MODULE ensemble_dft IMPLICIT NONE SAVE logical :: tens = .false. ! whether to do ensemble calculations. logical :: tgrand = .false. ! whether to do grand canonical ! ensemble calculations. integer :: ninner = 0 ! number of inner loops per CP step. integer :: ismear = 2 ! type of smearing: ! 1 => gaussian ! 2 => fermi-dirac ! 3 => hermite-delta_function ! 4 => gaussian splines ! 5 => cold smearing i ! 6 => cold smearing ii ! (only 2 works). real(kind=8) :: etemp = 0 ! smearing temperature. real(kind=8) :: ef = 0 ! Fermi energy (relevant if tgrand=.true.). logical :: tdynz = .false. ! whether to do dynamics for the ! rotational degrees of freedom. logical :: tdynf = .false. ! whether to do dynamics for the ! unitary degrees of freedom. real(kind=8) :: zmass = 0 ! mass for the rotational degrees of freedom ! in CP Lagrangian. real(kind=8) :: fmass = 0 ! mass for the occupational degrees of freedom ! in CP Lagrangian. real(kind=8) :: fricz = 0 ! unitary degrees of freedom damping. real(kind=8) :: fricf = 0 ! occupational degrees of freedom damping. !***ensemble-DFT real(kind=8), allocatable:: bec0(:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: becm(:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: becdrdiag(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: z0(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: id(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: fion2(:,:) complex(kind=8), allocatable:: c0diag(:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: becdiag(:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: c0hc0(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: c0h0c0(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: c0hxcc0(:,:,:) complex(kind=8), allocatable:: h0c0(:,:) complex(kind=8), allocatable:: hxcc0(:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: z1(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: zx(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: zxt(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: zaux(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: dval(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: e0(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: e1(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: ex(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: dx(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: f0(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: f1(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: fx(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: faux(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: fmat0(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: fmat1(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: fmatx(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: dfmat(:,:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: v0s(:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: vhxcs(:,:) real(kind=8), allocatable:: epsi0(:,:,:) real(kind=8) :: atot0,atot1,atotmin,etot0,etot1,etotmin real(kind=8) :: ef1,enocc real(kind=8) :: dadx1,dedx1,dentdx1,eqa,eqb,eqc real(kind=8) :: etot2,entropy2 real(kind=8) :: f2,x,xx,xmin complex(kind=8) :: c0doti,c0dotk integer :: niter,nss,istart,il real(kind=8) :: gibbsfe CONTAINS SUBROUTINE compute_entropy( entropy, f, nspin ) implicit none real(kind=8), intent(out) :: entropy real(kind=8), intent(in) :: f integer, intent(in) :: nspin real(kind=8) :: f2 entropy=0.0 if (( then f2=float(nspin)*f/2.0 entropy=-f2*log(f2)-(1.-f2)*log(1.-f2) end if entropy=-etemp*2.0*entropy/float(nspin) END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE compute_entropy2( entropy, f, n, nspin ) implicit none real(kind=8), intent(out) :: entropy real(kind=8), intent(in) :: f(:) integer, intent(in) :: n, nspin real(kind=8) :: f2 integer :: i entropy=0.0 do i=1,n if ((f(i).gt.1.0d-20).and.(f(i).lt.(2.0/float(nspin)-1.0d-20))) then f2=float(nspin)*f(i)/2.0 entropy=entropy-f2*log(f2)-(1.-f2)*log(1.-f2) end if end do entropy=-etemp*2.0*entropy/float(nspin) return END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE compute_entropy_der( ex, fx, n, nspin ) implicit none real(kind=8), intent(out) :: ex(:) real(kind=8), intent(in) :: fx(:) integer, intent(in) :: n, nspin real(kind=8) :: f2,xx integer :: i ! calculation of the entropy derivative at x do i=1,n if ((fx(i).gt.1.0d-200).and.(fx(i).lt.