c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c namelist "inputph" c cc variable meaning default value c c********* Variables that MUST BE SPECIFIED ********** c c fildrho the file containing the variation of the charge ' ' c density at the q point under consideration, this c file is produced by phonon c c fild0rho the file containing the variation of the charge ' ' c density at q=0, this file is produced by phonon c c amass(:) ionic masses [atomic units] none c c********* Optional Variables ********** c c prefix prefix for file names 'pwscf' c c outdir scratch directory './' c c fildyn the file where the derivative of the dynamical 'd3dyn' c matrix will be written c c ethr_ph threshold for iterative diagonalization 1.0d-5 c (accuracy in ryd of the calculated eigenvalues) c For scf calculations: c c q0mode_todo(:)This array contains the list of the q=0 mode that 0 c will be computed. If q0mode_todo(1).eq.0 the c program will compute every q=0 mode. c c wraux if .true. the program will write different terms .false. c of the matrix on different files. c c recv if .true. this will be a recover run. .false. c c istop If this number is set different from zero the 0 c program will stop after the specified routine c and will write the partial result in the recover c file. c c iverbosity type of printing ( 0 few, 1 all ) 0 c c