Cleaning and optimization in EPW

1) Complete re-writing of the IBTE (at least an order of magnitude faster).
2) Supporting both k-point symmetry and no-symmetry
3) Creating of a few new modules
4) Addition of a epw_mob_ibte_sym for testing the IBTE using k-point symmetry.
Both epw_mob_ibte_sym and epw_mob_ibte should give the same result but
epw_mob_ibte_sym is much faster.
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Ponce 2018-10-16 17:06:08 +01:00
parent b1f3181fb0
commit dd817a575a
61 changed files with 16686 additions and 4116 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ epwcom.o \
constants_epw.o \
io_epw.o \
elph2.o \
division.o \
eliashbergcom.o \
superconductivity.o \
superconductivity_aniso.o \
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ superconductivity_iso.o \
io_eliashberg.o \
io_scattering.o \
transportcom.o \
close_epw.o \
printing.o \
transport.o \
transport_iter.o \
@ -39,9 +41,7 @@ allocate_epwq.o \
bcast_epw_input.o \
bloch2wan.o \
broyden.o \
close_epw.o \
createkmap.o \
deallocate_epw.o \
dvanqq2.o \
dvqpsi_us3.o \
dvqpsi_us_only3.o \
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ gmap_sym.o \
indabs.o \
io_dyn_mat2.o \
kfold.o \
kpointdivision.o \
kpoint_grid_epw.o \
ktokpmq.o \
loadkmesh.o \
@ -72,6 +71,7 @@ openfilepw.o \
rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem.o \
plot_band.o \
poolgather.o \
print_ibte.o \
readdvscf.o \
readgmap.o \
readmat_shuffle2.o \

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
restart, restart_freq, prtgkk, nel, meff, epsiHEG, &
scatread, restart, restart_freq, restart_filq, &
lphase, omegamin, omegamax, omegastep, n_r, lindabs,&
mob_maxiter, use_ws
mob_maxiter, use_ws, epmatkqread, selecqread
USE elph2, ONLY : elph
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
USE mp_world, ONLY : world_comm
@ -133,6 +133,8 @@
CALL mp_bcast (lphase , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (lindabs , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (use_ws , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (epmatkqread , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (selecqread , meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
! integers

View File

@ -1,17 +1,233 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
! Original code adapted from PH/close_phq - Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! 09/2009 This subroutine is functional and probably complete
! a few more files may be deleted to clean the working directory
MODULE close_epw
!! This module contains routines related to deallocation and closing of files
SUBROUTINE iter_close
! This subroutine opens all the files needed to save scattering rates for the IBTE.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_files, ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix
USE io_epw, ONLY : iufilibtev_sup, iunepmat, iunsparseq, iunsparsek, &
iunsparsei, iunsparsej, iunsparset, iunsparseqcb, &
iunsparsekcb, iunrestart, iunsparseicb, iunsparsejcb,&
iunsparsetcb, iunepmatcb, iunepmatwp2
USE epwcom, ONLY : iterative_bte, mp_mesh_k, int_mob, carrier, etf_mem, &
USE elph2, ONLY : inv_tau_all, zi_allvb, inv_tau_allcb, zi_allcb, &
map_rebal, map_rebal_inv
USE transportcom, ONLY : s_BZtoIBZ_full, ixkqf_tr
#if defined(__MPI)
! Local variables
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Error status
DEALLOCATE (inv_tau_all)
DEALLOCATE (zi_allvb)
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte .AND. epmatkqread) DEALLOCATE (s_BZtoIBZ_full)
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte .AND. epmatkqread) DEALLOCATE (ixkqf_tr)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) DEALLOCATE (inv_tau_allcb)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) DEALLOCATE (zi_allcb)
#if defined(__MPI)
IF (etf_mem == 1) then
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunepmatwp2,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1 )
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunepmat,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparseq,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparsek,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparsei,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparsej,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparset,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunepmatcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparseqcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparsekcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparseicb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparsejcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunsparsetcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_close', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1)
SUBROUTINE deallocate_epw
!! deallocates the variables allocated by allocate_epw
!! this routine is unchanged as of 3/9/09 and should be cleaned and fixed
!! 09/2009 Cleanup still necessary
!! 12/2009 Added variables from elph.f90
!! RM - Nov/Dec 2014
!! Imported the noncolinear case implemented by xlzhang
USE phcom, ONLY : alphap, alphasum, alphasum_nc, &
becsum_nc, dmuxc, dpsi,&
drc, dpsi, dyn, evq, dvpsi,&
int5, vlocq, int2_so, int5_so
USE lrus, ONLY : becp1, int3, int3_nc
USE phus, ONLY : int1, int1_nc, int2, int4, int4_nc
USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : rtau
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : m_loc
USE control_lr, ONLY : nbnd_occ
USE becmod, ONLY : becp, deallocate_bec_type
USE elph2, ONLY : el_ph_mat, epf17, epsi, etf,&
etq, et_all, wf, wkf, wqf, &
xkq, xk_all, zstar, xkf, xqf, epmatwp, eps_rpa
USE epwcom, ONLY : epbread, epwread
USE modes, ONLY : npert, u, name_rap_mode, num_rap_mode
USE qpoint, ONLY : eigqts, igkq
USE klist, ONLY : nks
!! k-point number
INTEGER :: ipol
!! Polarization number
IF ( epwread .and. .not. epbread ) THEN
! EPW variables ONLY
IF(ALLOCATED(el_ph_mat)) DEALLOCATE (el_ph_mat)
IF(ALLOCATED(epmatwp)) DEALLOCATE (epmatwp)
IF(ALLOCATED(eps_rpa)) DEALLOCATE (eps_rpa)
IF(ALLOCATED(eps_rpa)) DEALLOCATE (eps_rpa)
if(allocated(name_rap_mode)) deallocate (name_rap_mode)
if(allocated(num_rap_mode)) deallocate (num_rap_mode)
IF(ALLOCATED(int1_nc)) DEALLOCATE(int1_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(int3_nc)) DEALLOCATE(int3_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(int4_nc)) DEALLOCATE(int4_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(becsum_nc)) DEALLOCATE(becsum_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(alphasum_nc)) DEALLOCATE(alphasum_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(int2_so)) DEALLOCATE(int2_so)
IF(ALLOCATED(int5_so)) DEALLOCATE(int5_so)
IF(ALLOCATED(alphasum)) DEALLOCATE (alphasum)
if(allocated(alphap)) then
do ik=1,nks
do ipol=1,3
call deallocate_bec_type ( alphap(ipol,ik) )
end do
deallocate (alphap)
if(allocated(becp1)) then
do ik=1,size(becp1)
call deallocate_bec_type ( becp1(ik) )
end do
end if
call deallocate_bec_type ( becp )
IF(ALLOCATED(nbnd_occ)) DEALLOCATE(nbnd_occ)
! EPW variables
IF(ALLOCATED(el_ph_mat)) DEALLOCATE (el_ph_mat)
IF(ALLOCATED(epmatwp)) DEALLOCATE (epmatwp)
IF(ALLOCATED(eps_rpa)) DEALLOCATE (eps_rpa)
ENDIF ! epwread .and. .not. epbread
END SUBROUTINE deallocate_epw
! ---------------------------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE close_epw
SUBROUTINE close_final
USE units_lr, ONLY : iuwfc
@ -33,4 +249,7 @@
IF (' ') CLOSE (unit = iudrho, status = 'keep')
END SUBROUTINE close_final
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
END MODULE close_epw

View File

@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps16 = 1.0E-16_DP
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps24 = 1.0E-24_DP
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps32 = 1.0E-32_DP
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps80 = 1.0E-80_DP
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps160 = 1.0E-160_DP
END MODULE constants_epw

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
! Code adapted from PH/deallocate_phq - Quantum-ESPRESSO group
SUBROUTINE deallocate_epw
!! deallocates the variables allocated by allocate_epw
!! this routine is unchanged as of 3/9/09 and should be cleaned and fixed
!! 09/2009 Cleanup still necessary
!! 12/2009 Added variables from elph.f90
!! RM - Nov/Dec 2014
!! Imported the noncolinear case implemented by xlzhang
USE phcom, ONLY : alphap, alphasum, alphasum_nc, &
becsum_nc, dmuxc, dpsi,&
drc, dpsi, dyn, evq, dvpsi,&
int5, vlocq, int2_so, int5_so
USE lrus, ONLY : becp1, int3, int3_nc
USE phus, ONLY : int1, int1_nc, int2, int4, int4_nc
USE lr_symm_base, ONLY : rtau
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : m_loc
USE control_lr, ONLY : nbnd_occ
USE becmod, ONLY : becp, deallocate_bec_type
USE elph2, ONLY : el_ph_mat, epf17, epsi, etf,&
etq, et_all, wf, wkf, wqf, &
xkq, xk_all, zstar, xkf, xqf, epmatwp, eps_rpa
USE epwcom, ONLY : epbread, epwread
USE modes, ONLY : npert, u, name_rap_mode, num_rap_mode
USE qpoint, ONLY : eigqts, igkq
USE klist, ONLY : nks
INTEGER :: ik, ipol
IF ( epwread .and. .not. epbread ) THEN
! EPW variables ONLY
IF(ALLOCATED(el_ph_mat)) DEALLOCATE (el_ph_mat)
IF(ALLOCATED(epmatwp)) DEALLOCATE (epmatwp)
IF(ALLOCATED(eps_rpa)) DEALLOCATE (eps_rpa)
IF(ALLOCATED(eps_rpa)) DEALLOCATE (eps_rpa)
if(allocated(name_rap_mode)) deallocate (name_rap_mode)
if(allocated(num_rap_mode)) deallocate (num_rap_mode)
IF(ALLOCATED(int1_nc)) DEALLOCATE(int1_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(int3_nc)) DEALLOCATE(int3_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(int4_nc)) DEALLOCATE(int4_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(becsum_nc)) DEALLOCATE(becsum_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(alphasum_nc)) DEALLOCATE(alphasum_nc)
IF(ALLOCATED(int2_so)) DEALLOCATE(int2_so)
IF(ALLOCATED(int5_so)) DEALLOCATE(int5_so)
IF(ALLOCATED(alphasum)) DEALLOCATE (alphasum)
if(allocated(alphap)) then
do ik=1,nks
do ipol=1,3
call deallocate_bec_type ( alphap(ipol,ik) )
end do
deallocate (alphap)
if(allocated(becp1)) then
do ik=1,size(becp1)
call deallocate_bec_type ( becp1(ik) )
end do
end if
call deallocate_bec_type ( becp )
IF(ALLOCATED(nbnd_occ)) DEALLOCATE(nbnd_occ)
! EPW variables
IF(ALLOCATED(el_ph_mat)) DEALLOCATE (el_ph_mat)
IF(ALLOCATED(epmatwp)) DEALLOCATE (epmatwp)
IF(ALLOCATED(eps_rpa)) DEALLOCATE (eps_rpa)
ENDIF ! epwread .and. .not. epbread
END SUBROUTINE deallocate_epw

EPW/src/division.f90 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
MODULE division
!! This module contains various core splitting routines
SUBROUTINE kpointdivision ( ik0 )
!! This is just to find the first kpoint block in the pool
USE mp_global, ONLY : my_pool_id,npool
USE pwcom, ONLY : nkstot
implicit none
integer :: ik0
integer :: nkl, nkr, iks
#if defined(__MPI)
! number of kpoint blocks, kpoints per pool and reminder
nkl = 1 * ( nkstot / npool )
nkr = ( nkstot - nkl * npool ) / 1
! the reminder goes to the first nkr pools
! (0...nkr-1)
IF ( my_pool_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + 1 !kunit
! the index of the first k point in this pool
iks = nkl * my_pool_id + 1
IF ( my_pool_id >= nkr ) iks = iks + nkr * 1 !kunit
! the index of the first k point block in this pool - 1
! (I will need the index of ik, not ikk)
ik0 = ( iks - 1 )
ik0 = 0
END SUBROUTINE kpointdivision
SUBROUTINE fkbounds( nktot, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
!! Subroutine finds the lower and upper bounds a k-grid in parallel
!! @ Note:
!! If you have 19 kpts and 2 pool, this routine will return
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=10 for the first pool
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=9 for the second pool
USE mp_global, ONLY : my_pool_id, npool
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nktot
!! nktot k-points splited over pools
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: lower_bnd
!! Lower kpt bounds for that image pool
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: upper_bnd
!! Upper kpt for that image pool
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: nkl, nkr
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case
! number of kpoint blocks, kpoints per pool and reminder
nkl = nktot / npool
nkr = nktot - nkl * npool
! the reminder goes to the first nkr pools (0...nkr-1)
IF (my_pool_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + 1
! the index of the first k point in this pool
lower_bnd = my_pool_id * nkl + 1
IF ( my_pool_id >= nkr ) lower_bnd = my_pool_id * nkl + 1 + nkr
! the index of the last k point in this pool
upper_bnd = lower_bnd + nkl - 1
! In serial the definitions are much easier
lower_bnd = 1
upper_bnd = nktot
SUBROUTINE fkbounds2( nktot, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
!! Subroutine finds the lower and upper bounds a k-grid in parallel
!! @ Note:
!! If you have 19 kpts and 2 pool, this routine will return
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=10 for the first pool
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=9 for the second pool
USE mp_global, ONLY : my_pool_id, npool
USE parallel_include, ONLY : MPI_OFFSET_KIND
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND), INTENT (in) :: nktot
!! nktot k-points splited over pools
INTEGER (KIND=8), INTENT (IN) :: ind_tot
!! nktot k-points splited over pools
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: lower_bnd
!! Lower kpt bounds for that image pool
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: upper_bnd
!! Upper kpt for that image pool
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: nkl, nkr
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case
! number of kpoint blocks, kpoints per pool and reminder
nkl = nktot / npool
nkr = nktot - nkl * npool
! the reminder goes to the first nkr pools (0...nkr-1)
IF (my_pool_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + 1
! the index of the first k point in this pool
lower_bnd = my_pool_id * nkl + 1
IF ( my_pool_id >= nkr ) lower_bnd = my_pool_id * nkl + 1 + nkr
! the index of the last k point in this pool
upper_bnd = lower_bnd + nkl - 1
! In serial the definitions are much easier
lower_bnd = 1
upper_bnd = nktot
SUBROUTINE fkbounds_bnd( nbnd, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
!! Subroutine finds the lower and upper bounds in band parallelization
!! @ Note:
!! If you have 20 bands and 2 images, this routine will return
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=10 for the first pool
!! lower_bnd= 11 and upper_bnd=19 for the second pool
USE mp_images, ONLY: nimage, my_image_id
! number of images, number of processor within an image, index of the proc within an image
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nbnd
!! Total number of band to be splitted among images
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: lower_bnd
!! Lower band bounds for that image pool
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: upper_bnd
!! Upper band bound for that image pool
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: nkl, nkr
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case
! number of kpoint blocks, kpoints per pool and reminder
nkl = nbnd / nimage
nkr = nbnd - nkl * nimage
! the reminder goes to the first nkr pools (0...nkr-1)
IF (my_image_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + 1
! the index of the first k point in this pool
lower_bnd = my_image_id * nkl + 1
IF ( my_image_id >= nkr ) lower_bnd = my_image_id * nkl + 1 + nkr
! the index of the last k point in this pool
upper_bnd = lower_bnd + nkl - 1
! In serial the definitions are much easier
lower_bnd = 1
upper_bnd = nbnd
END SUBROUTINE fkbounds_bnd
END MODULE division

View File

@ -59,12 +59,6 @@
sigmar_all(:,:), &! To store sigmar, sigmai and zi globally
sigmai_all(:,:), &!
sigmai_mode(:,:,:), &!
Fi_all(:,:,:,:), &!
F_current(:,:,:,:), &!
F_SERTA(:,:,:,:), &!
Fi_allcb(:,:,:,:), &!
F_currentcb(:,:,:,:), &!
F_SERTAcb(:,:,:,:), &!
zi_all(:,:), &!
esigmar_all(:,:,:), &!
esigmai_all(:,:,:), &!
@ -100,8 +94,6 @@
igkq(:), &! Index for k+q+G vector
igk_k_all(:,:), &! Global index (in case of parallel)
ngk_all(:), &! Global number of plane wave for each global k-point
s_BZtoIBZ(:,:,:), &! Save the symmetry operation that brings BZ k into IBZ
BZtoIBZ(:), &! Map between the full uniform k-grid and the IBZ
map_rebal(:), &! Map between the k-point and their load rebalanced one
map_rebal_inv(:) ! Map between the k-point and their load rebalanced one
INTEGER, allocatable :: &

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast, mp_put,mp_sum
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE wavefunctions, ONLY: evc
USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
USE io_files, ONLY : diropn, seqopn
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx
USE pwcom, ONLY : current_spin, isk, lsda, nbnd, xk, nks
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
USE constants_epw, ONLY : czero, cone, ci
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity
USE klist, ONLY : nkstot
USE division, ONLY : kpointdivision, fkbounds, fkbounds_bnd
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol, nspin_mag
implicit none

