! ! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc (ik, wfcatom) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine computes the superposition of atomic wavefunctions ! for k-point "ik" - output in "wfcatom" ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE constants, ONLY : tpi, fpi, pi USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, tpiba USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau USE basis, ONLY : natomwfc USE gvect, ONLY : mill, eigts1, eigts2, eigts3, g USE klist, ONLY : xk USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, npw, nbnd, igk USE us, ONLY : tab_at, dq USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol, angle1, angle2 USE spin_orb, ONLY : lspinorb, rot_ylm, fcoef, lmaxx, domag, & starting_spin_angle ! implicit none ! integer, intent(in) :: ik complex(DP), intent(out) :: wfcatom (npwx, npol, natomwfc) ! integer :: n_starting_wfc, lmax_wfc, nt, l, nb, na, m, lm, ig, iig, & i0, i1, i2, i3, nwfcm real(DP), allocatable :: qg(:), ylm (:,:), chiq (:,:,:), gk (:,:) complex(DP), allocatable :: sk (:), aux(:) complex(DP) :: kphase, lphase real(DP) :: arg, px, ux, vx, wx call start_clock ('atomic_wfc') ! calculate max angular momentum required in wavefunctions lmax_wfc = 0 do nt = 1, ntyp lmax_wfc = MAX ( lmax_wfc, MAXVAL (upf(nt)%lchi(1:upf(nt)%nwfc) ) ) enddo ! nwfcm = MAXVAL ( upf(1:ntyp)%nwfc ) ! allocate ( ylm (npw,(lmax_wfc+1)**2), chiq(npw,nwfcm,ntyp), & sk(npw), gk(3,npw), qg(npw) ) ! do ig = 1, npw gk (1,ig) = xk(1, ik) + g(1, igk(ig) ) gk (2,ig) = xk(2, ik) + g(2, igk(ig) ) gk (3,ig) = xk(3, ik) + g(3, igk(ig) ) qg(ig) = gk(1, ig)**2 + gk(2, ig)**2 + gk(3, ig)**2 enddo ! ! ylm = spherical harmonics ! call ylmr2 ((lmax_wfc+1)**2, npw, gk, qg, ylm) ! ! set now q=|k+G| in atomic units ! do ig = 1, npw qg(ig) = sqrt(qg(ig))*tpiba enddo ! n_starting_wfc = 0 ! ! chiq = radial fourier transform of atomic orbitals chi ! do nt = 1, ntyp do nb = 1, upf(nt)%nwfc if ( upf(nt)%oc (nb) >= 0.d0) then do ig = 1, npw px = qg (ig) / dq - int (qg (ig) / dq) ux = 1.d0 - px vx = 2.d0 - px wx = 3.d0 - px i0 = INT( qg (ig) / dq ) + 1 i1 = i0 + 1 i2 = i0 + 2 i3 = i0 + 3 chiq (ig, nb, nt) = & tab_at (i0, nb, nt) * ux * vx * wx / 6.d0 + & tab_at (i1, nb, nt) * px * vx * wx / 2.d0 - & tab_at (i2, nb, nt) * px * ux * wx / 2.d0 + & tab_at (i3, nb, nt) * px * ux * vx / 6.d0 enddo endif enddo enddo deallocate (qg, gk) allocate ( aux(npw) ) ! wfcatom(:,:,:) = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp) ! do na = 1, nat arg = (xk(1,ik)*tau(1,na) + xk(2,ik)*tau(2,na) + xk(3,ik)*tau(3,na)) * tpi kphase = CMPLX(cos (arg), - sin (arg) ,kind=DP) ! ! sk is the structure factor ! do ig = 1, npw iig = igk (ig) sk (ig) = kphase * eigts1 (mill (1,iig), na) * & eigts2 (mill (2,iig), na) * & eigts3 (mill (3,iig), na) enddo ! nt = ityp (na) do nb = 1, upf(nt)%nwfc if (upf(nt)%oc(nb) >= 0.d0) then l = upf(nt)%lchi(nb) lphase = (0.d0,1.d0)**l ! ! the factor i^l MUST BE PRESENT in order to produce ! wavefunctions for k=0 that are real in real space ! IF ( noncolin ) THEN ! IF ( upf(nt)%has_so ) THEN ! IF (starting_spin_angle.OR..not.domag) THEN call atomic_wfc_so ( ) ELSE call atomic_wfc_so_mag ( ) ENDIF ! ELSE ! call atomic_wfc_nc ( ) ! ENDIF ! ELSE ! call atomic_wfc___ ( ) ! END IF ! END IF ! END DO ! END DO if (n_starting_wfc /= natomwfc) call errore ('atomic_wfc', & 'internal error: some wfcs were lost ', 1) deallocate(aux, sk, chiq, ylm) call stop_clock ('atomic_wfc') return CONTAINS SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc_so ( ) ! ! ... spin-orbit case ! real(DP) :: fact(2), j real(DP), external :: spinor integer :: ind, ind1, n1, is, sph_ind ! j = upf(nt)%jchi(nb) do m = -l-1, l fact(1) = spinor(l,j,m,1) fact(2) = spinor(l,j,m,2) if (abs(fact(1)) > 1.d-8 .or. abs(fact(2)) > 1.d-8) then n_starting_wfc = n_starting_wfc + 1 if (n_starting_wfc > natomwfc) call errore & ('atomic_wfc_so', 'internal error: too many wfcs', 1) DO is=1,2 IF (abs(fact(is)) > 1.d-8) THEN ind=lmaxx+1+sph_ind(l,j,m,is) aux=(0.d0,0.d0) DO n1=1,2*l+1 ind1=l**2+n1 if (abs(rot_ylm(ind,n1)) > 1.d-8) & aux(:)=aux(:)+rot_ylm(ind,n1)*ylm(:,ind1) ENDDO DO ig=1,npw wfcatom (ig,is,n_starting_wfc) = lphase*fact(is)*& sk(ig)*aux(ig)*chiq (ig, nb, nt) END DO ELSE wfcatom (:,is,n_starting_wfc) = (0.d0,0.d0) END IF END DO END IF END DO ! END SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc_so ! SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc_so_mag ( ) ! ! ... spin-orbit case, magnetization along "angle1" and "angle2" ! In the magnetic case we always assume that magnetism is much larger ! than spin-orbit and average the wavefunctions at l+1/2 and l-1/2 ! filling then the up and down spinors with the average wavefunctions, ! according to the direction of the magnetization, following what is ! done in the noncollinear case ! real(DP) :: alpha, gamman, j complex(DP) :: fup, fdown real(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: chiaux(:) integer :: nc, ib ! j = upf(nt)%jchi(nb) ! ! This routine creates two functions only in the case j=l+1/2 or exit in the ! other case ! IF (ABS(j-l+0.5_DP)<1.d-4) RETURN ALLOCATE(chiaux(npw)) ! ! Find the functions j=l-1/2 ! IF (l == 0) THEN chiaux(:)=chiq(:,nb,nt) ELSE DO ib=1, upf(nt)%nwfc IF ((upf(nt)%lchi(ib) == l).AND. & (ABS(upf(nt)%jchi(ib)-l+0.5_DP)<1.d-4)) THEN nc=ib EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! ! Average the two functions ! chiaux(:)=(chiq(:,nb,nt)*(l+1.0_DP)+chiq(:,nc,nt)*l)/(2.0_DP*l+1.0_DP) ! ! and construct the starting wavefunctions as in the noncollinear case. ! alpha = angle1(nt) gamman = - angle2(nt) + 0.5d0*pi ! DO m = 1, 2 * l + 1 lm = l**2 + m n_starting_wfc = n_starting_wfc + 1 if (n_starting_wfc + 2*l+1 > natomwfc) call errore & ('atomic_wfc_nc', 'internal error: too many wfcs', 1) DO ig=1,npw aux(ig) = sk(ig)*ylm(ig,lm)*chiaux(ig) END DO ! ! now, rotate wfc as needed ! first : rotation with angle alpha around (OX) ! DO ig=1,npw fup = cos(0.5d0*alpha)*aux(ig) fdown = (0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*alpha)*aux(ig) ! ! Now, build the orthogonal wfc ! first rotation with angle (alpha+pi) around (OX) ! wfcatom(ig,1,n_starting_wfc) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & +(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*gamman))*fup