band_interpolation input with namelists and cards

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Carnimeo 2022-01-20 16:41:44 +01:00
parent 73235b943c
commit fd8699db75
8 changed files with 259 additions and 178 deletions

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ MODULE read_cards_module
PUBLIC :: read_cards
PUBLIC :: read_cards, card_kpoints
! ... end of module-scope declarations

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
User-given star functions
1 .true.
0.5 0.5 0.5
Interpolation parameters
NMax 7

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
User-given star functions
1 .true.
0.5 0.5 0.5
Interpolation parameters
NMax 7

View File

@ -11,31 +11,135 @@
program band_interpolation
use globalmod
use idwmod
use fouriermod
use fourierdiffmod
use globalmod, ONLY : card_user_stars, card_roughness, read_xml_input, t, build_kpath, at, bg, &
ek, eq, Nb, Nq, NSym, q, Op, print_bands, deallocate_global
use idwmod, ONLY : idw, p_metric, scale_sphere
use fouriermod, ONLY : fourier, miller_max, check_periodicity, RoughC, RoughN, NUser
use fourierdiffmod, ONLY : fourierdiff
use input_parameters, ONLY : k_points , xk, nkstot
use parser, ONLY : read_line
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_startup
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE read_cards_module, ONLY : card_kpoints
implicit none
Call read_input ()
integer, parameter :: iunit = 5
integer :: ios
integer :: i, iii, ik
CHARACTER(len=256) :: input_line
LOGICAL :: tend
CHARACTER(len=80) :: card
CHARACTER(len=1), EXTERNAL :: capital
CHARACTER(len=80) :: method = ' '
!! a string describing the method used for interpolation
NAMELIST / interpolation / method, miller_max, check_periodicity, p_metric, scale_sphere
write(*,*) 'PROGRAM: band_interpolation '
#if defined(__MPI)
CALL mp_startup ( )
! Set defaults
method = 'fourier-diff'
check_periodicity = .false.
p_metric = 2
scale_sphere = 4.0d0
miller_max = 6
RoughN = 1
allocate( RoughC(RoughN) )
RoughC(1) = 1.0d0
NUser = 0
k_points = 'none'
! Read input file
ios = 0
READ( iunit, interpolation, iostat = ios )
100 CALL read_line( input_line, end_of_file=tend )
IF( tend ) GOTO 120
IF( input_line == ' ' .OR. input_line(1:1) == '#' .OR. &
input_line(1:1) == '!' ) GOTO 100
READ (input_line, *) card
DO i = 1, len_trim( input_line )
input_line( i : i ) = capital( input_line( i : i ) )
IF ( trim(card) == 'ROUGHNESS' ) THEN
CALL card_roughness( input_line )
ELSEIF ( trim(card) == 'USER_STARS' ) THEN
CALL card_user_stars( input_line )
ELSEIF ( trim(card) == 'K_POINTS' ) THEN
CALL card_kpoints( input_line )
WRITE( *,'(A)') 'Warning: card '//trim(input_line)//' ignored'
GOTO 100
if('tpiba') then
write(stdout,'(A,A)') 'k_points = ', k_points
Call errore('band_interpolation ' , ' K_POINTS card must be specified with tpiba_b ', 1)
end if
if(nkstot.le.0) then
write(stdout,'(A,I5)') 'nkstot = ', nkstot
Call errore('band_interpolation ' , ' wrong number of k-points ', 1)
end if
Write(stdout,'(A,A)') 'Interpolation method: ', method
if( TRIM(method).ne.'idw'.and.TRIM(method).ne.'idw-sphere'&
.and.TRIM(method).ne.'fourier'.and.TRIM(method).ne.'fourier-diff' ) &
Call errore('band_interpolation', 'Wrong interpolation method ', 1)
! Build the abscissa values for band plotting
allocate( t(nkstot) )
t = 0.0d0
do ik= 2, nkstot
t(ik) = t(ik-1) + sqrt(dot_product(xk(:,ik)-xk(:,ik-1),xk(:,ik)-xk(:,ik-1)))
write(*,'(I5,f12.6)') ik, t(ik)
end do
! Read xml file
Call read_xml_input ()
ek = 0.0d0
if(TRIM(method).eq.'idw') then
Call idw (1, Nb, Nq, q, eq, Nk, k, ek, at, bg)
Call idw (1, Nb, Nq, q, eq, nkstot, xk, ek, at, bg)
elseif(TRIM(method).eq.'idw-sphere') then
Call idw (2, Nb, Nq, q, eq, Nk, k, ek, at, bg)
Call idw (2, Nb, Nq, q, eq, nkstot, xk, ek, at, bg)
elseif(TRIM(method).eq.'fourier') then
Call fourier (Nb, Nq, q, eq, Nk, k, ek, Nsym, at, bg, Op)
Call fourier (Nb, Nq, q, eq, nkstot, xk, ek, Nsym, at, bg, Op)
elseif(TRIM(method).eq.'fourier-diff') then
Call fourierdiff (Nb, Nq, q, eq, Nk, k, ek, Nsym, at, bg, Op)
Call fourierdiff (Nb, Nq, q, eq, nkstot, xk, ek, Nsym, at, bg, Op)

