! Copyright (C) 2001-2004 PWSCF group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! #include "f_defs.h" ! Module ifconstants ! ! All variables read from file that need dynamical allocation ! USE kinds, ONLY: DP REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: frc(:,:,:,:,:,:,:), tau_blk(:,:), zeu(:,:,:) ! frc : interatomic force constants in real space ! tau_blk : atomic positions for the original cell ! zeu : effective charges for the original cell INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ityp_blk(:) ! ityp_blk : atomic types for each atom of the original cell ! end Module ifconstants ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM matdyn !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! this program calculates the phonon frequencies for a list of generic ! q vectors starting from the interatomic force constants generated ! from the dynamical matrices as written by DFPT phonon code through ! the companion program q2r ! ! matdyn can generate a supercell of the original cell for mass ! approximation calculation. If supercell data are not specified ! in input, the unit cell, lattice vectors, atom types and positions ! are read from the force constant file ! ! Input cards: namelist &input ! flfrc file produced by q2r containing force constants (needed) ! asr (character) indicates the type of Acoustic Sum Rule imposed ! - 'no': no Acoustic Sum Rules imposed (default) ! - 'simple': previous implementation of the asr used ! (3 translational asr imposed by correction of ! the diagonal elements of the force constants matrix) ! - 'crystal': 3 translational asr imposed by optimized ! correction of the force constants (projection). ! - 'one-dim': 3 translational asr + 1 rotational asr ! imposed by optimized correction of the force constants ! (the rotation axis is the direction of periodicity; ! it will work only if this axis considered is one of ! the cartesian axis). ! - 'zero-dim': 3 translational asr + 3 rotational asr ! imposed by optimized correction of the force constants ! Note that in certain cases, not all the rotational asr ! can be applied (e.g. if there are only 2 atoms in a ! molecule or if all the atoms are aligned, etc.). ! In these cases the supplementary asr are cancelled ! during the orthonormalization procedure (see below). ! dos if .true. calculate phonon Density of States (DOS) ! using tetrahedra and a uniform q-point grid (see below) ! NB: may not work properly in noncubic materials ! if .false. calculate phonon bands from the list of q-points ! supplied in input ! nk1,nk2,nk3 uniform q-point grid for DOS calculation (includes q=0) ! deltaE energy step, in cm^(-1), for DOS calculation: from min ! to max phonon energy (default: 1 cm^(-1) if ndos is ! not specified) ! ndos number of energy steps for DOS calculations ! (no default: calculated from deltaE if not specified) ! fldos output file for dos (default: 'matdyn.dos') ! the dos is in states/cm(-1) plotted vs omega in cm(-1) ! and is normalised to 3*nat, i.e. the number of phonons ! flfrq output file for frequencies (default: 'matdyn.freq') ! flvec output file for normal modes (default: 'matdyn.modes') ! at supercell lattice vectors - must form a superlattice of the ! original lattice ! l1,l2,l3 supercell lattice vectors are original cell vectors ! multiplied by l1, l2, l3 respectively ! ntyp number of atom types in the supercell ! amass masses of atoms in the supercell ! readtau read atomic positions of the supercell from input ! (used to specify different masses) ! fltau write atomic positions of the supercell to file "fltau" ! (default: fltau=' ', do not write) ! ! if (readtau) atom types and positions in the supercell follow: ! (tau(i,na),i=1,3), ityp(na) ! Then, if (.not.dos) : ! nq number of q-points ! (q(i,n), i=1,3) nq q-points in 2pi/a units ! If q = 0, the direction qhat (q=>0) for the non-analytic part ! is extracted from the sequence of q-points as follows: ! qhat = q(n) - q(n-1) or qhat = q(n) - q(n+1) ! depending on which one is available and nonzero. ! For low-symmetry crystals, specify twice q = 0 in the list ! if you want to have q = 0 results for two different directions ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE mp, ONLY : mp_start, mp_env, mp_end, mp_barrier USE mp_global, ONLY : nproc, mpime, mp_global_start USE ifconstants ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: gid ! ! variables *_blk refer to the original cell, other variables ! to the (super)cell (which may coincide with the original cell) ! INTEGER:: nax, nax_blk INTEGER, PARAMETER:: ntypx=10, nrwsx=200 REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps=1.0d-6, rydcm1 = 13.6058d0*8065.5d0, & amconv = 1.66042d-24/9.1095d-28*0.5d0 INTEGER :: nr1, nr2, nr3, nsc, nk1, nk2, nk3, ntetra, ibrav CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: flfrc, flfrq, flvec, fltau, fldos CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: asr CHARACTER(LEN=9) :: symm_type LOGICAL :: dos, has_zstar COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dyn(:,:,:,:), dyn_blk(:,:,:,:) COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: z(:,:) REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE:: tau(:,:), q(:,:), w2(:,:), freq(:,:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE:: tetra(:,:), ityp(:), itau_blk(:) REAL(DP) :: at(3,3), bg(3,3), omega,alat, &! cell parameters and volume at_blk(3,3), bg_blk(3,3), &! original cell omega_blk, &! original cell volume epsil(3,3), &! dielectric tensor amass(ntypx), &! atomic masses amass_blk(ntypx), &! original atomic masses atws(3,3), &! lattice vector for WS initialization rws(0:3,nrwsx) ! nearest neighbor list, rws(0,*) = norm^2 ! INTEGER :: nat, nat_blk, ntyp, ntyp_blk, & l1, l2, l3, &! supercell dimensions nrws ! number of nearest neighbor ! LOGICAL :: readtau, la2F ! REAL(DP) :: qhat(3), qh, DeltaE, Emin, Emax, E, DOSofE(1) INTEGER :: n, i, j, it, nq, nqx, na, nb, ndos, iout ! NAMELIST /input/ flfrc, amass, asr, flfrq, flvec, at, dos, & & fldos, nk1, nk2, nk3, l1, l2, l3, ntyp, readtau, fltau, & la2F, ndos ! ! CALL mp_start() ! CALL mp_env( nproc, mpime, gid ) ! IF ( mpime == 0 ) THEN ! ! ... all calculations are done by the first cpu ! ! set namelist default ! dos = .FALSE. deltaE = 1.0d0 ndos = 1 nk1 = 0 nk2 = 0 nk3 = 0 asr ='no' readtau=.FALSE. flfrc=' ' fldos='matdyn.dos' flfrq='matdyn.freq' flvec='matdyn.modes' fltau=' ' amass(:) =0.d0 