! ! Copyright (C) 2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. See the file `License' ! in the root directory of the present distribution, ! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt . ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE clean_pw_ph(iq) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine deallocate all the variables of pwscf and of the ! phonon code, and reset the same variables as after reading input in ! phq_readin, so that it is possible to start a calculation at ! a new q. ! USE kinds, ONLY : DP USE control_flags, ONLY : twfcollect USE modes, ONLY : nirr USE partial, ONLY : done_irr USE disp, ONLY : done_iq USE control_ph, ONLY : done_bands, rec_code_read USE save_ph, ONLY : restore_ph_input_variables ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iq ! INTEGER :: irr ! done_bands=.FALSE. done_iq(iq)=1 DO irr=1,nirr IF (done_irr(irr)==0) done_iq(iq)=0 ENDDO twfcollect=.FALSE. CALL clean_pw( .FALSE. ) CALL deallocate_phq() rec_code_read=-1000 ! ! ... Close the files ! CALL close_phq( .TRUE. ) ! CALL restore_ph_input_variables() ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE clean_pw_ph