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ implicit none
write(*,'(A)') '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
write(*,'(A)') 'Fourier difference interpolation method'
if(check_periodicity) write(*,*) 'Checking Star functions periodicity (WARNING: time consuming)'
Na = Nq - 1 ! dimension of the linear system
@ -71,8 +72,10 @@ implicit none
write(*,'(A)') 'Creating Star functions...'
Call find_stars(NSym, Op, at, .true.)
write(*,*) 'Checking Star functions periodicity...'
Call check_stars(Nq, q, NSym, Op, bg)
if(check_periodicity) then
write(*,*) 'Checking Star functions periodicity...'
Call check_stars(Nq, q, NSym, Op, bg)
end if
! fStarsOnQ = [S_m(q_i)-S_m(q_Nq)] / sqrt(rho_m)
write(*,*) 'Computing fStarsOnQ...'
@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ implicit none
ek(:,:) = dble(ek_c(:,:))
deallocate( matX, matB, matA, matC, matC1, ek_c )
deallocate( C )
deallocate( RoughC )
deallocate( VecStars )
deallocate( fStarsOnQ )
deallocate( fStarsOnK )

View File

@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ save
real(dp), parameter :: eps = 0.000010d0, Zero = 0.0d0, One = 1.0d0, Two = 2.0d0, Four = 4.0d0
real(dp), parameter :: Pi = Four*atan(One)
logical :: check_periodicity = .false.
! the largest Miller index used to generate all the lattice vectors inside an outer shell
integer :: NMax
integer :: NC
real(dp), allocatable :: C(:)
integer :: miller_max
integer :: RoughN
real(dp), allocatable :: RoughC(:)
integer :: NStars ! total number of Star functions
real(dp), allocatable :: VecStars(:,:) ! symmetry inequivalent lattice vectors generating the Star functions (one per Star)
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ CONTAINS
subroutine allocate_fourier( )
implicit none
allocate ( C(NC) )
allocate ( RoughC(RoughN) )
end subroutine
@ -64,12 +66,15 @@ implicit none
real(dp), allocatable :: rmatJ(:,:)
write(*,'(A)') '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
write(*,'(A)') 'Fourier interpolation method'
write(*,'(A)') 'Fourier interpolation method'
if(check_periodicity) write(*,*) 'Checking Star functions periodicity (WARNING: time consuming)'
write(*,*) 'Creating Star functions...'
Call find_stars(NSym, Op, at)
write(*,*) 'Checking Star functions periodicity...'
Call check_stars(Nq, q, NSym, Op, bg)
if(check_periodicity) then
write(*,*) 'Checking Star functions periodicity...'
Call check_stars(Nq, q, NSym, Op, bg)
end if
! fStarsOnQ = S_m(q) / sqrt(rho_m)
write(*,*) 'Computing fStarsOnQ...'
@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ implicit none
ek(:,:) = dble(ek_c(:,:))
deallocate( C )
deallocate( RoughC )
deallocate( ek_c, eq_c )
deallocate( VecStars )
deallocate( matQQ )
@ -156,7 +161,7 @@ implicit none
! local variables
logical :: Skip000
! arrays containing the lattice vectors inside the outer shell defined by NMax
! arrays containing the lattice vectors inside the outer shell defined by miller_max
integer :: NAll, NPrint
real(dp), allocatable :: VecAll(:,:) ! all lattice vectors
real(dp), allocatable :: VecInq(:,:) ! symmetry inequivalent lattice vectors
@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ implicit none
Skip000 = .false.
NAll = (2 * NMax + 1 )**3 ! from -Nmax to Nmax is (2*Nmax + 1), for 3 space directions
NAll = (2 * miller_max + 1 )**3 ! from -miller_max to miller_max is (2*miller_max + 1), for 3 space directions
if(Skip000) then
NAll = NAll - 1 ! remove the (0, 0, 0) lattice vector
write(*,*) 'Skipping the (0,0,0) lattice vector...'
@ -184,17 +189,17 @@ implicit none
if( then
NAll = NAll + NUser
write(*,*) "Creating ", NAll, " vectors from ", NMax, " indexes and ", NUser, " user-given vectors"
write(*,*) "Creating ", NAll, " vectors from ", miller_max, " indexes and ", NUser, " user-given vectors"
write(*,*) "Creating ", NAll, " vectors from ", NMax, " indexes"
write(*,*) "Creating ", NAll, " vectors from ", miller_max, " indexes"
end if
allocate ( VecAll(3,NAll), ModAll(NAll), MapAll(NAll) )
ivec = 0
do ii = -NMax, NMax
do jj= -NMax, NMax
do kk= -NMax, NMax
do ii = -miller_max, miller_max
do jj= -miller_max, miller_max
do kk= -miller_max, miller_max
if(Skip000.and.(ii.eq.0.and.jj.eq.0.and.kk.eq.0)) cycle
ivec = ivec + 1
VecAll(:,ivec) = dble(ii)*at(:,1) + dble(jj)*at(:,2) + dble(kk)*at(:,3)
@ -214,8 +219,8 @@ implicit none
end if
if( then
write(*,*) "ERROR: wrong number of lattice vectors for a given NMax"
write(*,*) "NMax= ",NMax," ivec=",ivec," NAll=",NAll, " NUser=",NUser
write(*,*) "ERROR: wrong number of lattice vectors for a given miller_max"
write(*,*) "miller_max= ",miller_max," ivec=",ivec," NAll=",NAll, " NUser=",NUser
@ -483,12 +488,12 @@ implicit none
real(dp) :: rmod, rho
integer :: ic, iexp
rho = C(1)
if( then
rho = RoughC(1)
if( then
rmod = sqrt(dot_product(vec,vec))
do ic = 2, NC
do ic = 2, RoughN
iexp = 2*(ic - 1 )
rho = rho + C(ic) * rmod**iexp
rho = rho + RoughC(ic) * rmod**iexp
end do
end if
sqrt_rho = sqrt(rho)