amass_blk(:) =0.d0 at(:,:) = 0.d0 ntyp = 0 l1=1 l2=1 l3=1 la2F=.false. dos=.false. ! CALL input_from_file ( ) ! READ (5,input) ! ! convert masses to atomic units ! amass(:) = amass(:) * amconv ! ! read force constants ! ntyp_blk = ntypx ! avoids fake out-of-bound error CALL readfc ( flfrc, nr1, nr2, nr3, epsil, nat_blk, & ibrav, symm_type, alat, at_blk, ntyp_blk, & amass_blk, omega_blk, has_zstar) ! CALL recips ( at_blk(1,1),at_blk(1,2),at_blk(1,3), & bg_blk(1,1),bg_blk(1,2),bg_blk(1,3) ) ! ! set up (super)cell ! if (ntyp < 0) then call errore ('matdyn','wrong ntyp ', abs(ntyp)) else if (ntyp == 0) then ntyp=ntyp_blk end if ! ! masses (for mass approximation) ! DO it=1,ntyp IF (amass(it) < 0.d0) THEN CALL errore ('matdyn','wrong mass in the namelist',it) ELSE IF (amass(it) == 0.d0) THEN IF (it.LE.ntyp_blk) THEN WRITE (*,'(a,i3,a,a)') ' mass for atomic type ',it, & & ' not given; uses mass from file ',flfrc amass(it) = amass_blk(it) ELSE CALL errore ('matdyn','missing mass in the namelist',it) END IF END IF END DO ! ! lattice vectors ! IF (SUM(ABS(at(:,:))) == 0.d0) THEN IF (l1.LE.0 .OR. l2.LE.0 .OR. l3.LE.0) CALL & & errore ('matdyn',' wrong l1,l2 or l3',1) at(:,1) = at_blk(:,1)*DBLE(l1) at(:,2) = at_blk(:,2)*DBLE(l2) at(:,3) = at_blk(:,3)*DBLE(l3) END IF ! CALL check_at(at,bg_blk,alat,omega) ! ! the supercell contains "nsc" times the original unit cell ! nsc = NINT(omega/omega_blk) IF (ABS(omega/omega_blk-nsc) > eps) & CALL errore ('matdyn', 'volume ratio not integer', 1) ! ! read/generate atomic positions of the (super)cell ! nat = nat_blk * nsc nax = nat !!! nax_blk = nat_blk !!! ALLOCATE ( tau (3, nat), ityp(nat), itau_blk(nat_blk) ) ! IF (readtau) THEN CALL read_tau & (nat, nat_blk, ntyp, bg_blk, tau, tau_blk, ityp, itau_blk) ELSE CALL set_tau & (nat, nat_blk, at, at_blk, tau, tau_blk, ityp, ityp_blk, itau_blk) ENDIF ! IF (fltau.NE.' ') CALL write_tau (fltau, nat, tau, ityp) ! ! reciprocal lattice vectors ! CALL recips (at(1,1),at(1,2),at(1,3),bg(1,1),bg(1,2),bg(1,3)) ! ! build the WS cell corresponding to the force constant grid ! atws(:,1) = at_blk(:,1)*DBLE(nr1) atws(:,2) = at_blk(:,2)*DBLE(nr2) atws(:,3) = at_blk(:,3)*DBLE(nr3) ! initialize WS r-vectors CALL wsinit(rws,nrwsx,nrws,atws) ! ! end of (super)cell setup ! IF (dos) THEN IF (nk1 < 1 .OR. nk2 < 1 .OR. nk3 < 1) & CALL errore ('matdyn','specify correct q-point grid!',1) ntetra = 6 * nk1 * nk2 * nk3 nqx = nk1*nk2*nk3 ALLOCATE ( tetra(4,ntetra), q(3,nqx) ) CALL gen_qpoints (ibrav, at, bg, nat, tau, ityp, nk1, nk2, nk3, & symm_type, ntetra, nqx, nq, q, tetra) ELSE ! ! read q-point list ! READ (5,*) nq ALLOCATE ( q(3,nq) ) DO n = 1,nq READ (5,*) (q(i,n),i=1,3) END DO END IF ! IF (asr /= 'no') THEN CALL set_asr (asr, nr1, nr2, nr3, frc, zeu, & nat_blk, ibrav, tau_blk) END IF ! IF (flvec.EQ.' ') THEN iout=6 ELSE iout=4 OPEN (unit=iout,file=flvec,status='unknown',form='formatted') END IF ALLOCATE ( dyn(3,3,nat,nat), dyn_blk(3,3,nat_blk,nat_blk) ) ALLOCATE ( z(3*nat,3*nat), w2(3*nat,nq) ) if(la2F) open(300,file='dyna2F',status='unknown') DO n=1, nq dyn(:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0) CALL setupmat (q(1,n), dyn, nat, at, bg, tau, itau_blk, nsc, alat, & dyn_blk, nat_blk, at_blk, bg_blk, tau_blk, omega_blk, & epsil, zeu, frc, nr1,nr2,nr3, has_zstar, rws, nrws) IF (q(1,n)==0.d0 .AND. q(2,n)==0.d0 .AND. q(3,n)==0.d0) THEN ! ! q = 0 : we need the direction q => 0 for the non-analytic part ! IF ( n == 1 ) THEN ! if q is the first point in the list IF ( nq > 1 ) THEN ! one more point qhat(:) = q(:,n) - q(:,n+1) ELSE ! no more points qhat(:) = 0.d0 END IF ELSE IF ( n > 1 ) THEN ! if q is not the first point in the list IF ( q(1,n-1)==0.d0 .AND. & q(2,n-1)==0.d0 .AND. & q(3,n-1)==0.d0 .AND. n < nq ) THEN ! if the preceding q is also 0 : qhat(:) = q(:,n) - q(:,n+1) ELSE ! if the preceding q is npt 0 : qhat(:) = q(:,n) - q(:,n-1) END IF END IF qh = SQRT(qhat(1)**2+qhat(2)**2+qhat(3)**2) ! write(*,*) ' qh, has_zstar ',qh, has_zstar IF (qh /= 0.d0) qhat(:) = qhat(:) / qh IF (qh /= 0.d0 .AND. .NOT. has_zstar) CALL infomsg & ('matdyn','Z* not found in file '//TRIM(flfrc)// & ', TO-LO splitting at q=0 will be absent!') ! CALL nonanal (nat, nat_blk, itau_blk, epsil, qhat, zeu, omega, dyn) ! END IF ! CALL dyndiag(nat,ntyp,amass,ityp,dyn,w2(1,n),z) ! if(la2F) then write(300,*) n do na=1,3*nat write(300,*) (z(na,nb),nb=1,3*nat) end do ! na endif ! CALL writemodes(nax,nat,q(1,n),w2(1,n),z,iout) ! END DO !nq if(la2F) close(300) ! IF(iout .NE. 6) CLOSE(unit=iout) ! ALLOCATE (freq(3*nat, nq)) DO n=1,nq ! freq(i,n) = frequencies in cm^(-1), with negative sign if omega^2 is negative DO i=1,3*nat freq(i,n)= SQRT(ABS(w2(i,n))) * rydcm1 IF (w2(i,n) < 0.0d0) freq(i,n) = -freq(i,n) END DO END DO ! IF(flfrq.NE.' ') THEN OPEN (unit=2,file=flfrq ,status='unknown',form='formatted') WRITE(2, '(" &plot nbnd=",i4,", nks=",i4," /")') 3*nat, nq DO n=1, nq WRITE(2, '(10x,3f10.6)') q(1,n), q(2,n), q(3,n) WRITE(2,'(6f10.4)') (freq(i,n), i=1,3*nat) END DO CLOSE(unit=2) END IF ! ! IF (dos) THEN Emin = 0.0d0 Emax = 0.0d0 DO n=1,nq DO i=1, 3*nat Emin = MIN (Emin, freq(i,n)) Emax = MAX (Emax, freq(i,n)) END DO END DO ! if (ndos > 1) then DeltaE = (Emax - Emin)/(ndos-1) else ndos = NINT ( (Emax - Emin) / DeltaE + 1.51d0 ) end if OPEN (unit=2,file=fldos,status='unknown',form='formatted') DO n= 1, ndos E = Emin + (n - 1) * DeltaE CALL dos_t(freq, 1, 3*nat, nq, ntetra, tetra, E, DOSofE) ! ! The factor 0.5 corrects for the factor 2 in dos_t, ! that accounts for the spin in the electron DOS. ! !WRITE (2, '(F15.10,F15.2,F15.6,F20.5)') & ! E, E*rydcm1, E*rydTHz, 0.5d0*DOSofE(1) WRITE (2, '(E12.4,E12.4)') E, 0.5d0*DOSofE(1) END DO CLOSE(unit=2) END IF !dos DEALLOCATE (z, w2, dyn, dyn_blk) ! ! for a2F ! IF(la2F) THEN ! ! convert frequencies to Ry ! freq(:,:)= freq(:,:) / rydcm1 Emin = Emin / rydcm1 DeltaE=DeltaE/ rydcm1 ! call a2Fdos (nat, nq, nr1, nr2, nr3, ibrav, at, bg, tau, alat, & nsc, nat_blk, at_blk, bg_blk, itau_blk, omega_blk, & rws, nrws, dos, Emin, DeltaE, ndos, & ntetra, tetra, asr, q, freq) END IF DEALLOCATE ( freq) ! END IF ! CALL mp_barrier() ! CALL mp_end() ! STOP ! END PROGRAM matdyn ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE readfc ( flfrc, nr1, nr2, nr3, epsil, nat, & ibrav, symm_type, alat, at, ntyp, amass, omega, has_zstar ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE ifconstants,ONLY : tau => tau_blk, ityp => ityp_blk, frc, zeu ! IMPLICIT NONE ! I/O