View File

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE pwcom, ONLY : nbnd, nks, nkstot, isk, &
et, xk, ef, nelec
USE pwcom, ONLY : nbnd, nks, nkstot, isk, et, xk, ef, nelec
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, omega, alat
USE start_k, ONLY : nk1, nk2, nk3
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, amass, ityp, tau
@ -40,14 +39,15 @@
scattering, nstemp, int_mob, scissor, carrier, &
iterative_bte, longrange, scatread, nqf1, prtgkk, &
nqf2, nqf3, mp_mesh_k, restart, ncarrier, plselfen, &
specfun_pl, lindabs, mob_maxiter, use_ws
specfun_pl, lindabs, mob_maxiter, use_ws, &
epmatkqread, selecqread
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, ryd2mev, one, two, eps2, zero, czero, &
twopi, ci, kelvin2eV, eps6
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, diropn, tmp_dir
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE io_epw, ONLY : lambda_phself, linewidth_phself, iunepmatwe, &
iunepmatwp, crystal, iunepmatwp2
iunepmatwp, crystal, iunepmatwp2, iunrestart
USE elph2, ONLY : cu, cuq, lwin, lwinq, map_rebal, map_rebal_inv, &
chw, chw_ks, cvmew, cdmew, rdw, &
epmatwp, epmatq, wf, etf, etf_k, etf_ks, xqf, xkf, &
@ -55,11 +55,10 @@
ibndmin, ibndmax, lambda_all, dmec, dmef, vmef, &
sigmai_all, sigmai_mode, gamma_all, epsi, zstar, &
efnew, sigmar_all, zi_all, nkqtotf, eps_rpa, &
nkqtotf, sigmar_all, zi_allvb, inv_tau_all, Fi_all, &
F_current, F_SERTA, inv_tau_allcb, zi_allcb, exband,&
Fi_allcb, F_currentcb, F_SERTAcb, BZtoIBZ, s_BZtoIBZ
nkqtotf, sigmar_all, zi_allvb, inv_tau_all, &
inv_tau_allcb, zi_allcb, exband
USE transportcom, ONLY : transp_temp, mobilityh_save, mobilityel_save, lower_bnd, &
upper_bnd, ixkqf_tr, s_BZtoIBZ_full
USE wan2bloch, ONLY : dmewan2bloch, hamwan2bloch, dynwan2bloch, &
ephwan2blochp, ephwan2bloch, vmewan2bloch, &
dynifc2blochf, dynifc2blochc
@ -68,10 +67,12 @@
USE wigner, ONLY : wigner_seitz_wrap
USE io_eliashberg, ONLY : write_ephmat, count_kpoints, kmesh_fine, kqmap_fine
USE transport, ONLY : transport_coeffs, scattering_rate_q
USE transport_iter,ONLY : iterativebte
USE transport, ONLY : transport_coeffs, scattering_rate_q, qwindow
USE printing, ONLY : print_gkk
USE io_scattering, ONLY : F_read, electron_read, tau_read
USE io_scattering, ONLY : electron_read, tau_read, iter_open
USE transport_iter,ONLY : iter_restart
USE close_epw, ONLY : iter_close
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
#ifdef __NAG
USE f90_unix_io, ONLY : flush
@ -80,7 +81,8 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm, root_pool
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime, world_comm
#if defined(__MPI)
implicit none
@ -110,6 +112,8 @@
!! integer variable for I/O control
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
INTEGER :: iqq
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
INTEGER :: iq_restart
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
@ -166,6 +170,14 @@
!! Counter on bands when use_ws == .true.
INTEGER :: iw2
!! Counter on bands when use_ws == .true.
INTEGER :: iter
!! Current iteration number
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Temperature index
INTEGER :: icbm
!! Index of the CBM
INTEGER :: totq
!! Total number of q-points within the fsthick window.
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: irvec_k(:,:)
!! integer components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point in the basis
!! of the lattice vectors for electrons
@ -181,8 +193,28 @@
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ndegen_g (:,:,:,:)
!! Wigner-Seitz weights for the electron-phonon grid that depend on
!! atomic positions $R - \tau(na)$
!! Selected q-points within the fsthick window
!! Maximum number of real-space Wigner-Seitz
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: ind_tot
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: ind_totcb
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw2
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw4
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw5
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw6
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lrepmatw2
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: lrepmatw4
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lrepmatw5
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: lrepmatw6
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lsize
REAL(kind=DP) :: rdotk_scal
!! Real (instead of array) for $r\cdot k$
@ -200,12 +232,24 @@
!! Maximum vector: at*nq
REAL(kind=DP) :: w_centers(3,nbndsub)
!! Wannier centers
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etemp
!! Temperature in Ry (this includes division by kb)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP) :: efcb(nstemp)
!! Second Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP) :: dummy(3)
!! Dummy variable
REAL(KIND=DP), EXTERNAL :: fermicarrier
!! Function that returns the Fermi level so that n=p (if int_mob = .true.)
REAL(kind=DP), EXTERNAL :: efermig
!! External function to calculate the fermi energy
REAL(kind=DP), EXTERNAL :: efermig_seq
!! Same but in sequential
REAL(kind=DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 0.01/ryd2mev
!! Tolerence
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: etf_all(:,:)
!! Eigen-energies on the fine grid collected from all pools in parallel case
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: w2 (:)
!! Interpolated phonon frequency
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: irvec_r (:,:)
@ -220,6 +264,10 @@
!! real-space length for phonons, in units of alat
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: wslen_g(:)
!! real-space length for electron-phonons, in units of alat
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: vkk_all(:,:,:)
!! velocity from all the k-point
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: wkf_all(:)
!! k-point weights for all the k-points
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatwe (:,:,:,:,:)
!! e-p matrix in wannier basis - electrons
@ -241,31 +289,6 @@
!! Used to store $e^{2\pi r \cdot k}$ exponential
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cfacq(:,:,:)
!! Used to store $e^{2\pi r \cdot k+q}$ exponential
! Conductivity ------------
INTEGER :: iter
!! Current iteration number
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Temperature index
INTEGER :: icbm
!! Index of the CBM
REAL(KIND=DP) :: error_h
!! Error in the hole iterative BTE
REAL(KIND=DP) :: error_el
!! Error in the electron iterative BTE
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etemp
!! Temperature in Ry (this includes division by kb)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP) :: efcb(nstemp)
!! Second Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: etf_all(:,:)
!! Eigen-energies on the fine grid collected from all pools in parallel case
REAL(KIND=DP), EXTERNAL :: fermicarrier
!! Function that returns the Fermi level so that n=p (if int_mob = .true.)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: dummy(3)
!! Dummy variable
! -----------------
IF ( &
WRITE(stdout, '(/,5x,a,i4)' ) 'Band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = ', nbndsub
@ -738,7 +761,6 @@
CALL load_rebal()
! xqf must be in crystal coordinates
! this loops over the fine mesh of q points.
@ -773,171 +795,173 @@
! Fine mesh set of g-matrices. It is large for memory storage
ALLOCATE ( epf17 (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes, nkf) )
epf17(:,:,:,:) = czero
ALLOCATE ( etf_all ( nbndsub, nkqtotf ) )
ALLOCATE ( etf_all ( ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2 ) )
ALLOCATE ( inv_tau_all (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
inv_tau_all(:,:,:) = zero
ALLOCATE ( zi_allvb (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
epf17(:,:,:,:) = czero
etf_all(:,:) = zero
inv_tau_all(:,:,:) = zero
zi_allvb(:,:,:) = zero
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
ALLOCATE ( inv_tau_allcb (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
inv_tau_allcb(:,:,:) = zero
ALLOCATE ( zi_allcb (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
inv_tau_allcb(:,:,:) = zero
zi_allcb(:,:,:) = zero
! ------------------------------------------------
! The IBTE implement works in two steps
! 1) compute the dominant scattering rates and store them to file
! 2) read them from file and solve the IBTE where all important element are in memory
! ------------------------------------------------
! Initialization and restart when doing IBTE
!IF (iterative_bte) THEN
! IF (epmatkqread) THEN
! CALL iter_restart(etf_all, wkf_all, vkk_all, ind_tot, ind_totcb, ef0, efcb)
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
! Current iterative F(i+1) function
Fi_all(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_current(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_SERTA(:,:,:,:) = zero
mobilityh_save(:) = zero
mobilityel_save(:) = zero
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
Fi_allcb(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_currentcb(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_SERTAcb(:,:,:,:) = zero
998 continue ! Continue after all scattering rates have been computed in print_ibte
IF (epmatkqread) THEN
ALLOCATE( vkk_all( 3, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2 ) )
ALLOCATE( wkf_all( nkqtotf/2 ) )
CALL iter_restart(etf_all, wkf_all, vkk_all, ind_tot, ind_totcb, ef0, efcb)
GOTO 999
ELSE ! epmatkqread
! Open the required files
CALL iter_open(ind_tot, ind_totcb, lrepmatw2, lrepmatw4, lrepmatw5, lrepmatw6)
ALLOCATE ( BZtoIBZ(nkf1*nkf2*nkf3) )
ALLOCATE ( s_BZtoIBZ(3,3,nkf1*nkf2*nkf3) )
BZtoIBZ(:) = 0
s_BZtoIBZ(:,:,:) = 0
! Start iteration index
iter = 1
!iter = 0
! Error for iterative BTE
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier > 1E5)) THEN
error_el = 10_DP
error_el = 0_DP
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Determines which q-points falls within the fsthick windows
! Store the result in the selecq.fmt file
! If the file exists, automatically restart from the file
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
totq = 0
! Check if the file has been pre-computed
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier < 1E5)) THEN
error_h = 10_DP
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
IF (selecqread) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')' '
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')'Reading selecq.fmt file. '
CALL qwindow(exst, nrr_k, dims, totq, selecq, irvec_r, ndegen_k, cufkk, cufkq)
error_h = 0_DP
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')' '
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')'A selecq.fmt file was found but re-created because selecqread == .false. '
CALL qwindow(.FALSE., nrr_k, dims, totq, selecq, irvec_r, ndegen_k, cufkk, cufkq)
ELSE ! exst
IF (selecqread) THEN
CALL errore( 'ephwann_shuffle', 'Variable selecqread == .true. but file selecq.fmt not found.',1 )
CALL qwindow(exst, nrr_k, dims, totq, selecq, irvec_r, ndegen_k, cufkk, cufkq)
! Restart calculation
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a,i8,a)')'We only need to compute ',totq, ' q-points'
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')' '
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Possible restart during step 1)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
iq_restart = 1
first_cycle = .FALSE.
first_time = .TRUE.
IF (restart) THEN
! Restart in SERTA case or self-energy case
IF (restart) THEN
IF ( elecselfen ) THEN
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (sigmar_all) ) ALLOCATE( sigmar_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (sigmai_all) ) ALLOCATE( sigmai_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (zi_all) ) ALLOCATE( zi_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
ALLOCATE( sigmar_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
ALLOCATE( sigmai_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
ALLOCATE( zi_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
sigmar_all(:,:) = zero
sigmai_all(:,:) = zero
zi_all(:,:) = zero
CALL electron_read(iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
CALL electron_read(iq_restart, totq, nkqtotf/2, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
IF ( scattering ) THEN
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
! Here inv_tau_all and inv_tau_allcb gets updated
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, .TRUE.)
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, totq, nkqtotf/2, .TRUE.)
! Here inv_tau_all gets updated
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, .FALSE.)
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, totq, nkqtotf/2, .FALSE.)
IF ( iterative_bte ) THEN
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
CALL F_read(iter, iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, error_h, error_el, .TRUE.)
CALL F_read(iter, iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, error_h, error_el, .FALSE.)
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier < 1E5)) THEN
IF ( error_h < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
IF ( error_h < eps2 ) &
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"IBTE is converged with value for hole mobility of",1E18.6," "/)') MAXVAL(mobilityh_save(:))
IF ( error_h < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier > 1E5)) THEN
IF ( error_el < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
IF ( error_el < eps2 ) &
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"IBTE is converged with value for electron mobility of",1E18.6," "/)') MAXVAL(mobilityel_save(:))
IF ( error_el < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
! If you restart from reading a file. This prevent
! the case were you restart but the file does not exist
IF (iq_restart > 1) first_cycle = .TRUE.
ENDIF ! restart
! Scatread assumes that you alread have done the full q-integration
! We just do one loop to get interpolated eigenenergies.
IF(scatread) iq_restart = nqf -1
IF(scatread) iq_restart = totq -1
DO WHILE ( (error_h > eps2) .OR. (error_el > eps2) )
IF ( iterative_bte ) THEN
IF (iter==1 .OR. first_cycle) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') ' '
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
! Restart in IBTE case
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"Iteration number:", i10," "/)') iter
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
!IF (nstemp > 1) CALL errore('ephwann_shuffle', &
! 'Iterative BTE can only be done at 1 temperature, nstemp = 1.',1)
IF (iter > mob_maxiter) THEN
! CALL errore('ephwann_shuffle', &
!'The iteration reached the maximum but did not converge. ',0)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"The iteration reached the maximum but did not converge.")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
IF (exst) THEN
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
READ (iunrestart,*) iq_restart
READ (iunrestart,*) ind_tot
READ (iunrestart,*) ind_totcb
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw2
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw4
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw5
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw6
CALL mp_bcast(iq_restart, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL MPI_BCAST( ind_tot, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( ind_totcb, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw2, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw4, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw5, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw6, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwann_shuffle', 'error in MPI_BCAST',1 )
! Reading iter X if the file exist from a restart
!CALL F_read(Fi_all, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2, iter)
! Now, the iq_restart point has been done, so we need to do the next one except if last
!IF (iq_restart /= totq) iq_restart = iq_restart + 1
! Now, the iq_restart point has been done, so we need to do the next
iq_restart = iq_restart + 1
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a,i8,a)')'We restart from ',iq_restart, ' q-points'
ENDIF ! exst
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!iter = iter +1
DO iq = iq_restart, nqf
DO iqq = iq_restart, totq
! This needs to be uncommented.
!epf17(:,:,:,:) = czero
iq = selecq(iqq)
CALL start_clock ( 'ep-interp' )
! In case of big calculation, show progression of iq (especially usefull when
! elecselfen = true as nothing happen during the calculation otherwise.
IF ( .not. phonselfen) THEN
IF (MOD(iq,50) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Progression iq (fine) = ',iq,'/',nqf
IF (MOD(iq,100) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,i10,a,i10)' ) 'Progression iq (fine) = ',iq,'/',totq
@ -1076,7 +1100,6 @@
! interpolate only when (k,k+q) both have at least one band
! within a Fermi shell of size fsthick
!IF (ik==2 ) print*,iq, etf(:, ikk), etf(:, ikq), ef
IF ( (( minval ( abs(etf(:, ikk) - ef) ) < fsthick ) .and. &
( minval ( abs(etf(:, ikq) - ef) ) < fsthick )) ) THEN
@ -1086,7 +1109,6 @@
! epmat : Wannier el and Bloch ph -> Bloch el and Bloch ph
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! SP: Note: In case of polar materials, computing the long-range and short-range term
! separately might help speed up the convergence. Indeed the long-range term should be
! much faster to compute. Note however that the short-range term still contains a linear
@ -1102,7 +1124,6 @@
epmatf(:,:,:) = czero
CALL ephwan2bloch &
( nbndsub, nrr_k, epmatwef, cufkk, cufkq, epmatf, nmodes, cfac, dims )
!print*,'eptmatf ',sum(epmatf)
@ -1135,36 +1156,26 @@
!if (ik==2) then
! do imode = 1, nmodes
! write(*,*) 'iq imode epmatf ',iq, imode,&
! SUM((REAL(REAL(epmatf(:,:,imode))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(epmatf(:,:,imode))))**2)
! enddo
!IF (ik==8 .and. iq== 123 ) THEN
! print*,'epmatf(ibnd,jbnd) ',epmatf(2,:,6)
ENDIF ! scatread
ENDDO ! end loop over k points
IF (prtgkk ) CALL print_gkk( iq )
IF (phonselfen ) CALL selfen_phon_q( iq )
IF (elecselfen ) CALL selfen_elec_q( iq, first_cycle )
IF (plselfen .and. .not.vme ) CALL selfen_pl_q( iq )
IF (nest_fn ) CALL nesting_fn_q( iq )
IF (specfun_el ) CALL spectral_func_q( iq )
IF (specfun_ph ) CALL spectral_func_ph( iq )
IF (specfun_pl .and. .not.vme ) CALL spectral_func_pl_q( iq )
IF (phonselfen ) CALL selfen_phon_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (elecselfen ) CALL selfen_elec_q( iqq, iq, totq, first_cycle )
IF (plselfen .and. .not. vme ) CALL selfen_pl_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (nest_fn ) CALL nesting_fn_q( iqq, iq )
IF (specfun_el ) CALL spectral_func_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (specfun_ph ) CALL spectral_func_ph( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (specfun_pl .and. .not. vme ) CALL spectral_func_pl_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (ephwrite) THEN
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
CALL kmesh_fine
CALL kqmap_fine
CALL write_ephmat( iq )
CALL count_kpoints(iq)
CALL write_ephmat( iqq, iq, totq )
CALL count_kpoints( iqq )
IF (.NOT. scatread) THEN
@ -1191,7 +1202,7 @@
etf (ibnd, ikq) = etf (ibnd, ikq) + scissor
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Applying a scissor shift of ",f9.5," eV to the conduction states")' ) scissor * ryd2ev
@ -1205,7 +1216,7 @@
! If we want to compute intrinsic mobilities, call fermicarrier to
! correctly positionned the ef0 level.
! This is only done once for iq = 0
IF ( iq == iq_restart ) THEN
IF ( iqq == iq_restart ) THEN
DO itemp = 1, nstemp
@ -1265,36 +1276,30 @@
ENDIF ! iq=0
ENDIF ! iqq=0
IF ( iterative_bte) THEN
! First iteration is just SERTA
IF (iter == 1) THEN
CALL scattering_rate_q( iq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
!print*,'SUM(inv_tau_all) after ',SUM(inv_tau_all)
! Compute the SERTA mobility for the first iteration
IF (iq == nqf) CALL transport_coeffs (ef0,efcb)
IF (iq == nqf) iter = iter + 1
!IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
! call errore('ephwann_shuffle','The iterative solution cannot be solved with int_mob AND carrier at the moment',1)
CALL iterativebte(iter, iq, ef0, efcb, error_h, error_el, first_cycle, first_time)
IF (iq == nqf) iter = iter + 1
IF ( .NOT. iterative_bte ) THEN
CALL scattering_rate_q( iqq, iq, totq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
! Computes the SERTA mobility
!IF (iq == nqf) CALL transport_coeffs (ef0,efcb)
IF (iqq == totq) CALL transport_coeffs (ef0,efcb)
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
CALL print_ibte( iqq, iq, totq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle, ind_tot, ind_totcb, lrepmatw2,&
lrepmatw4, lrepmatw5, lrepmatw6 )
CALL scattering_rate_q( iq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
! Computes the SERTA mobility
IF (iq == nqf) CALL transport_coeffs (ef0,efcb)
! Finished, now compute SERTA and IBTE mobilities
IF (iqq == totq) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)')' '
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"epmatkqread automatically changed to .true. as all scattering have been computed.")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)')' '
! close files
CALL iter_close()
epmatkqread = .true.
GOTO 998
ENDIF ! scattering
@ -1305,36 +1310,8 @@
ENDIF ! scatread
ENDDO ! end loop over q points
IF (iterative_bte) iq_restart = 1
! If we do not do iterative BTE, then exist the while loop.
IF (.NOT. iterative_bte) error_h = 0.0_DP
IF (.NOT. iterative_bte) error_el = 0.0_DP
ENDDO ! End the while loop
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (Fi_all)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (F_current)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (F_SERTA)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (inv_tau_all)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (zi_allvb)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (BZtoIBZ)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (s_BZtoIBZ)
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (s_BZtoIBZ_full)
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (ixkqf_tr)
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (map_rebal)
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (map_rebal_inv)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (inv_tau_allcb)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (zi_allcb)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (Fi_allcb)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (F_currentcb)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (F_SERTAcb)
! Close th epmatwp file
#if defined(__MPI)
IF (etf_mem == 1) then
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunepmatwp2,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwann_shuffle', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1 )
! close files
CALL iter_close()
! Check Memory usage
CALL system_mem_usage(valueRSS)
@ -1357,23 +1334,23 @@
WRITE(lambda_phself, '(/2x,a/)') '#Lambda phonon self-energy'
WRITE(lambda_phself, *) '#Modes ',(imode, imode=1,nmodes)
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
DO iqq = 1, nqtotf
!myfmt = "(*(3x,E15.5))" This does not work with PGI
myfmt = "(1000(3x,E15.5))"
WRITE(lambda_phself,'(i9,4x)',advance='no') iq
WRITE(lambda_phself, fmt=myfmt) (REAL(lambda_all(imode,iq,1)),imode=1,nmodes)
WRITE(lambda_phself,'(i9,4x)',advance='no') iqq
WRITE(lambda_phself, fmt=myfmt) (REAL(lambda_all(imode,iqq,1)),imode=1,nmodes)
WRITE(linewidth_phself, '(a)') '# Phonon frequency and phonon lifetime in meV '
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(a)') '# Q-point Mode Phonon freq (meV) Phonon linewidth (meV)'
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
DO iqq = 1, nqtotf
DO imode=1, nmodes
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(i9,i6,E20.8,E22.10)') iq,imode,&
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(i9,i6,E20.8,E22.10)') iqq,imode,&
@ -1420,10 +1397,9 @@
IF ( ALLOCATED(sigmai_all) ) DEALLOCATE( sigmai_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(sigmai_mode) ) DEALLOCATE( sigmai_mode )
IF ( ALLOCATED(inv_tau_all) ) DEALLOCATE( inv_tau_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(inv_tau_allcb) ) DEALLOCATE( inv_tau_allcb )
IF ( ALLOCATED(zi_allvb) ) DEALLOCATE( zi_allvb )
IF ( ALLOCATED(zi_allcb) ) DEALLOCATE( zi_allcb )
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (map_rebal)
IF (mp_mesh_k .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (map_rebal_inv)
@ -1438,6 +1414,8 @@
999 continue
CALL stop_clock ( 'ephwann' )
END SUBROUTINE ephwann_shuffle

