! ! Copyright (C) 2002 FPMD group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! subroutine proc_grid_init(nproc,npx,npy,npz) implicit none integer nproc,npx,npy,npz npx = 1 npy = 1 npz = nproc if((npy*npz*npx).ne.nproc) then call errore("proc_grid_init"," npx*npy*npz .ne. nproc ", c npx*npy*npz) end if return end subroutine grid_dist_init(idist,mpime,npx,npy,npz,pex,pey,pez) implicit none integer idist,mpime,npx,npy,npz,pex,pey,pez idist = 0 pex = 0 pey = 0 pez = mpime return end subroutine mesh_desc_init(desca,mpime,nproc,nr1,nr2,nr3, c nr1_l,nr2_l,nr3_l, idist,NFFTX1,NFFTX2) implicit none integer mpime,nproc integer desca(12),nr1,nr2,nr3,nr1_l,nr2_l,nr3_l integer idist,NFFTX1,NFFTX2 integer err DESCA(1) = nr1 DESCA(2) = nr2 DESCA(3) = nr3 DESCA(5) = mpime DESCA(6) = nproc DESCA(8) = nr1 DESCA(9) = nr2 if(err.ne.0) then call errore(' mesh_desc_init ',' descinit3d ',err) end if return end