diff --git a/upftools/fhi2upf.f90 b/upftools/fhi2upf.f90 index 06dd3dc8f..54a1b972b 100644 --- a/upftools/fhi2upf.f90 +++ b/upftools/fhi2upf.f90 @@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ SUBROUTINE read_fhi(iunps) WRITE (6,'(a)') 'Pseudopotential with NLCC successfully read' ! ---------------------------------------------------------- RETURN +20 WRITE(6,'("read_fhi: error reading core charge, assuming no core charge")') + WRITE(6,'("this error may be due to the presence of additional", & + & " lines at the end of file")') 10 CONTINUE ! ---------------------------------------------------------- WRITE (6,'(a)') 'Pseudopotential without NLCC successfully read' ! ---------------------------------------------------------- RETURN ! -20 WRITE(6,'("read_fhi: error reading core charge")') - STOP - ! 100 WRITE(6,'("read_fhi: error reading pseudopotential file")') STOP