View File

@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE pwcom, ONLY : nbnd, nks, nkstot, isk, &
et, xk, ef, nelec
USE pwcom, ONLY : nbnd, nks, nkstot, isk, et, xk, ef, nelec
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, omega, alat
USE start_k, ONLY : nk1, nk2, nk3
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, amass, ityp, tau
@ -42,27 +41,26 @@
scattering, nstemp, int_mob, scissor, carrier, &
iterative_bte, longrange, scatread, nqf1, prtgkk, &
nqf2, nqf3, mp_mesh_k, restart, ncarrier, plselfen, &
specfun_pl, use_ws
specfun_pl, use_ws, epmatkqread, selecqread
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, ryd2mev, one, two, eps2, zero, czero, cone, &
twopi, ci, kelvin2eV
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, diropn, tmp_dir
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE io_epw, ONLY : lambda_phself, linewidth_phself, iunepmatwe, &
iunepmatwp, crystal, iunepmatwp2
iunepmatwp, crystal, iunepmatwp2, iunrestart
USE elph2, ONLY : cu, cuq, lwin, lwinq, &
chw, chw_ks, cvmew, cdmew, rdw, &
epmatq, wf, etf, etf_k, etf_ks, xqf, xkf, &
wkf, dynq, nqtotf, nkqf, epf17, nkf, nqf, et_ks, &
wkf, dynq, nkqf, epf17, nkf, nqf, et_ks, &
ibndmin, ibndmax, lambda_all, dmec, dmef, vmef, &
sigmai_all, sigmai_mode, gamma_all, epsi, zstar, &
efnew, sigmar_all, zi_all, nkqtotf, eps_rpa, &
nkqtotf, sigmar_all, zi_allvb, inv_tau_all, Fi_all, &
F_current, F_SERTA, inv_tau_allcb, zi_allcb, exband,&
F_currentcb, F_SERTAcb, Fi_allcb
nkqtotf, sigmar_all, zi_allvb, inv_tau_all, &
inv_tau_allcb, zi_allcb, exband
USE wigner, ONLY : wigner_seitz_wrap
USE transportcom, ONLY : transp_temp, mobilityh_save, mobilityel_save, lower_bnd, &
upper_bnd, ixkqf_tr, s_BZtoIBZ_full
USE wan2bloch, ONLY : dmewan2bloch, hamwan2bloch, dynwan2bloch, &
vmewan2bloch, dynifc2blochf, dynifc2blochc, &
ephwan2blochp_mem, ephwan2bloch_mem
@ -70,10 +68,12 @@
vmebloch2wan, ephbloch2wane, ephbloch2wanp_mem
USE io_eliashberg, ONLY : write_ephmat, count_kpoints, kmesh_fine, &
USE transport, ONLY : transport_coeffs, scattering_rate_q
USE transport_iter,ONLY : iterativebte
USE transport, ONLY : transport_coeffs, scattering_rate_q, qwindow
USE transport_iter,ONLY : iter_restart
USE printing, ONLY : print_gkk
USE io_scattering, ONLY : F_read, electron_read, tau_read
USE io_scattering, ONLY : electron_read, tau_read, iter_open
USE close_epw, ONLY : iter_close
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
#ifdef __NAG
USE f90_unix_io, ONLY : flush
@ -82,7 +82,8 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm, root_pool
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime, world_comm
#if defined(__MPI)
implicit none
@ -112,6 +113,8 @@
!! integer variable for I/O control
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
INTEGER :: iqq
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
INTEGER :: iq_restart
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
@ -168,6 +171,14 @@
!! Counter on bands when use_ws == .true.
INTEGER :: iw2
!! Counter on bands when use_ws == .true.
INTEGER :: iter
!! Current iteration number
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Temperature index
INTEGER :: icbm
!! Index of the CBM
INTEGER :: totq
!! Total number of q-points within the fsthick window.
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: irvec_k(:,:)
!! integer components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point in the basis
!! of the lattice vectors for electrons
@ -183,8 +194,28 @@
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ndegen_g (:,:,:,:)
!! Wigner-Seitz weights for the electron-phonon grid that depend on
!! atomic positions $R - \tau(na)$
!! Selected q-points within the fsthick window
!! Maximum number of real-space Wigner-Seitz
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: ind_tot
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: ind_totcb
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw2
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw4
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw5
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw6
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lrepmatw2
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: lrepmatw4
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lrepmatw5
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: lrepmatw6
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lsize
REAL(kind=DP) :: rdotk_scal
!! Real (instead of array) for $r\cdot k$
@ -202,12 +233,24 @@
!! Maximum vector: at*nq
REAL(kind=DP) :: w_centers(3,nbndsub)
!! Wannier centers
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etemp
!! Temperature in Ry (this includes division by kb)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP) :: efcb(nstemp)
!! Second Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP) :: dummy(3)
!! Dummy variable
REAL(KIND=DP), EXTERNAL :: fermicarrier
!! Function that returns the Fermi level so that n=p (if int_mob = .true.)
REAL(kind=DP), EXTERNAL :: efermig
!! External function to calculate the fermi energy
REAL(kind=DP), EXTERNAL :: efermig_seq
!! Same but in sequential
REAL(kind=DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 0.01/ryd2mev
!! Tolerence
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: etf_all(:,:)
!! Eigen-energies on the fine grid collected from all pools in parallel case
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: w2 (:)
!! Interpolated phonon frequency
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: irvec_r (:,:)
@ -222,25 +265,11 @@
!! real-space length for phonons, in units of alat
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: wslen_g(:)
!! real-space length for electron-phonons, in units of alat
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: vkk_all(:,:,:)
!! velocity from all the k-point
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: wkf_all(:)
!! k-point weights for all the k-points
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tablex (4*nk1+1,nkf1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tabley (4*nk2+1,nkf2)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tablez (4*nk3+1,nkf3)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tableqx (4*nk1+1,2*nkf1+1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tableqy (4*nk2+1,2*nkf2+1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: tableqz (4*nk3+1,2*nkf3+1)
!! Look-up table for the exponential (speed optimization) in the case of
!! homogeneous grids.
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatwe_mem (:,:,:,:)
!! e-p matrix in wannier basis - electrons (written on disk)
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatwef (:,:,:)
@ -263,33 +292,6 @@
!! Temporary el-ph matrices.
COMPLEX(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: epmatlrT(:,:,:,:)
!! Long-range temp. save
! Conductivity ------------
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxiter = 300
!! Maximum number of iteration in the case of iterative BTE
INTEGER :: iter
!! Current iteration number
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Temperature index
INTEGER :: icbm
!! Index of the CBM
REAL(KIND=DP) :: error_h
!! Error in the hole iterative BTE
REAL(KIND=DP) :: error_el
!! Error in the electron iterative BTE
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etemp
!! Temperature in Ry (this includes division by kb)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP) :: efcb(nstemp)
!! Second Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: etf_all(:,:)
!! Eigen-energies on the fine grid collected from all pools in parallel case
REAL(KIND=DP), EXTERNAL :: fermicarrier
!! Function that returns the Fermi level so that n=p (if int_mob = .true.)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: dummy(3)
!! Dummy variable
! -----------------
IF ( &
WRITE(stdout, '(/,5x,a,i4)' ) 'Band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = ', nbndsub
@ -759,147 +761,163 @@
! Fine mesh set of g-matrices. It is large for memory storage
ALLOCATE ( epf17 (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes, nkf) )
ALLOCATE ( etf_all ( nbndsub, nkqtotf ) )
ALLOCATE ( etf_all (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2 ) )
ALLOCATE ( inv_tau_all (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
inv_tau_all(:,:,:) = zero
ALLOCATE ( zi_allvb (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
zi_allvb(:,:,:) = zero
ALLOCATE ( epmatlrT (nbndsub, nbndsub, nmodes, nkf) )
ALLOCATE ( eptmp (ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nmodes, nkf) )
epf17(:,:,:,:) = czero
etf_all(:,:) = zero
inv_tau_all(:,:,:) = zero
zi_allvb(:,:,:) = zero
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
ALLOCATE ( inv_tau_allcb (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
inv_tau_allcb(:,:,:) = zero
ALLOCATE ( zi_allcb (nstemp, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
inv_tau_allcb(:,:,:) = zero
zi_allcb(:,:,:) = zero
! ------------------------------------------------
! The IBTE implement works in two steps
! 1) compute the dominant scattering rates and store them to file
! 2) read them from file and solve the IBTE where all important element are in memory
! ------------------------------------------------
! Initialization and restart when doing IBTE
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
! Current iterative F(i+1) function
Fi_all(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_current(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_SERTA(:,:,:,:) = zero
mobilityh_save(:) = zero
mobilityel_save(:) = zero
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
Fi_allcb(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_currentcb(:,:,:,:) = zero
F_SERTAcb(:,:,:,:) = zero
998 continue ! Continue after all scattering rates have been computed in print_ibte
IF (epmatkqread) THEN
ALLOCATE( vkk_all( 3, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2 ) )
ALLOCATE( wkf_all( nkqtotf/2 ) )
CALL iter_restart(etf_all, wkf_all, vkk_all, ind_tot, ind_totcb, ef0, efcb)
GOTO 999
ELSE ! epmatkqread
! Open the required files
CALL iter_open(ind_tot, ind_totcb, lrepmatw2, lrepmatw4, lrepmatw5, lrepmatw6)
! Start iteration index
iter = 1
!iter = 0
! Eerror for iterative BTE
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier > 1E5)) THEN
error_el = 10_DP
error_el = 0_DP
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Determines which q-points falls within the fsthick windows
! Store the result in the selecq.fmt file
! If the file exists, automatically restart from the file
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
totq = 0
! Check if the file has been pre-computed
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier < 1E5)) THEN
error_h = 10_DP
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
IF (selecqread) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')' '
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')'Reading selecq.fmt file. '
CALL qwindow(exst, nrr_k, dims, totq, selecq, irvec_r, ndegen_k, cufkk, cufkq)
error_h = 0_DP
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')' '
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')'A selecq.fmt file was found but re-created because selecqread == .false. '
CALL qwindow(.FALSE., nrr_k, dims, totq, selecq, irvec_r, ndegen_k, cufkk, cufkq)
ELSE ! exst
IF (selecqread) THEN
CALL errore( 'ephwann_shuffle', 'Variable selecqread == .true. but file selecq.fmt not found.',1 )
CALL qwindow(exst, nrr_k, dims, totq, selecq, irvec_r, ndegen_k, cufkk, cufkq)
! Restart calculation
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a,i8,a)')'We only need to compute ',totq, ' q-points'
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')' '
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Possible restart during step 1)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
iq_restart = 1
first_cycle = .FALSE.
first_time = .TRUE.
IF (restart) THEN
! Restart in SERTA case or self-energy case
IF (restart) THEN
IF ( elecselfen ) THEN
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (sigmar_all) ) ALLOCATE( sigmar_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (sigmai_all) ) ALLOCATE( sigmai_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (zi_all) ) ALLOCATE( zi_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
ALLOCATE( sigmar_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
ALLOCATE( sigmai_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
ALLOCATE( zi_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2) )
sigmar_all(:,:) = zero
sigmai_all(:,:) = zero
zi_all(:,:) = zero
CALL electron_read(iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
CALL electron_read(iq_restart, totq, nkqtotf/2, sigmar_all, sigmai_all, zi_all)
IF ( scattering ) THEN
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
! Here inv_tau_all and inv_tau_allcb gets updated
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, .TRUE.)
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, totq, nkqtotf/2, .TRUE.)
! Here inv_tau_all gets updated
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, .FALSE.)
CALL tau_read(iq_restart, totq, nkqtotf/2, .FALSE.)
IF ( iterative_bte ) THEN
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
CALL F_read(iter, iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, error_h, error_el, .TRUE.)
CALL F_read(iter, iq_restart, nqf, nkqtotf/2, error_h, error_el, .FALSE.)
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier < 1E5)) THEN
IF ( error_h < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
IF ( error_h < eps2 ) &
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"IBTE is converged with value for hole mobility of",1E18.6," "/)') MAXVAL(mobilityh_save(:))
IF ( error_h < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
IF (int_mob .OR. (ncarrier > 1E5)) THEN
IF ( error_el < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
IF ( error_el < eps2 ) &
WRITE( stdout,'(5x,"IBTE is converged with value for electron mobility of",1E18.6," "/)') MAXVAL(mobilityel_save(:))
IF ( error_el < eps2 ) WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
! If you restart from reading a file. This prevent
! the case were you restart but the file does not exist
IF (iq_restart > 1) first_cycle = .TRUE.
ENDIF ! restart
! Scatread assumes that you alread have done the full q-integration
! We just do one loop to get interpolated eigenenergies.
IF(scatread) iq_restart = nqf -1
IF(scatread) iq_restart = totq -1
DO WHILE ( (error_h > eps2) .OR. (error_el > eps2) )
IF ( iterative_bte ) THEN
IF (iter==1 .OR. first_cycle) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') ' '
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
! Restart in IBTE case
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"Iteration number:", i10," "/)') iter
!IF (nstemp > 1) CALL errore('ephwann_shuffle', &
! 'Iterative BTE can only be done at 1 temperature, nstemp = 1.',1)
IF (iter > maxiter) CALL errore('ephwann_shuffle', &
'The iteration reached the maximum but did not converge. ',1)
! Reading iter X if the file exist from a restart
!CALL F_read(Fi_all, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2, iter)
CALL mp_bcast(exst, ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
READ (iunrestart,*) iq_restart
READ (iunrestart,*) ind_tot
READ (iunrestart,*) ind_totcb
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw2
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw4
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw5
READ (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw6
CALL mp_bcast(iq_restart, ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL MPI_BCAST( ind_tot, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( ind_totcb, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw2, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw4, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw5, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
CALL MPI_BCAST( lrepmatw6, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwann_shuffle', 'error in MPI_BCAST',1 )
!iter = iter +1
! Now, the iq_restart point has been done, so we need to do the next one
iq_restart = iq_restart + 1
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a,i8,a)')'We restart from ',iq_restart, ' q-points'
ENDIF ! exst
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DO iq = iq_restart, nqf
DO iqq = iq_restart, totq
iq = selecq(iqq)
CALL start_clock ( 'ep-interp' )
@ -908,7 +926,7 @@
IF ( .not. phonselfen) THEN
IF (MOD(iq,50) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Progression iq (fine) = ',iq,'/',nqf
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Progression iq (fine) = ',iq,'/',totq
@ -1109,15 +1127,6 @@
!IF (ik==2 .and. imode==1 .and. iq==9) print*,'epmatf(ibnd,jbnd) ',sum(epmatf(:,:))
!if (ik==1) then
! print*,'imode eptmp',imode, SUM((REAL(REAL(eptmp(:,:,imode,ik))))**2)+SUM((REAL(AIMAG(eptmp(:,:,imode,ik))))**2)
! print*,'epmatwef ',SUM(epmatwef)
!IF (ik==8 .and. iq== 123 .and. imode == 6) THEN
! print*,'epmatf(ibnd,jbnd) ',epmatf(2,:)
! print*,'epmatlrT(:,:,imode,ik) ',epmatlrT(2,:,imode,ik)
ENDIF ! scatread
@ -1145,20 +1154,20 @@
IF (prtgkk ) CALL print_gkk( iq )
IF (phonselfen ) CALL selfen_phon_q( iq )
IF (elecselfen ) CALL selfen_elec_q( iq, first_cycle )
IF (plselfen .and. .not.vme ) CALL selfen_pl_q( iq )
IF (nest_fn ) CALL nesting_fn_q( iq )
IF (specfun_el ) CALL spectral_func_q( iq )
IF (specfun_ph ) CALL spectral_func_ph( iq )
IF (specfun_pl .and. .not.vme ) CALL spectral_func_pl_q( iq )
IF (phonselfen ) CALL selfen_phon_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (elecselfen ) CALL selfen_elec_q( iqq, iq, totq, first_cycle )
IF (plselfen .and. .not. vme ) CALL selfen_pl_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (nest_fn ) CALL nesting_fn_q( iqq, iq )
IF (specfun_el ) CALL spectral_func_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (specfun_ph ) CALL spectral_func_ph( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (specfun_pl .and. .not. vme ) CALL spectral_func_pl_q( iqq, iq, totq )
IF (ephwrite) THEN
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
CALL kmesh_fine
CALL kqmap_fine
CALL write_ephmat( iq )
CALL count_kpoints(iq)
CALL write_ephmat( iqq, iq, totq )
CALL count_kpoints( iqq )
! Conductivity ---------------------------------------------------------
@ -1183,7 +1192,7 @@
etf (ibnd, ikq) = etf (ibnd, ikq) + scissor
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Applying a scissor shift of ",f9.5," eV to the conduction states")' ) scissor * ryd2ev
@ -1191,7 +1200,7 @@
! If we want to compute intrinsic mobilities, call fermicarrier to
! correctly positionned the ef0 level.
! This is only done once for iq = 0
IF ( iq == iq_restart ) THEN
IF ( iqq == iq_restart ) THEN
DO itemp = 1, nstemp
@ -1251,34 +1260,26 @@
ENDIF ! iq=0
ENDIF ! iqq=0
IF ( iterative_bte) THEN
! First iteration is just SERTA
IF (iter == 1) THEN
CALL scattering_rate_q( iq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
!print*,'SUM(inv_tau_all) after ',SUM(inv_tau_all)
! Compute the SERTA mobility for the first iteration
IF (iq == nqf) CALL transport_coeffs (ef0,efcb)
IF (iq == nqf) iter = iter + 1
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier) THEN
call errore('ephwann_shuffle','The iterative solution cannot be solved with int_mob AND carrier at the moment',1)
CALL iterativebte(iter, iq, ef0, efcb, error_h, error_el, first_cycle, first_time)
IF ( .NOT. iterative_bte ) THEN
CALL scattering_rate_q( iqq, iq, totq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
! Computes the SERTA mobility
IF (iqq == totq) CALL transport_coeffs (ef0,efcb)
IF (iq == nqf) iter = iter + 1
IF (iterative_bte) THEN
CALL print_ibte( iqq, iq, totq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle, ind_tot, ind_totcb, lrepmatw2,&
lrepmatw4, lrepmatw5, lrepmatw6 )
! Finished, now compute SERTA and IBTE mobilities
IF (iqq == totq) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)')' '
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"epmatkqread automatically changed to .true. as all scattering have been computed.")')
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)')' '
epmatkqread = .true.
GOTO 998
CALL scattering_rate_q( iq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
ENDIF ! scattering
@ -1289,27 +1290,8 @@
ENDIF ! scatread
ENDDO ! end loop over q points
IF (iterative_bte) iq_restart = 1
! If we do not do iterative BTE, then exist the while loop.
IF (.NOT. iterative_bte) error_h = 0.0_DP
IF (.NOT. iterative_bte) error_el = 0.0_DP
ENDDO ! End the while loop
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (Fi_all)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (F_current)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (F_SERTA)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (inv_tau_all)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (zi_allvb)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (s_BZtoIBZ_full)
IF (iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (ixkqf_tr)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (inv_tau_allcb)
IF (int_mob .AND. carrier .AND. iterative_bte) DEALLOCATE (zi_allcb)
! Close th epmatwp file
#if defined(__MPI)
CALL MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunepmatwp2,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'ephwann_shuffle', 'error in MPI_FILE_CLOSE',1 )
! close files
CALL iter_close()
! Check Memory usage
CALL system_mem_usage(valueRSS)
@ -1332,23 +1314,23 @@
WRITE(lambda_phself, '(/2x,a/)') '#Lambda phonon self-energy'
WRITE(lambda_phself, *) '#Modes ',(imode, imode=1,nmodes)
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
DO iqq = 1, totq
!myfmt = "(*(3x,E15.5))" This does not work with PGI
myfmt = "(1000(3x,E15.5))"
WRITE(lambda_phself,'(i9,4x)',advance='no') iq
WRITE(lambda_phself, fmt=myfmt) (REAL(lambda_all(imode,iq,1)),imode=1,nmodes)
WRITE(lambda_phself,'(i9,4x)',advance='no') iqq
WRITE(lambda_phself, fmt=myfmt) (REAL(lambda_all(imode,iqq,1)),imode=1,nmodes)
WRITE(linewidth_phself, '(a)') '# Phonon frequency and phonon lifetime in meV '
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(a)') '# Q-point Mode Phonon freq (meV) Phonon linewidth (meV)'
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
DO iqq = 1, totq
DO imode=1, nmodes
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(i9,i6,E20.8,E22.10)') iq,imode,&
WRITE(linewidth_phself,'(i9,i6,E20.8,E22.10)') iqq,imode,&
@ -1407,12 +1389,7 @@
IF (.not. iterative_bte) CALL transport_coeffs (ef0,efcb)
IF ( ALLOCATED(inv_tau_all) ) DEALLOCATE( inv_tau_all )
IF ( ALLOCATED(inv_tau_allcb) ) DEALLOCATE( inv_tau_allcb )
IF ( ALLOCATED(zi_allvb) ) DEALLOCATE( zi_allvb )
IF ( ALLOCATED(zi_allcb) ) DEALLOCATE( zi_allcb )
999 continue
CALL stop_clock ( 'ephwann' )

