# # System-dependent Make definitions, SUN parallel (MPI) machines # (Using sunperf library ) - contributed by Lazaro Caldarin # # To use fftw instead of the sunperf library fft subroutine # add -D__FFTW -D__USE_INTERNAL_FFTW to CPPFLAGS # Preprocessor # CPP = fpp CPPFLAGS = -P -DSUN -D__PARA -D__MPI -DHAS_ZHEGVX -I$(OSHOME)/include # Fortran compiler: F90 = mpf90 F77 = mpf77 # F90FLAGS = -fast -xchip=ultra3 -xarch=v8plusb -stackvar -xlic_lib=sunperf F77FLAGS = -fast -xchip=ultra3 -xarch=v8plusb -stackvar -xlic_lib=sunperf # # This is needed to tell the compiler where modules are # MODULEFLAG=-M$(OSHOME)/Modules -M$(OSHOME)/PW -M$(OSHOME)/PH # LIBS = -L/usr/opt/SUNWhpc/lib \ -R/opt/SUNWhpc/lib -lmvec -lmpi # LD=$(F90) LDFLAGS = $(OSHOME)/flib/ptools.a $(OSHOME)/flib/flib.a -fast \ -xchip=ultra3 -xarch=v8plusb -xlic_lib=sunperf $(LIBS) # # ar: # AR = ar ARFLAGS = ruv