(2.0/float(nspin)-1.0d-200))) then ex(i)=(log((2.0/float(nspin)-fx(i))/fx(i))) else if (fx(i).le.1.0d-200) then xx=1.0d-200 ex(i)=log(2.0/float(nspin)/xx-1) else ! the calculation of ex_i is done using ex_i=-log(mf/(1-f_i)-1) ! instead of ex_i=log(mf/f_i-1) ! to avoid numerical errors xx=1.0d-200 ex(i)=-log(2.0/float(nspin)/xx-1) end if end do return END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE id_matrix_init( nupdwn, nspin ) ! initialization of the matrix identity IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nupdwn(2), nspin INTEGER :: is, nss, i id(:,:,:)=0.0d0 do is=1,nspin nss=nupdwn(is) do i=1,nss id(i,i,is)=1.d0 end do end do z0 = id ! initialize rotation matrix to a default value RETURN END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE enemble_dft_info() USE io_global, ONLY: stdout write(stdout,250) tens write(stdout,252) tgrand ! write(stdout,253) tdynz ! write(stdout,254) tdynf 250 format (4x,' ensemble-DFT calculation =',l5) 252 format (4x,' grand-canonical calculation =',l5) 253 format (4x,' CP rotational evolution =',l5) 254 format (4x,' CP occupational evolution =',l5) if(tens) then write (stdout,251) ninner,etemp,ismear,ef endif 251 format (/4x,'=====================================' & & /4x,'| ensemble-DFT parameters |' & & /4x,'=====================================' & & /4x,'| ninner =',i10,' |' & & /4x,'| etemp =',f10.5,' a.u. |' & & /4x,'| ismear =',i10,' |' & & /4x,'| fermi energy =',f10.5,' a.u. |' & ! & /4x,'| zmass =',f10.5,' a.u. |' & ! & /4x,'| fmass =',f10.5,' a.u. |' & ! & /4x,'| fricz =',f10.5,' |' & ! & /4x,'| fricf =',f10.5,' |' & & /4x,'=====================================') RETURN END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE allocate_ensemble_dft( nhsa, n, ngw, nudx, nspin, nx, nnrsx, nat ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nhsa, n, ngw, nudx, nspin, nx, nnrsx, nat allocate( bec0(nhsa,n)) allocate( becm(nhsa,n)) allocate(c0diag(ngw,n)) allocate(becdrdiag(nhsa,n,3)) allocate(id(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(z0(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(fion2(3,nat)) allocate(becdiag(nhsa,n)) allocate(c0hc0(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(c0h0c0(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(c0hxcc0(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(h0c0(ngw,nx)) allocate(hxcc0(ngw,nx)) allocate(z1(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(zx(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(zxt(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(zaux(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(dval(nx)) allocate(e0(nx)) allocate(e1(nx)) allocate(ex(nx)) allocate(dx(nx)) allocate(f0(nx)) allocate(f1(nx)) allocate(fx(nx)) allocate(faux(nx)) allocate(fmat0(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(fmat1(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(fmatx(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(dfmat(nudx,nudx,nspin)) allocate(v0s(nnrsx)) allocate(vhxcs(nnrsx,nspin)) allocate(epsi0(nudx,nudx,nspin)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE deallocate_ensemble_dft( ) IMPLICIT NONE IF( ALLOCATED( bec0 ) ) deallocate( bec0) IF( ALLOCATED( becm ) ) deallocate( becm ) IF( ALLOCATED( c0diag ) ) deallocate(c0diag ) IF( ALLOCATED( becdrdiag ) ) deallocate(becdrdiag ) IF( ALLOCATED( id ) ) deallocate(id ) IF( ALLOCATED( z0 ) ) deallocate(z0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( fion2 ) ) deallocate(fion2 ) IF( ALLOCATED( becdiag ) ) deallocate(becdiag ) IF( ALLOCATED( c0hc0 ) ) deallocate(c0hc0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( c0h0c0 ) ) deallocate(c0h0c0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( c0hxcc0 ) ) deallocate(c0hxcc0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( h0c0 ) ) deallocate(h0c0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( hxcc0 ) ) deallocate(hxcc0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( z1 ) ) deallocate(z1 ) IF( ALLOCATED( zx ) ) deallocate(zx ) IF( ALLOCATED( zxt ) ) deallocate(zxt ) IF( ALLOCATED( zaux ) ) deallocate(zaux ) IF( ALLOCATED( dval ) ) deallocate(dval ) IF( ALLOCATED( e0 ) ) deallocate(e0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( e1 ) ) deallocate(e1 ) IF( ALLOCATED( ex ) ) deallocate(ex ) IF( ALLOCATED( dx ) ) deallocate(dx ) IF( ALLOCATED( f0 ) ) deallocate(f0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( f1 ) ) deallocate(f1 ) IF( ALLOCATED( fx ) ) deallocate(fx ) IF( ALLOCATED( faux ) ) deallocate(faux ) IF( ALLOCATED( fmat0 ) ) deallocate(fmat0 ) IF( ALLOCATED( fmat1 ) ) deallocate(fmat1 ) IF( ALLOCATED( fmatx ) ) deallocate(fmatx ) IF( ALLOCATED( dfmat ) ) deallocate(dfmat ) IF( ALLOCATED( v0s ) ) deallocate(v0s ) IF( ALLOCATED( vhxcs ) ) deallocate(vhxcs ) IF( ALLOCATED( epsi0 ) ) deallocate(epsi0 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE END MODULE