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
USE epwcom, ONLY : filukk, eliashberg, ep_coupling, epwread, epbread, cumulant
USE environment, ONLY : environment_start
USE elph2, ONLY : elph
USE close_epw, ONLY : close_final, deallocate_epw
! Flag to perform an electron-phonon calculation. If .true.
! the code will enter in [[elphon_shuffle_wrap]]
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ write(stdout,'(a)') "
! ... Close the files
CALL close_epw()
CALL close_final()

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
scattering_0rta, longrange, shortrange, scatread, &
restart_filq, prtgkk, nel, meff, epsiHEG, lphase, &
omegamin, omegamax, omegastep, n_r, lindabs, &
mob_maxiter, use_ws
mob_maxiter, use_ws, epmatkqread, selecqread
USE elph2, ONLY : elph
USE start_k, ONLY : nk1, nk2, nk3
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, ryd2ev, ev2cmm1, kelvin2eV
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
filukk, filukq, epbread, epbwrite, epwread, epwwrite, etf_mem, kmaps, &
eig_read, wepexst, epexst, vme, &
degaussw, fsthick, eptemp, nsmear, delta_smear, &
dvscf_dir, ngaussw, &
dvscf_dir, ngaussw, epmatkqread, selecqread, &
wannierize, dis_win_max, dis_win_min, dis_froz_min, dis_froz_max, &
num_iter, proj, bands_skipped, wdata, iprint, write_wfn, &
wmin, wmax, nw, eps_acustic, a2f, nest_fn, plselfen, &
@ -285,6 +285,8 @@
! lphase : If .true., fix the gauge on the phonon eigenvectors and electronic eigenvectors - DS
! mob_maxiter : Maximum number of iteration for the IBTE.
! use_ws : If .true., use the Wannier-center to create the Wigner-Seitz cell.
! epmatkqread : If .true., restart an IBTE calculation from scattering written to files.
! selecqread : If .true., restart from the selecq.fmt file
! Added by Manos Kioupakis
! omegamin : Photon energy minimum
@ -482,6 +484,8 @@
lindabs = .false.
mob_maxiter= 50
use_ws = .false.
epmatkqread = .false.
selecqread = .false.
! reading the namelist inputepw

View File

@ -248,6 +248,10 @@
!! if .true., perform phonon-assisted absorption calculations
LOGICAL :: use_ws
!! if .true., use Wannier-centers to compute the Wigner-Seitz cell.
LOGICAL :: epmatkqread
!! if .true., restart and IBTE calculation from the scattering rates written to files.
LOGICAL :: selecqread
!! if .true., restart from the selecq.fmt file
! Superconductivity
LOGICAL :: ephwrite

View File

@ -766,6 +766,7 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, npool
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -1052,6 +1053,7 @@
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, npool
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -1200,7 +1202,7 @@
END SUBROUTINE read_ephmat
SUBROUTINE write_ephmat( iq )
SUBROUTINE write_ephmat( iqq, iq, totq )
!! This subroutine writes the elph matrix elements in a format required
@ -1220,17 +1222,22 @@
efermi_read, fermi_energy
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, epf17, wkf, nkf, &
nqtotf, wf, xqf, nkqtotf, efnew
wf, xqf, nkqtotf, efnew
USE eliashbergcom, ONLY : equivk, nkfs, ekfs, wkfs, xkfs, dosef, ixkf, ixkqf, nbndfs
USE superconductivity, ONLY : mem_size_eliashberg, mem_integer_size_eliashberg
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, two
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, my_pool_id, npool
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iqq
!! Current q-points from selecq
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iq
!! Current q-points
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-point from selecq
! Local variables
@ -1273,9 +1280,9 @@
! write phonon frequencies to file
IF ( my_pool_id == 0 ) THEN
filfreq = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.freq'
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
OPEN(iufilfreq, file = filfreq, form = 'unformatted')
WRITE(iufilfreq) nqtotf, nmodes
WRITE(iufilfreq) totq, nmodes
WRITE(iufilfreq) xqf(1,iq), xqf(2,iq), xqf(3,iq)
DO imode = 1, nmodes
WRITE(iufilfreq) wf(imode,iq)
@ -1312,7 +1319,7 @@
nkftot = nkqtotf / 2
CALL fkbounds( nkftot, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
IF (iq.eq.1) THEN
IF (iqq == 1) THEN
! find fermicount - nr of k-points within the Fermi shell per pool
! for mp_mesh_k=true. femicount is the nr of irreducible k-points within the Fermi shell per pool
@ -1360,7 +1367,7 @@
ENDIF ! iq
ENDIF ! iqq
! write the e-ph matrix elements in the Bloch representation on the fine mesh
! in .ephmat files (one for each pool)
@ -1371,14 +1378,14 @@
filephmat = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.ephmat'
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
OPEN(iufileph, file = filephmat, form = 'unformatted')
OPEN(iufileph, file = filephmat, position='append', form = 'unformatted')
!IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) WRITE(iufileph,'(2i7)') my_pool_id+1, fermicount
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) WRITE(iufileph) my_pool_id+1, fermicount
IF ( iqq == 1 ) WRITE(iufileph) my_pool_id+1, fermicount
! nkf - nr of k-points in the pool (fine mesh)
! for mp_mesh_k = true nkf is nr of irreducible k-points in the pool
@ -1428,7 +1435,7 @@
ENDDO ! ik's
IF ( iq .eq. nqtotf ) THEN
IF ( iqq == totq ) THEN
@ -1441,7 +1448,7 @@
CALL mem_size_eliashberg( -imelt )
! remove memory allocated for ixkqf
imelt = nqtotf * nkfs
imelt = totq * nkfs
CALL mem_integer_size_eliashberg( -imelt )
! remove memory allocated for equivk, ixkf
@ -1462,7 +1469,7 @@
END SUBROUTINE write_ephmat
SUBROUTINE count_kpoints( iq )
SUBROUTINE count_kpoints( iqq )
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
@ -1476,7 +1483,7 @@
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iq
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iqq
!! Current q-points
! Local variables
@ -1499,7 +1506,7 @@
REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: efermig, dos_ef
IF (iq.eq.1) THEN
IF (iqq == 1) THEN
! Fermi level and corresponding DOS
@ -1540,7 +1547,7 @@
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a,i9,a,i9)') 'Nr k-points within the Fermi shell = ', nks, ' out of ', nkqtotf / 2
ENDIF ! iq
ENDIF ! iqq
@ -1566,6 +1573,7 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, npool
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -1754,6 +1762,7 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds

View File

@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
iudecaydyn, iudecayv, iummn, iubvec
PUBLIC :: iufilsigma, iufilseebeck, iufilkappael, iufilkappa, iufilscatt_rate,&
iufilFi_all, iufilsigma_all, iufiltau_all, iuindabs
PUBLIC :: iunsparseq, iunsparsek, iunsparsei, iunsparsej, iunsparset, iunselecq, &
iunsparseqcb, iunsparsekcb, iunsparseicb, iunsparsejcb, iunsparsetcb, &
iunrestart, iufilibtev_sup, iunepmat, iunepmatcb
! Output of physically relevant quantities (60-100)
@ -101,6 +105,22 @@
INTEGER :: epwdata = 124 ! EPW data [epwdata.fmt]
INTEGER :: iundmedata = 125 ! Dipole matrix in wannier basis [dmedata.fmt]
INTEGER :: iunepmatwp2 = 126 ! Opening the epmatwp file
INTEGER :: iufilibtev_sup = 127 ! Files containing velocities for IBTE
INTEGER :: iunsparseq = 128 ! Q-mapping for IBTE
INTEGER :: iunsparsek = 129 ! K-mapping for IBTE
INTEGER :: iunsparsei = 130 ! i band mapping for IBTE
INTEGER :: iunsparsej = 131 ! j band mapping for IBTE
INTEGER :: iunsparset = 132 ! temperature mapping for IBTE
INTEGER :: iunsparseqcb = 133 ! Q-mapping for IBTE of conduction band
INTEGER :: iunsparsekcb = 134 ! K-mapping for IBTE for conduction band
INTEGER :: iunsparseicb = 135 ! i band mapping for IBTE for conduction band
INTEGER :: iunsparsejcb = 136 ! j band mapping for IBTE for conduction band
INTEGER :: iunsparsetcb = 137 ! temperature mapping for IBTE for conduction band
INTEGER :: iunselecq = 138 ! file containing q-point inside the fsthick windows
INTEGER :: iunrestart = 139 ! restart file during writing of IBTE scattering elements
INTEGER :: iunepmat = 140 ! Opening the epmatkq files
INTEGER :: iunepmatcb = 141 ! Opening the epmatkqcb file
! Output quantites related to Wannier (201-250)

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
SUBROUTINE F_write(iter, iq, nqtotf, nktotf, error_h, error_el, second)
SUBROUTINE Fin_write(iter, F_in, av_mob_old, elec)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_epw, ONLY : iufilFi_all
@ -26,26 +26,22 @@
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE elph2, ONLY : F_current, ibndmax, ibndmin, F_currentcb
USE transportcom, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, mobilityh_save, mobilityel_save
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmax, ibndmin, nkqtotf
USE transportcom, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
!! Iteration number
!! Current q-point
!! Total number of q-points
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: error_h
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: F_in(3, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2, nstemp)
!REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: F_in(:,:,:,:)
!! In solution for iteration i
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: av_mob_old(nstemp)
!REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: av_mob_old(:)
!! Error in the hole mobility
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: error_el
!! Error in the electron mobility
!! IF we have two Fermi level
!! IF true we do electron mobility, if false the hole one.
! Local variable
LOGICAL :: exst
@ -63,89 +59,56 @@
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Temperature index
REAL(KIND=DP) :: aux ( 3 * nstemp * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nktotf + 7 + 2 * nstemp )
REAL(KIND=DP) :: aux ( 3 * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (nkqtotf/2) * nstemp + nstemp + 1 )
!! Vector to store the array
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
exst = .FALSE.
aux(:) = zero
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
lfi_all = 3 * nstemp * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nktotf + 7 + 2 * nstemp
lfi_all = 3 * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (nkqtotf/2) * nstemp + nstemp + 1
! First element is the iteration number
aux(1) = iter
! Current q-point number
aux(2) = iq -1 ! -1 because we will start at the next one.
! Total number of q-points
aux(3) = nqtotf
! Value of the previous h mobility (used for error evaluation)
aux(4) = error_h
! Error in the electron mobility
aux(5) = error_el
i = 5
i = 1
DO itemp=1, nstemp
i = i + 1
! Value of the previous h mobility (used for error evaluation)
aux(i) = mobilityh_save(itemp)
aux(i) = av_mob_old(itemp)
i = 5 + nstemp
i = 1 + nstemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
i = i + 1
! Value of the previous el mobility (used for error evaluation)
aux(i) = mobilityel_save(itemp)
i = 5 + nstemp + nstemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
DO ik=1, nktotf
DO ik=1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd=1, (ibndmax-ibndmin+1)
DO idir=1,3
i = i +1
aux(i) = F_current(idir, ibnd, ik, itemp)
aux(i) = F_in(idir, ibnd, ik, itemp)
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'F_restart', lfi_all, exst)
! Electron mobility
IF (elec) THEN
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'Fin_restartcb', lfi_all, exst)
CALL davcio ( aux, lfi_all, iufilFi_all, 1, +1 )
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'Fin_restart', lfi_all, exst)
CALL davcio ( aux, lfi_all, iufilFi_all, 1, +1 )
IF (second) THEN
i = 5 + nstemp + nstemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
DO ik=1, nktotf
DO ibnd=1, (ibndmax-ibndmin+1)
DO idir=1,3
i = i +1
aux(i) = F_currentcb(idir,ibnd, ik, itemp)
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'F_restart_CB', lfi_all, exst)
CALL davcio ( aux, lfi_all, iufilFi_all, 1, +1 )
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1 ) F_current(:,:,1:lower_bnd-1,:) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf ) F_current(:,:,upper_bnd+1:nktotf,:) = zero
IF (second) THEN
IF (lower_bnd > 1 ) F_currentcb(:,:,1:lower_bnd-1,:) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf ) F_currentcb(:,:,upper_bnd+1:nktotf,:) = zero
SUBROUTINE F_read(iter, iq, nqtotf, nktotf, error_h, error_el, second)
SUBROUTINE Fin_read(iter, F_in, av_mob_old, elec)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
@ -157,26 +120,20 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm, root_pool
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE elph2, ONLY : F_current, ibndmax, ibndmin, Fi_all, F_currentcb, &
USE transportcom, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd, mobilityh_save, mobilityel_save
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmax, ibndmin, nkqtotf
USE transportcom, ONLY : lower_bnd, upper_bnd
!! Iteration number
!! Current q-point
!! Total number of q-points
!! Total number of k-points
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: error_h
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: F_in(3, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2, nstemp)
!! In solution for iteration i
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: av_mob_old(nstemp)
!! Error in the hole mobility
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: error_el
!! Error in the electron mobility
!! IF we have two Fermi level
!! IF true we do electron mobility, if false the hole one.
! Local variable
LOGICAL :: exst
@ -198,102 +155,87 @@
CHARACTER (len=256) :: name1
REAL(KIND=DP) :: aux ( 3 * nstemp * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nktotf + 7 + 2 * nstemp )
REAL(KIND=DP) :: aux ( 3 * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (nkqtotf/2) * nstemp + nstemp + 1 )
!! Vector to store the array
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
! First inquire if the file exists
IF (elec) THEN
#if defined(__MPI)
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.F_restart1'
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.Fin_restartcb1'
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.F_restart'
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.Fin_restartcb'
INQUIRE(file = name1, exist=exst)
IF (exst) THEN ! read the file
lfi_all = 3 * nstemp * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nktotf + 7 + 2 * nstemp
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'F_restart', lfi_all, exst)
lfi_all = 3 * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (nkqtotf/2) * nstemp + nstemp + 1
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'Fin_restartcb', lfi_all, exst)
CALL davcio ( aux, lfi_all, iufilFi_all, 1, -1 )
! First element is the iteration number
iter = INT( aux(1) )
! Current iteration number
iq = INT( aux(2) )
iq = iq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
! Total number of q-points
nqtotf_read = INT( aux(3) )
! Error in hole mobility
error_h = aux(4)
! Error in electron mobility
error_el = aux(5)
! This is the error of the previous iteration. Therefore when you restart
! from a converged one, you want to be finished.
! This small substraction wont affect anything.
error_h = error_h -0.5E-2
error_el = error_el -0.5E-2
IF ( nqtotf_read /= nqtotf) CALL errore('io_scattering',&
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ',1)
i = 5
i = 1
DO itemp=1, nstemp
i = i + 1
! Last value of hole mobility
mobilityh_save(itemp) = aux(i)
av_mob_old(itemp) = aux(i)
i = 5 + nstemp
i = 1 + nstemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
i = i + 1
! Last value of electron mobility
mobilityel_save(itemp) = aux(i)
i = 5 + nstemp + nstemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
DO ik=1, nktotf
DO ik=1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd=1, (ibndmax-ibndmin+1)
DO idir=1,3
i = i +1
F_current(idir, ibnd, ik, itemp) = aux(i)
F_in(idir, ibnd, ik, itemp) = aux(i)
IF (second) THEN
! First inquire if the file exists
ELSE ! hole
#if defined(__MPI)
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.F_restart_CB1'
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.Fin_restart1'
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.F_restart_CB'
name1 = trim(tmp_dir) // trim(prefix) // '.Fin_restart'
INQUIRE(file = name1, exist=exst)
IF (exst) THEN ! read the file
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'F_restart_CB', lfi_all, exst)
lfi_all = 3 * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (nkqtotf/2) * nstemp + nstemp + 1
CALL diropn (iufilFi_all, 'Fin_restart', lfi_all, exst)
CALL davcio ( aux, lfi_all, iufilFi_all, 1, -1 )
i = 5 + nstemp + nstemp
! First element is the iteration number
iter = INT( aux(1) )
i = 2
DO itemp=1, nstemp
DO ik=1, nktotf
i = i + 1
! Last value of hole mobility
av_mob_old(itemp) = aux(i)
i = 2 + nstemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
DO ik=1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd=1, (ibndmax-ibndmin+1)
DO idir=1,3
i = i +1
F_currentcb(idir,ibnd, ik, itemp) = aux(i)
F_in(idir, ibnd, ik, itemp) = aux(i)
ENDIF ! exist
ENDIF ! second
ENDIF ! mpime
CALL mp_bcast (exst, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
@ -302,50 +244,124 @@
IF (exst) THEN
CALL mp_bcast (iter, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (iter, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (iq, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (iq, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (F_current, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (F_current, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
IF (second) THEN
CALL mp_bcast (F_currentcb, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (F_currentcb, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (mobilityh_save, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (mobilityh_save, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (mobilityel_save, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (mobilityel_save, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (error_h, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (error_h, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (error_el, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (error_el, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (F_in, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (F_in, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (av_mob_old, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (av_mob_old, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
! The Fi on the commensurate full k-grid is equal to the full
! F_current from the previous read run.
Fi_all = F_current
CALL mp_bcast (Fi_all, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (Fi_all, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1 ) F_current(:,:,1:lower_bnd-1,:) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf ) F_current(:,:,upper_bnd+1:nktotf,:) = zero
IF (second) THEN
Fi_allcb = F_currentcb
CALL mp_bcast (Fi_allcb, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (Fi_allcb, root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
! Make everythin 0 except the range of k-points we are working on
IF (lower_bnd > 1 ) F_currentcb(:,:,1:lower_bnd-1,:) = zero
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf ) F_currentcb(:,:,upper_bnd+1:nktotf,:) = zero
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from iter: ',iter,' and iq: ',iq,'/',nqtotf
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10)' ) ' Restart from iter: ',iter
ENDIF ! exists
SUBROUTINE iter_open(ind_tot, ind_totcb, lrepmatw2, lrepmatw4, lrepmatw5, lrepmatw6)
! This subroutine opens all the files needed to save scattering rates for the IBTE.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_files, ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix
USE io_epw, ONLY : iufilibtev_sup, iunepmat, iunsparseq, iunsparsek, &
iunsparsei, iunsparsej, iunsparset, iunsparseqcb, &
iunsparsekcb, iunrestart, iunsparseicb, iunsparsejcb,&
iunsparsetcb, iunepmatcb
USE mp_world, ONLY : world_comm
#if defined(__MPI)
#if defined(__MPI)
!! Total number of component for valence band
!! Total number of component for the conduction band
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
!! Total number of component for valence band
!! Total number of component for conduction band
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
!! Offset while writing scattering to files
! Local variables
CHARACTER (len=256) :: filint
!! Name of the file to write/read
INTEGER :: ierr
!! Error index
#if defined(__MPI)
filint = trim(tmp_dir)//trim(prefix)//'.epmatkq1'
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN X.epmatkq1',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparseq', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparseq,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparseq',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparsek', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparsek,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparsek',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparsei', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparsei,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparsei',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparsej', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparsej,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparsej',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparset', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparset,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparset',1 )
filint = trim(tmp_dir)//trim(prefix)//'.epmatkqcb1'
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN X.epmatkqcb1',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparseqcb', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparseqcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparseqcb',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparsekcb', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparsekcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparsek',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparseicb', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparseicb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparsei',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparsejcb', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparsejcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparsej',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN(world_comm, 'sparsetcb', MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,MPI_INFO_NULL,iunsparsetcb,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'iter_open', 'error in MPI_FILE_OPEN sparset',1 )
ind_tot = 0
ind_totcb = 0
lrepmatw2 = 0
lrepmatw4 = 0
lrepmatw5 = 0
lrepmatw6 = 0
SUBROUTINE scattering_write(itemp, etemp, ef0, etf_all)
@ -541,7 +557,7 @@
SUBROUTINE electron_write(iq,nqtotf,nktotf,sigmar_all,sigmai_all,zi_all)
SUBROUTINE electron_write(iq,totq,nktotf,sigmar_all,sigmai_all,zi_all)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
@ -561,7 +577,7 @@
!! Current q-point
!! Total number of q-points
!! Total number of k-points
@ -590,7 +606,7 @@
! First element is the current q-point
aux(1) = REAL( iq -1, KIND=DP) ! we need to start at the next q
! Second element is the total number of q-points
aux(2) = REAL( nqtotf, KIND=DP)
aux(2) = REAL( totq, KIND=DP)
i = 2
@ -634,7 +650,7 @@
SUBROUTINE electron_read(iq,nqtotf,nktotf,sigmar_all,sigmai_all,zi_all)
SUBROUTINE electron_read(iq,totq,nktotf,sigmar_all,sigmai_all,zi_all)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
@ -656,7 +672,7 @@
!! Current q-point
!! Total number of q-points
!! Total number of k-points
@ -705,7 +721,7 @@
nqtotf_read = INT( aux(2) )
!print*, 'iq',iq
!print*, 'nqtotf_read ',nqtotf_read
IF ( nqtotf_read /= nqtotf) CALL errore('io_scattering',&
IF ( nqtotf_read /= totq) CALL errore('io_scattering',&
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ',1)
i = 2
@ -756,7 +772,7 @@
zi_all(:,upper_bnd+1:nktotf) = zero
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from: ',(iq-1),'/',nqtotf
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from: ',(iq-1),'/',totq
@ -764,7 +780,7 @@
SUBROUTINE tau_write(iq,nqtotf,nktotf,second)
SUBROUTINE tau_write(iqq,totq,nktotf,second)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE epwcom, ONLY : nstemp
@ -779,9 +795,9 @@
!! Current q-point
!! q-point from the selected ones within the fstick window.
!! Total number of q-points
!! Total number of k-points
@ -809,8 +825,8 @@
ltau_all = 2 * nstemp * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nktotf +2
! First element is the iteration number
aux(1) = REAL( iq -1, KIND=DP) ! -1 because we will start at the next one.
aux(2) = REAL( nqtotf, KIND=DP)
aux(1) = REAL( iqq -1, KIND=DP) ! -1 because we will start at the next one.
aux(2) = REAL( totq, KIND=DP)
i = 2
DO itemp=1, nstemp
@ -836,8 +852,8 @@
IF (second) THEN
! First element is the iteration number
aux(1) = iq -1 ! -1 because we will start at the next one.
aux(2) = nqtotf
aux(1) = iqq -1 ! -1 because we will start at the next one.
aux(2) = totq
i = 2
DO itemp=1, nstemp
@ -884,7 +900,7 @@
SUBROUTINE tau_read(iq,nqtotf,nktotf,second)
SUBROUTINE tau_read(iqq,totq,nktotf,second)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
@ -904,9 +920,9 @@
! Local variable
LOGICAL :: exst
!! Current q-point
!! Current q-point from selecq.fmt
!! Total number of q-points
!! Total number of k-points
@ -948,12 +964,12 @@
CALL davcio ( aux, ltau_all, iufiltau_all, 1, -1 )
! First element is the iteration number
iq = INT( aux(1) )
iq = iq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
iqq = INT( aux(1) )
iqq = iqq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
nqtotf_read = INT( aux(2) )
!print*, 'iq',iq
!print*, 'nqtotf_read ',nqtotf_read
IF ( nqtotf_read /= nqtotf) CALL errore('io_scattering',&
IF ( nqtotf_read /= totq) CALL errore('io_scattering',&
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ',1)
i = 2
@ -993,10 +1009,10 @@
CALL davcio ( aux, ltau_all, iufiltau_all, 1, -1 )
! First element is the iteration number
iq = INT( aux(1) )
iq = iq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
iqq = INT( aux(1) )
iqq = iqq + 1 ! we need to start at the next q
nqtotf_read = INT( aux(2) )
IF ( nqtotf_read /= nqtotf) CALL errore('io_scattering',&
IF ( nqtotf_read /= totq) CALL errore('io_scattering',&
&'Error: The current total number of q-point is not the same as the read one. ',1)
i = 2
@ -1018,7 +1034,7 @@
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from tau_CB: ',iq,'/',nqtotf
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from tau_CB: ',iqq,'/',totq
ENDIF ! second
@ -1028,7 +1044,7 @@
CALL mp_bcast (exst, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (exst) THEN
CALL mp_bcast (iq, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (iqq, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (inv_tau_all, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL mp_bcast (zi_allvb, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
IF (second) CALL mp_bcast (inv_tau_allcb, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
@ -1048,7 +1064,7 @@
IF (upper_bnd < nktotf ) zi_allcb(:,:,upper_bnd+1:nktotf) = zero
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from tau: ',iq,'/',nqtotf
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a,i10)' ) ' Restart from tau: ',iqq,'/',totq