variable CHARACTER(LEN=256) flfrc INTEGER ibrav, nr1,nr2,nr3,nat, ntyp REAL(DP) alat, at(3,3), epsil(3,3) LOGICAL has_zstar ! local variables INTEGER i, j, na, nb, m1,m2,m3 INTEGER ibid, jbid, nabid, nbbid, m1bid,m2bid,m3bid REAL(DP) amass(ntyp), amass_from_file, celldm(6), omega INTEGER nt CHARACTER(LEN=3) atm CHARACTER(LEN=9) symm_type ! ! OPEN (unit=1,file=flfrc,status='old',form='formatted') ! ! read cell data ! READ(1,*) ntyp,nat,ibrav,(celldm(i),i=1,6) if (ibrav==0) then read(1,'(a)') symm_type read(1,*) ((at(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3) end if ! CALL latgen(ibrav,celldm,at(1,1),at(1,2),at(1,3),omega) alat = celldm(1) at = at / alat ! bring at in units of alat CALL volume(alat,at(1,1),at(1,2),at(1,3),omega) ! ! read atomic types, positions and masses ! DO nt = 1,ntyp READ(1,*) i,atm,amass_from_file IF (i.NE.nt) CALL errore ('readfc','wrong data read',nt) IF (amass(nt).EQ.0.d0) THEN amass(nt) = amass_from_file ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'for atomic type',nt,' mass from file not used' END IF END DO ! ALLOCATE (tau(3,nat), ityp(nat), zeu(3,3,nat)) ! DO na=1,nat READ(1,*) i,ityp(na),(tau(j,na),j=1,3) IF (i.NE.na) CALL errore ('readfc','wrong data read',na) END DO ! ! read macroscopic variable ! READ (1,*) has_zstar IF (has_zstar) THEN READ(1,*) ((epsil(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3) DO na=1,nat READ(1,*) READ(1,*) ((zeu(i,j,na),j=1,3),i=1,3) END DO ELSE zeu (:,:,:) = 0.d0 epsil(:,:) = 0.d0 END IF ! READ (1,*) nr1,nr2,nr3 ! ! read real-space interatomic force constants ! ALLOCATE ( frc(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) ) frc(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = 0.d0 DO i=1,3 DO j=1,3 DO na=1,nat DO nb=1,nat READ (1,*) ibid, jbid, nabid, nbbid IF(i .NE.ibid .OR. j .NE.jbid .OR. & na.NE.nabid .OR. nb.NE.nbbid) & CALL errore ('readfc','error in reading',1) READ (1,*) (((m1bid, m2bid, m3bid, & frc(m1,m2,m3,i,j,na,nb), & m1=1,nr1),m2=1,nr2),m3=1,nr3) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! CLOSE(unit=1) ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE readfc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE frc_blk(dyn,q,tau,nat,nr1,nr2,nr3,frc,at,bg,rws,nrws) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculates the dynamical matrix at q from the (short-range part of the) ! force constants ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE constants, ONLY : tpi ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, n1, n2, n3, & ipol, jpol, na, nb, m1, m2, m3, nint, i,j, nrws COMPLEX(DP) dyn(3,3,nat,nat) REAL(DP) frc(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat), tau(3,nat), q(3), arg, & at(3,3), bg(3,3), r(3), weight, r_ws(3), & total_weight, rws(0:3,nrws) REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: wsweight ! DO na=1, nat DO nb=1, nat total_weight=0.0d0 DO n1=-2*nr1,2*nr1 DO n2=-2*nr2,2*nr2 DO n3=-2*nr3,2*nr3 ! ! SUM OVER R VECTORS IN THE SUPERCELL - VERY VERY SAFE RANGE! ! DO i=1, 3 r(i) = n1*at(i,1)+n2*at(i,2)+n3*at(i,3) r_ws(i) = r(i) + tau(i,na)-tau(i,nb) END DO weight = wsweight(r_ws,rws,nrws) IF (weight .GT. 0.0d0) THEN ! ! FIND THE VECTOR CORRESPONDING TO R IN THE ORIGINAL CELL ! m1 = MOD(n1+1,nr1) IF(m1.LE.0) m1=m1+nr1 m2 = MOD(n2+1,nr2) IF(m2.LE.0) m2=m2+nr2 m3 = MOD(n3+1,nr3) IF(m3.LE.0) m3=m3+nr3 ! ! FOURIER TRANSFORM ! arg = tpi*(q(1)*r(1) + q(2)*r(2) + q(3)*r(3)) DO ipol=1, 3 DO jpol=1, 3 dyn(ipol,jpol,na,nb) = & dyn(ipol,jpol,na,nb) + & frc(m1,m2,m3,ipol,jpol,na,nb) & *CMPLX(COS(arg),-SIN(arg))*weight END DO END DO END IF total_weight=total_weight + weight END DO END DO END DO IF (ABS(total_weight-nr1*nr2*nr3).GT.1.0d-8) THEN WRITE(*,*) total_weight CALL errore ('frc_blk','wrong total_weight',1) END IF END DO END DO ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE frc_blk ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE setupmat (q,dyn,nat,at,bg,tau,itau_blk,nsc,alat, & & dyn_blk,nat_blk,at_blk,bg_blk,tau_blk,omega_blk, & & epsil,zeu,frc,nr1,nr2,nr3,has_zstar,rws,nrws) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute the dynamical matrix (the analytic part only) ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE constants, ONLY : tpi ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! I/O variables ! INTEGER:: nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, nat_blk, nsc, nrws, itau_blk(nat) REAL(DP) :: q(3), tau(3,nat), at(3,3), bg(3,3), alat, & epsil(3,3), zeu(3,3,nat_blk), rws(0:3,nrws), & frc(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat_blk,nat_blk) REAL(DP) :: tau_blk(3,nat_blk), at_blk(3,3), bg_blk(3,3), omega_blk COMPLEX(DP) dyn_blk(3,3,nat_blk,nat_blk) COMPLEX(DP) :: dyn(3,3,nat,nat) LOGICAL has_zstar ! ! local variables ! REAL(DP) :: arg COMPLEX(DP) :: cfac(nat) INTEGER :: i,j,k, na,nb, na_blk, nb_blk, iq REAL(DP) qp(3), qbid(3,nsc) ! automatic array ! ! CALL q_gen(nsc,qbid,at_blk,bg_blk,at,bg) ! DO iq=1,nsc ! DO k=1,3 qp(k)= q(k) + qbid(k,iq) END DO ! dyn_blk(:,:,:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0) CALL frc_blk (dyn_blk,qp,tau_blk,nat_blk, & & nr1,nr2,nr3,frc,at_blk,bg_blk,rws,nrws) IF (has_zstar) & CALL rgd_blk(nr1,nr2,nr3,nat_blk,dyn_blk,qp,tau_blk, & epsil,zeu,bg_blk,omega_blk,+1.d0) ! DO na=1,nat na_blk = itau_blk(na) DO nb=1,nat nb_blk = itau_blk(nb) ! arg=tpi* ( qp(1) * ( (tau(1,na)-tau_blk(1,na_blk)) - & (tau(1,nb)-tau_blk(1,nb_blk)) ) + & qp(2) * ( (tau(2,na)-tau_blk(2,na_blk)) - & (tau(2,nb)-tau_blk(2,nb_blk)) ) + & qp(3) * ( (tau(3,na)-tau_blk(3,na_blk)) - & (tau(3,nb)-tau_blk(3,nb_blk)) ) ) ! cfac(nb) = CMPLX(COS(arg),SIN(arg))/nsc ! END DO ! nb ! DO i=1,3 DO j=1,3 ! DO nb=1,nat nb_blk = itau_blk(nb) dyn(i,j,na,nb) = dyn(i,j,na,nb) + cfac(nb) * & dyn_blk(i,j,na_blk,nb_blk) END DO ! nb ! END DO ! j END DO ! i END DO ! na ! END DO ! iq ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE setupmat ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE set_asr (asr, nr1, nr2, nr3, frc, zeu, nat, ibrav, tau) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP ! IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: asr INTEGER :: nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, ibrav REAL(DP) :: frc(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat), zeu(3,3,nat),tau(3,nat) ! INTEGER :: axis, n, i, j, na, nb, n1,n2,n3, m,p,k,l,q,r, i1,j1,na1 REAL(DP) :: frc_new(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat), zeu_new(3,3,nat) type