Time Dependent Density Functional Perturbation Theory (TDDFPT) Version BETA 1 (02/2010) This module uses subroutines from PW and PH along with the general infrasturcture provided by Quantum Espresso. The directory TDDFPT must reside immediately under the espresso directory for Makefiles to work. Standart compilation: Run "make tddfpt" in espresso directory where TDDFPT is a subdirectory Directory Structure: bin : The tddfpt related binaries src : The source files Doc : The manual Examples : Examples and tests. If you run make under this subdirectory a full test is initiated (requires tddfpt to be compiled first). You can also perform a shorter test by "make small_test". Each example has its own seperate Makefile. Please refer to the README under this subdirectory for further information. tools : Various tools: 1) The postprocessing code for calculating absorption spectrum and polarizabilities. 2) A script to recover reduced liouvillian in a format comprehensible to postprocessing code from the stdout.