============================================================================== * * * README file for PWgui (and PWscf) developers * * * ============================================================================== Read first the "README" file. FOR PWscf DEVELOPERS: UPDATING the PWgui MODULES -------------------------------------------------- If some new variables have been added to a given PWscf program, please update corresponding module definition files, which are located in modules/ directory. Before committing changes to CVS repository, please check that the updated module works!!! If you face troubles, please consult tone.kokalj@ijs.si. WHAT IS A "MODULE" IN PWgui ----------------------------- A "module" stands for the definition of the input of a given PWscf program. The description of the input is specified using the GUIB-definition syntax. Such a description provides two items: (i) it defines the input-syntax, and concomitantly (ii) defines the GUI. The modules are located in the modules/ directory. Each module is located in its own directory. For example the PW.X module is located in directory modules/pw. The following files are located therein: * pw.tcl - main module definition file, the rest of the files are source from here * pw-event.tcl - implementation of event-driven mechanism * pw-help.tcl - help file describing all the pw.x variables * commands.tcl - auxiliary commands used by file pw.tcl Hereafter such files are called "module definition files". HOW TO ADD A NEW MODULE TO PWgui ---------------------------------- Let's say we want to add a new module named "mymodule". We have to perform two tasks: (i) Write the Module Definition Files Create a directory: modules/mymodule, and therein a file mymodule.tcl. If needed create also files: mymodule-event.tcl, mymodule-help.tcl, and commands.tcl. For the syntax of the module definition file see some existing modules. For example, see files in modules/pp (easy example), or in modules/pw (complex example). For further documentation see also: http://www-k3.ijs.si/kokalj/guib/documentation.html. (ii) Inform the GUI About New Module Now we should edit the file src-tcl/pwscf.itcl, and add the following line on the proper place (search for addModule string): $gui addModule module mymodule "MyModule.X" \ [file join $env(PWGUI) modules mymodule mymodule.tcl] { {{MyModule.X Input File} {*.my.inp}} } We can also add extra documentation for the module. Let say that we have an INPUT_MYMODULE file. We can either copy this file to directory doc/pwdoc or alternatively we make a symbolic link. Then we edit a Makefile and insert the INPUT_MYMODULE support (the purpose is to convert INPUT_MYMODULE to INPUT_MYMODULE.html). Now we execute: make input_html (this will create the INPUT_MYMODULE.html file). Finally, we can edit the src-tcl/pwscf.itcl, and add the following line on the proper place (search for addHelp string): $gui addHelp help mymodule "MyModule.X Input Syntax" \ [file join $env(PWGUI) doc pwdocs INPUT_MYMODULE.html] -- Anton Kokalj (tone.kokalj@ijs.si), Tue Feb 17 08:41:05 CET 2004