CP: implemented change of nose termostat parameters with autopilot (fnosep, nhpcl)

This commit is contained in:
Riccardo Bertossa 2020-02-03 11:27:36 +01:00
parent 71184b8f70
commit fd27158058
2 changed files with 48 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -94,12 +94,14 @@ MODULE cp_autopilot
& parse_mailbox, rule_isave, rule_iprint, rule_dt, rule_emass, &
& rule_electron_dynamics, rule_electron_damping, rule_ion_dynamics, &
& rule_ion_damping, rule_ion_temperature, rule_tempw, &
& rule_electron_orthogonalization, rule_tprint
& rule_electron_orthogonalization, rule_tprint, &
& rule_nhpcl, rule_fnosep
USE autopilot, ONLY : event_index, event_step, event_isave, event_iprint, &
& event_dt, event_emass, event_electron_dynamics, event_electron_damping, &
& event_ion_dynamics, event_ion_damping, event_ion_temperature, event_tempw, &
& event_electron_orthogonalization, &
& event_tprint
& event_tprint, &
& event_nhpcl, event_fnosep
@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ CONTAINS
tortho, tfirst, tlast, tprint
use wave_base, only: frice
use ions_base, only: fricp
USE ions_nose, ONLY: ions_nose_init,xnhp0, xnhpm
USE ions_nose, ONLY: ions_nose_init,xnhp0, xnhpm, ions_nose_deallocate
USE ions_positions, ONLY : taus, tausm
USE io_global, ONLY: ionode, ionode_id
USE time_step, ONLY : set_time_step,tps
@ -389,10 +391,36 @@ CONTAINS
tempw = rule_tempw(event_index)
! The follwiong is a required side effect
! when resetting tempw
CALL ions_nose_init( tempw, fnosep, nhpcl, nhptyp, ndega, nhgrp, fnhscl)
IF ( ionode ) write(*,'(4X,A,15X,F10.4)') 'Rule event: tempw', tempw
if (event_nhpcl(event_index)) then
nhpcl = rule_nhpcl(event_index)
call ions_nose_deallocate() ! the dimension of the nose array can change
if ( ionode ) write(*,'(4X,A,15X,I1)') 'Rule event: nhpcl', nhpcl
! TODO: implement reading of full FNOSEP array
if (event_fnosep(event_index)) then
fnosep = rule_fnosep(event_index)
if ( ionode ) then
write(*,'(4X,A,15X,F10.4)') 'Rule event: fnosep', fnosep(1)
write(*,'(4X,A)') 'WARNING: all fnosep of the chain are set to the same value'
!IF ( ionode ) write(*,*) 'Rule event: fnosep', fnosep
! nose initialization
if (event_tempw(event_index) .or. event_nhpcl(event_index) .or. event_fnosep(event_index) .or. &
(event_ion_temperature(event_index) .and. rule_ion_temperature(event_index) .eq. 'NOSE' ) &
) then
call ions_nose_init( tempw, fnosep, nhpcl, nhptyp, ndega, nhgrp, fnhscl)
@ -550,14 +578,11 @@ CONTAINS
need_tprint_true = .FALSE.
event_idx = event_index
do while ( event_idx .le. size(event_step) .and. (event_step(event_idx)==current_nfi+1) )
if ( tcg .and. event_electron_dynamics(event_idx) .and. &
& (rule_electron_dynamics(event_idx)=='VERLET') ) then
need_tprint_true = .TRUE.
end if
event_idx = event_idx + 1
event_idx = event_idx + 1
end function need_tprint_true

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@ -119,8 +119,9 @@ MODULE autopilot
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: rule_ion_dynamics(max_event_step)
REAL(DP) :: rule_ion_damping(max_event_step)
CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: rule_ion_temperature(max_event_step)
REAL(DP) :: rule_tempw(max_event_step)
INTEGER :: rule_nhpcl(max_event_step)
REAL(DP) :: rule_fnosep(max_event_step)
@ -147,8 +148,9 @@ MODULE autopilot
LOGICAL :: event_ion_dynamics(max_event_step)
LOGICAL :: event_ion_damping(max_event_step)
LOGICAL :: event_ion_temperature(max_event_step)
LOGICAL :: event_tempw(max_event_step)
LOGICAL :: event_nhpcl(max_event_step)
LOGICAL :: event_fnosep(max_event_step)
@ -168,7 +170,9 @@ MODULE autopilot
& event_electron_dynamics, event_electron_damping, event_ion_dynamics, &
& current_nfi, pilot_p, pilot_unit, pause_p,auto_error, parse_mailbox, &
& event_ion_damping, event_ion_temperature, event_tempw, &
& event_electron_orthogonalization
& event_electron_orthogonalization, &
& event_nhpcl, event_fnosep, rule_nhpcl, rule_fnosep
@ -759,6 +763,14 @@ CONTAINS
read(value, *) realDP_value
rule_tempw(event) = realDP_value
event_tempw(event) = .true.
ELSEIF ( matches( "NHPCL", var ) ) THEN
read(value, *) int_value
rule_nhpcl(event) = int_value
event_nhpcl(event) = .true.
ELSEIF ( matches( "FNOSEP", var ) ) THEN
read(value, *) realDP_value
rule_fnosep(event) = realDP_value
event_fnosep(event) = .true.
CALL auto_error( 'autopilot', ' ASSIGN_RULE: FAILED '//trim(var)//' '//trim(value) )