# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is the schema for helpdoc DEF files, written in its own schema-language # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################## # helpdoc schema-keywords: # ------------------------ # ### toplevel keywords: # # # -- comment # rootelement -- used to describe a root element # element -- used to describe an element # attribute -- used to describe an attribute # @ -- used to describe a special "@" prefixed elements that are allowed within the text # ### keywords describing the content/data of leaf elements: # # empty -- tells that the element is empty, i.e., it is w/o content # word -- tells that the content of an element is a single word (i.e. without spaces, \t, \n, \r) # varname -- tells that the content of an element is a variable name; varname is a word with more a # restrictive set of allowed characters; current regexp == (\w+([%]\w+)*) # string -- tells that the content of an element or attribute is a string (it can contain spaces, # i.e., string can be seen as a plain simple text) # text -- tells that the content of an element is a text # (text can contain special @ref and @link elements, which are # expanded to and XML elements by helpdoc) # clist -- tells that the content of an element or attribute is a comma-separated list # (i.e. "word1, word2, word3, ...") # plist -- tells that the content of an element or attribute is a pipe-separated list # (i.e. "word1 | word2 | word3 | ..."); # the plist is used, e.g., to specify exclusive options # # ident -- tells that element has an identifier (DEF syntax: myelem myIdent { ... }) # ident must be a "word" (see above) # ### ref & define keywords: # # ref -- used to specify the reference to an element (but the element is defined elsewhere) # define -- used to define a group of elements or ref's that can be later-on referenced # (should be specified before referencing it) # ### keywords specifying optionality, repeatably, interleaving, .... # # interleave -- used to mark that the order of enclosed elements is not important # optional -- used to mark anything enclosed as optional # choice -- used to mark alternatice choices # ? -- zero or one repetition of instances of anything enclosed is allowed (synonymous with "optional") # * -- zero or more repetitions of instances of anything enclosed is allowed # + -- one or more repetitions of instances of anything enclosed is allowed # # ancestorElements -- mark that all the elements (with rules, such as, optional, # conditional, and repetition) of the ancestor are allowed # ####################### # IMPLICIT ASSUMPTIONS: #---------------------- # - order of attributes is not important # - attributes are mandatory (when they are not, use: optional { ... } keyword) # - order of elements is important (when it is not, use: interleave { ... } keyword) # - elements are mandatory (when they are not, use: optional { ... } keyword) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # toplevel element rootelement input_description { attribute distribution { string } attribute package { string } attribute program { string } optional { interleave { element intro { text } element toc {} } } + { interleave { optional { ref group ref namelist ref supercard ref card ref linecard ref table ref label ref message ref if ref choose ref optional ref conditional ref section ref subsection ref subsubsection ref paragraph } } } } # # definition of simple elements # element info { text } element default { text } element status { text } element label { text } element message { text } element see { clist } element keyword { ident } # # define what elements are used within var, dimension, ... # (will be used many times) # define varTags { interleave { optional { ref status ref default ref see } } interleave { * { ref info } ? { ref options } } } # # definition of complex elements # element options { interleave { * { ref info } + { element opt { attribute val { clist } text } } } } element list { ident attribute type { word } interleave { element format { string } ref varTags } } element var { ident attribute type { word } ref varTags } element vargroup { attribute type { word } interleave { + { ref var } ref varTags } } element dimension { ident attribute type { word } attribute start { word } attribute end { word } ref varTags } element multidimension { ident attribute type { word } attribute indexes { clist } attribute start { clist } attribute end { clist} ref varTags } element dimensiongroup { attribute type { word } attribute start { word } attribute end { word } interleave { + { ref dimension } ref varTags } } element multidimensiongroup { attribute type { word } attribute indexes { clist } attribute start { clist } attribute end { clist } interleave { + { ref multidimension } ref varTags } } element table { ident choice { element rows { attribute start { word } attribute end { word } + { interleave { optional { ref col ref optional ref conditional element colgroup { attribute type { word } interleave { + { ref col } optional { ref varTags ref optional ref conditional } } } } } } } element cols { attribute start { word } attribute end { word } + { interleave { optional { ref row ref optional ref conditional element rowgroup { attribute type { word } interleave { + { ref row } optional { ref varTags ref optional ref conditional } } } } } } } } } element col { ident optional { attribute type { word } ref varTags } } element row { ident optional { attribute type { word } ref varTags } } # # higher level complex elements # element optional { ancestorElements } element conditional { ancestorElements } element group { ancestorElements } element supercard { ident optional { attribute starttag { word } attribute endtag { word } attribute remark { text } } interleave { + { optional { ref supercard ref namelist ref card ref linecard } } * { optional { ref if ref choose ref label ref message ref optional ref conditional } } } } element namelist { ident interleave { + { optional { ref var ref vargroup ref dimension ref dimensiongroup } } * { optional { ref group ref label ref message ref if ref choose } } } } element card { ident optional { attribute nameless { word } ref flag } + { interleave { optional { ref syntax ref choose * { ref if ref label ref message } } } } } element linecard { interleave { + { optional { ref keyword ref var ref vargroup ref list } } optional { ref optional ref conditional } } } element flag { ident optional { attribute use { word } } element enum { plist } ref varTags } element syntax { ? { attribute flag { plist } } + { interleave { optional { ref line ref table ref optional ref conditional } } } } element line { + { interleave { optional { ref group ref keyword ref var ref vargroup ref list ref if ref choose ref label ref message ref optional ref conditional } } } } element if { attribute test { text } optional { ref label } ancestorElements } element choose { element when { attribute test { text } optional { ref label } ancestorElements } * { element elsewhen { attribute test { text } optional { ref label } ancestorElements } } ? { element otherwise { optional { ref label } ancestorElements } } } # # some text structure stuff # element section { attribute title { text } + { interleave { optional { ref subsection ref subsubsection ref paragraph ref text } } } } element subsection { attribute title { text } + { interleave { optional { ref subsubsection ref paragraph ref text } } } } element subsubsection { attribute title { text } + { interleave { optional { ref paragraph ref text } } } } element paragraph { attribute title { text } ref text } element text { text } #--------------- # Special @ prefixed elements that are allowed within the text # # within the text these are uses as: # @tag -- for empty elements, defined below as @ tag { empty } # @tag word -- for word and text elements, defined below as "@ tag { word }" or "@ tag { text }" # @tag { many words text } -- for text elements, defined below as "@ tag { text }" # # ref: used inside text for referencing a variable inside a document (usage: @ref var) @ ref { varname }; # varname is a word with more a restrictive set of # allowed characters; current regexp == (\w+([%]\w+)*) # link: used inside text to link to an external document (usage: @link doc) @ link { word } #-------------------- # let's support some basic HTML tags # text-styles @ b { text } @ i { text } @ tt { text } @ u { text } @ sub { text } @ sup { text } @ code { text } @ pre { text } # breaks, rule, paragraph ... @ br { empty } @ hr { empty } @ p { empty } ## lists (currently disabled : nested @tag commands do not work properly) #@ ol { text } #@ ul { text } #@ li { text } # #@ dl { text } #@ dt { text } #@ dd { text }