! ! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- function d2mxc (rho) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! second derivative of the xc potential with respect to the local densi ! Perdew and Zunger parameterization of the C.A. functional ! implicit none real (8) :: rho, d2mxc ! input: the charge density ( positive ) ! output: the second derivative of the xc potent real (8) :: b1, b2, gc, a, b, c, d, pi, thofpi_3, fpioth_3, & thopi_3, tm1, tm2, tm3, tm4, tm5, tm6 ! _ parameters defining the functionals ! / ! pi ! (3/4/pi)^0.333 ! (4*pi/3)^0.333 ! (3/pi)^0.333 ! 35.d0*b1, ! 76.d0*b1*b1 + 64.d0*b2 ! 35.d0*b1*b1*b1 + 234.d0*b1*b2 ! 140.d0*b2*b1*b1 + 176.d0*b2*b2 ! 175.d0*b1*b2*b2 ! 64.d0*b2*b2*b2 parameter (b1 = 1.0529d0, b2 = 0.3334d0, gc = - 0.1423d0, a = & 0.0311d0, b = - 0.0480d0, c = 0.0020d0, d = - 0.0116d0, pi = & 3.14159265358979d0, fpioth_3 = 1.61199195401647d0, thofpi_3 = & 0.620350490899400d0, thopi_3 = 0.98474502184270d0, tm1 = & 36.85150d0, tm2 = 105.59107916d0, tm3 = 122.996139546115d0, tm4 = & 71.30831794516d0, tm5 = 20.4812455967d0, tm6 = 2.371792877056d0) real (8) :: rs, x, den rs = thofpi_3 * (1.d0 / rho) **0.3333333333333333d0 if (rs.ge.1.d0) then x = sqrt (rs) den = 1.d0 + x * b1 + b2 * x**2 d2mxc = - gc * (tm1 * x + tm2 * x**2 + tm3 * x**3 + tm4 * x**4 & + tm5 * x**5 + tm6 * x**6) / ( (rho**2) * (den**4) * 216.d0) else d2mxc = (9.d0 * a + (6.d0 * c + 8.d0 * d) * rs + 8.d0 * c * rs & * log (rs) ) / (rho**2) / 27.d0 endif rs = rs * fpioth_3 d2mxc = d2mxc + (2.d0 / 9.d0 * thopi_3 * rs**5) d2mxc = 2.d0 * d2mxc return end function d2mxc