! ! Copyright (C) 2005 Eyvaz Isaev ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! ! Program is designed to map the Fermi Surface using XCrySDen ! See www.xcrysden.org ! ! Eyvaz Isaev, 2004-2008 ! eyvaz_isaev@yahoo.com, isaev@ifm.liu.se, Eyvaz.Isaev@fysik.uu.se ! ! Theoretical Physics Department, ! Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys ! ! Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), Linkoping University, Sweden, ! ! Condensed Matter Theory Group, Uppsala University, Sweden ! ! Description: ! The program reads output files for band structure calculations produced by PWscf. ! Input_FS file contains reciprocal basis vectors, the Fermi level, grids numbers, and ! System name extracted from self-consistent output file (See Input_FS). ! The output file(s) Bands_FS.bxsf (non spin-polarized) or Bands_FS_up.bxsf and Bands_FS_down.bxsf ! (spin-polarized) is (are) written so that it can be used directly ! in conjunction with XCrySDen to visualize the Fermi Surface. ! ! Spin-polarized calculations are allowed ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM bands_FS !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) parameter (max_kpoints=100000, max_bands=500) real, allocatable :: e_up(:,:),e_down(:,:) real :: x(3),y(3),z(3) real, allocatable :: valence(:) integer :: n_kpoints, nbands character*100 line character*24 nkpt character*33 n_bands character*38 Band_structure character*13 kpoint character*80 sysname character*22 Magnetic character*9 blank logical lsda ! nkpt=' number of k points=' n_bands='nbnd' Band_structure=' End of band structure calculation' kpoint=' k =' blank=' ' ! Magnetic=' Starting magnetic' lsda=.false. ! ! Read input information ! open(12,file='input_FS') read(12,*) n_start, n_last read(12,*) E_fermi read(12,*) sysname read(12,*) na,nb, nc read(12,*) x(1),x(2),x(3) read(12,*) y(1),y(2),y(3) read(12,*) z(1),z(2),z(3) print*,'E_Fermi=', E_Fermi x0=0. y0=0. z0=0. close(12) do while( .true. ) read(5,'(a)',end=110) line if(line(1:22).eq.Magnetic) then lsda=.true. print*, line(1:22) goto 110 endif enddo 110 continue print*, 'LSDA====', lsda rewind(5) do while( .true. ) read(5,'(a)') line print*, line if(line(1:24).eq.nkpt) then backspace(5) read(line,'(24x,i5)') n_kpoints goto 101 endif enddo 101 if(n_kpoints.gt.max_kpoints) then stop 'Toooooooo many k-points' endif ! End of band structure calculation do while( .true. ) read(5,'(a)',end=102) line if(line(1:38).eq.Band_Structure) then ! print*,line goto 102 endif enddo 102 continue print*, ' lsda==', lsda ! Find bands number, nbands ! read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*) if(lsda.eqv..true.) then read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*) endif nlines=0 3 read(5,'(a)',end=4) line print*,'black_line==',line(1:11) if(line(1:11).ne.blank) then nlines=nlines+1 goto 3 else goto 4 endif 4 continue print*,'nlines==', nlines do k=1,nlines+1 backspace(5) enddo nbands=0 do k=1,nlines read(5,'(a)') line do j=1,8 ! ! 9 is due to output format for e(n,k): 2X, 8f9.4 ! if(line((3+9*(j-1)):(3+9*j)).ne.blank) then nbands=nbands+1 endif enddo enddo print*, 'nbands==', nbands if(lsda.eqv..true.) then ! begin for lsda calculations n_kpoints=n_kpoints/2 print*, 'kpoints=', n_kpoints allocate (e_up(n_kpoints,nbands)) allocate (e_down(n_kpoints,nbands)) ! back nlines+1 positions (number of eigenvalues lines plus one blank line) ! do k=1,nlines+1 backspace(5) enddo ! ! back 3 positions for k-points ! backspace(5) backspace(5) backspace(5) ! Now ready to start ! read(5,*) ! ! Reading spin-up energies ! do k1=1,n_kpoints read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*,end=99) (e_up(k1,j),j=1,nbands) enddo 99 