! ! Copyright (C) 2002-2003 PWSCF group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! ! program elph ! read files 'filelph' produced by phonon (one for each q-point) ! sum over q-points to produce the electron-phonon coefficients: ! lambda (the one of BCS superconductivity) and alpha^2*F(omega) implicit none integer, parameter:: npk=200, nsigx=50, nmodex=100, nex=200 integer :: nks, ios, iuelph, ngauss, ngauss1, ngaussq, nsig, nmodes integer :: ik, ng, mu, nu, i real(kind=8) :: q(3,npk), wk(npk), degauss(nsigx), w2(nmodex), & dosef(nsigx), ef(nsigx), lambdaq(nmodex,nsigx), & lambda(nsigx), alpha2F(nex,nsigx), logavg real(kind=8) qread(3), dosef1, ef1, degauss1, gammaq, lambda2, & degaussq, emax, deltae, e, omega, sum character(len=80) :: filelph real(kind=8), external :: w0gauss ! INPUT from standard input: ! emax degaussq ngaussq ! nks ! q(1,1) q(2,1) q(3,1) wk(1) ! ... ... ... ... ! q(1,nks) q(2,nks) q(3,nks) wk(nks) ! filelph(1) ! ... ! filelph(nks) ! ! emax (THz) : alpha2F is plotted from 0 to "emax" in "nex" steps ! degaussq (THz): gaussian smearing for sum over q ! NB: not the same used in phonon ! ! ngaussq : 0 for simple gaussian, 1 for Methfessel-Paxton etc. ! nks : number of q-points used in the sum ! q, wk : q-points and weights ! filelph : output files from phonon, one for each q-point ! May contain "nsig" calculations done with different ! broadenings for the sum over k - all of them are used ! ! OUTPUT in xmgr-readable format: files 'lambda.dat' and 'alpha2F.dat' ! read(5,*) emax, degaussq, ngaussq deltae=emax/(nex-1) read(5,*) nks if (nks.gt.npk) call errore('lambda','too many q-points',npk) sum=0.d0 do ik=1,nks read(5,*) q(1,ik), q(2,ik), q(3,ik), wk(ik) sum = sum + wk(ik) end do do ik=1,nks wk(ik)=wk(ik)/sum end do iuelph=4 do ik=1,nks read(5,'(a)') filelph open(unit=iuelph,file=filelph,status='old',iostat=ios) read (iuelph,*) qread(1),qread(2),qread(3), nsig, nmodes if ( (qread(1)-q(1,ik))**2 + & (qread(2)-q(2,ik))**2 + & (qread(3)-q(3,ik))**2 .gt. 1.d-6) & call errore('lambda','inconsistent q read',ik) if (nsig.le.0.or.nsig.gt.nsigx) & call errore('lambda','wrong/too many gauss.broad.',nsigx) if (nmodes.le.0.or.nmodes.gt.nmodex) & call errore('lambda','wrong # or too many modes',nmodex) if (ik.eq.1) then do ng=1,nsig lambda(ng)=0.d0 do i=1,nex alpha2F(i,ng)=0.d0 end do end do end if ! read omega^2 read(iuelph,*) (w2(nu),nu=1,nmodes) ! read data do ng=1,nsig read (iuelph,9000) degauss1, ngauss1 if (ik.eq.1) then degauss(ng)=degauss1 ngauss =ngauss1 else if (degauss(ng).ne.degauss1.or.ngauss.ne.ngauss1) & call errore('lambda','inconsistent gauss.broad. read',ik) end if read (iuelph,9005) dosef1, ef1 if (ik.eq.1) then dosef(ng)=dosef1 ef(ng)=ef1 else if (dosef(ng).ne.dosef1.or.ef(ng).ne.ef1) & call errore('lambda','inconsistent DOS(Ef) read',ik) end if do mu=1,nmodes read (iuelph,9010) nu, lambdaq(mu,ng), gammaq if (nu.ne.mu) call errore('lambda','wrong mode read',mu) ! sum over k-points lambda(ng) = lambda(ng) + wk(ik)*lambdaq(mu,ng) do i=1,nex e=(i-1)*deltae ! 1 Ry = 3289.828 THz omega=sqrt(w2(mu))*3289.828 alpha2F(i,ng) = alpha2F(i,ng) + & wk(ik) * lambdaq(mu,ng) * omega * 0.5d0 * & w0gauss((e-omega)/degaussq,ngaussq)/degaussq end do end do end do close(unit=iuelph) end do open(unit=iuelph,file='lambda.dat',status='unknown',form='formatted') write(iuelph,9014) do ng=1,nsig ! lambda2 is used as a check ! logavg is the logarithmic average of omega used in McMillan's formula(?) lambda2=0.d0 logavg =0.d0 do i=2,nex e=(i-1)*deltae lambda2=lambda2 + alpha2F(i,ng)/e logavg =logavg + alpha2F(i,ng)*log(e)/e end do lambda2=lambda2*2.d0*deltae logavg =logavg*2.d0 *deltae ! 1 THz = 50 K logavg=exp(logavg/lambda2)*50.d0 write(6,9015) lambda(ng), lambda2, logavg,dosef(ng),degauss(ng) write(iuelph,9016) & degauss(ng), lambda(ng), lambda2, logavg,dosef(ng) end do close(unit=iuelph) open(unit=iuelph,file='alpha2F.dat',status='unknown', & form='formatted') write(iuelph,9020) (degauss(ng),ng=1,nsig) do i=1,nex e=(i-1)*deltae write(iuelph,9025) e,(alpha2F(i,ng),ng=1,nsig) end do close(unit=iuelph) stop 9000 format(5x,'Gaussian Broadening: ',f7.3,' Ry, ngauss=',i4) 9005 format(5x,'DOS =',f10.6,' states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=', & f10.6,' eV') 9010 format(5x,'lambda(',i2,')=',f10.6,' gamma=',f10.6,' GHz') 9014 format('# degauss lambda int alpha2F N(Ef)') 9015 format(5x,'lambda =',f9.6,' (',f10.6,') =',f9.3,'K ', & 'N(Ef)=',f9.6,' at degauss=',f5.3) 9016 format(f7.3,2f12.6,f10.3,2f12.6) 9020 format('# E(THz)',10(f10.3)) 9025 format(f8.4,10(f10.5)) end program elph