This subdirectory contains code from the Grimme DFT-D3 code, version 0.9, as repackaged by Bàlint Aradi. Both the original library and repackaged one can be downloaded at Interface routines for Quantum ESPRESSO are contained in file dftd3_qe.f90. This file is released under the GPL. The Quantum ESPRESSO group acknowledges help from Bálint Aradi in debugging stress calculation. The original DFT-D3 version 0.9 file api.f90 has been slightly modified. Changes are highlighted with the label "(QE 2016)". There is a test program (test.f90), which calculates forces and stresses directly from dftd3-API code, and compares the results with numericallya computed forces and stresses from the obtained dispersion energy. Parameters for dftd3 calculation are found in ../Modules/input_parameters.f90. Those values are valid for the PBE functional. Parameter 'version' can take values from 2 to 6, but only version=3 (zero-damping) is tested with PWscf. The following is the original dftd3-lib-0.9/README.rst file ===== DFTD3 ===== This is a repackaged version of the `DFTD3 program `_ by S. Grimme and his coworkers. [ NB: obsolete link, correct link above \] The original program (V3.1 Rev 1) was downloaded at 2016-04-03. It has been converted to free format and encapsulated into modules. The source has been split into two parts: * A library with the core functionality. This can be directly used by third party applications wishing to calculate dispersion with the DFT-D3 approach. * Additional extensions which are necessary for the command line tool DFTD3 and the command line tool itself. * Updated dftd3 code to include refitted/modified zero- and BJ-damped D3 versions of Sherrill and coworkers (-bjm and -zerom) (Functionality corresponds to V3.2 Rev0) Compilation =========== Edit the file `make.arch` to reflect your compiler and linker. Then you can issue one of the following commands: * ``make lib``: to build the library `libdftd3.a` and the necessary module files (`*.mod`) in the directory `lib/`. * ``make dftd3``: to build the executable `dftd3` in the directory `prg/`. * ``make testapi``: to build a simple tester for the library (`testapi`) in the directory `test/`. The source code of this tester demonstrates how the library can be used by third party codes. If you just issue ``make``, all three targets will be compiled. Credits ======= When using the library or the dftd3 tool, please cite: S. Grimme, J. Antony, S. Ehrlich and H. Krieg J. Chem. Phys, 132 (2010), 154104. If BJ-damping is used S. Grimme, S. Ehrlich and L. Goerigk J. Comput. Chem, 32 (2011), 1456-1465. should be cited as well. License ======= This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.