updating the pp.x module of PWgui (i.e., synchronization with QE v-5.1svn)

git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@10885 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
kokalj 2014-04-22 10:02:27 +00:00
parent ab19b7d812
commit fa820b1bea
2 changed files with 55 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -28,10 +28,15 @@ help outdir -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>outdir</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em>
value of the ESPRESSO_TMPDIR environment variable if set;
current directory ('./') otherwise
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
temporary directory where pw.x files resides
directory containing the input data,
i.e. the same as in pw.x
@ -66,17 +71,20 @@ help plot_num -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
selects what to save in filplot:
0 = charge
0 = electron (pseudo-)charge density
1 = total potential V_bare + V_H + V_xc
2 = local ionic potential V_bare
3 = local density of states at e_fermi
(number of states per volume, in bohr^3,
per energy unit, in Ry)
4 = local density of electronic entropy
5 = STM images
Tersoff and Hamann, PRB 31, 805 (1985)
6 = spin polarization (rho(up)-rho(down))
@ -89,10 +97,7 @@ selects what to save in filplot:
8 = electron localization function (ELF)
9 = Reduced density gradient
(J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7, 625 (2011))
Set the isosurface between 0.3 and 0.6 to plot the
non-covalent interactions (see also plot_num = 19)
9 = charge density minus superposition of atomic densities
10 = integrated local density of states (ILDOS)
from emin to emax (emin, emax in eV)
@ -111,8 +116,14 @@ selects what to save in filplot:
18 = The exchange and correlation magnetic field in
the noncollinear case
19 = Product of the electron density (charge) and the second
eigenvalue of the electron-density Hessian matrix
19 = Reduced density gradient
(J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7, 625 (2011))
Set the isosurface between 0.3 and 0.6 to plot the
non-covalent interactions (see also plot_num = 20)
20 = Product of the electron density (charge) and the second
eigenvalue of the electron-density Hessian matrix;
used to colorize the RDG plot (plot_num = 19)
@ -446,6 +457,24 @@ name of the file to which the plot is written
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help interpolation -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {
<li> <em>Variable: </em><big><b>interpolation</b></big>
<br><li> <em>Type: </em>CHARACTER</li>
<br><li> <em>Default: </em> "fourier"
<br><li> <em>Description:</em>
type of interpolation: "fourier" or "bspline" (EXPERIMENTAL!)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
help e1 -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext {

View File

@ -42,16 +42,17 @@ module PP\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module PP.x" -script {
"|psi|^2 (noncollinear case)"
"electron localization function (ELF)"
"reduced density gradient"
"charge density minus superposition of atomic densities"
"integrated local density of states (ILDOS)"
"electrostatic potential (= V_bare + V_H)"
"sawtooth electric field potential"
"noncolinear magnetization"
"all-electron valence charge density (for PAW)"
"exchange-correlation magnetic field (for noncollinear)"
"reduced density gradient"
"product of density and 2nd-eigenvalue of density Hessian matrix"
-value { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 }
-value { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 }
-fmt %d
var spin_component {
@ -170,15 +171,22 @@ module PP\#auto -title "PWSCF GUI: module PP.x" -script {
var output_format {
-label "Format of the output (output_format):"
-textvalue {
"XCRYSDEN's XSF format"
"XCRYSDEN's XSF format (whole unit cell)"
"format suitable for gnuplot"
"format suitable for contour.x"
"format suitable for plotrho"
"format suitable for gOpenMol"
"Gaussian cube-file format"
"XCRYSDEN's XSF format (2D or 3D)"
"XCRYSDEN's XSF format (whole unit cell) (3D)"
"format suitable for gnuplot (1D)"
"format suitable for contour.x (2D)"
"format suitable for plotrho (2D)"
"format suitable for gOpenMol (3D)"
"Gaussian cube-file format (3D)"
"format suitable for gnuplot (2D)"
-value { 3 5 0 1 2 4 6 }
-value { 3 5 0 1 2 4 6 7 }
-widget optionmenu
var interpolation {
-label "Interpolation (interpolation):"
-value { 'fourier' 'bspline' }
-textvalue { Fourier bspline }
-widget optionmenu