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
subroutine kpointdivision ( ik0 )
!! This is just to find the first kpoint block in the pool
USE mp_global, ONLY : my_pool_id,npool
use pwcom, ONLY : nkstot
implicit none
integer :: ik0
integer :: nkl, nkr, iks
#if defined(__MPI)
! number of kpoint blocks, kpoints per pool and reminder
nkl = 1 * ( nkstot / npool )
nkr = ( nkstot - nkl * npool ) / 1
! the reminder goes to the first nkr pools
! (0...nkr-1)
IF ( my_pool_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + 1 !kunit
! the index of the first k point in this pool
iks = nkl * my_pool_id + 1
IF ( my_pool_id >= nkr ) iks = iks + nkr * 1 !kunit
! the index of the first k point block in this pool - 1
! (I will need the index of ik, not ikk)
ik0 = ( iks - 1 )
ik0 = 0
end subroutine kpointdivision
SUBROUTINE fkbounds( nktot, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
!! Subroutine finds the lower and upper bounds a k-grid in parallel
!! @ Note:
!! If you have 19 kpts and 2 pool, this routine will return
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=10 for the first pool
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=9 for the second pool
USE mp_global, ONLY: my_pool_id, npool
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nktot
!! nktot k-points splited over pools
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: lower_bnd
!! Lower kpt bounds for that image pool
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: upper_bnd
!! Upper kpt for that image pool
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: nkl, nkr
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case
! number of kpoint blocks, kpoints per pool and reminder
nkl = nktot / npool
nkr = nktot - nkl * npool
! the reminder goes to the first nkr pools (0...nkr-1)
IF (my_pool_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + 1
! the index of the first k point in this pool
lower_bnd = my_pool_id * nkl + 1
IF ( my_pool_id >= nkr ) lower_bnd = my_pool_id * nkl + 1 + nkr
! the index of the last k point in this pool
upper_bnd = lower_bnd + nkl - 1
! In serial the definitions are much easier
lower_bnd = 1
upper_bnd = nktot
SUBROUTINE fkbounds_bnd( nbnd, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
!! Subroutine finds the lower and upper bounds in band parallelization
!! @ Note:
!! If you have 20 bands and 2 images, this routine will return
!! lower_bnd= 1 and upper_bnd=10 for the first pool
!! lower_bnd= 11 and upper_bnd=19 for the second pool
USE mp_images, ONLY: nimage, my_image_id
! number of images, number of processor within an image, index of the proc within an image
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: nbnd
!! Total number of band to be splitted among images
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: lower_bnd
!! Lower band bounds for that image pool
INTEGER, INTENT (out) :: upper_bnd
!! Upper band bound for that image pool
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER :: nkl, nkr
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case
! number of kpoint blocks, kpoints per pool and reminder
nkl = nbnd / nimage
nkr = nbnd - nkl * nimage
! the reminder goes to the first nkr pools (0...nkr-1)
IF (my_image_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + 1
! the index of the first k point in this pool
lower_bnd = my_image_id * nkl + 1
IF ( my_image_id >= nkr ) lower_bnd = my_image_id * nkl + 1 + nkr
! the index of the last k point in this pool
upper_bnd = lower_bnd + nkl - 1
! In serial the definitions are much easier
lower_bnd = 1
upper_bnd = nbnd
END SUBROUTINE fkbounds_bnd

View File

@ -1,179 +1,713 @@
a2f.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
a2f.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
a2f.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
a2f.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
a2f.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
a2f.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
a2f.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
a2f.o : constants_epw.o
a2f.o : elph2.o
a2f.o : epwcom.o
a2f.o : io_epw.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../Modules/becmod.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
allocate_epwq.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
allocate_epwq.o : elph2.o
allocate_epwq.o : epwcom.o
allocate_epwq.o : transportcom.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
bcast_epw_input.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
bcast_epw_input.o : elph2.o
bcast_epw_input.o : epwcom.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
bloch2wan.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
bloch2wan.o : constants_epw.o
bloch2wan.o : elph2.o
bloch2wan.o : epwcom.o
bloch2wan.o : io_epw.o
broyden.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
broyden.o : eliashbergcom.o
broyden.o : epwcom.o
close_epw.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
close_epw.o : ../../Modules/becmod.o
close_epw.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
close_epw.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
close_epw.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
close_epw.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
close_epw.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
close_epw.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
close_epw.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
close_epw.o : elph2.o
close_epw.o : epwcom.o
close_epw.o : io_epw.o
close_epw.o : transportcom.o
constants_epw.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
createkmap.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
createkmap.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
createkmap.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
createkmap.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
createkmap.o : elph2.o
createkmap.o : epwcom.o
createkmap.o : kfold.o
deallocate_epw.o : elph2.o
deallocate_epw.o : epwcom.o
division.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
division.o : ../../Modules/mp_images.o
division.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
division.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../PW/src/scf_mod.o
dvanqq2.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
dvqpsi_us3.o : elph2.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
dvqpsi_us_only3.o : elph2.o
eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
eliashberg.o : eliashbergcom.o
eliashberg.o : epwcom.o
eliashberg.o : io_eliashberg.o
eliashberg.o : superconductivity.o
eliashberg.o : superconductivity_aniso.o
eliashberg.o : superconductivity_iso.o
eliashbergcom.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
elph2.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/becmod.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : constants_epw.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : division.o
elphel2_shuffle.o : elph2.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/mp_images.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
elphon_shuffle.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
elphon_shuffle.o : constants_epw.o
elphon_shuffle.o : elph2.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/mp_images.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : ../../iotk/src/iotk_module.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : constants_epw.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : elph2.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : epwcom.o
elphon_shuffle_wrap.o : io_epw.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : bloch2wan.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : close_epw.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : constants_epw.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : division.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : elph2.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : epwcom.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : io_eliashberg.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : io_epw.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : io_scattering.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : printing.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : transport.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : transport_iter.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : transportcom.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : wan2bloch.o
ephwann_shuffle.o : wigner.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : bloch2wan.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : close_epw.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : constants_epw.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : division.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : elph2.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : epwcom.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : io_eliashberg.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : io_epw.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : io_scattering.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : printing.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : transport.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : transport_iter.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : transportcom.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : wan2bloch.o
ephwann_shuffle_mem.o : wigner.o
epw.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
epw.o : ../../Modules/environment.o
epw.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
epw.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
epw.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
epw.o : ../../Modules/version.o
epw.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
epw.o : close_epw.o
epw.o : elph2.o
epw.o : epwcom.o
epw_init.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/atom.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/becmod.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/gvecw.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
epw_init.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
epw_init.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
epw_init.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
epw_init.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
epw_init.o : elph2.o
epw_readin.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/check_stop.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
epw_readin.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
epw_readin.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
epw_readin.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
epw_readin.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
epw_readin.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
epw_readin.o : constants_epw.o
epw_readin.o : elph2.o
epw_readin.o : epwcom.o
epw_setup.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/funct.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/mp_pools.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
epw_setup.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
epw_setup.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
epw_setup.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
epw_setup.o : ../../PW/src/scf_mod.o
epw_setup.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
epw_setup.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
epw_setup.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
epw_setup.o : constants_epw.o
epw_setup.o : epwcom.o
epw_setup.o : transportcom.o
epw_summary.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/funct.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/gvecw.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
epw_summary.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
epw_summary.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
epw_summary.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
epw_summary.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
epw_summary.o : epwcom.o
epwcom.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
epwcom.o : ../../Modules/parameters.o
fermiwindow.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
fermiwindow.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
fermiwindow.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
fermiwindow.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
fermiwindow.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
fermiwindow.o : elph2.o
fermiwindow.o : epwcom.o
gmap_sym.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
gmap_sym.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
gmap_sym.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
gmap_sym.o : constants_epw.o
indabs.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
indabs.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
indabs.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
indabs.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
indabs.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
indabs.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
indabs.o : constants_epw.o
indabs.o : elph2.o
indabs.o : epwcom.o
indabs.o : io_epw.o
indabs.o : transportcom.o
io_dyn_mat2.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
io_dyn_mat2.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
io_dyn_mat2.o : ../../Modules/mp_images.o
io_dyn_mat2.o : ../../iotk/src/iotk_module.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
io_eliashberg.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
io_eliashberg.o : constants_epw.o
io_eliashberg.o : division.o
io_eliashberg.o : eliashbergcom.o
io_eliashberg.o : elph2.o
io_eliashberg.o : epwcom.o
io_eliashberg.o : io_epw.o
io_eliashberg.o : superconductivity.o
io_scattering.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
io_scattering.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
io_scattering.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
io_scattering.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
io_scattering.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
io_scattering.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
io_scattering.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
io_scattering.o : constants_epw.o
io_scattering.o : elph2.o
io_scattering.o : epwcom.o
io_scattering.o : io_epw.o
io_scattering.o : transportcom.o
kfold.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
kpoint_grid_epw.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
ktokpmq.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
ktokpmq.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
ktokpmq.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
ktokpmq.o : ../../Modules/mp_images.o
ktokpmq.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
ktokpmq.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
ktokpmq.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
ktokpmq.o : elph2.o
ktokpmq.o : epwcom.o
load_rebal.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
load_rebal.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
load_rebal.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
load_rebal.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
load_rebal.o : constants_epw.o
load_rebal.o : elph2.o
load_rebal.o : epwcom.o
load_rebal.o : transportcom.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
loadkmesh.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
loadkmesh.o : elph2.o
loadkmesh.o : epwcom.o
loadkmesh.o : io_epw.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
loadqmesh.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
loadqmesh.o : elph2.o
loadqmesh.o : epwcom.o
loadqmesh.o : io_epw.o
loadumat.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
loadumat.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
loadumat.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
loadumat.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
loadumat.o : constants_epw.o
loadumat.o : epwcom.o
loadumat.o : io_epw.o
nesting_fn.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
nesting_fn.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
nesting_fn.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
nesting_fn.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
nesting_fn.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
nesting_fn.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
nesting_fn.o : constants_epw.o
nesting_fn.o : division.o
nesting_fn.o : elph2.o
nesting_fn.o : epwcom.o
openfilepw.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
openfilepw.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
openfilepw.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
openfilepw.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
openfilepw.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
openfilepw.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
plot_band.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
plot_band.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
plot_band.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
plot_band.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
plot_band.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
plot_band.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
plot_band.o : constants_epw.o
plot_band.o : elph2.o
plot_band.o : epwcom.o
plot_band.o : io_epw.o
print_gkk.o : constants_epw.o
print_gkk.o : elph2.o
print_gkk.o : epwcom.o
poolgather.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
poolgather.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
poolgather.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
print_ibte.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
print_ibte.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
print_ibte.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
print_ibte.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
print_ibte.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
print_ibte.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
print_ibte.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
print_ibte.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
print_ibte.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
print_ibte.o : constants_epw.o
print_ibte.o : elph2.o
print_ibte.o : epwcom.o
print_ibte.o : io_epw.o
print_ibte.o : transportcom.o
printing.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
printing.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
printing.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
printing.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
printing.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
printing.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
printing.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
printing.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
printing.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
printing.o : constants_epw.o
printing.o : elph2.o
printing.o : epwcom.o
printing.o : transportcom.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../FFTXlib/scatter_mod.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/becmod.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/gvecw.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/invmat.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/random_numbers.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/uspp.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
pw2wan90epw.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
pw2wan90epw.o : constants_epw.o
pw2wan90epw.o : elph2.o
pw2wan90epw.o : epwcom.o
pw2wan90epw.o : io_epw.o
pw2wan90epw.o : wannierEPW.o
readdvscf.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
readdvscf.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
readdvscf.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
readdvscf.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
readdvscf.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
readdvscf.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
readdvscf.o : epwcom.o
readdvscf.o : io_epw.o
readgmap.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
readgmap.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
readgmap.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
readgmap.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
readgmap.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
readgmap.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
readgmap.o : elph2.o
readgmap.o : io_epw.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : constants_epw.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : elph2.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : epwcom.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : io_dyn_mat2.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : io_epw.o
readmat_shuffle2.o : wan2bloch.o
readwfc.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
readwfc.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
readwfc.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
readwfc.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
readwfc.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
readwfc.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
refold.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
refold.o : io_epw.o
refold.o : kfold.o
rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem.o : constants_epw.o
rgd_blk_epw_fine_mem.o : epwcom.o
rigid_epw.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
rigid_epw.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
rigid_epw.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
rigid_epw.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
rigid_epw.o : constants_epw.o
rigid_epw.o : epwcom.o
rotate_eigenm.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
rotate_eigenm.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
rotate_eigenm.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
rotate_eigenm.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
rotate_eigenm.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
rotate_eigenm.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
rotate_eigenm.o : constants_epw.o
rotate_eigenm.o : elph2.o
rotate_epmat.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
rotate_epmat.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
rotate_epmat.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
rotate_epmat.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
rotate_epmat.o : constants_epw.o
rotate_epmat.o : elph2.o
rotate_epmat.o : epwcom.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
selfen_elec.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
selfen_elec.o : constants_epw.o
selfen_elec.o : elph2.o
selfen_elec.o : epwcom.o
selfen_elec.o : io_epw.o
selfen_elec.o : io_scattering.o
selfen_elec.o : transportcom.o
selfen_phon.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
selfen_phon.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
selfen_phon.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
selfen_phon.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
selfen_phon.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
selfen_phon.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
selfen_phon.o : constants_epw.o
selfen_phon.o : elph2.o
selfen_phon.o : epwcom.o
selfen_pl.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
selfen_pl.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
selfen_pl.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
selfen_pl.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
selfen_pl.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
selfen_pl.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
selfen_pl.o : constants_epw.o
selfen_pl.o : division.o
selfen_pl.o : elph2.o
selfen_pl.o : epwcom.o
selfen_pl.o : io_epw.o
setphases.o : ../../FFTXlib/fft_interfaces.o
setphases.o : ../../LR_Modules/lrcom.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/fft_base.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/recvec.o
setphases.o : ../../Modules/wavefunctions.o
setphases.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
setphases.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
setphases.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
setphases.o : constants_epw.o
setphases_wrap.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
setphases_wrap.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
setphases_wrap.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
setphases_wrap.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
setphases_wrap.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
setphases_wrap.o : elph2.o
sgama2.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
sgama2.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
sgama2.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
sort.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
spectral_cumulant.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
spectral_cumulant.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
spectral_cumulant.o : constants_epw.o
spectral_cumulant.o : elph2.o
spectral_cumulant.o : epwcom.o
spectral_cumulant.o : io_epw.o
spectral_func.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
spectral_func.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
spectral_func.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
spectral_func.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
spectral_func.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
spectral_func.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
spectral_func.o : constants_epw.o
spectral_func.o : division.o
spectral_func.o : elph2.o
spectral_func.o : epwcom.o
spectral_func.o : io_epw.o
spectral_func_ph.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
spectral_func_ph.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
spectral_func_ph.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
spectral_func_ph.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
spectral_func_ph.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
spectral_func_ph.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
spectral_func_ph.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
spectral_func_ph.o : constants_epw.o
spectral_func_ph.o : elph2.o
spectral_func_ph.o : epwcom.o
spectral_func_ph.o : io_epw.o
spectral_func_pl.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
spectral_func_pl.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
spectral_func_pl.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
spectral_func_pl.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
spectral_func_pl.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
spectral_func_pl.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
spectral_func_pl.o : constants_epw.o
spectral_func_pl.o : division.o
spectral_func_pl.o : elph2.o
spectral_func_pl.o : epwcom.o
spectral_func_pl.o : io_epw.o
star_q2.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
star_q2.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
stop_epw.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
stop_epw.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
stop_epw.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
stop_epw.o : printing.o
superconductivity.o : ../../Modules/constants.o
superconductivity.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
superconductivity.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
superconductivity.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
superconductivity.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
superconductivity.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
superconductivity.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
superconductivity.o : constants_epw.o
superconductivity.o : division.o
superconductivity.o : eliashbergcom.o
superconductivity.o : elph2.o
superconductivity.o : epwcom.o
superconductivity.o : io_epw.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : constants_epw.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : division.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : eliashbergcom.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : elph2.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : epwcom.o
@ -181,29 +715,88 @@ superconductivity_aniso.o : io_eliashberg.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : io_epw.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : superconductivity.o
superconductivity_aniso.o : superconductivity_iso.o
superconductivity_iso.o : ../../Modules/control_flags.o
superconductivity_iso.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
superconductivity_iso.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
superconductivity_iso.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
superconductivity_iso.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
superconductivity_iso.o : constants_epw.o
superconductivity_iso.o : eliashbergcom.o
superconductivity_iso.o : epwcom.o
superconductivity_iso.o : io_eliashberg.o
superconductivity_iso.o : io_epw.o
superconductivity_iso.o : superconductivity.o
system_mem_usage.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
system_mem_usage.o : io_epw.o
transport.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
transport.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
transport.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
transport.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
transport.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
transport.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
transport.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
transport.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
transport.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
transport.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
transport.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
transport.o : constants_epw.o
transport.o : division.o
transport.o : elph2.o
transport.o : epwcom.o
transport.o : io_epw.o
transport.o : io_scattering.o
transport.o : transportcom.o
transport.o : wan2bloch.o
transport_iter.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
transport_iter.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
transport_iter.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
transport_iter.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
transport_iter.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
transport_iter.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
transport_iter.o : ../../Modules/noncol.o
transport_iter.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
transport_iter.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
transport_iter.o : ../../PW/src/symm_base.o
transport_iter.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
transport_iter.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
transport_iter.o : constants_epw.o
transport_iter.o : division.o
transport_iter.o : elph2.o
transport_iter.o : epwcom.o
transport_iter.o : io_eliashberg.o
transport_iter.o : io_epw.o
transport_iter.o : io_scattering.o
transport_iter.o : printing.o
transport_iter.o : transportcom.o
transportcom.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../PHonon/PH/phcom.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../PHonon/PH/rigid.o
wan2bloch.o : ../../UtilXlib/parallel_include.o
wan2bloch.o : constants_epw.o
wan2bloch.o : elph2.o
wan2bloch.o : epwcom.o
wan2bloch.o : io_epw.o
wannierEPW.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
wannierize.o : ../../Modules/io_files.o
wannierize.o : ../../Modules/io_global.o
wannierize.o : ../../Modules/ions_base.o
wannierize.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
wannierize.o : ../../Modules/mp_global.o
wannierize.o : ../../Modules/mp_world.o
wannierize.o : ../../PW/src/pwcom.o
wannierize.o : ../../PW/src/start_k.o
wannierize.o : ../../UtilXlib/mp.o
wannierize.o : constants_epw.o
wannierize.o : epwcom.o
wannierize.o : io_epw.o
wannierize.o : wannierEPW.o
wigner.o : ../../Modules/cell_base.o
wigner.o : ../../Modules/kind.o
wigner.o : constants_epw.o