View File

@ -13,10 +13,7 @@
MODULE globalmod
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
implicit none
!INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DP = selected_real_kind(14,200)
! method
character(len=50) :: method
! band indexes
integer :: Nb
@ -42,30 +39,112 @@ implicit none
real(dp), allocatable :: Op_tmp(:,:,:) ! this is just a buffer to convert Op in cartesian units.
! quite redundant here, but useful to use s_axis_to_cart without modifications
logical :: trough = .false.
logical :: tuser = .false.
subroutine read_input ()
subroutine card_user_stars( input_line )
use fouriermod , only : NUser, VecUser
use parser, ONLY : read_line
implicit none
integer :: ivec
LOGICAL :: tend,terr
CHARACTER(len=256) :: input_line
IF ( tuser ) THEN
CALL errore( ' card_user_stars ', ' two occurrences', 2 )
! ... input Star vectors
CALL read_line( input_line, end_of_file = tend, error = terr )
IF (tend) GOTO 10
IF (terr) GOTO 20
READ(input_line, *, END=10, ERR=20) NUser
if( then
allocate( VecUser(3,NUser) )
do ivec = 1, NUser
CALL read_line( input_line, end_of_file = tend, error = terr )
IF (tend) GOTO 10
IF (terr) GOTO 20
READ(input_line,*, END=10, ERR=20) VecUser(1:3,ivec)
end do
end if
tuser = .true.
10 CALL errore ('card_user_stars', ' end of file while reading roughness function ', 1)
20 CALL errore ('card_user_stars', ' error while reading roughness function', 1)
end subroutine card_user_stars
subroutine card_roughness( input_line )
use fouriermod , only : RoughN, RoughC
use parser, ONLY : read_line
implicit none
LOGICAL :: tend,terr
CHARACTER(len=256) :: input_line
IF ( trough ) THEN
CALL errore( ' card_roughness ', ' two occurrences', 2 )
! ... input coefficients for the roughness function
CALL read_line( input_line, end_of_file = tend, error = terr )
IF (tend) GOTO 10
IF (terr) GOTO 20
READ(input_line, *, END=10, ERR=20) RoughN
if( then
deallocate( RoughC )
allocate( RoughC(RoughN) )
end if
if( then
CALL read_line( input_line, end_of_file = tend, error = terr )
IF (tend) GOTO 10
IF (terr) GOTO 20
READ(input_line,*, END=10, ERR=20) RoughC(1:RoughN)
Call errore( ' card_roughness ', ' RoughN must be a positive integer ', 2 )
end if
trough = .true.
10 CALL errore ('card_roughness', ' end of file while reading roughness function ', 1)
20 CALL errore ('card_roughness', ' error while reading roughness function', 1)
end subroutine card_roughness
subroutine read_xml_input ()
! read the input file and make all allocations
! read the xml input file and make all allocations
use fouriermod, ONLY : NMax, allocate_fourier, NC, C, NUser, VecUser
use idwmod, ONLY : PMetric, ScaleSphere
use qes_read_module, only: qes_read
use qes_types_module, only: band_structure_type, atomic_structure_type, symmetries_type, basis_set_type
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use qes_read_module, ONLY : qes_read
use qes_types_module, ONLY : band_structure_type, atomic_structure_type, symmetries_type, basis_set_type
