! ! Copyright (C) 2002 FPMD group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE electrons_base !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE kinds, ONLY: dbl ! IMPLICIT NONE SAVE INTEGER :: nbnd = 0 ! total number of electronic states INTEGER :: nbndx = 0 ! array dimension nbndx >= nbnd INTEGER :: nel(2) = 0 ! number of electrons (up, down) INTEGER :: nelt = 0 ! total number of electrons ( up + down ) INTEGER :: nupdwn(2) = 0 ! number of states with spin up (1) and down (2) INTEGER :: iupdwn(2) = 0 ! first state with spin (1) and down (2) INTEGER :: nspin = 0 ! nspin = number of spins (1=no spin, 2=LSDA) REAL(dbl), ALLOCATABLE :: f(:) ! occupation numbers ( at gamma ) REAL(dbl) :: qbac = 0.0d0 ! background neutralizing charge INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: fspin(:) ! spin of each state ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE deallocate_elct() IF( ALLOCATED( f ) ) DEALLOCATE( f ) IF( ALLOCATED( fspin ) ) DEALLOCATE( fspin ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! END MODULE electrons_base !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE electrons_nose !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE kinds, ONLY: dbl ! IMPLICIT NONE SAVE REAL(dbl) :: fnosee = 0.0d0 ! frequency of the thermostat ( in THz ) REAL(dbl) :: qne = 0.0d0 ! mass of teh termostat REAL(dbl) :: ekincw = 0.0d0 ! kinetic energy to be kept constant ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! END MODULE electrons_nose !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!