vector real(DP),pointer :: vec(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) end type vector ! type (vector) u(6*3*nat) ! These are the "vectors" associated with the sum rules on force-constants ! integer u_less(6*3*nat),n_less,i_less ! indices of the vectors u that are not independent to the preceding ones, ! n_less = number of such vectors, i_less = temporary parameter ! integer ind_v(9*nat*nat*nr1*nr2*nr3,2,7) real(DP) v(9*nat*nat*nr1*nr2*nr3,2) ! These are the "vectors" associated with symmetry conditions, coded by ! indicating the positions (i.e. the seven indices) of the non-zero elements (there ! should be only 2 of them) and the value of that element. We do so in order ! to limit the amount of memory used. ! real(DP) w(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat), x(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) ! temporary vectors and parameters real(DP) :: scal,norm2, sum ! real(DP) zeu_u(6*3,3,3,nat) ! These are the "vectors" associated with the sum rules on effective charges ! integer zeu_less(6*3),nzeu_less,izeu_less ! indices of the vectors zeu_u that are not independent to the preceding ones, ! nzeu_less = number of such vectors, izeu_less = temporary parameter ! real(DP) zeu_w(3,3,nat), zeu_x(3,3,nat) ! temporary vectors ! Initialization. n is the number of sum rules to be considered (if asr.ne.'simple') ! and 'axis' is the rotation axis in the case of a 1D system ! (i.e. the rotation axis is (Ox) if axis='1', (Oy) if axis='2' and (Oz) if axis='3') ! if((asr.ne.'simple').and.(asr.ne.'crystal').and.(asr.ne.'one-dim') & .and.(asr.ne.'zero-dim')) then call errore('matdyn','invalid Acoustic Sum Rule:' // asr, 1) endif if(asr.eq.'crystal') n=3 if(asr.eq.'one-dim') then ! the direction of periodicity is the rotation axis ! It will work only if the crystal axis considered is one of ! the cartesian axis (typically, ibrav=1, 6 or 8, or 4 along the ! z-direction) if (nr1*nr2*nr3.eq.1) axis=3 if ((nr1.ne.1).and.(nr2*nr3.eq.1)) axis=1 if ((nr2.ne.1).and.(nr1*nr3.eq.1)) axis=2 if ((nr3.ne.1).and.(nr1*nr2.eq.1)) axis=3 if (((nr1.ne.1).and.(nr2.ne.1)).or.((nr2.ne.1).and. & (nr3.ne.1)).or.((nr1.ne.1).and.(nr3.ne.1))) then call errore('matdyn','too many directions of & & periodicity in 1D system',axis) endif if ((ibrav.ne.1).and.(ibrav.ne.6).and.(ibrav.ne.8).and. & ((ibrav.ne.4).or.(axis.ne.3)) ) then write(6,*) 'asr: rotational axis may be wrong' endif write(6,'("asr rotation axis in 1D system= ",I4)') axis n=4 endif if(asr.eq.'zero-dim') n=6 ! Acoustic Sum Rule on effective charges ! if(asr.eq.'simple') then do i=1,3 do j=1,3 sum=0.0d0 do na=1,nat sum = sum + zeu(i,j,na) end do do na=1,nat zeu(i,j,na) = zeu(i,j,na) - sum/nat end do end do end do else ! generating the vectors of the orthogonal of the subspace to project ! the effective charges matrix on ! zeu_u(:,:,:,:)=0.0d0 do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat zeu_new(i,j,na)=zeu(i,j,na) enddo enddo enddo ! p=0 do i=1,3 do j=1,3 ! These are the 3*3 vectors associated with the ! translational acoustic sum rules p=p+1 zeu_u(p,i,j,:)=1.0d0 ! enddo enddo ! if (n.eq.4) then do i=1,3 ! These are the 3 vectors associated with the ! single rotational sum rule (1D system) p=p+1 do na=1,nat zeu_u(p,i,MOD(axis,3)+1,na)=-tau(MOD(axis+1,3)+1,na) zeu_u(p,i,MOD(axis+1,3)+1,na)=tau(MOD(axis,3)+1,na) enddo ! enddo endif ! if (n.eq.6) then do i=1,3 do j=1,3 ! These are the 3*3 vectors associated with the ! three rotational sum rules (0D system - typ. molecule) p=p+1 do na=1,nat zeu_u(p,i,MOD(j,3)+1,na)=-tau(MOD(j+1,3)+1,na) zeu_u(p,i,MOD(j+1,3)+1,na)=tau(MOD(j,3)+1,na) enddo ! enddo enddo endif ! ! Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization of the set of vectors created. ! nzeu_less=0 do k=1,p zeu_w(:,:,:)=zeu_u(k,:,:,:) zeu_x(:,:,:)=zeu_u(k,:,:,:) do q=1,k-1 r=1 do izeu_less=1,nzeu_less if (zeu_less(izeu_less).eq.q) r=0 enddo if (r.ne.0) then call sp_zeu(zeu_x,zeu_u(q,:,:,:),nat,scal) zeu_w(:,:,:) = zeu_w(:,:,:) - scal* zeu_u(q,:,:,:) endif enddo call sp_zeu(zeu_w,zeu_w,nat,norm2) if (norm2.gt.1.0d-16) then zeu_u(k,:,:,:) = zeu_w(:,:,:) / DSQRT(norm2) else nzeu_less=nzeu_less+1 zeu_less(nzeu_less)=k endif enddo ! ! ! Projection of the effective charge "vector" on the orthogonal of the ! subspace of the vectors verifying the sum rules ! zeu_w(:,:,:)=0.0d0 do k=1,p r=1 do izeu_less=1,nzeu_less if (zeu_less(izeu_less).eq.k) r=0 enddo if (r.ne.0) then zeu_x(:,:,:)=zeu_u(k,:,:,:) call sp_zeu(zeu_x,zeu_new,nat,scal) zeu_w(:,:,:) = zeu_w(:,:,:) + scal*zeu_u(k,:,:,:) endif enddo ! ! Final substraction of the former projection to the initial zeu, to get ! the new "projected" zeu ! zeu_new(:,:,:)=zeu_new(:,:,:) - zeu_w(:,:,:) call sp_zeu(zeu_w,zeu_w,nat,norm2) write(6,'("Norm of the difference between old and new effective ", & & "charges: ",F25.20)') SQRT(norm2) ! ! Check projection ! !write(6,'("Check projection of zeu")') !do k=1,p ! zeu_x(:,:,:)=zeu_u(k,:,:,:) ! call sp_zeu(zeu_x,zeu_new,nat,scal) ! if (DABS(scal).gt.1d-10) write(6,'("k= ",I8," zeu_new|zeu_u(k)= ",F15.10)') k,scal !enddo ! do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat zeu(i,j,na)=zeu_new(i,j,na) enddo enddo enddo endif ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Acoustic Sum Rule on force constants in real space ! if(asr.eq.'simple') then do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat sum=0.0d0 do nb=1,nat do n1=1,nr1 do n2=1,nr2 do n3=1,nr3 sum=sum+frc(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb) end do end do end do end do frc(1,1,1,i,j,na,na) = frc(1,1,1,i,j,na,na) - sum ! write(6,*) ' na, i, j, sum = ',na,i,j,sum end do end do end do else ! generating the vectors of the orthogonal of the subspace to project ! the force-constants matrix on ! do k=1,18*nat allocate(u(k) % vec(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat)) u(k) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=0.0d0 enddo do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat do nb=1,nat do n1=1,nr1 do n2=1,nr2 do n3=1,nr3 frc_new(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)=frc(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo ! p=0 do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat ! These are the 3*3*nat vectors associated with the ! translational acoustic sum rules p=p+1 u(p) % vec (:,:,:,i,j,na,:)=1.0d0 ! enddo enddo enddo ! if (n.eq.4) then do i=1,3 do na=1,nat ! These are the 3*nat vectors associated with the ! single rotational sum rule (1D system) p=p+1 do nb=1,nat u(p) % vec (:,:,:,i,MOD(axis,3)+1,na,nb)=-tau(MOD(axis+1,3)+1,nb) u(p) % vec (:,:,:,i,MOD(axis+1,3)+1,na,nb)=tau(MOD(axis,3)+1,nb) enddo ! enddo enddo endif ! if (n.eq.6) then do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat ! These are the 3*3*nat vectors associated with the ! three rotational sum rules (0D system - typ. molecule) p=p+1 do nb=1,nat u(p) % vec (:,:,:,i,MOD(j,3)+1,na,nb)=-tau(MOD(j+1,3)+1,nb) u(p) % vec (:,:,:,i,MOD(j+1,3)+1,na,nb)=tau(MOD(j,3)+1,nb) enddo ! enddo enddo enddo endif ! m=0 do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat do nb=1,nat do n1=1,nr1 do n2=1,nr2 do n3=1,nr3 ! These are the vectors associated with the symmetry constraints q=1 l=1 do while((l.le.m).and.