! ! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE new_ns(ns) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine computes the new value for ns (the occupation numbers of ! ortogonalized atomic wfcs). ! These quantities are defined as follows: ns_{I,s,m1,m2} = \sum_{k,v} ! f_{kv} <\fi^{at}_{I,m1}|\psi_{k,v,s}><\psi_{k,v,s}|\fi^{at}_{I,m2}> ! USE io_global, ONLY : stdout USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp USE basis, ONLY : natomwfc USE klist, ONLY : nks, ngk USE ldaU, ONLY : Hubbard_lmax, Hubbard_l, oatwfc, & Hubbard_U, Hubbard_alpha, swfcatom USE symm_base, ONLY : d1, d2, d3 USE lsda_mod, ONLY : lsda, current_spin, nspin, isk USE symm_base, ONLY : nsym, irt USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npw, npwx, igk, wg USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc USE gvect, ONLY : gstart USE io_files, ONLY : iunigk, nwordwfc, iunwfc, nwordatwfc, iunsat USE buffers, ONLY : get_buffer USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum IMPLICIT NONE ! ! I/O variables ! REAL(DP) :: ns(2*Hubbard_lmax+1,2*Hubbard_lmax+1,nspin,nat) INTEGER :: ik, ibnd, is, i, na, nb, nt, isym, m1, m2, & m0, m00, ldim ! counter on k points ! " " bands ! " " spins ! in the natomwfc ordering REAL(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: nr (:,:,:,:) REAL(DP) :: t0, scnds ! cpu time spent REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: ddot COMPLEX(DP) :: zdotc COMPLEX(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: proj(:,:) REAL(DP) :: psum t0 = scnds () ldim = 2 * Hubbard_lmax + 1 ALLOCATE( proj(natomwfc,nbnd), nr(ldim,ldim,nspin,nat) ) ! ! D_Sl for l=1, l=2 and l=3 are already initialized, for l=0 D_S0 is 1 ! ! Offset of atomic wavefunctions initialized in setup and stored in oatwfc ! nr (:,:,:,:) = 0.d0 ns (:,:,:,:) = 0.d0 ! ! we start a loop on k points ! IF (nks > 1) REWIND (iunigk) DO ik = 1, nks IF (lsda) current_spin = isk(ik) npw = ngk (ik) IF (nks > 1) THEN READ (iunigk) igk CALL get_buffer (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik) END IF CALL davcio (swfcatom, nwordatwfc, iunsat, ik, - 1) ! ! make the projection ! DO ibnd = 1, nbnd DO i = 1, natomwfc IF ( gamma_only ) THEN proj (i, ibnd) = 2.d0 * & ddot(2*npw, swfcatom (1, i), 1, evc (1, ibnd), 1) IF (gstart.EQ.2) proj (i, ibnd) = proj (i, ibnd) - & swfcatom (1, i) * evc (1, ibnd) ELSE proj (i, ibnd) = zdotc (npw, swfcatom (1, i), 1, evc (1, ibnd), 1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO #ifdef __PARA CALL mp_sum ( proj, intra_pool_comm ) #endif ! ! compute the occupation numbers (the quantities n(m1,m2)) of the ! atomic orbitals ! DO na = 1, nat nt = ityp (na) IF (Hubbard_U(nt).NE.0.d0 .OR. Hubbard_alpha(nt).NE.0.d0) THEN DO m1 = 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 DO m2 = m1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 DO ibnd = 1, nbnd nr(m1,m2,current_spin,na) = nr(m1,m2,current_spin,na) + & wg(ibnd,ik) * DBLE( proj(oatwfc(na)+m2,ibnd) * & CONJG(proj(oatwfc(na)+m1,ibnd)) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ! on k-points ENDDO #ifdef __PARA CALL mp_sum( nr, inter_pool_comm ) #endif IF (nspin.EQ.1) nr = 0.5d0 * nr ! ! impose hermiticity of n_{m1,m2} ! DO na = 1, nat nt = ityp(na) DO is = 1, nspin DO m1 = 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 DO m2 = m1 + 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 nr (m2, m1, is, na) = nr (m1, m2, is, na) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! symmetrize the quantities nr -> ns DO na = 1, nat nt = ityp (na) IF (Hubbard_U(nt).NE.0.d0 .OR. Hubbard_alpha(nt).NE.0.d0) THEN DO is = 1, nspin DO m1 = 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 DO m2 = 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 DO isym = 1, nsym nb = irt (isym, na) DO m0 = 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 DO m00 = 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 IF (Hubbard_l(nt).EQ.0) THEN ns(m1,m2,is,na) = ns(m1,m2,is,na) + & nr(m0,m00,is,nb) / nsym ELSE IF (Hubbard_l(nt).EQ.1) THEN ns(m1,m2,is,na) = ns(m1,m2,is,na) + & d1(m0 ,m1,isym) * nr(m0,m00,is,nb) * & d1(m00,m2,isym) / nsym ELSE IF (Hubbard_l(nt).EQ.2) THEN ns(m1,m2,is,na) = ns(m1,m2,is,na) + & d2(m0 ,m1,isym) * nr(m0,m00,is,nb) * & d2(m00,m2,isym) / nsym ELSE IF (Hubbard_l(nt).EQ.3) THEN ns(m1,m2,is,na) = ns(m1,m2,is,na) + & d3(m0 ,m1,isym) * nr(m0,m00,is,nb) * & d3(m00,m2,isym) / nsym ELSE CALL errore ('new_ns', & 'angular momentum not implemented', & ABS(Hubbard_l(nt)) ) END IF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ! Now we make the matrix ns(m1,m2) strictly hermitean DO na = 1, nat nt = ityp (na) IF (Hubbard_U(nt).NE.0.d0 .OR. Hubbard_alpha(nt).NE.0.d0) THEN DO is = 1, nspin DO m1 = 1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 DO m2 = m1, 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1 psum = ABS ( ns(m1,m2,is,na) - ns(m2,m1,is,na) ) IF (psum.GT.1.d-10) THEN WRITE( stdout, * ) na, is, m1, m2 WRITE( stdout, * ) ns (m1, m2, is, na) WRITE( stdout, * ) ns (m2, m1, is, na) CALL errore ('new_ns', 'non hermitean matrix', 1) ELSE ns(m1,m2,is,na) = 0.5d0 * (ns(m1,m2,is,na) + & ns(m2,m1,is,na) ) ns(m2,m1,is,na) = ns(m1,m2,is,na) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO DEALLOCATE ( proj, nr ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE new_ns