Automatic allocation fro all arrays

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
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giannozz 2007-05-11 16:11:54 +00:00
parent 70dbd70015
commit fdc43cf6ad
1 changed files with 29 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! Copyright (C) 2001-2007 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
@ -21,16 +21,17 @@ program plotrho
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer, parameter :: nwrk = 10000, nximax = 64, nyimax = 64, &
nxmax = 128, nymax = 128, nlevelx = 19, nax = 130
integer :: ityp (nax), nxi, nyi, nx, ny, i, j, k, nlevels, na, &
nat, ierr, ilen
real(DP) :: rhoi (0:nximax, 0:nyimax), xi (0:nximax), yi (0: &
nyimax), rhoo (0:nxmax, 0:nymax), x (0:nxmax), y (0:nymax), &
z (0:nlevelx), wrk (nwrk), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, rhomin, &
rhomax, rhoomin, rhoomax
real(DP) :: xdim, ydim, xs, ys
real(DP) :: r0 (3), tau1 (3), tau2 (3), tau (3, nax)
! for spline interpolation using essl toutines
integer, parameter :: nwrk = 10000
real(DP) :: wrk (nwrk)
integer, allocatable :: ityp (:)
integer :: nxi, nyi, nx, ny, i, j, k, nlevels, na, nat, ierr, ilen
real(DP), allocatable :: rhoi(:,:), xi(:), yi(:)
real(DP), allocatable :: rhoo(:,:), x (:), y (:)
real(DP), allocatable :: z (:)
real(DP) :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, rhomin, rhomax, rhoomin, rhoomax
real(DP) :: xdim, ydim, xs, ys, r0 (3), tau1 (3), tau2 (3)
real(DP), allocatable :: tau (:,:)
real(DP) :: at (3, 3), a0
character (len=256) :: filename, fileout, ans * 1
logical :: logarithmic_scale
@ -40,10 +41,7 @@ program plotrho
open (unit = 1, file = filename, form = 'formatted', status = 'old')
read (1, * ) nxi, nyi
if (nxi > nximax .or. nyi > nyimax) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: nx or ny too big ")')
allocate ( xi(0:nxi), yi(0:nyi), rhoi(0:nxi,0:nyi) )
read (1, * ) (xi (i), i = 0, nxi)
read (1, * ) (yi (j), j = 0, nyi)
read (1, * ) ( (rhoi (i, j), i = 0, nxi), j = 0, nyi)
@ -51,10 +49,11 @@ program plotrho
read (1, * ) tau1
read (1, * ) tau2
read (1, * ) nat
if (nat > nax) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: too many atoms (",i4,", max:",i4,")")') nat, nax
if (nat < 0 .or. nat > 1000000) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: unlikely number of atoms ",i4)') nat
allocate (tau (3,nat), ityp(nat) )
read (1, * ) ( (tau (j, na), j = 1, 3), ityp (na), na = 1, nat)
read (1, * ) a0
read (1, * ) at
@ -78,14 +77,11 @@ program plotrho
WRITE( stdout, '("nx, ny (output) > ",$)')
read (5, * ) nx, ny
if (nx > nxmax .or. ny > nymax) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Error: nx or ny too big ")')
nx = nxi
ny = nyi
allocate ( x(0:nx), y(0:ny), rhoo(0:nx,0:ny) )
xmin = xi (0)
xmax = xi (nxi)
do i = 0, nx
@ -98,8 +94,8 @@ program plotrho
y (i) = (yi (nyi) - yi (0) ) * DBLE (i) / DBLE (ny)
#ifdef __ESSL
call dcsin2 (xi, yi, rhoi, nxi + 1, nyi + 1, nximax + 1, x, y, nx &
+ 1, ny + 1, rhoo, nxmax + 1, wrk, nwrk)
call dcsin2 (xi, yi, rhoi, nxi + 1, nyi + 1, nxi + 1, x, y, &
nx + 1, ny + 1, rhoo, nx + 1, wrk, nwrk)
rhoo (0:nx, 0:ny) = rhoi (0:nx, 0:ny)
@ -122,14 +118,14 @@ program plotrho
WRITE( stdout, '("Out of Bounds! try again")')
go to 10
end if
if (nlevels > nlevelx) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Too many levels, reducing to allowed max:",i4)') &
nlevels = nlevelx
if (nlevels > 1000) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Are you sure you really need ",i8," levels?")') &
else if (nlevels < 1) then
WRITE( stdout, '("Too few levels! assuming 1 level")')
nlevels = 1
end if
allocate (z(0:nlevels))
if (logarithmic_scale) then
do k = 0, nlevels - 1
z (k) = exp (log (rhoomin) + (log (rhoomax) - log (rhoomin) ) &
@ -151,17 +147,21 @@ program plotrho
! uncomment the call to "cplot" if you want contour lines,
! plus gray levels and shading for negative values
call cplot (rhoo, nxmax, nymax, x, xmin, xmax, nx, y, ymin, ymax, &
call cplot (rhoo, nx, ny, x, xmin, xmax, nx, y, ymin, ymax, &
ny, nlevels, z, xdim, ydim, xs, ys, filename, fileout)
! uncomment the call to "psplot" if you want contour lines
! of various kinds: solid, dashed, etc
! call psplot ( rhoo, nxmax, x, nx, y, ny, nlevels, z, xdim, ydim, &
! call psplot ( rhoo, nx, x, nx, y, ny, nlevels, z, xdim, ydim, &
! xs, ys, fileout)
call atomi (nat, tau, ityp, at, a0, r0, tau1, tau2, xdim, ydim)
20 stop
deallocate (z)
deallocate (rhoo, x , y )
deallocate (tau, ityp, z)
deallocate (rhoi, xi, yi)
end program plotrho