(q.ne.0)) if ((ind_v(l,1,1).eq.n1).and.(ind_v(l,1,2).eq.n2).and. & (ind_v(l,1,3).eq.n3).and.(ind_v(l,1,4).eq.i).and. & (ind_v(l,1,5).eq.j).and.(ind_v(l,1,6).eq.na).and. & (ind_v(l,1,7).eq.nb)) q=0 if ((ind_v(l,2,1).eq.n1).and.(ind_v(l,2,2).eq.n2).and. & (ind_v(l,2,3).eq.n3).and.(ind_v(l,2,4).eq.i).and. & (ind_v(l,2,5).eq.j).and.(ind_v(l,2,6).eq.na).and. & (ind_v(l,2,7).eq.nb)) q=0 l=l+1 enddo if ((n1.eq.MOD(nr1+1-n1,nr1)+1).and.(n2.eq.MOD(nr2+1-n2,nr2)+1) & .and.(n3.eq.MOD(nr3+1-n3,nr3)+1).and.(i.eq.j).and.(na.eq.nb)) q=0 if (q.ne.0) then m=m+1 ind_v(m,1,1)=n1 ind_v(m,1,2)=n2 ind_v(m,1,3)=n3 ind_v(m,1,4)=i ind_v(m,1,5)=j ind_v(m,1,6)=na ind_v(m,1,7)=nb v(m,1)=1.0d0/DSQRT(2.0d0) ind_v(m,2,1)=MOD(nr1+1-n1,nr1)+1 ind_v(m,2,2)=MOD(nr2+1-n2,nr2)+1 ind_v(m,2,3)=MOD(nr3+1-n3,nr3)+1 ind_v(m,2,4)=j ind_v(m,2,5)=i ind_v(m,2,6)=nb ind_v(m,2,7)=na v(m,2)=-1.0d0/DSQRT(2.0d0) endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo ! ! Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization of the set of vectors created. ! Note that the vectors corresponding to symmetry constraints are already ! orthonormalized by construction. ! n_less=0 do k=1,p w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=u(k) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:) x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=u(k) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:) do l=1,m ! call sp2(x,v(l,:),ind_v(l,:,:),nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) do r=1,2 n1=ind_v(l,r,1) n2=ind_v(l,r,2) n3=ind_v(l,r,3) i=ind_v(l,r,4) j=ind_v(l,r,5) na=ind_v(l,r,6) nb=ind_v(l,r,7) w(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)=w(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)-scal*v(l,r) enddo enddo if (k.le.(9*nat)) then na1=MOD(k,nat) if (na1.eq.0) na1=nat j1=MOD((k-na1)/nat,3)+1 i1=MOD((((k-na1)/nat)-j1+1)/3,3)+1 else q=k-9*nat if (n.eq.4) then na1=MOD(q,nat) if (na1.eq.0) na1=nat i1=MOD((q-na1)/nat,3)+1 else na1=MOD(q,nat) if (na1.eq.0) na1=nat j1=MOD((q-na1)/nat,3)+1 i1=MOD((((q-na1)/nat)-j1+1)/3,3)+1 endif endif do q=1,k-1 r=1 do i_less=1,n_less if (u_less(i_less).eq.q) r=0 enddo if (r.ne.0) then call sp3(x,u(q) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:), i1,na1,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) - scal* u(q) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:) endif enddo call sp1(w,w,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,norm2) if (norm2.gt.1.0d-16) then u(k) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) / DSQRT(norm2) else n_less=n_less+1 u_less(n_less)=k endif enddo ! ! Projection of the force-constants "vector" on the orthogonal of the ! subspace of the vectors verifying the sum rules and symmetry contraints ! w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=0.0d0 do l=1,m call sp2(frc_new,v(l,:),ind_v(l,:,:),nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) do r=1,2 n1=ind_v(l,r,1) n2=ind_v(l,r,2) n3=ind_v(l,r,3) i=ind_v(l,r,4) j=ind_v(l,r,5) na=ind_v(l,r,6) nb=ind_v(l,r,7) w(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)=w(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)+scal*v(l,r) enddo enddo do k=1,p r=1 do i_less=1,n_less if (u_less(i_less).eq.k) r=0 enddo if (r.ne.0) then x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=u(k) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:) call sp1(x,frc_new,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) + scal*u(k)%vec(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) endif deallocate(u(k) % vec) enddo ! ! Final substraction of the former projection to the initial frc, to get ! the new "projected" frc ! frc_new(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=frc_new(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) - w(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) call sp1(w,w,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,norm2) write(6,'("Norm of the difference between old and new force-constants:",& & F25.20)') SQRT(norm2) ! ! Check projection ! !write(6,'("Check projection IFC")') !do l=1,m ! call sp2(frc_new,v(l,:),ind_v(l,:,:),nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) ! if (DABS(scal).gt.1d-10) write(6,'("l= ",I8," frc_new|v(l)= ",F15.10)') l,scal !enddo !do k=1,p ! x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)=u(k) % vec (:,:,:,:,:,:,:) ! call sp1(x,frc_new,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) ! if (DABS(scal).gt.1d-10) write(6,'("k= ",I8," frc_new|u(k)= ",F15.10)') k,scal ! deallocate(u(k) % vec) !enddo ! do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat do nb=1,nat do n1=1,nr1 do n2=1,nr2 do n3=1,nr3 frc(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)=frc_new(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo endif ! ! return end subroutine set_asr ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sp_zeu(zeu_u,zeu_v,nat,scal) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! does the scalar product of two effective charges matrices zeu_u and zeu_v ! (considered as vectors in the R^(3*3*nat) space, and coded in the usual way) ! USE kinds, ONLY: DP implicit none integer i,j,na,nat real(DP) zeu_u(3,3,nat) real(DP) zeu_v(3,3,nat) real(DP) scal ! ! scal=0.0d0 do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat scal=scal+zeu_u(i,j,na)*zeu_v(i,j,na) enddo enddo enddo ! return ! end subroutine sp_zeu ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sp1(u,v,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! does the scalar product of two force-constants matrices u and v (considered as ! vectors in the R^(3*3*nat*nat*nr1*nr2*nr3) space, and