continue read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*) ! Reading Spin-down bands do k1=1,n_kpoints read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*,end=96) (e_down(k1,j),j=1,nbands) enddo 96 continue open(11,file='Bands_FS_up.bxsf',form='formatted') ! Write header file here write(11, '(" BEGIN_INFO")') write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" # this is a Band-XCRYSDEN-Structure-File")') write(11, '(" # aimed at Visualization of Fermi Surface")') write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" # Case: ",A)') Sysname write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" Fermi Energy: ", f12.4)') E_Fermi write(11, '(" END_INFO")') write(11, '(" BEGIN_BLOCK_BANDGRID_3D")') write(11, '(" band_energies")') write(11, '(" BANDGRID_3D_BANDS")') write(11, '(I5)') n_last-n_start+1 write(11, '(3I5)') na+1, nb+1, nc+1 write(11, '(3f10.6)') x0, y0, z0 write(11, '(3f10.6)') x(1), x(2), x(3) write(11, '(3f10.6)') y(1), y(2), y(3) write(11, '(3f10.6)') z(1), z(2), z(3) do i=n_start, n_last write(11, '("BAND:", i4)') i write(11, '(6f10.4)') (e_up(j,i),j=1,n_kpoints) enddo ! Write 2 last lines write(11, '(" END_BANDGRID_3D")') write(11, '(" END_BLOCK_BANDGRID_3D")') close(11) open(11,file='Bands_FS_down.bxsf',form='formatted') ! Write header file here write(11, '(" BEGIN_INFO")') write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" # this is a Band-XCRYSDEN-Structure-File")') write(11, '(" # aimed at Visualization of Fermi Surface")') write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" # Case: ",A)') Sysname write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" Fermi Energy: ", f12.4)') E_Fermi write(11, '(" END_INFO")') write(11, '(" BEGIN_BLOCK_BANDGRID_3D")') write(11, '(" band_energies")') write(11, '(" BANDGRID_3D_BANDS")') write(11, '(I5)') n_last-n_start+1 write(11, '(3I5)') na+1, nb+1, nc+1 write(11, '(3f10.6)') x0, y0, z0 write(11, '(3f10.6)') x(1), x(2), x(3) write(11, '(3f10.6)') y(1), y(2), y(3) write(11, '(3f10.6)') z(1), z(2), z(3) do i=n_start, n_last write(11, '("BAND:", i4)') i write(11, '(6f10.4)') (e_down(j,i),j=1,n_kpoints) enddo ! Write 2 last lines write(11, '(" END_BANDGRID_3D")') write(11, '(" END_BLOCK_BANDGRID_3D")') close(11) deallocate (e_up) deallocate (e_down) print*,'LSDA FINISHED!!!!' !!! end for LSDA calculations else ! end of lsda section ! allocate (e_up(n_kpoints,nbands)) backspace(5) print*, 'n_kpoints===', n_kpoints backspace(5) backspace(5) backspace(5) do k1=1,n_kpoints read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*) read(5,*,end=98) (e_up(k1,j),j=1,nbands) ! read(5,'(2x,8f9.4)',end=98) (e_up(k1,j),j=1,nbands) enddo 98 continue open(11,file='Bands_FS.bxsf',form='formatted') ! Write header file here write(11, '(" BEGIN_INFO")') write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" # this is a Band-XCRYSDEN-Structure-File")') write(11, '(" # aimed at Visualization of Fermi Surface")') write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" # Case: ",A)') Sysname write(11, '(" #")') write(11, '(" Fermi Energy: ", f12.4)') E_Fermi write(11, '(" END_INFO")') write(11, '(" BEGIN_BLOCK_BANDGRID_3D")') write(11, '(" band_energies")') write(11, '(" BANDGRID_3D_BANDS")') write(11, '(I5)') n_last-n_start+1 write(11, '(3I5)') na+1, nb+1, nc+1 write(11, '(3f10.6)') x0, y0, z0 write(11, '(3f10.6)') x(1), x(2), x(3) write(11, '(3f10.6)') y(1), y(2), y(3) write(11, '(3f10.6)') z(1), z(2), z(3) do i=n_start, n_last write(11, '("BAND:", i4)') i write(11, '(6f10.4)') (e_up(j,i),j=1,n_kpoints) enddo ! Write 2 last lines write(11, '(" END_BANDGRID_3D")') write(11, '(" END_BLOCK_BANDGRID_3D")') close(11) deallocate (e_up) endif stop end