# # System-dependent Make definitions for Linux, (old) Absoft compiler # Edit according to your needs # # Precompiler # we assume that the GNU precompiler is used. The option -traditional # prevent string concatenation '//' from being interpreted as a comment # CPP = /lib/cpp -P -traditional # # Add -DADD_BLAS_ONE_UNDERSCORE or -DADD_BLAS_TWO_UNDERSCORES to # CPPFLAGS if your blas/lapack library names contain respectively # one or two underscores at the end # Use precompiled fftw library (version <= 2.1.5, NOT v.3!) # # In this case, specify also how to load the fftw library (FFTW_LIB) # and the path to the fftw.h include file (FFTW_INC_DIR). Example: # FFTW_LIB=-L/usr/local/src/fftw-2.1.3/fftw/.libs -lfftw # FFTW_INC_DIR=/usr/local/src/fftw-2.1.3/fftw # CPPFLAGS = -D__LINUX -D__ABSOFT -D__FFTW -I$(OSHOME)/include \ # -I$(FFTW_INC_DIR) # Use the local copy of fftw CPPFLAGS = -D__LINUX -D__ABSOFT -D__FFTW -D__USE_INTERNAL_FFTW \ -I$(OSHOME)/include -I./ # # Fortran compiler # F90 = /usr/absoft/bin/f90 F77 = /usr/absoft/bin/f77 # # Fortran compiler flags # -s for static allocation # (otherwise everything is allocated on the stack) # -YEXT_NAMES= LCS folds external symbols to lowercase # (Absoft is case-sensitive) - f90 only # -f same as above - f77 only # -O for optimization # -B100 for Pentium II optimization # -B101 for Pentium optimization # -N113 Promote REAL and COMPLEX data types to DOUBLE-f77 only # # # Fortran90 compiler flags # F90FLAGS =-s -O -B100 -YEXT_NAMES=LCS # # Fortran77 compiler flags # F77FLAGS =-s -N113 -O -B100 -f F77FLAGS_NOOPT = -f # # C compiler flags (for GNU C compiler) # CCFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS) -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer # # This is needed to tell the compiler where modules are # MODULEFLAG= -p$(OSHOME)/Modules -p$(OSHOME)/PW -p$(OSHOME)/PH # # Loader: # # for precompiled blas/lapack, use the following # (some precompiled blas/lapack libraries may need -lg2c) # LIBS= -llapack -lblas lU77 -lm $(FFTW_LIB) # # The following is to use blas and lapack from the source code # LIBS= -lU77 -lm # MYLIB=blas_and_lapack # LD=$(F90) LDFLAGS = $(OSHOME)/flib/ptools.a $(OSHOME)/flib/flib.a $(OSHOME)/clib/clib.a $(LIBS) # # ar: # AR = ar ARFLAGS = ruv RANLIB = echo