use fox_dom
implicit none
integer :: ik, iq, ib, ikl, ivec
integer :: ilines
integer :: iq
integer :: isym
character(len=50) :: string
type (node),pointer :: doc, pnode1, pnode2
type (band_structure_type) :: bandstr
type (node),pointer :: doc, pnode1, pnode2
type (band_structure_type) :: bandstr
type (atomic_structure_type) :: atstr
type (symmetries_type) :: symstr
type (basis_set_type) :: basisstr
! read data from the xml_file
doc => parsefile('pwscf.xml')
pnode1 => item(getElementsByTagname(doc, 'output'),0)
pnode2 => item(getElementsByTagname(pnode1, 'atomic_structure'),0)
@ -78,124 +157,14 @@ implicit none
call qes_read(pnode2, basisstr)
call destroy (doc)
nullify (doc, pnode1, pnode2)
read(*, *)
read(*, *) method
write(*,*) 'Interpolation method: ', method
if( TRIM(method).ne.'idw'.and.TRIM(method).ne.'idw-sphere'&
.and.TRIM(method).ne.'fourier'.and.TRIM(method).ne.'fourier-diff' ) then
write(*,*) 'ERROR: Wrong method ', method
end if
! read specific parameters for the interpolation methods
if( TRIM(method).eq.'idw') THEN
! read parameters for IDW interpolation
PMetric = -1
ScaleSphere = -1.0d0
read(*,*) PMetric
write(*,*) 'PMetric: ', PMetric
if( THEN
write(*,*) "ERROR: Wrong input for idw method"
end if
elseif( TRIM(method).eq.'idw-sphere' ) THEN
! read parameters for IDW interpolation inside a sphere
PMetric = -1
ScaleSphere = -1.0d0
read(*,*) PMetric, ScaleSphere
write(*,*) 'PMetric: ', PMetric, 'ScaleSphere ', ScaleSphere
if( THEN
write(*,*) "ERROR: Wrong input for IDW-Sphere method"
end if
elseif( TRIM(method).eq.'fourier'.or.TRIM(method).eq.'fourier-diff' ) THEN
! optionally add user-given star functions to the basis set
NUser = -1
read(*,*) NUser
if( then
write(*,*) NUser, ' user-given star functions found'
allocate( VecUser(3,NUser) )
VecUser = 0.0d0
do ivec = 1, NUser
read(*,*) VecUser(1:3,ivec)
write(*,'(3f12.6)') VecUser(1:3,ivec)
end do
elseif(NUser.eq.0) then
write(*,*) 'No user-given star functions provided'
write(*,*) 'ERROR: Wrong NUser'
write(*,*) ' Please provide non-negative NUser'
end if
! read parameters for Fourier interpolation
NMax = -1
NC = -1
read(*, *)
read(*, *) string, NMax
if( NMax.le.0) then
write(*,*) 'Wrong NMax: ', NMax
write(*,*) 'NMax must be greater than 0 '
end if
read(*, *) string, NC
if( NC.le.0) then
write(*,*) 'Wrong NC: ', NC
write(*,*) 'NC must be greater than 0 '
end if
Call allocate_fourier( )
read(*, *) string, C(1:NC)
write(*,*) NC, ' coefficients read for rho expansion: ', C(:)
end if
! read the list of Nkl special points
read(*, *)
read(*, *) Nkl
write(*,*) Nkl, ' special points read'
! create the abscissa values for bands plotting
allocate( kl(3,Nkl), kln(Nkl ) )
do ikl = 1, Nkl
read(*, *) kl(:,ikl), kln(ikl)
write(*,'(3f12.6,I5)') kl(:,ikl), kln(ikl)
end do
Nlines = Nkl - 1
Nk = sum(kln(1:Nlines)) + 1
write(*,*) 'Creating ', Nlines, ' lines connecting ', Nkl, ' special points with ', Nk, ' k-points'
allocate( k(3,Nk), t(Nk) )
