Visualization of normal modes (sort of) for xcrysden added

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
This commit is contained in:
giannozz 2005-07-28 12:59:29 +00:00
parent 1609c6165d
commit e6ae3738b0
2 changed files with 102 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -19,8 +19,14 @@ end Module dynamical
program dynmat
! read a dynamical matrix at q=0 , diagonalise it, calculate IR
! and Raman cross sections (if Z* and Raman tensor available)
! This program
! - reads a dynamical matrix file produced by the phonon code
! - adds the nonanalytical part (if Z* and epsilon are read from file),
! applies the chosen Acoustic Sum Rule (if q=0)
! - diagonalise the dynamical matrix
! - calculates IR and Raman cross sections (if Z* and Raman tensors
! are read from file, respectively)
! - writes the results to files, both for inspection and for plotting
! Input data (namelist "input")
@ -57,30 +63,33 @@ end Module dynamical
! filout character output file containing frequencies and modes
! (default: filout='dynmat.out')
! filmol character as above, in a format suitable for 'molden'
! (default: filmol='molden.out')
! (default: filmol='dynmat.mold')
! filxsf character as above, in axsf format suitable for xcrysden
! (default: filmol='dynmat.axsf')
use dynamical
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ntypx = 10
character(len=256):: fildyn, filout, filmol
character(len=256):: fildyn, filout, filmol, filxsf
character(len=3) :: atm(ntypx)
character(len=10) :: asr
logical :: lread, gamma
complex(kind=8), allocatable :: z(:,:)
real(kind=8) :: amass(ntypx), amass_(ntypx), eps0(3,3), a0, omega, &
amconv, q(3), q_(3)
at(3,3), amconv, q(3), q_(3)
real(kind=8), allocatable :: w2(:)
integer, allocatable :: itau(:)
integer :: nat, na, nt, ntyp, nu, iout, axis, nax
namelist /input/ amass, asr, axis, fildyn, filout, filmol, q
namelist /input/ amass, asr, axis, fildyn, filout, filmol, filxsf, q
asr = 'no'
axis = 3
@ -99,7 +108,7 @@ end Module dynamical
ntyp = ntypx ! avoids spurious out-of-bound errors
call readmat ( fildyn, asr, axis, nat, ntyp, atm, a0, &
omega, amass_, eps0, q_ )
at, omega, amass_, eps0, q_ )
gamma = abs(q_(1)**2+q_(2)**2+q_(3)**2).lt.1.0e-8
amconv = 1.66042e-24/9.1095e-28*0.5
@ -133,7 +142,9 @@ end Module dynamical
call writemodes(nax,nat,q_,w2,z,iout)
if(iout .ne. 6) close(unit=iout)
call writemolden(nax,nat,atm,a0,tau,ityp,w2,z,filmol)
call writemolden (filmol, gamma, nat, atm, a0, tau, ityp, w2, z)
call writexsf (filxsf, gamma, nat, atm, a0, at, tau, ityp, z)
if (gamma) call RamanIR &
(nat, omega, w2, z, zstar, eps0, dchi_dtau)
@ -143,7 +154,7 @@ end Module dynamical
subroutine readmat ( fildyn, asr, axis, nat, ntyp, atm, &
a0, omega, amass, eps0, q )
a0, at, omega, amass, eps0, q )
use dynamical
@ -154,10 +165,11 @@ end Module dynamical
integer, intent(in) :: axis
integer, intent(inout) :: nat, ntyp
character(len=3), intent(out) :: atm(ntyp)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: amass(ntyp), a0, omega, eps0(3,3), q(3)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: amass(ntyp), a0, at(3,3), omega, &
eps0(3,3), q(3)
character(len=80) :: line
real(kind=8) :: at(3,3), celldm(6), sum, dyn0r(3,3,2)
real(kind=8) :: celldm(6), sum, dyn0r(3,3,2)
integer :: ibrav, nt, na, nb, naa, nbb, i, j, k
logical :: qfinito, noraman

View File

@ -366,20 +366,21 @@ subroutine writemodes (nax,nat,q,w2,z,iout)
end subroutine writemodes
subroutine writemolden(nax,nat,atm,a0,tau,ityp,w2,z,flmol)
subroutine writemolden (flmol, gamma, nat, atm, a0, tau, ityp, w2, z)
! write modes on output file in a molden-friendly way
implicit none
! input
integer nax, nat, ityp(nat)
real(kind=8) a0, tau(3,nat), w2(3*nat)
complex(kind=8) z(3*nax,3*nat)
character(len=50) flmol
character(len=3) atm(*)
integer :: nat, ityp(nat)
real(kind=8) :: a0, tau(3,nat), w2(3*nat)
complex(kind=8) :: z(3*nat,3*nat)
character(len=50) :: flmol
character(len=3) :: atm(*)
logical :: gamma
! local
integer nat3, na, nta, ipol, i, j, iout
integer :: nat3, na, nta, ipol, i, j, iout
real(kind=8) :: freq(3*nat)
real(kind=8) :: rydcm1, znorm
@ -419,7 +420,11 @@ subroutine writemolden(nax,nat,atm,a0,tau,ityp,w2,z,flmol)
end do
znorm = sqrt(znorm)
do na = 1,nat
write (iout,'(3f10.5)') (real(z((na-1)*3+ipol,i))/znorm,ipol=1,3)
if (gamma) then
write (iout,'(3f10.5)') (real(z((na-1)*3+ipol,i))/znorm,ipol=1,3)
write (iout,'(3f10.5)') ( abs(z((na-1)*3+ipol,i))/znorm,ipol=1,3)
end if
end do
end do
@ -430,6 +435,71 @@ subroutine writemolden(nax,nat,atm,a0,tau,ityp,w2,z,flmol)
end subroutine writemolden
subroutine writexsf (xsffile, gamma, nat, atm, a0, at, tau, ityp, z)
! write modes on output file in a xcrysden-friendly way
implicit none
! input
integer :: nat, ityp(nat)
real(kind=8) :: a0, tau(3,nat), at(3,3)
complex(kind=8) :: z(3*nat,3*nat)
character(len=50) :: xsffile
character(len=3) :: atm(*)
logical :: gamma
! local
integer :: nat3, na, nta, ipol, i, j, iout
real(kind=8) :: znorm
if (xsffile == ' ') then
open (unit=iout, file=xsffile, status='unknown', form='formatted')
end if
! write atomic positions and normalised displacements
write(iout,'("ANIMSTEPS",i4)') nat3
write(iout,'(2(3F15.9/),3f15.9)') at(:,:)*a0*0.529177d0
do i = 1,nat3
write(iout,'("PRIMCOORD",i3)') i
write(iout,'(3x,2i4)') nat, 1
znorm = 0.0
do j=1,nat3
end do
! empirical factor: displacement vector normalised to 0.1
znorm = sqrt(znorm)*10.
do na = 1,nat
if (gamma) then
write (iout,'(a6,1x,6f10.5)') atm(ityp(na)), &
a0*0.529177d0*tau(1,na), a0*0.529177d0*tau(2,na), &
a0*0.529177d0*tau(3,na), &
write (iout,'(a6,1x,6f10.5)') atm(ityp(na)), &
a0*0.529177d0*tau(1,na), a0*0.529177d0*tau(2,na), &
a0*0.529177d0*tau(3,na), &
( abs(z((na-1)*3+ipol,i))/znorm,ipol=1,3)
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine writexsf
subroutine cdiagh2 (n,h,ldh,e,v)