coded in the usual way) ! USE kinds, ONLY: DP implicit none integer nr1,nr2,nr3,i,j,na,nb,n1,n2,n3,nat real(DP) u(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) real(DP) v(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) real(DP) scal ! ! scal=0.0d0 do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat do nb=1,nat do n1=1,nr1 do n2=1,nr2 do n3=1,nr3 scal=scal+u(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)*v(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo ! return ! end subroutine sp1 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sp2(u,v,ind_v,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! does the scalar product of two force-constants matrices u and v (considered as ! vectors in the R^(3*3*nat*nat*nr1*nr2*nr3) space). u is coded in the usual way ! but v is coded as explained when defining the vectors corresponding to the ! symmetry constraints ! USE kinds, ONLY: DP implicit none integer nr1,nr2,nr3,i,nat real(DP) u(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) integer ind_v(2,7) real(DP) v(2) real(DP) scal ! ! scal=0.0d0 do i=1,2 scal=scal+u(ind_v(i,1),ind_v(i,2),ind_v(i,3),ind_v(i,4),ind_v(i,5),ind_v(i,6), & ind_v(i,7))*v(i) enddo ! return ! end subroutine sp2 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sp3(u,v,i,na,nr1,nr2,nr3,nat,scal) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! like sp1, but in the particular case when u is one of the u(k)%vec ! defined in set_asr (before orthonormalization). In this case most of the ! terms are zero (the ones that are not are characterized by i and na), so ! that a lot of computer time can be saved (during Gram-Schmidt). ! USE kinds, ONLY: DP implicit none integer nr1,nr2,nr3,i,j,na,nb,n1,n2,n3,nat real(DP) u(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) real(DP) v(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) real(DP) scal ! ! scal=0.0d0 do j=1,3 do nb=1,nat do n1=1,nr1 do n2=1,nr2 do n3=1,nr3 scal=scal+u(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb)*v(n1,n2,n3,i,j,na,nb) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo ! return ! end subroutine sp3 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE q_gen(nsc,qbid,at_blk,bg_blk,at,bg) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! generate list of q (qbid) that are G-vectors of the supercell ! but not of the bulk ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: nsc REAL(DP) qbid(3,nsc), at_blk(3,3), bg_blk(3,3), at(3,3), bg(3,3) ! INTEGER, PARAMETER:: nr1=4, nr2=4, nr3=4, & nrm=(2*nr1+1)*(2*nr2+1)*(2*nr3+1) REAL(DP), PARAMETER:: eps=1.0d-7 INTEGER :: i, j, k,i1, i2, i3, idum(nrm), iq REAL(DP) :: qnorm(nrm), qbd(3,nrm) ,qwork(3), delta LOGICAL lbho ! i = 0 DO i1=-nr1,nr1 DO i2=-nr2,nr2 DO i3=-nr3,nr3 i = i + 1 DO j=1,3 qwork(j) = i1*bg(j,1) + i2*bg(j,2) + i3*bg(j,3) END DO ! j ! qnorm(i) = qwork(1)**2 + qwork(2)**2 + qwork(3)**2 ! DO j=1,3 ! qbd(j,i) = at_blk(1,j)*qwork(1) + & at_blk(2,j)*qwork(2) + & at_blk(3,j)*qwork(3) END DO ! j ! idum(i) = 1 ! END DO ! i3 END DO ! i2 END DO ! i1 ! DO i=1,nrm-1 IF (idum(i).EQ.1) THEN DO j=i+1,nrm IF (idum(j).EQ.1) THEN lbho=.TRUE. DO k=1,3 delta = qbd(k,i)-qbd(k,j) lbho = lbho.AND. (ABS(NINT(delta)-delta).LT.eps) END DO ! k IF (lbho) THEN IF(qnorm(i).GT.qnorm(j)) THEN qbd(1,i) = qbd(1,j) qbd(2,i) = qbd(2,j) qbd(3,i) = qbd(3,j) qnorm(i) = qnorm(j) END IF idum(j) = 0 END IF END IF END DO ! j END IF END DO ! i ! iq = 0 DO i=1,nrm IF (idum(i).EQ.1) THEN iq=iq+1 qbid(1,iq)= bg_blk(1,1)*qbd(1,i) + & bg_blk(1,2)*qbd(2,i) + & bg_blk(1,3)*qbd(3,i) qbid(2,iq)= bg_blk(2,1)*qbd(1,i) + & bg_blk(2,2)*qbd(2,i) + & bg_blk(2,3)*qbd(3,i) qbid(3,iq)= bg_blk(3,1)*qbd(1,i) + & bg_blk(3,2)*qbd(2,i) + & bg_blk(3,3)*qbd(3,i) END IF END DO ! i ! IF (iq.NE.nsc) CALL errore('q_gen',' probably nr1,nr2,nr3 too small ', iq) RETURN END SUBROUTINE q_gen ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE check_at(at,bg_blk,alat,omega) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP ! IMPLICIT NONE ! REAL(DP) :: at(3,3), bg_blk(3,3), alat, omega REAL(DP) :: work(3,3) INTEGER :: i,j REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: small=1.d-6 ! work(:,:) = at(:,:) CALL cryst_to_cart(3,work,bg_blk,-1) ! DO j=1,3 DO i =1,3 IF ( ABS(work(i,j)-NINT(work(i,j))) > small) THEN WRITE (*,'(3f9.4)') work(:,:) CALL errore ('check_at','at not multiple of at_blk',1) END IF END DO END DO ! omega =alat**3 * ABS(at(1,1)*(at(2,2)*at(3,3)-at(3,2)*at(2,3))- & at(1,2)*(at(2,1)*at(3,3)-at(2,3)*at(3,1))+ & at(1,3)*(at(2,1)*at(3,2)-at(2,2)*at(3,1))) ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE check_at ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE set_tau (nat, nat_blk, at, at_blk, tau, tau_blk, & ityp, ityp_blk, itau_blk) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER nat, nat_blk,ityp(nat),ityp_blk(nat_blk), itau_blk(nat) REAL(DP) at(3,3),at_blk(3,3),tau(3,nat),tau_blk(3,nat_blk) ! REAL(DP) bg(3,3), r(3) ! work vectors INTEGER i,i1,i2,i3,na,na_blk REAL(DP) small INTEGER NN1,NN2,NN3 PARAMETER (NN1=8, NN2=8, NN3=8, small=1.d-8) ! CALL recips (at(1,1),at(1,2),at(1,3),bg(1,1),bg(1,2),bg(1,3)) ! na = 0 ! DO i1 = -NN1,NN1 DO i2 = -NN2,NN2 DO i3 = -NN3,NN3 r(1) = i1*at_blk(1,1) + i2*at_blk(1,2) + i3*at_blk(1,3) r(2) = i1*at_blk(2,1) + i2*at_blk(2,2) + i3*at_blk(2,3) r(3) = i1*at_blk(3,1) + i2*at_blk(3,2) + i3*at_blk(3,3) CALL cryst_to_cart(1,r,bg,-1) ! IF ( r(1).GT.-small .AND. r(1).LT.1.d0-small .AND. & r(2).GT.-small .AND. r(2).LT.1.d0-small .AND. & r(3).GT.