wfcatom(ig,2,n_starting_wfc) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & -(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*gamman))*fdown ! ! second: rotation with angle gamma around (OZ) ! ! Now, build the orthogonal wfc ! first rotation with angle (alpha+pi) around (OX) ! fup = cos(0.5d0*(alpha+pi))*aux(ig) fdown = (0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*(alpha+pi))*aux(ig) ! ! second, rotation with angle gamma around (OZ) ! wfcatom(ig,1,n_starting_wfc+2*l+1) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & +(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0 *gamman))*fup wfcatom(ig,2,n_starting_wfc+2*l+1) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & -(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*gamman))*fdown END DO END DO n_starting_wfc = n_starting_wfc + 2*l+1 DEALLOCATE(chiaux) ! END SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc_so_mag ! SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc_nc ( ) ! ! ... noncolinear case, magnetization along "angle1" and "angle2" ! real(DP) :: alpha, gamman complex(DP) :: fup, fdown ! alpha = angle1(nt) gamman = - angle2(nt) + 0.5d0*pi ! DO m = 1, 2 * l + 1 lm = l**2 + m n_starting_wfc = n_starting_wfc + 1 if (n_starting_wfc + 2*l+1 > natomwfc) call errore & ('atomic_wfc_nc', 'internal error: too many wfcs', 1) DO ig=1,npw aux(ig) = sk(ig)*ylm(ig,lm)*chiq(ig,nb,nt) END DO ! ! now, rotate wfc as needed ! first : rotation with angle alpha around (OX) ! DO ig=1,npw fup = cos(0.5d0*alpha)*aux(ig) fdown = (0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*alpha)*aux(ig) ! ! Now, build the orthogonal wfc ! first rotation with angle (alpha+pi) around (OX) ! wfcatom(ig,1,n_starting_wfc) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & +(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*gamman))*fup wfcatom(ig,2,n_starting_wfc) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & -(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*gamman))*fdown ! ! second: rotation with angle gamma around (OZ) ! ! Now, build the orthogonal wfc ! first rotation with angle (alpha+pi) around (OX) ! fup = cos(0.5d0*(alpha+pi))*aux(ig) fdown = (0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*(alpha+pi))*aux(ig) ! ! second, rotation with angle gamma around (OZ) ! wfcatom(ig,1,n_starting_wfc+2*l+1) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & +(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0 *gamman))*fup wfcatom(ig,2,n_starting_wfc+2*l+1) = (cos(0.5d0*gamman) & -(0.d0,1.d0)*sin(0.5d0*gamman))*fdown END DO END DO n_starting_wfc = n_starting_wfc + 2*l+1 ! END SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc_nc SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc___( ) ! ! ... LSDA or nonmagnetic case ! DO m = 1, 2 * l + 1 lm = l**2 + m n_starting_wfc = n_starting_wfc + 1 if (n_starting_wfc > natomwfc) call errore & ('atomic_wfc___', 'internal error: too many wfcs', 1) ! DO ig = 1, npw wfcatom (ig, 1, n_starting_wfc) = lphase * & sk (ig) * ylm (ig, lm) * chiq (ig, nb, nt) ENDDO ! END DO ! END SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc___ ! END SUBROUTINE atomic_wfc