! this subroutine copy sticks stored in 1D array into the 3D array

! to be used with 3D FFT.
  ! This is meant for the use of 3D scalar FFT in parallel build
  ! once the data have been "rotated" to have a single band in a single task

git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@12289 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
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ccavazzoni 2016-04-08 09:21:11 +00:00
parent 0c4e5b97a1
commit f43ea25df1
1 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
PUBLIC :: fft_dlay_descriptor
PUBLIC :: fft_scatter, gather_grid, scatter_grid
PUBLIC :: cgather_sym, cgather_sym_many, cscatter_sym_many
PUBLIC :: maps_sticks_to_3d
@ -752,6 +753,60 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft_scatter
SUBROUTINE maps_sticks_to_3d( dffts, f_in, nxx_, f_aux, isgn )
! this subroutine copy sticks stored in 1D array into the 3D array
! to be used with 3D FFT.
! This is meant for the use of 3D scalar FFT in parallel build
! once the data have been "rotated" to have a single band in a single task
#if defined(__MPI)
INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
TYPE (fft_dlay_descriptor), INTENT(in) :: dffts
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nxx_, isgn
COMPLEX (DP), INTENT(inout) :: f_in (nxx_), f_aux (nxx_)
INTEGER :: ii, j, it, ioff, ipp, mc, nppx, jj, ncpx, ip, gproc, nblk, sendsiz, nsiz
nblk = dffts%nproc / dffts%nogrp
nsiz = dffts%nogrp
ncpx = 0
nppx = 0
DO ip = 1, dffts%npgrp
gproc = dffts%nplist( ip ) + 1
ncpx = max( ncpx, dffts%tg_nsw ( gproc ) )
nppx = max( nppx, dffts%tg_npp ( gproc ) )
sendsiz = ncpx * nppx
IF( isgn == 2 ) THEN
ip = 1
f_aux = 0.0d0
DO gproc = 1, nblk
ii = 0
DO ipp = 1, nsiz
ioff = dffts%iss( ip )
DO jj = 1, dffts%nsw( ip )
mc = dffts%ismap( jj + ioff )
it = ii * nppx + ( gproc - 1 ) * sendsiz
DO j = 1, dffts%tg_npp( dffts%mype + 1 )
f_aux( mc + ( j - 1 ) * dffts%nr1x * dffts%nr2x ) = f_in( j + it)
ii = ii + 1
ip = ip + 1
CALL fftx_error__ (' maps_sticks_to_3d ', ' isgn .ne. 2 not implemented ', 999 )
END SUBROUTINE maps_sticks_to_3d
SUBROUTINE gather_real_grid ( dfft, f_in, f_out )