-small .AND. r(3).LT.1.d0-small ) THEN CALL cryst_to_cart(1,r,at,+1) ! DO na_blk=1, nat_blk na = na + 1 IF (na.GT.nat) CALL errore('set_tau','too many atoms',na) tau(1,na) = tau_blk(1,na_blk) + r(1) tau(2,na) = tau_blk(2,na_blk) + r(2) tau(3,na) = tau_blk(3,na_blk) + r(3) ityp(na) = ityp_blk(na_blk) itau_blk(na) = na_blk END DO ! END IF ! END DO END DO END DO ! IF (na.NE.nat) CALL errore('set_tau','too few atoms: increase NNs',na) ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE set_tau ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE read_tau & (nat, nat_blk, ntyp, bg_blk, tau, tau_blk, ityp, itau_blk) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER nat, nat_blk, ntyp, ityp(nat),itau_blk(nat) REAL(DP) bg_blk(3,3),tau(3,nat),tau_blk(3,nat_blk) ! REAL(DP) r(3) ! work vectors INTEGER i,na,na_blk ! REAL(DP) small PARAMETER ( small = 1.d-6 ) ! DO na=1,nat READ(*,*) (tau(i,na),i=1,3), ityp(na) IF (ityp(na).LE.0 .OR. ityp(na) .GT. ntyp) & CALL errore('read_tau',' wrong atomic type', na) DO na_blk=1,nat_blk r(1) = tau(1,na) - tau_blk(1,na_blk) r(2) = tau(2,na) - tau_blk(2,na_blk) r(3) = tau(3,na) - tau_blk(3,na_blk) CALL cryst_to_cart(1,r,bg_blk,-1) IF (ABS( r(1)-NINT(r(1)) ) .LT. small .AND. & ABS( r(2)-NINT(r(2)) ) .LT. small .AND. & ABS( r(3)-NINT(r(3)) ) .LT. small ) THEN itau_blk(na) = na_blk go to 999 END IF END DO CALL errore ('read_tau',' wrong atomic position ', na) 999 CONTINUE END DO ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE read_tau ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE write_tau(fltau,nat,tau,ityp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER nat, ityp(nat) REAL(DP) tau(3,nat) CHARACTER(LEN=*) fltau ! INTEGER i,na ! OPEN (unit=4,file=fltau, status='new') DO na=1,nat WRITE(4,'(3(f12.6),i3)') (tau(i,na),i=1,3), ityp(na) END DO CLOSE (4) ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE write_tau ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE gen_qpoints (ibrav, at, bg, nat, tau, ityp, nk1, nk2, nk3, & symm_type, ntetra, nqx, nq, q, tetra) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP ! IMPLICIT NONE ! input INTEGER :: ibrav, nat, nk1, nk2, nk3, ntetra, ityp(*) REAL(DP) :: at(3,3), bg(3,3), tau(3,nat) character(LEN=9) :: symm_type ! output INTEGER :: nqx, nq, tetra(4,ntetra) REAL(DP) :: q(3,nqx) ! local INTEGER :: nrot, nsym, s(3,3,48), ftau(3,48), irt(48,nat) INTEGER :: t_rev = 0 LOGICAL :: minus_q, invsym REAL(DP) :: xqq(3), wk(nqx), mdum(3,nat) CHARACTER(LEN=45) :: sname(48) ! xqq (:) =0.d0 IF (ibrav == 4 .OR. ibrav == 5) THEN ! ! hexagonal or trigonal bravais lattice ! CALL hexsym (at, s, sname, nrot) ELSEIF (ibrav >= 1 .AND. ibrav <= 14) THEN ! ! cubic bravais lattice ! CALL cubicsym (at, s, sname, nrot) ELSEIF (ibrav == 0) THEN if (symm_type=='cubic') then CALL cubicsym (at, s, sname, nrot) elseif (symm_type=='hexagonal') then CALL hexsym (at, s, sname, nrot) else CALL infomsg ('gen_qpoints', 'symm_type missing: assuming cubic symmetry') CALL cubicsym (at, s, sname, nrot) end if ELSE CALL errore ('gen_qpoints', 'wrong ibrav', 1) ENDIF ! CALL kpoint_grid ( nrot, s, bg, nqx, 0,0,0, nk1,nk2,nk3, nq, q, wk) ! CALL sgama (nrot, nat, s, sname, t_rev, at, bg, tau, ityp, nsym, 6, & 6, 6, irt, ftau, nqx, nq, q, wk, invsym, minus_q, xqq, & 0, 0, .FALSE., .FALSE., mdum) IF (ntetra /= 6 * nk1 * nk2 * nk3) & CALL errore ('gen_qpoints','inconsistent ntetra',1) CALL tetrahedra (nsym, s, minus_q, at, bg, nqx, 0, 0, 0, & nk1, nk2, nk3, nq, q, wk, ntetra, tetra) ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE gen_qpoints ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE a2Fdos & (nat, nq, nr1, nr2, nr3, ibrav, at, bg, tau, alat, & nsc, nat_blk, at_blk, bg_blk, itau_blk, omega_blk, rws, nrws, & dos, Emin, DeltaE, ndos, ntetra, tetra, asr, q, freq ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE ifconstants USE constants, ONLY : pi ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat, nq, nr1, nr2, nr3, ibrav, ndos, ntetra, & tetra(4, ntetra) LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: dos CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: asr REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: freq(3*nat,nq), q(3,nq), at(3,3), bg(3,3), & tau(3,nat), alat, Emin, DeltaE ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nsc, nat_blk, itau_blk, nrws REAL(DP), INTENT(in) :: rws(0:3,nrws), at_blk(3,3), bg_blk(3,3), omega_blk ! REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: gamma(:,:), frcg(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: gam(:,:,:,:), gam_blk(:,:,:,:), z(:,:) real(DP) :: lambda, dos_a2F(50), temp, dos_ee(10), dos_tot, & deg(10), fermi(10), E real(DP), parameter :: rydTHz = 3289.828d0, eps_w2 = 0.0000001d0 integer :: isig, ifn, n, m, na, nb, nc, nu, nmodes, & i,j,k, ngauss, jsig, p1, p2, p3, filea2F character(len=14) :: name ! ! nmodes = 3*nat do isig=1,10 filea2F = 60 + isig write(name,"(A10,I2)") 'a2Fmatdyn.',filea2F open(filea2F, file=name, STATUS = 'unknown') READ(filea2F,*) deg(isig), fermi(isig), dos_ee(isig) enddo ! IF(dos) then open(400,file='lambda',status='unknown') write(400,*) write(400,*) ' Electron-phonon coupling constant, lambda ' write(400,*) ELSE open (20,file='gam.lines' ,status='unknown') write(20,*) write(20,*) ' Gamma lines for all modes [THz] ' write(20,*) write(6,*) write(6,*) ' Gamma lines for all modes [Rydberg] ' write(6,*) ENDIF ! ALLOCATE ( frcg(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) ) ALLOCATE ( gamma(3*nat,nq), gam(3,3,nat,nat), gam_blk(3,3,nat_blk,nat_blk) ) ALLOCATE ( z(3*nat,3*nat) ) ! frcg(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) = 0.d0 DO isig = 1, 10 filea2F = 60 + isig CALL readfg ( filea2F, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, frcg ) ! if ( asr /= 'no') then CALL set_asr (asr, nr1, nr2, nr3, frcg, zeu, nat_blk, ibrav, tau_blk) endif ! open(300,file='dyna2F',status='old') ! do n = 1 ,nq gam(:,:,:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0) read(300,*) do na=1,nmodes read(300,*) (z(na,m),m=1,nmodes) end do ! na ! CALL setgam (q(1,n), gam, nat, at, bg, tau, itau_blk, nsc, alat, & gam_blk, nat_blk, at_blk,bg_blk,tau_blk, omega_blk, & frcg, nr1,nr2,nr3, rws, nrws) ! ! here multiply dyn*gam*dyn for gamma and divide by w2 for lambda at given q ! do nc = 1, nat do k =1, 3 p1 = (nc-1)*3+k nu = p1 gamma(nu,n) = 0.0d0 do i=1,3 do na=1,nat p2 = (na-1)*3+i do j=1,3 do nb=1,nat p3 = (nb-1)*3+j gamma(nu,n) = gamma(nu,n) + DBLE(conjg(z(p2,p1)) * & gam(i,j,na,nb) * z(p3,p1)) enddo ! nb enddo ! j enddo ! na enddo !i gamma(nu,n) = gamma(nu,n) * pi / 2.0d0 enddo ! k enddo !nc ! ! EndDo !nq all points in BZ close(300) ! file with dyn vectors ! ! after we know gamma(q) and lambda(q) calculate DOS(omega) for spectrum a2F ! if(dos) then ! if(isig.le.9) then write(name,'(A8,I1.1)') 'a2F.dos.',isig else write(name,'(A8,I2.2)') 'a2F.dos.',isig endif ifn = 200 + isig open (ifn,file=name,status='unknown',form='formatted') write(ifn,*) write(ifn,*) ' Eliashberg function a2F (per both spin)' write(ifn,*) ' frequencies in Rydberg ' write(ifn,*) ' DOS normalized to E in Rydberg: a2F_total, a2F(mode) ' write(ifn,*) ! ! correction for small frequencies ! do n = 1, nq do i = 1, nmodes if (freq(i,n).LE.eps_w2) then gamma(i,n) = 0.0d0 endif enddo enddo ! lambda = 0.0d0 do n= 1, ndos ! E = Emin + (n-1)*DeltaE + 0.5d0*DeltaE dos_tot = 0.0d0 do j=1,nmodes ! dos_a2F(j) = 0.0d0 CALL dos_gam(nmodes, nq, j, ntetra, tetra, & gamma, freq, E, dos_a2F(j)) dos_a2F(j) = dos_a2F(j) / dos_ee(isig) / 2.d0 / pi dos_tot = dos_tot + dos_a2F(j) ! enddo lambda = lambda + 2.d0 * dos_tot/E * DeltaE write (ifn, 1050) E, dos_tot, (dos_a2F(j),j=1,nmodes) enddo !ndos write(ifn,*) " lambda =",lambda,' Delta = ',DeltaE close (ifn) write(400,'(" Broadening ",F8.4," lambda ",F12.4," dos_el ",F8.4)') & deg(isig),lambda, dos_ee(isig) ! endif !dos ! ! OUTPUT ! if(.not.dos) then write(20,'(" Broadening ",F8.4)') deg(isig) write(6,'(" Broadening ",F8.4)') deg(isig) do n=1, nq write(20,1030) n,(gamma(i,n)*rydTHz,i=1,3*nat) write(6,1040) n, (gamma(i,n),i=1,3*nat) end do endif ! ENDDO !isig ! DEALLOCATE (z, frcg, gamma, gam, gam_blk ) ! close(400) !lambda close(20) ! 