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
! present distribution, or .
subroutine nesting_fn_q (iq )
subroutine nesting_fn_q ( iqq, iq )
!! compute the imaginary part of the phonon self energy due to electron-
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point index from selecq
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iq
!! Current q-point index
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@
real(kind=DP), external :: efermig
IF (iq.eq.1) then
IF (iqq == 1) then
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Nesting Function in the double delta approx")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
@ -108,7 +110,7 @@
! N(Ef) in the equation for lambda is the DOS per spin
dosef = dosef / two
IF (iq.eq.1) then
IF (iqq == 1) then
WRITE (stdout, 100) degaussw0 * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE (stdout, 101) dosef / ryd2ev, ef0 * ryd2ev
@ -184,224 +186,5 @@
101 format(5x,'DOS =',f10.6,' states/spin/eV/Unit Cell at Ef=',f10.6,' eV')
102 format(5x,' Nesting function (q)=',e15.6,' [Adimensional]')
end subroutine nesting_fn_q
END SUBROUTINE nesting_fn_q
subroutine nesting_fn_k ( ik )
!! Compute the imaginary part of the phonon self energy due to electron-
!! phonon interaction in the Migdal approximation. This corresponds to
!! the phonon linewidth (half width). The phonon frequency is taken into
!! account in the energy selection rule.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, &
eptemp, ngaussw, degaussw, &
nsmear, delta_smear, efermi_read, fermi_energy
USE pwcom, ONLY : nelec, ef, isk
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmax, ibndmin, etf, etf_k, &
wkf, xqf, wqf, nkqf, nqf, nqtotf, &
nkqtotf, xqf, gamma_nest
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2ev, two, zero
#if defined(__NAG)
USE f90_unix_io, ONLY : flush
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier,mp_sum, mp_bcast
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: ik
!! Current k-point
! Work variables
!! Counter on the k-point index
INTEGER :: ikk
!! k-point index
INTEGER :: ikq
!! q-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: jbnd
!! Counter on bands
INTEGER :: fermicount
!! Number of states on the Fermi surface
INTEGER :: ismear
!! Smearing for the Gaussian function
INTEGER :: lower_bnd
!! Upper bounds index after k or q paral
INTEGER :: upper_bnd
!! Upper bounds index after k or q paral
REAL(kind=DP) :: ekk
!! Eigen energy on the fine grid relative to the Fermi level
REAL(kind=DP) :: ekq
!! Eigen energy of k+q on the fine grid relative to the Fermi level
REAL(kind=DP) :: ef0
!! Fermi energy level
REAL(kind=DP) :: weight
!! Imaginary part of the phonhon self-energy factor
REAL(kind=DP) :: dosef
!! Density of state N(Ef)
REAL(kind=DP) :: w0g1
!! Dirac delta for the imaginary part of $\Sigma$
REAL(kind=DP) :: w0g2
!! Dirac delta for the imaginary part of $\Sigma$
REAL(kind=DP) :: w0gauss, degaussw0
REAL(kind=DP), external :: efermig_seq, dos_ef_seq
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xqf_all(:,:), wqf_all(:,:)
REAL(kind=DP), external :: efermig
IF (ik.eq.1) then
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Nesting Function in the double delta approx")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
IF ( ) &
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a,f10.6,a)' ) &
'Fermi Surface thickness = ', fsthick * ryd2ev, ' eV'
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a,f10.6,a)' ) &
'Golden Rule strictly enforced with T = ',eptemp * ryd2ev, ' eV'
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gamma_nest) ) ALLOCATE( gamma_nest (nqtotf,nsmear) )
gamma_nest(:,:) = zero
! here we loop on smearing values
DO ismear = 1, nsmear
degaussw0 = (ismear-1)*delta_smear+degaussw
! Fermi level and corresponding DOS
! Note that the weights of k+q points must be set to zero here
! no spin-polarized calculation here
IF ( efermi_read ) THEN
ef0 = fermi_energy
IF (mpime .eq. ionode_id) THEN
ef0 = efermig_seq(etf_k, nbndsub, nkqf, nelec, wkf, degaussw0, ngaussw, 0, isk)
CALL mp_bcast (ef0, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
IF (mpime .eq. ionode_id) THEN
dosef = dos_ef_seq (ngaussw, degaussw0, ef0, etf_k, wkf, nkqf, nbndsub)
! N(Ef) in the equation for lambda is the DOS per spin
dosef = dosef / two
CALL mp_bcast (dosef, ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
IF (ik.eq.1) then
WRITE (stdout, 100) degaussw0 * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE (stdout, 101) dosef / ryd2ev, ef0 * ryd2ev
! Find the bounds of q-dependent arrays in the parallel case in each pool
CALL fkbounds( nqtotf, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
CALL start_clock('nesting')
fermicount = 0
DO iq = 1, nqf
ikq = 2 * iq
ikk = ikq - 1
! here we must have ef, not ef0, to be consistent with ephwann_shuffle
IF ( ( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikk) - ef) ) .lt. fsthick ) .and. &
( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikq) - ef) ) .lt. fsthick ) ) then
fermicount = fermicount + 1
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
ekk = etf (ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk) - ef0
w0g1 = w0gauss ( ekk / degaussw0, 0) / degaussw0
DO jbnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
ekq = etf (ibndmin-1+jbnd, ikq) - ef0
w0g2 = w0gauss ( ekq / degaussw0, 0) / degaussw0
! = k-point weight * [f(E_k) - f(E_k+q)]/ [E_k+q - E_k -w_q +id]
! This is the imaginary part of the phonon self-energy, sans the matrix elements
! weight = wkf (ikk) * (wgkk - wgkq) * &
! aimag ( cone / ( ekq - ekk - ci * degaussw ) )
! the below expression is positive-definite, but also an approximation
! which neglects some fine features
weight = wkf (ikk) * w0g1 * w0g2
gamma_nest(iq+lower_bnd-1,ismear) = gamma_nest(iq+lower_bnd-1,ismear) + weight
ENDDO ! jbnd
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDIF ! endif fsthick
ENDDO ! loop on q
CALL stop_clock('nesting')
ENDDO !smears
IF ( ik .eq. (nkqtotf - nqtotf)) THEN
ALLOCATE ( xqf_all (3,nqtotf ),wqf_all (1,nqtotf) )
xqf_all(:,:) = zero
wqf_all(:,:) = zero
#if defined(__MPI)
! note that poolgather2 works with the doubled grid (k and k+q)
CALL poolgather2 ( 3, nqtotf, nqf, xqf, xqf_all )
CALL poolgather2 ( 1, nqtotf, nqf, wqf, wqf_all )
CALL mp_sum(gamma_nest, inter_pool_comm )
CALL mp_sum(fermicount, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
xqf_all = xqf
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
wqf_all(1,iq) = wqf(iq)
DO ismear = 1, nsmear
degaussw0 = (ismear-1)*delta_smear+degaussw
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"smearing = ",f9.5)') degaussw0
DO iq = 1, nqtotf
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"iq = ",i5," coord.: ", 3f9.5, " wt: ", f9.5)') iq, xqf_all(:,iq), wqf_all(1,iq)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)') repeat('-',67)
WRITE(stdout, 102) gamma_nest(iq,ismear)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('-',67)
CALL flush(6)
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,a,i8,a,i8/)' ) &
'Number of (k,k+q) pairs on the Fermi surface: ',fermicount, ' out of ', nkqtotf/2
100 format(5x,'Gaussian Broadening: ',f7.3,' eV, ngauss=',i4)
101 format(5x,'DOS =',f10.6,' states/spin/eV/Unit Cell at Ef=',f10.6,' eV')
102 format(5x,'Nesting function (q)=',e15.6,' [Adimensional]')
end subroutine nesting_fn_k