Call build_kpath()
deallocate( kl, kln )
! read the uniform grid of q-points from xml
Nq = bandstr%nks
Nb = bandstr%nbnd
write(*,*) Nq, ' points on the uniform grid, ', Nb, ' bands'
!write(*,'(A)') 'iq, q(iq, :), e(iq, :)'
write(stdout,'(2(I5,A))') Nq, ' points on the uniform grid, ', Nb, ' bands'
!write(stdout,'(A)') 'iq, q(iq, :), e(iq, :)'
allocate( q(3, Nq), eq(Nq, Nb), ek(Nk,Nb) )
@ -204,7 +173,7 @@ implicit none
end do
do iq = 1, Nq
eq(iq,:) = bandstr%ks_energies(iq)%eigenvalues%vector(:)*27.211386245988
!write(*,'(I5,11f12.6)') iq, q(iq, :), eq(iq, :)
!write(stdout, '(I5,11f12.6)') iq, q(iq, :), eq(iq, :)
end do
! read from xml crystalline group specifications
@ -213,19 +182,19 @@ implicit none
at(1:3,1) = atstr%cell%a1 / atstr%alat
at(1:3,2) = atstr%cell%a2 / atstr%alat
at(1:3,3) = atstr%cell%a3 / atstr%alat
write(*,*) ' Crystal lattice vectors found '
write(*,*) 'Ra: ' , at(:,1)
write(*,*) 'Rb: ' , at(:,2)
write(*,*) 'Rc: ' , at(:,3)
write(stdout,'(A)') ' Crystal lattice vectors found '
write(stdout,'(A,3f12.6)') 'Ra: ' , at(:,1)
write(stdout,'(A,3f12.6)') 'Rb: ' , at(:,2)
write(stdout,'(A,3f12.6)') 'Rc: ' , at(:,3)
bg(1:3,1) = basisstr%reciprocal_lattice%b1
bg(1:3,2) = basisstr%reciprocal_lattice%b2
bg(1:3,3) = basisstr%reciprocal_lattice%b3
write(*,*) ' Reciprocal lattice vectors found '
write(*,*) 'Ga: ' , bg(:,1)
write(*,*) 'Gb: ' , bg(:,2)
write(*,*) 'Gc: ' , bg(:,3)
write(stdout,'(A)') ' Reciprocal lattice vectors found '
write(stdout,'(A,3f12.6)') 'Ga: ' , bg(:,1)
write(stdout,'(A,3f12.6)') 'Gb: ' , bg(:,2)
write(stdout,'(A,3f12.6)') 'Gc: ' , bg(:,3)
Nsym = symstr%nsym
write(*,*) Nsym, ' symmetry operations found '
write(stdout,'(I5,A)') Nsym, ' symmetry operations found '
allocate( Op(3,3,Nsym), Op_tmp(3,3,Nsym) )
@ -237,7 +206,7 @@ implicit none
end subroutine read_input
end subroutine read_xml_input
subroutine build_kpath ()

View File

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ save
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(14,200)
integer :: PMetric ! metric for the (inverse) distance
integer :: p_metric ! metric for the (inverse) distance
real(dp) :: ScaleSphere ! scaling factor for the radius of the sphere for the modified method
real(dp) :: scale_sphere ! scaling factor for the radius of the sphere for the modified method
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ implicit none
end do
end do
R = ScaleSphere * Rmin
R = scale_sphere * Rmin
write(*,*) 'Sphere radius: ', Rmin, ' Scaled sphere radius: ', R
end if
@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ implicit none
NCount(1) = NCount(1) + 1
if(iwhat.eq.1) then
! basic idw method
w = 1.0d0/(d**PMetric)
w = 1.0d0/(d**p_metric)
elseif(iwhat.eq.2) then
! search only inside the sphere R (idw-sphere)
!w = (max(0.0d0, (R-d))/(R*d))**2
w = 0.0d0
if( then
NCount(2) = NCount(2) + 1
w = 1.0d0/(d**PMetric) !((R-d)/(R*d))**2
w = 1.0d0/(d**p_metric) !((R-d)/(R*d))**2
end if
end if
dsum = dsum + w