1030 FORMAT( 3x,I5,' ',9F8.4 ) 1040 FORMAT( 3x,I5,' ',6F12.9 ) 1050 FORMAT( 3x,F12.6,6F16.8 ) ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE a2Fdos ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine setgam (q, gam, nat, at,bg,tau,itau_blk,nsc,alat, & & gam_blk, nat_blk, at_blk,bg_blk,tau_blk,omega_blk, & & frcg, nr1,nr2,nr3, rws,nrws) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute the dynamical matrix (the analytic part only) ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE constants, ONLY : tpi implicit none ! ! I/O variables ! integer :: nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, nat_blk, & nsc, nrws, itau_blk(nat) real(DP) :: q(3), tau(3,nat), at(3,3), bg(3,3), alat, rws(0:3,nrws) real(DP) :: tau_blk(3,nat_blk), at_blk(3,3), bg_blk(3,3), omega_blk, & frcg(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat_blk,nat_blk) COMPLEX(DP) :: gam_blk(3,3,nat_blk,nat_blk) COMPLEX(DP) :: gam(3,3,nat,nat) ! ! local variables ! real(DP) :: arg complex(DP) :: cfac(nat) integer :: i,j,k, na,nb, na_blk, nb_blk, iq real(DP) :: qp(3), qbid(3,nsc) ! automatic array ! ! call q_gen(nsc,qbid,at_blk,bg_blk,at,bg) ! do iq=1,nsc ! do k=1,3 qp(k)= q(k) + qbid(k,iq) end do ! gam_blk(:,:,:,:) = (0.d0,0.d0) CALL frc_blk (gam_blk,qp,tau_blk,nat_blk, & nr1,nr2,nr3,frcg,at_blk,bg_blk,rws,nrws) ! do na=1,nat na_blk = itau_blk(na) do nb=1,nat nb_blk = itau_blk(nb) ! arg = tpi * ( qp(1) * ( (tau(1,na)-tau_blk(1,na_blk)) - & (tau(1,nb)-tau_blk(1,nb_blk)) ) + & qp(2) * ( (tau(2,na)-tau_blk(2,na_blk)) - & (tau(2,nb)-tau_blk(2,nb_blk)) ) + & qp(3) * ( (tau(3,na)-tau_blk(3,na_blk)) - & (tau(3,nb)-tau_blk(3,nb_blk)) ) ) ! cfac(nb) = cmplx(cos(arg),sin(arg))/nsc ! end do ! nb do nb=1,nat do i=1,3 do j=1,3 nb_blk = itau_blk(nb) gam(i,j,na,nb) = gam(i,j,na,nb) + cfac(nb) * & gam_blk(i,j,na_blk,nb_blk) end do ! j end do ! i end do ! nb end do ! na ! end do ! iq ! return end subroutine setgam ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dos_gam (nbndx, nq, jbnd, ntetra, & tetra, gamma, et, ef, dos_a2F) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculates weights with the tetrahedron method (Bloechl version) ! this subroutine is based on tweights.f90 belonging to PW ! it calculates a2F on the surface of given frequency <=> histogram ! Band index means the frequency mode here ! and "et" means the frequency(mode,q-point) ! USE kinds, ONLY: DP use parameters ! USE ifconstants, ONLY : gamma implicit none ! integer :: nq, nbndx, ntetra, tetra(4,ntetra), jbnd real(DP) :: et(nbndx,nq), gamma(nbndx,nq), func real(DP) :: ef, dos_a2F real(DP) :: e1, e2, e3, e4, c1, c2, c3, c4, etetra(4) integer :: ik, ibnd, nt, nk, ns, i, ik1, ik2, ik3, ik4, itetra(4) real(DP) :: f12,f13,f14,f23,f24,f34, f21,f31,f41,f42,f32,f43 real(DP) :: P1,P2,P3,P4, G, Z, o13, Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4, WW, eps,vol, Tint Tint = 0.0d0 eps = 1.0d-14 vol = 1.0d0/ntetra do nt = 1, ntetra ibnd = jbnd ! ! etetra are the energies at the vertexes of the nt-th tetrahedron ! do i = 1, 4 etetra(i) = et(ibnd, tetra(i,nt)) enddo itetra(1) = 0 call hpsort (4,etetra,itetra) ! ! ...sort in ascending order: e1 < e2 < e3 < e4 ! e1 = etetra (1) e2 = etetra (2) e3 = etetra (3) e4 = etetra (4) ! ! kp1-kp4 are the irreducible k-points corresponding to e1-e4 ! ik1 = tetra(itetra(1),nt) ik2 = tetra(itetra(2),nt) ik3 = tetra(itetra(3),nt) ik4 = tetra(itetra(4),nt) Y1 = gamma(ibnd,ik1)/et(ibnd,ik1) Y2 = gamma(ibnd,ik2)/et(ibnd,ik2) Y3 = gamma(ibnd,ik3)/et(ibnd,ik3) Y4 = gamma(ibnd,ik4)/et(ibnd,ik4) f12 = (ef-e2)/(e1-e2) f13 = (ef-e3)/(e1-e3) f14 = (ef-e4)/(e1-e4) f23 = (ef-e3)/(e2-e3) f24 = (ef-e4)/(e2-e4) f34 = (ef-e4)/(e3-e4) f21 = 1.0d0 - f12 f31 = 1.0d0 - f13 f41 = 1.0d0 - f14 f32 = 1.0d0 - f23 f42 = 1.0d0 - f24 f43 = 1.0d0 - f34 o13 = 1.0d0/3.0d0 G = 0.0d0 P1 = 0.0d0 P2 = 0.0d0 P3 = 0.0d0 P4 = 0.0d0 IF(e1.gt.ef.or.e4.lt.ef) then goto 500 ENDIF IF(e3.lt.ef.and.ef.lt.e4) THEN Z = (1.0d0 - f14 * f24 * f34) G = 3.0d0 * (1.0d0 - Z) / (e4-ef) P1 = f14 * o13 P2 = f24 * o13 P3 = f34 * o13 P4 = (f41 + f42 + f43) * o13 goto 200 ENDIF IF(e2.lt.ef.and.ef.lt.e3) THEN G = 3.0d0 * (f23*f31 + f32*f24) P1 = f14 * o13 + f13*f31*f23 / G P2 = f23 * o13 + f24*f24*f32 / G P3 = f32 * o13 + f31*f31*f23 / G P4 = f41 * o13 + f42*f24*f32 / G G = G / (e4-e1) goto 200 ENDIF IF(e1.lt.ef.and.ef.lt.e2) THEN Z = f21 * f31 * f41 G = 3.0d0 * Z / (ef-e1) P1 = o13 * (f12 + f12 + f14) P2 = o13 * f21 P3 = o13 * f31 P4 = o13 * f41 goto 200 ENDIF 200 WW = G * (Y1*P1 + Y2*P2 + Y3*P3 + Y4*P4) Tint = Tint + WW * vol 500 continue enddo ! ntetra dos_a2F = Tint !2 because DOS_ee is per 1 spin return end subroutine dos_gam ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine readfg ( ifn, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, frcg ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP implicit none ! I/O variable integer, intent(in) :: nr1,nr2,nr3, nat real(DP), intent(out) :: frcg(nr1,nr2,nr3,3,3,nat,nat) ! local variables integer i, j, na, nb, m1,m2,m3, ifn integer ibid, jbid, nabid, nbbid, m1bid,m2bid,m3bid ! ! READ (ifn,*) m1, m2, m3 if ( m1 /= nr1 .or. m2 /= nr2 .or. m3 /= nr3) & call errore('readfG','inconsistent nr1, nr2, nr3 read',1) do i=1,3 do j=1,3 do na=1,nat do nb=1,nat read (ifn,*) ibid, jbid, nabid, nbbid if(i.ne.ibid.or.j.ne.jbid.or.na.ne.nabid.or.nb.ne.nbbid) then write(*,*) i,j,na,nb,' <> ', ibid, jbid, nabid, nbbid call errore ('readfG','error in reading',1) else read (ifn,*) (((m1bid, m2bid, m3bid, & frcg(m1,m2,m3,i,j,na,nb), & m1=1,nr1),m2=1,nr2),m3=1,nr3) endif end do end do end do end do ! close(ifn) ! return end subroutine readfg