EPW/src/print_ibte.f90 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Samuel Ponce'
! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE print_ibte( iqq, iq, totq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle, ind_tot, ind_totcb, &
lrepmatw2, lrepmatw4, lrepmatw5, lrepmatw6 )
!! This subroutine computes the scattering rate (inv_tau)
USE kinds, ONLY : DP, i4b
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE phcom, ONLY : nmodes
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eps_acustic, degaussw, &
nstemp, scattering_serta, scattering_0rta, shortrange,&
restart, restart_freq, restart_filq, vme
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmax, ibndmin, etf, nkqf, nkf, dmef, vmef, wf, wqf, &
epf17, nkqtotf, inv_tau_all, inv_tau_allcb, &
xqf, zi_allvb, zi_allcb, xkf, wkf, dmef, vmef, nqf
USE transportcom, ONLY : transp_temp, lower_bnd
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero, one, two, pi, ryd2mev, kelvin2eV, ryd2ev, &
eps6, eps10, bohr2ang, ang2cm
USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, diropn, tmp_dir
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum, mp_bcast
USE mp_global, ONLY : world_comm, my_pool_id, npool
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE io_epw, ONLY : iunepmat, iunepmatcb, iufilibtev_sup, iunrestart, &
iunsparseq, iunsparsek, iunsparsei, iunsparsej, iunsparset, &
iunsparseqcb, iunsparsekcb, iunsparseicb, iunsparsejcb, iunsparsetcb
#if defined(__MPI)
LOGICAL, INTENT (INOUT) :: first_cycle
!! Use to determine weather this is the first cycle after restart
!! Q-point index from selecq
!! Q-point index
!! Total number of q-points in selecq
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: efcb(nstemp)
!! Second Fermi level for the temperature itemp. Could be unused (0).
!! Total number of element written to file
!! Total number of element written to file
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND), INTENT(inout) :: lrepmatw2
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND), INTENT(inout) :: lrepmatw4
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND), INTENT(inout) :: lrepmatw5
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND), INTENT(inout) :: lrepmatw6
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=8), INTENT (inout) :: lrepmatw2
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=i4b), INTENT (inout) :: lrepmatw4
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=8), INTENT (inout) :: lrepmatw5
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=i4b), INTENT (inout) :: lrepmatw6
! Local variables
!! Integer for the degenerate average over eigenstates
!! K-point index
INTEGER :: ikk
!! Odd index to read etf
INTEGER :: ikq
!! Even k+q index to read etf
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! Local band index
INTEGER :: jbnd
!! Local band index
INTEGER :: imode
!! Local mode index
INTEGER :: itemp
!! Index over temperature range
INTEGER :: k_all(npool)
#if defined(__MPI)
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw
!! Offset for that core
INTEGER (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: lrepmatw3
!! Offset for that core
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lrepmatw
INTEGER(kind=4) :: lrepmatw3
INTEGER(kind=8) :: lsize
!! Offset to tell where to start reading the file
CHARACTER (len=256) :: filint
INTEGER :: ierr
INTEGER :: ind(npool)
INTEGER :: indcb(npool)
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparse_q((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparse_k((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparse_i((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparse_j((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparse_t((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparsecb_q((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparsecb_k((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparsecb_i((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparsecb_j((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
INTEGER(kind=i4b) :: sparsecb_t((ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf )
REAL(kind=DP) :: tmp
!! Temporary variable
REAL(kind=DP) :: dfnk
!! Derivative of f_nk with respect to \varepsilon_nk
REAL(kind=DP) :: ekk2
!! Temporary variable to the eigenenergies for the degenerate average
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ekk
!! Energy relative to Fermi level: $$\varepsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}-\varepsilon_F$$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ekq
!! Energy relative to Fermi level: $$\varepsilon_{m\mathbf{k+q}}-\varepsilon_F$$
!! Electron-phonon matrix elements squared (g2 is Ry^2)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etemp
!! Temperature in Ry (this includes division by kb)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: w0g1
!! $$ \delta[\varepsilon_{nk} - \varepsilon_{mk+q} + \omega_{q}] $$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: w0g2
!! $$ \delta[\varepsilon_{nk} - \varepsilon_{mk+q} - \omega_{q}] $$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: inv_wq
!! Inverse phonon frequency. Defined for efficiency reasons.
REAL(KIND=DP) :: inv_etemp
!! Invese temperature inv_etemp = 1/etemp. Defined for efficiency reasons.
REAL(KIND=DP) :: g2_tmp
!! Used to set component to 0 if the phonon freq. is too low. This is defined
!! for efficiency reasons as if statement should be avoided in inner-most loops.
REAL(KIND=DP) :: inv_degaussw
!! 1.0/degaussw. Defined for efficiency reasons.
!! Phonon frequency $$\omega_{q\nu}$$ on the fine grid.
REAL(KIND=DP) :: wgq
!! Bose-Einstein occupation function $$n_{q\nu}$$
REAL(kind=DP) :: weight
!! Self-energy factor
REAL(KIND=DP) :: fmkq
!! Fermi-Dirac occupation function $$f_{m\mathbf{k+q}}$$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: vkk(3,ibndmax-ibndmin+1)
!! Electronic velocity $$v_{n\mathbf{k}}$$
!REAL(kind=DP) :: trans_prob(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nstemp, nkf)
REAL(kind=DP) :: trans_prob( (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * (ibndmax-ibndmin+1) * nstemp * nkf)
!! Temporary array to store the scattering rates
!REAL(kind=DP) :: trans_probcb(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nstemp, nkf)
REAL(kind=DP) :: trans_probcb( (ibndmax-ibndmin+1)*(ibndmax-ibndmin+1)* nstemp* nkf )
!! Temporary array to store the scattering rates
REAL(kind=DP) :: zi_tmp(ibndmax-ibndmin+1)
!! Temporary array to store the zi
REAL(KIND=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: inv_tau_all_new (:,:,:)
!! New scattering rates to be merged
REAL(KIND=DP) :: xkf_all(3,nkqtotf/2)
!! k-points coordinate from all cores
REAL(KIND=DP) :: wkf_all(nkqtotf/2)
!! Weights from all the cores
REAL(KIND=DP) :: vkk_all(3,ibndmax-ibndmin+1,nkqtotf/2)
!! Velocities from all the cores
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etf_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1,nkqtotf/2)
!! Eigen-energies on the fine grid collected from all pools in parallel case
!! Dot product function
!! Function that returns the Fermi energy
!! Compute the approximate theta function. Here computes Fermi-Dirac
!! The derivative of wgauss: an approximation to the delta function
REAL(kind=DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 1.d-4
!! Tolerence parameter for the velocity
REAL(kind=DP), PARAMETER :: eps2 = 0.01/ryd2mev
!! Tolerence
REAL(kind=DP) :: carrier_density, fnk, inv_cell
inv_cell = 1.0d0/omega
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Scattering rate for IBTE")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"restart and restart_freq inputs deactivated (restart point at every q-points).")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"No intermediate mobility will be shown.")')
IF ( fsthick < 1.d3 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a,f10.6,a)' ) 'Fermi Surface thickness = ', fsthick * ryd2ev, ' eV'
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,f10.6,a)' ) 'This is computed with respect to the fine Fermi level ',ef * ryd2ev, ' eV'
WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a,f10.6,a,f10.6,a)' ) 'Only states between ',(ef-fsthick) * ryd2ev, ' eV and ',&
(ef+fsthick) * ryd2ev, ' eV will be included'
lrepmatw = 0
lrepmatw2 = 0
lrepmatw4 = 0
lrepmatw5 = 0
lrepmatw6 = 0
! In the case of a restart do not add the first step
IF (first_cycle) THEN
first_cycle = .FALSE.
trans_prob(:) = zero
sparse_q(:) = zero
sparse_k(:) = zero
sparse_i(:) = zero
sparse_j(:) = zero
sparse_t(:) = zero
trans_probcb(:) = zero
sparsecb_q(:) = zero
sparsecb_k(:) = zero
sparsecb_i(:) = zero
sparsecb_j(:) = zero
sparsecb_t(:) = zero
!trans_probcb(:) = zero
etf_all(:,:) = zero
vkk_all(:,:,:) = zero
! local index for each q-point
ind(:) = 0
indcb(:) = 0
! loop over temperatures
DO itemp = 1, nstemp
xkf_all(:,:) = 0.0d0
wkf_all(:) = 0.0d0
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
! SP: Define the inverse so that we can efficiently multiply instead of
! dividing
inv_etemp = 1.0/etemp
inv_degaussw = 1.0/degaussw
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
! We are not consistent with ef from ephwann_shuffle but it should not
! matter if fstick is large enough.
IF ( ( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikk) - ef) ) .lt. fsthick ) .AND. &
( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikq) - ef) ) .lt. fsthick ) ) THEN
xkf_all(:, ik+lower_bnd - 1 ) = xkf(:,ikk)
wkf_all(ik+lower_bnd - 1 ) = wkf(ikk)
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf (ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk) - ef0(itemp)
! This is to know if we need to store the data
! derivative Fermi distribution
! (-df_nk/dE_nk) = (f_nk)*(1-f_nk)/ (k_B T)
dfnk = w0gauss( ekk*inv_etemp, -99 )*inv_etemp
DO jbnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! energy and fermi occupation at k+q
ekq = etf (ibndmin-1+jbnd, ikq) - ef0(itemp)
fmkq = wgauss( -ekq*inv_etemp, -99)
! We perform a sum over the modes
tmp = zero
DO imode = 1, nmodes
! the phonon frequency and bose occupation
wq = wf (imode, iq)
! SP : Avoid if statement in inner loops
! the coupling from Gamma acoustic phonons is negligible
IF ( wq .gt. eps_acustic ) THEN
g2_tmp = 1.0
wgq = wgauss( -wq*inv_etemp, -99)
wgq = wgq / ( one - two * wgq )
! SP : Define the inverse for efficiency
inv_wq = 1.0/(two * wq)
g2_tmp = 0.0
wgq = 0.0
inv_wq = 0.0
! here we take into account the zero-point sqrt(hbar/2M\omega)
! with hbar = 1 and M already contained in the eigenmodes
! g2 is Ry^2, wkf must already account for the spin factor
! In case of q=\Gamma, then the short-range = the normal g. We therefore
! need to treat it like the normal g with abs(g).
IF ( shortrange .AND. ( abs(xqf (1, iq))> eps2 .OR. abs(xqf (2, iq))> eps2 &
.OR. abs(xqf (3, iq))> eps2 )) THEN
! SP: The abs has to be removed. Indeed the epf17 can be a pure imaginary
! number, in which case its square will be a negative number.
g2 = REAL( (epf17 (jbnd, ibnd, imode, ik)**two)*inv_wq*g2_tmp, KIND=DP )
g2 = (abs(epf17 (jbnd, ibnd, imode, ik))**two)*inv_wq*g2_tmp
! delta[E_k - E_k+q + w_q] and delta[E_k - E_k+q - w_q]
w0g1 = w0gauss( (ekk-ekq+wq) * inv_degaussw, 0) * inv_degaussw
w0g2 = w0gauss( (ekk-ekq-wq) * inv_degaussw, 0) * inv_degaussw
! transition probability
! (2 pi/hbar) * (k+q-point weight) * g2 *
! { [f(E_k+q) + n(w_q)] * delta[E_k - E_k+q + w_q] +
! [1 - f(E_k+q) + n(w_q)] * delta[E_k - E_k+q - w_q] }
! This is summed over modes
tmp = tmp + pi * wqf(iq) * g2 * ( (fmkq+wgq)*w0g1 + (one-fmkq+wgq)*w0g2 )
ENDDO !imode
! Only save the onces that really contribute
IF (ABS(tmp * dfnk) > 1d-40 ) THEN
!IF (ind(my_pool_id+1)<10) print*,'ik ibnd jbnd ',ik, ibnd, jbnd
!IF (ind(my_pool_id+1)<10) print*,'VB ekk ',ekk
!IF (ind(my_pool_id+1)<10) print*,'VB ekq ',ekq
!IF (ind(my_pool_id+1)<10) print*,'VB f ',fmkq
!IF (ind(my_pool_id+1)<10) print*,'VB g1 ',w0g1
!IF (ind(my_pool_id+1)<10) print*,'VB g2 ',w0g2
!IF (ind(my_pool_id+1)<10) print*,'VB tmp ',tmp
!IF (ind (my_pool_id+1)==0) print*,tmp
!IF (ind (my_pool_id+1)==0) print*,wqf(iq)
!IF (ind (my_pool_id+1)==0) print*, g2
!IF (ind (my_pool_id+1)==0) print*, fmkq
!IF (ind (my_pool_id+1)==0) print*, wgq
!IF (ind (my_pool_id+1)==0) print*, w0g1
!IF (ind (my_pool_id+1)==0) print*, w0g2
ind (my_pool_id+1) = ind (my_pool_id+1) + 1
trans_prob( ind(my_pool_id+1) ) = tmp
sparse_q ( ind(my_pool_id+1) ) = iq
sparse_k ( ind(my_pool_id+1) ) = ik+lower_bnd-1
!print*,'index sp_k ',ind(my_pool_id+1), sparse_k (ind(my_pool_id+1) )
sparse_i ( ind(my_pool_id+1) ) = ibnd
sparse_j ( ind(my_pool_id+1) ) = jbnd
sparse_t ( ind(my_pool_id+1) ) = itemp
! IF (ik+lower_bnd-1 == 2) print*,ind (my_pool_id+1)+ind_tot, tmp
! print*,ind (my_pool_id+1)+ind_tot, iq, ik, ibnd, jbnd, itemp
ENDDO !jbnd
ENDDO ! ibnd
! In this case we are also computing the scattering rate for another Fermi level position
! This is used to compute both the electron and hole mobility at the same time.
IF ( ABS(efcb(itemp)) > eps ) THEN
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf (ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk) - efcb(itemp)
! This is to know if we need to store the data
! derivative Fermi distribution
! (-df_nk/dE_nk) = (f_nk)*(1-f_nk)/ (k_B T)
dfnk = w0gauss( ekk*inv_etemp, -99 )*inv_etemp
DO jbnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! energy and fermi occupation at k+q
ekq = etf (ibndmin-1+jbnd, ikq) - efcb(itemp)
fmkq = wgauss( -ekq*inv_etemp, -99)
tmp = zero
DO imode = 1, nmodes
! the phonon frequency and bose occupation
wq = wf (imode, iq)
! SP : Avoid if statement in inner loops
! the coupling from Gamma acoustic phonons is negligible
IF ( wq .gt. eps_acustic ) THEN
g2_tmp = 1.0
wgq = wgauss( -wq*inv_etemp, -99)
wgq = wgq / ( one - two * wgq )
! SP : Define the inverse for efficiency
inv_wq = 1.0/(two * wq)
g2_tmp = 0.0
wgq = 0.0
inv_wq = 0.0
! here we take into account the zero-point sqrt(hbar/2M\omega)
! with hbar = 1 and M already contained in the eigenmodes
! g2 is Ry^2, wkf must already account for the spin factor
! In case of q=\Gamma, then the short-range = the normal g. We therefore
! need to treat it like the normal g with abs(g).
IF ( shortrange .AND. ( abs(xqf (1, iq))> eps2 .OR. abs(xqf (2, iq))> eps2 &
.OR. abs(xqf (3, iq))> eps2 )) THEN
! SP: The abs has to be removed. Indeed the epf17 can be a pure imaginary
! number, in which case its square will be a negative number.
g2 = REAL( (epf17 (jbnd, ibnd, imode, ik)**two)*inv_wq*g2_tmp, KIND=DP)
g2 = (abs(epf17 (jbnd, ibnd, imode, ik))**two)*inv_wq*g2_tmp
! delta[E_k - E_k+q + w_q] and delta[E_k - E_k+q - w_q]
w0g1 = w0gauss( (ekk-ekq+wq) * inv_degaussw, 0) * inv_degaussw
w0g2 = w0gauss( (ekk-ekq-wq) * inv_degaussw, 0) * inv_degaussw
! transition probability
! (2 pi/hbar) * (k+q-point weight) * g2 *
! { [f(E_k+q) + n(w_q)] * delta[E_k - E_k+q + w_q] +
! [1 - f(E_k+q) + n(w_q)] * delta[E_k - E_k+q - w_q] }
! This is summed over modes
tmp = tmp + pi * wqf(iq) * g2 * ( (fmkq+wgq)*w0g1 + (one-fmkq+wgq)*w0g2 )
ENDDO ! imode
! Only save the onces that really contribute
IF (ABS(tmp * dfnk) > 1d-40 ) THEN
indcb (my_pool_id+1) = indcb (my_pool_id+1) + 1
trans_probcb ( indcb(my_pool_id+1) ) = tmp
sparsecb_q ( indcb(my_pool_id+1) ) = iq
sparsecb_k ( indcb(my_pool_id+1) ) = ik+lower_bnd-1
sparsecb_i ( indcb(my_pool_id+1) ) = ibnd
sparsecb_j ( indcb(my_pool_id+1) ) = jbnd
sparsecb_t ( indcb(my_pool_id+1) ) = itemp
ENDDO !jbnd
ENDDO !ibnd
ENDIF ! ABS(efcb) < eps
!print*,'trans_probcb(jbnd,ibnd,itemp,k_all(my_pool_id+1)) ',trans_probcb(1,1,1,k_all(my_pool_id+1))
ENDIF ! endif fsthick
ENDDO ! end loop on k
ENDDO ! itemp
! If the q-point is taken, write on file
CALL mp_sum( ind, world_comm )
CALL mp_sum( indcb, world_comm )
IF ( sum(ind) > 0 ) THEN
IF ( my_pool_id == 0 ) ind_tot = ind_tot + SUM(ind)
!CALL mp_bcast (ind_tot, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL MPI_BCAST( ind_tot, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
! Can be uncommented
! WRITE(stdout,'(a,i9,E22.8)') ' Total number of element written ',ind_tot
! Size of what we write
lsize = INT( ind(my_pool_id+1), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND )
! Offset where we need to start writing (we increment for each q-points)
lrepmatw = lrepmatw2 + &
INT( SUM( ind(1:my_pool_id+1)) - ind(my_pool_id+1), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 8_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
lrepmatw3 = lrepmatw4 + &
INT( SUM( ind(1:my_pool_id+1)) - ind(my_pool_id+1), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 4_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK(iunepmat, lrepmatw,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparseq, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparseq, sparse_q, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparsek, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparsek, sparse_k, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparsei, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparsei, sparse_i, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparsej, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparsej, sparse_j, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparset, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparset, sparse_t, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
! Offset for the next q iteration
lrepmatw2 = lrepmatw2 + INT( SUM( ind(:) ), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 8_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
lrepmatw4 = lrepmatw4 + INT( SUM( ind(:) ), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 4_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
! now write in the support file
CALL mp_sum(xkf_all, world_comm)
CALL mp_sum(wkf_all, world_comm)
IF ( sum(indcb) > 0 ) THEN
IF ( my_pool_id == 0 ) ind_totcb = ind_totcb + SUM(indcb)
!CALL mp_bcast (ind_totcb, ionode_id, world_comm)
CALL MPI_BCAST( ind_totcb, 1, MPI_OFFSET, ionode_id, world_comm, ierr)
! WRITE(stdout,'(a,i9,E22.8)') ' Total number of element written in electron ',ind_totcb
! Size of what we write
lsize = INT( indcb(my_pool_id+1), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND )
! Offset where we need to start writing (we increment for each q-points)
lrepmatw = lrepmatw5 + &
INT( SUM( indcb(1:my_pool_id+1)) - indcb(my_pool_id+1), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 8_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
lrepmatw3 = lrepmatw6 + &
INT( SUM( indcb(1:my_pool_id+1)) - indcb(my_pool_id+1), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 4_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK(iunepmatcb, lrepmatw,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparseqcb, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparseqcb, sparsecb_q, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparsekcb, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparsekcb, sparsecb_k, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparseicb, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparseicb, sparsecb_i, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparsejcb, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparsejcb, sparsecb_j, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_SEEK (iunsparsetcb, lrepmatw3,MPI_SEEK_SET,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_SEEK',1 )
CALL MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunsparsetcb, sparsecb_t, lsize, MPI_INTEGER4,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,ierr)
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL errore( 'print_ibte', 'error in MPI_FILE_WRITE',1 )
! Offset for the next q iteration
lrepmatw5 = lrepmatw5 + INT( SUM( indcb(:) ), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 8_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
lrepmatw6 = lrepmatw6 + INT( SUM( indcb(:) ), kind = MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) * 4_MPI_OFFSET_KIND
ENDIF ! indcb
! Save to file restart information in formatted way for possible restart
IF (my_pool_id == 0) THEN
WRITE (iunrestart,*) iqq
WRITE (iunrestart,*) ind_tot
WRITE (iunrestart,*) ind_totcb
WRITE (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw2
WRITE (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw4
WRITE (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw5
WRITE (iunrestart,*) lrepmatw6
ENDIF ! first_cycle
IF ( iqq == totq ) THEN
wkf_all(:) = zero
! Computes the k-velocity
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
wkf_all( ik+lower_bnd -1 ) = wkf(ikk)
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
IF ( vme ) THEN
vkk_all(:, ibnd, ik + lower_bnd - 1) = REAL (vmef (:, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk))
vkk_all(:,ibnd, ik + lower_bnd -1 ) = 2.0 * REAL (dmef (:, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk))
etf_all(ibnd, ik+lower_bnd-1) = etf(ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk)
CALL mp_sum ( vkk_all, world_comm )
CALL mp_sum ( etf_all, world_comm )
CALL mp_sum ( wkf_all, world_comm )
IF ( my_pool_id == 0 ) THEN
! Now write total number of q-point inside and k-velocity
OPEN(iufilibtev_sup,file='IBTEvel_sup.fmt', form='formatted')
WRITE(iufilibtev_sup,'(a)') '# Number of elements in hole and electrons '
WRITE(iufilibtev_sup,'(2i16)') ind_tot, ind_totcb
WRITE(iufilibtev_sup,'(a)') '# itemp ef0 efcb'
DO itemp=1, nstemp
WRITE(iufilibtev_sup,'(i8,2E22.12)') itemp, ef0(itemp), efcb(itemp)
WRITE(iufilibtev_sup,'(a)') '# ik ibnd velocity (x,y,z) eig weight '
DO ik = 1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
WRITE(iufilibtev_sup,'(i8,i6,5E22.12)') ik, ibnd, vkk_all(:,ibnd,ik), etf_all(ibnd, ik), wkf_all(ik)
ENDIF ! master
! Now print the carrier density for checking
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
carrier_density = 0.0
DO ik = 1, nkf
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! This selects only valence bands for hole conduction
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik+lower_bnd-1 ) < ef0(itemp) ) THEN
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik+lower_bnd-1 ) - ef0(itemp)
fnk = wgauss( -ekk / etemp, -99)
! The wkf(ikk) already include a factor 2
carrier_density = carrier_density + wkf_all(ik+lower_bnd-1 ) * (1.0d0 - fnk )
CALL mp_sum( carrier_density, world_comm )
carrier_density = carrier_density * inv_cell * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**(-3)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x, 1f8.3, 1f12.4, 1E19.6)') etemp *ryd2ev/kelvin2eV, &
ef0(itemp)*ryd2ev, carrier_density
ENDIF ! iqq

