlay_allocate( dffts, nproc, MAX(nr1sx, nr3sx), nr2sx ) CALL fft_dlay_scalar( dfftp, ub, lb, nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, stw ) CALL fft_dlay_scalar( dffts, ub, lb, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, nr1sx, nr2sx, nr3sx, stw ) #endif ! ... Maximum number of sticks (potentials) nstpx = MAXVAL( nstp ) ! ... Maximum number of sticks (wave func.) nstpwx = MAXVAL( nstpw ) IF (ionode) WRITE( stdout,119) 119 FORMAT(3X,' PEs n.st n.stw n.sts n.g n.gw n.gs') DO ip = 1, nproc IF (ionode) THEN WRITE( stdout,120) ip, nstp(ip), nstpw(ip), nstps(ip), sstp(ip), sstpw(ip), sstps(ip) END IF END DO IF (ionode) THEN WRITE( stdout,120) 0, SUM(nstp), SUM(nstpw), SUM(nstps), SUM(sstp), SUM(sstpw), SUM(sstps) END IF 120 FORMAT(3X,7I8) DEALLOCATE( ist ) DEALLOCATE( index ) DEALLOCATE( st, stw, sts ) DEALLOCATE( sstp ) DEALLOCATE( nstp ) DEALLOCATE( sstpw ) DEALLOCATE( nstpw ) DEALLOCATE( sstps ) DEALLOCATE( nstps ) IF(ionode) WRITE( stdout,*) RETURN END SUBROUTINE pstickset !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= SUBROUTINE sticks_deallocate IF( ALLOCATED( sticks_owner ) ) DEALLOCATE( sticks_owner ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE !=----------------------------------------------------------------------= END MODULE stick_base !=----------------------------------------------------------------------=