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
implicit none
@ -248,10 +249,10 @@
SUBROUTINE print_serta( F_SERTA, BZtoIBZ, s_BZtoIBZ, vkk_all, etf_all, wkf_all, ef0)
SUBROUTINE print_serta_sym( F_SERTA, BZtoIBZ, s_BZtoIBZ, vkk_all, etf_all, wkf_all, ef0)
!! This subroutine prints the mobility
!! This subroutine prints the SERTA mobility using k-point symmetry.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
@ -348,7 +349,6 @@
!! Compute the approximate theta function. Here computes Fermi-Dirac
!! The derivative of wgauss: an approximation to the delta function
inv_cell = 1.0d0/omega
@ -579,16 +579,272 @@
END SUBROUTINE print_serta_sym
SUBROUTINE print_serta( F_SERTA, vkk_all, etf_all, wkf_all, ef0)
!! This subroutine prints the SERTA mobility
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, omega, bg
USE epwcom, ONLY : int_mob, ncarrier, nstemp, &
nkf1, nkf2, nkf3
USE elph2, ONLY : nkf, ibndmax, ibndmin, nkqtotf
USE transportcom, ONLY : lower_bnd, transp_temp
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero, two, pi, kelvin2eV, ryd2ev, eps10, &
electron_SI, bohr2ang, ang2cm, hbarJ
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE mp_global, ONLY : world_comm, my_pool_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(in) :: F_SERTA(3, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2, nstemp)
!! SERTA solution
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: vkk_all(3,ibndmax-ibndmin+1,nkqtotf/2)
!! Velocity
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: etf_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1,nkqtotf/2)
!! Eigenenergies of k
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: wkf_all(nkqtotf/2)
!! Weight of k
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! The Fermi level
! Local variables
INTEGER :: itemp
!! temperature index
!! k-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! band index
!! Combined x,y,z index
INTEGER :: i,j
!! Cartesian index
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etemp
!! Temperature in Ry (this includes division by kb)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: tdf_sigma(9)
!! Transport distribution function
REAL(KIND=DP) :: Sigma(9,nstemp)
!! Electrical conductivity
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ekk
!! Energy relative to Fermi level: $$\varepsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}-\varepsilon_F$$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: dfnk
!! Derivative Fermi distribution $$-df_{nk}/dE_{nk}$$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: carrier_density
!! Carrier density [nb of carrier per unit cell]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: fnk
!! Fermi-Dirac occupation function
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility
!! Sum of the diagonalized mobilities [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility_xx
!! Mobility along the xx axis after diagonalization [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility_yy
!! Mobility along the yy axis after diagonalization [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility_zz
!! Mobility along the zz axis after diagonalization [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: sigma_up(3,3)
!! Conductivity matrix in upper-triangle
REAL(KIND=DP) :: sigma_eig(3)
!! Eigenvalues from the diagonalized conductivity matrix
REAL(KIND=DP) :: sigma_vect(3,3)
!! Eigenvectors from the diagonalized conductivity matrix
REAL(KIND=DP) :: inv_cell
!! Inverse of the volume in [Bohr^{-3}]
!! Compute the approximate theta function. Here computes Fermi-Dirac
!! The derivative of wgauss: an approximation to the delta function
inv_cell = 1.0d0/omega
! Hole
IF (ncarrier < -1E5) THEN
Sigma(:,:) = zero
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
DO ik=1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik) < ef0(itemp) ) THEN
tdf_sigma(:) = zero
ij = 0
DO j = 1, 3
DO i = 1, 3
ij = ij + 1
tdf_sigma(ij) = vkk_all(i, ibnd, ik) * F_SERTA(j, ibnd, ik, itemp) * wkf_all(ik)
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik ) - ef0(itemp)
! derivative Fermi distribution
! (-df_nk/dE_nk) = (f_nk)*(1-f_nk)/ (k_B T)
dfnk = w0gauss( ekk / etemp, -99 ) / etemp
! electrical conductivity
Sigma(:,itemp) = Sigma(:,itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:)
ENDIF ! if below Fermi level
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDDO ! ik
ENDDO ! itemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
carrier_density = 0.0
DO ik = 1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! This selects only valence bands for hole conduction
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik ) < ef0(itemp) ) THEN
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik ) - ef0(itemp)
fnk = wgauss( -ekk / etemp, -99)
! The wkf(ikk) already include a factor 2
carrier_density = carrier_density + wkf_all(ik ) * (1.0d0 - fnk )
sigma_up(:,:) = zero
sigma_up(1,1) = Sigma(1,itemp)
sigma_up(1,2) = Sigma(2,itemp)
sigma_up(1,3) = Sigma(3,itemp)
sigma_up(2,1) = Sigma(4,itemp)
sigma_up(2,2) = Sigma(5,itemp)
sigma_up(2,3) = Sigma(6,itemp)
sigma_up(3,1) = Sigma(7,itemp)
sigma_up(3,2) = Sigma(8,itemp)
sigma_up(3,3) = Sigma(9,itemp)
! Diagonalize the conductivity matrix
CALL rdiagh(3,sigma_up,3,sigma_eig,sigma_vect)
mobility_xx = ( sigma_eig(1) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_yy = ( sigma_eig(2) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_zz = ( sigma_eig(3) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility = (mobility_xx+mobility_yy+mobility_zz)/3
! carrier_density in cm^-1
carrier_density = carrier_density * inv_cell * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**(-3)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x, 1f8.3, 1f12.4, 1E19.6, 1E19.6, a)') etemp * ryd2ev/kelvin2eV, &
ef0(itemp)*ryd2ev, carrier_density, mobility_xx, ' x-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_yy, ' y-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_zz, ' z-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility, ' avg'
! Now electron mobility
IF (ncarrier > 1E5) THEN
! Needed because of residual values from the hole above
Sigma(:,:) = zero
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
DO ik=1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik) > ef0(itemp) ) THEN
tdf_sigma(:) = zero
ij = 0
DO j = 1, 3
DO i = 1, 3
ij = ij + 1
tdf_sigma(ij) = vkk_all(i, ibnd, ik) * F_SERTA(j, ibnd, ik, itemp) * wkf_all(ik)
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik) - ef0(itemp)
! derivative Fermi distribution
! (-df_nk/dE_nk) = (f_nk)*(1-f_nk)/ (k_B T)
dfnk = w0gauss( ekk / etemp, -99 ) / etemp
! electrical conductivity
Sigma(:,itemp) = Sigma(:,itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:)
ENDIF ! if below Fermi level
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDDO ! ik
ENDDO ! itemp
!CALL mp_sum( Sigma(:,:), world_comm )
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
carrier_density = 0.0
DO ik = 1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! This selects only valence bands for electron conduction
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik) > ef0(itemp) ) THEN
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik) - ef0(itemp)
fnk = wgauss( -ekk / etemp, -99)
! The wkf(ikk) already include a factor 2
carrier_density = carrier_density + wkf_all(ik) * fnk
!CALL mp_sum( carrier_density, world_comm )
sigma_up(:,:) = zero
sigma_up(1,1) = Sigma(1,itemp)
sigma_up(1,2) = Sigma(2,itemp)
sigma_up(1,3) = Sigma(3,itemp)
sigma_up(2,1) = Sigma(4,itemp)
sigma_up(2,2) = Sigma(5,itemp)
sigma_up(2,3) = Sigma(6,itemp)
sigma_up(3,1) = Sigma(7,itemp)
sigma_up(3,2) = Sigma(8,itemp)
sigma_up(3,3) = Sigma(9,itemp)
! Diagonalize the conductivity matrix
CALL rdiagh(3,sigma_up,3,sigma_eig,sigma_vect)
mobility_xx = ( sigma_eig(1) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_yy = ( sigma_eig(2) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_zz = ( sigma_eig(3) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility = (mobility_xx+mobility_yy+mobility_zz)/3
! carrier_density in cm^-1
carrier_density = carrier_density * inv_cell * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**(-3)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x, 1f8.3, 1f12.4, 1E19.6, 1E19.6, a)') etemp * ryd2ev/kelvin2eV, &
ef0(itemp)*ryd2ev, carrier_density, mobility_xx, ' x-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_yy, ' y-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_zz, ' z-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility, ' avg'
END SUBROUTINE print_serta
SUBROUTINE print_mob( F_out, BZtoIBZ, s_BZtoIBZ, vkk_all, etf_all, wkf_all, ef0, av_mob)
SUBROUTINE print_mob_sym( F_out, BZtoIBZ, s_BZtoIBZ, vkk_all, etf_all, wkf_all, ef0, av_mob)
!! This subroutine prints the mobility ( electron or hole )
!! This subroutine prints the mobility using k-point symmetry ( electron or hole )
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
@ -912,6 +1168,265 @@
END SUBROUTINE print_mob_sym
SUBROUTINE print_mob( F_out, vkk_all, etf_all, wkf_all, ef0, av_mob)
!! This subroutine prints the mobility ( electron or hole )
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, omega, bg
USE epwcom, ONLY : int_mob, ncarrier, nstemp, &
nkf1, nkf2, nkf3
USE elph2, ONLY : nkf, ibndmax, ibndmin, nkqtotf
USE transportcom, ONLY : lower_bnd, transp_temp
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero, two, pi, kelvin2eV, ryd2ev, eps10, &
electron_SI, bohr2ang, ang2cm, hbarJ
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE mp_global, ONLY : world_comm
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: F_out(3, ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nkqtotf/2, nstemp)
!! SERTA solution
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: vkk_all(3,ibndmax-ibndmin+1,nkqtotf/2)
!! Velocity
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: etf_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1,nkqtotf/2)
!! Eigenenergies of k
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: wkf_all(nkqtotf/2)
!! Weight of k
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! The Fermi level
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: av_mob(nstemp)
!! Maximum error for all temperature
! Local variables
INTEGER :: itemp
!! temperature index
!! k-point index
INTEGER :: ibnd
!! band index
!! Number of points equivalent by sym from BZ to IBTZ
!! Combined x,y,z index
INTEGER :: i,j
!! Cartesian index
REAL(KIND=DP) :: etemp
!! Temperature in Ry (this includes division by kb)
REAL(KIND=DP) :: tdf_sigma(9)
!! Transport distribution function
REAL(KIND=DP) :: Sigma(9,nstemp)
!! Electrical conductivity
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ekk
!! Energy relative to Fermi level: $$\varepsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}-\varepsilon_F$$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: dfnk
!! Derivative Fermi distribution $$-df_{nk}/dE_{nk}$$
REAL(KIND=DP) :: carrier_density
!! Carrier density [nb of carrier per unit cell]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: fnk
!! Fermi-Dirac occupation function
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility
!! Sum of the diagonalized mobilities [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility_xx
!! Mobility along the xx axis after diagonalization [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility_yy
!! Mobility along the yy axis after diagonalization [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: mobility_zz
!! Mobility along the zz axis after diagonalization [cm^2/Vs]
REAL(KIND=DP) :: sigma_up(3,3)
!! Conductivity matrix in upper-triangle
REAL(KIND=DP) :: sigma_eig(3)
!! Eigenvalues from the diagonalized conductivity matrix
REAL(KIND=DP) :: sigma_vect(3,3)
!! Eigenvectors from the diagonalized conductivity matrix
REAL(KIND=DP) :: inv_cell
!! Inverse of the volume in [Bohr^{-3}]
!! Compute the approximate theta function. Here computes Fermi-Dirac
!! The derivative of wgauss: an approximation to the delta function
inv_cell = 1.0d0/omega
IF (ncarrier < -1E5) THEN ! If true print hole
Sigma(:,:) = zero
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
DO ik=1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik) < ef0(itemp) ) THEN
tdf_sigma(:) = zero
ij = 0
DO j = 1, 3
DO i = 1, 3
ij = ij + 1
tdf_sigma(ij) = vkk_all(i, ibnd, ik) * F_out(j, ibnd, ik, itemp) * wkf_all(ik)
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik) - ef0(itemp)
! derivative Fermi distribution
! (-df_nk/dE_nk) = (f_nk)*(1-f_nk)/ (k_B T)
dfnk = w0gauss( ekk / etemp, -99 ) / etemp
! electrical conductivity
Sigma(:,itemp) = Sigma(:,itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:)
ENDIF ! if below Fermi level
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDDO ! ik
ENDDO ! itemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
carrier_density = 0.0
DO ik = 1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! This selects only valence bands for hole conduction
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik) < ef0(itemp) ) THEN
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik) - ef0(itemp)
fnk = wgauss( -ekk / etemp, -99)
! The wkf(ikk) already include a factor 2
carrier_density = carrier_density + wkf_all(ik) * (1.0d0 - fnk )
sigma_up(:,:) = zero
sigma_up(1,1) = Sigma(1,itemp)
sigma_up(1,2) = Sigma(2,itemp)
sigma_up(1,3) = Sigma(3,itemp)
sigma_up(2,1) = Sigma(4,itemp)
sigma_up(2,2) = Sigma(5,itemp)
sigma_up(2,3) = Sigma(6,itemp)
sigma_up(3,1) = Sigma(7,itemp)
sigma_up(3,2) = Sigma(8,itemp)
sigma_up(3,3) = Sigma(9,itemp)
! Diagonalize the conductivity matrix
CALL rdiagh(3,sigma_up,3,sigma_eig,sigma_vect)
mobility_xx = ( sigma_eig(1) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_yy = ( sigma_eig(2) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_zz = ( sigma_eig(3) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility = (mobility_xx+mobility_yy+mobility_zz)/3
! carrier_density in cm^-1
carrier_density = carrier_density * inv_cell * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**(-3)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x, 1f8.3, 1f12.4, 1E19.6, 1E19.6, a)') etemp * ryd2ev/kelvin2eV, &
ef0(itemp)*ryd2ev, carrier_density, mobility_xx, ' x-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_yy, ' y-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_zz, ' z-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility, ' avg'
av_mob(itemp) = mobility
! Now electron mobility
IF (ncarrier > 1E5 ) THEN
! Needed because of residual values from the hole above
Sigma(:,:) = zero
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
DO ik=1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik) > ef0(itemp) ) THEN
tdf_sigma(:) = zero
ij = 0
DO j = 1, 3
DO i = 1, 3
ij = ij + 1
tdf_sigma(ij) = vkk_all(i, ibnd, ik) * F_out(j, ibnd, ik, itemp) * wkf_all(ik)
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik) - ef0(itemp)
! derivative Fermi distribution
! (-df_nk/dE_nk) = (f_nk)*(1-f_nk)/ (k_B T)
dfnk = w0gauss( ekk / etemp, -99 ) / etemp
! electrical conductivity
Sigma(:,itemp) = Sigma(:,itemp) + dfnk * tdf_sigma(:)
ENDIF ! if below Fermi level
ENDDO ! ibnd
ENDDO ! ik
ENDDO ! itemp
DO itemp=1, nstemp
etemp = transp_temp(itemp)
carrier_density = 0.0
DO ik = 1, nkqtotf/2
DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! This selects only valence bands for electron conduction
IF (etf_all (ibnd, ik) > ef0(itemp) ) THEN
! energy at k (relative to Ef)
ekk = etf_all (ibnd, ik) - ef0(itemp)
fnk = wgauss( -ekk / etemp, -99)
! The wkf(ikk) already include a factor 2
carrier_density = carrier_density + wkf_all(ik) * fnk
sigma_up(:,:) = zero
sigma_up(1,1) = Sigma(1,itemp)
sigma_up(1,2) = Sigma(2,itemp)
sigma_up(1,3) = Sigma(3,itemp)
sigma_up(2,1) = Sigma(4,itemp)
sigma_up(2,2) = Sigma(5,itemp)
sigma_up(2,3) = Sigma(6,itemp)
sigma_up(3,1) = Sigma(7,itemp)
sigma_up(3,2) = Sigma(8,itemp)
sigma_up(3,3) = Sigma(9,itemp)
! Diagonalize the conductivity matrix
CALL rdiagh(3,sigma_up,3,sigma_eig,sigma_vect)
mobility_xx = ( sigma_eig(1) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_yy = ( sigma_eig(2) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility_zz = ( sigma_eig(3) * electron_SI * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**2) /( carrier_density * hbarJ)
mobility = (mobility_xx+mobility_yy+mobility_zz)/3
! carrier_density in cm^-1
carrier_density = carrier_density * inv_cell * ( bohr2ang * ang2cm)**(-3)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x, 1f8.3, 1f12.4, 1E19.6, 1E19.6, a)') etemp * ryd2ev/kelvin2eV, &
ef0(itemp)*ryd2ev, carrier_density, mobility_xx, ' x-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_yy, ' y-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility_zz, ' z-axis'
WRITE(stdout,'(45x, 1E18.6, a)') mobility, ' avg'
av_mob(itemp) = mobility

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE selfen_elec_q ( iq, first_cycle )
SUBROUTINE selfen_elec_q ( iqq, iq, totq, first_cycle )
!! Compute the imaginary part of the electron self energy due to electron-
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
!! This subroutine computes the contribution from phonon iq to all k-points
!! The outer loop in ephwann_shuffle.f90 will loop over all iq points
!! The contribution from each iq is summed at the end of this subroutine for iq=nqtotf
!! The contribution from each iq is summed at the end of this subroutine for iqq=totq
!! to recover the per-ik electron self energy
!! RM 24/02/2014
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
restart, restart_freq
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef !, nelec, isk
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, xqf, &
nkf, epf17, nqtotf, wf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf, &
nkf, epf17, wf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf, &
sigmar_all, sigmai_all, sigmai_mode, zi_all, efnew
USE transportcom, ONLY : lower_bnd
USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity
@ -54,8 +54,12 @@
LOGICAL, INTENT (INOUT) :: first_cycle
!! Use to determine weather this is the first cycle after restart
!! Q-point index from selecq.fmt window
!! Q-point inde
!! Q-point index from full grid
!! Total number of q-points from the selecq.fmt grid.
! Local variables
@ -334,7 +338,7 @@
CALL mp_sum(fermicount, inter_pool_comm)
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
CALL electron_write(iq,nqtotf,nksqtotf,sigmar_all,sigmai_all,zi_all)
CALL electron_write(iq,totq,nksqtotf,sigmar_all,sigmai_all,zi_all)
@ -342,7 +346,7 @@
! The k points are distributed among pools: here we collect them
IF ( iq .eq. nqtotf ) THEN
IF ( iqq == totq ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( xkf_all ( 3, nkqtotf ), &
etf_all ( nbndsub, nkqtotf ) )

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE selfen_phon_q (iq )
SUBROUTINE selfen_phon_q ( iqq, iq, totq )
!! compute the imaginary part of the phonon self energy due to electron-
@ -29,15 +29,13 @@
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use phcom, ONLY : nmodes
use epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, &
use epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, efermi_read, fermi_energy, &
eptemp, ngaussw, degaussw, shortrange, &
nsmear, delta_smear, eps_acustic, specfun_ph, &
efermi_read, fermi_energy, delta_approx, vme
delta_approx, vme
use pwcom, ONLY : nelec, ef, isk
use elph2, ONLY : epf17, ibndmax, ibndmin, etf, &
wkf, xqf, wqf, nkqf, nqtotf, &
nkf, wf, nkqtotf, xqf, &
lambda_all, lambda_v_all, &
use elph2, ONLY : epf17, ibndmax, ibndmin, etf, wkf, xqf, wqf, nkqf, &
nkf, wf, nkqtotf, xqf, lambda_all, lambda_v_all, &
dmef, vmef, gamma_all,gamma_v_all, efnew
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, ryd2ev, two, zero, pi, eps4, eps6
use mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
@ -45,8 +43,12 @@
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point index from the selecq
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iq
!! Current q-point index
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-points in selecq.fmt
! Local variables
@ -154,7 +156,7 @@
REAL(kind=DP), PARAMETER :: eps2 = 0.01/ryd2mev
!! Tolerence
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Phonon (Imaginary) Self-Energy in the Migdal Approximation")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
@ -165,12 +167,12 @@
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a,f10.6,a)' ) &
'Golden Rule strictly enforced with T = ',eptemp * ryd2ev, ' eV'
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (lambda_all) ) ALLOCATE( lambda_all (nmodes, nqtotf, nsmear) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (lambda_v_all) ) ALLOCATE( lambda_v_all(nmodes, nqtotf, nsmear) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (lambda_all) ) ALLOCATE( lambda_all (nmodes, totq, nsmear) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (lambda_v_all) ) ALLOCATE( lambda_v_all(nmodes, totq, nsmear) )
lambda_all(:,:,:) = zero
lambda_v_all(:,:,:) = zero
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gamma_all) ) ALLOCATE( gamma_all (nmodes,nqtotf,nsmear) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gamma_v_all) ) ALLOCATE( gamma_v_all(nmodes,nqtotf,nsmear) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gamma_all) ) ALLOCATE( gamma_all (nmodes, totq, nsmear) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gamma_v_all) ) ALLOCATE( gamma_v_all(nmodes, totq, nsmear) )
gamma_all(:,:,:) = zero
gamma_v_all(:,:,:) = zero
@ -207,7 +209,7 @@
! N(Ef) in the equation for lambda is the DOS per spin
dosef = dosef / two
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE (stdout, 100) degaussw0 * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE (stdout, 101) dosef / ryd2ev, ef0 * ryd2ev
!WRITE (stdout, 101) dosef / ryd2ev, ef * ryd2ev

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE selfen_pl_q ( iq )
SUBROUTINE selfen_pl_q ( iqq, iq, totq )
! Compute the imaginary part of the electron self energy due to electron-
@ -28,22 +28,30 @@
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE io_epw, ONLY : linewidth_elself
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, degaussw, &
efermi_read, fermi_energy, &
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, eptemp, ngaussw, &
efermi_read, fermi_energy, degaussw,&
nel, meff, epsiHEG
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, &
nkf, nqtotf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf, &
sigmar_all, sigmai_all, sigmai_mode, zi_all, efnew, &
xqf, dmef
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, xqf, dmef, &
nkf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf, efnew, &
sigmar_all, sigmai_all, sigmai_mode, zi_all
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, one, ryd2ev, two, zero, pi, ci, eps6
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm
use cell_base, ONLY : omega, alat, bg
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
implicit none
INTEGER :: ik, ikk, ikq, ibnd, jbnd, iq, fermicount
!! Q-index from the selected q
!! Q-index from the global q
!! Number of q-points in selecq window
! Local varialbes
INTEGER :: ik, ikk, ikq, ibnd, jbnd, fermicount
INTEGER :: nksqtotf, lower_bnd, upper_bnd
!! Integer for the degenerate average over eigenstates
@ -79,7 +87,7 @@
inv_eptemp0 = 1.0/eptemp
inv_degaussw = 1.0/degaussw
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Electron-plasmon Self-Energy in the Migdal Approximation")')
@ -107,7 +115,7 @@
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE (stdout, 100) degaussw * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE (stdout,'(a)') ' '
@ -154,7 +162,7 @@
CALL get_eps_mahan (qin,rs,kF,eps0) ! qin should be in atomic units for Mahan formula
deltaeps = -(1.d0/(epsiHEG+eps0-1.d0)-1.d0/epsiHEG)
IF (iq .EQ. 1) THEN
IF (iqq == 1) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(12x," nel = ", E15.10)') nel
WRITE(stdout,'(12x," meff = ", E15.10)') meff
WRITE(stdout,'(12x," rs = ", E15.10)') rs
@ -337,7 +345,7 @@
! The k points are distributed among pools: here we collect them
IF ( iq .eq. nqtotf ) THEN
IF ( iqq == totq ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( xkf_all ( 3, nkqtotf ), &
etf_all ( nbndsub, nkqtotf ) )

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE spectral_func_q ( iq )
SUBROUTINE spectral_func_q ( iqq, iq, totq )
!! Compute the electron spectral function including the electron-
@ -32,16 +32,21 @@
efermi_read, fermi_energy
USE pwcom, ONLY : nelec, ef, isk
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, xqf, &
epf17, wkf, nkf, nqtotf, wf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf,&
epf17, wkf, nkf, wf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf,&
esigmar_all, esigmai_all, a_all
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, one, ryd2ev, two, zero, pi, ci
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : me_pool, inter_pool_comm
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point index in selecq
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iq
!! Current q-point index
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: totq
!! Total number of q-point in window
! Local variables
@ -118,7 +123,7 @@
dw = ( wmax_specfun - wmin_specfun ) / dble (nw_specfun-1)
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Electron Spectral Function in the Migdal Approximation")')
@ -145,7 +150,7 @@
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE (stdout, 100) degaussw * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE (stdout,'(a)') ' '
@ -157,7 +162,7 @@
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case in each pool
CALL fkbounds( nksqtotf, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iq == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED(esigmar_all) ) ALLOCATE( esigmar_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nksqtotf, nw_specfun) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED(esigmai_all) ) ALLOCATE( esigmai_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nksqtotf, nw_specfun) )
esigmar_all(:,:,:) = zero
@ -165,7 +170,7 @@
! SP: Sum rule added to conserve the number of electron.
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') 'The sum rule to conserve the number of electron is enforced.'
WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') 'The self energy is rescaled so that its real part is zero at the Fermi level.'
WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') 'The sum rule replace the explicit calculation of the Debye-Waller term.'
@ -263,7 +268,7 @@
! The k points are distributed among pools: here we collect them
IF ( iq .eq. nqtotf ) THEN
IF ( iqq == totq ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( xkf_all ( 3, nkqtotf ), &
etf_all ( nbndsub, nkqtotf ) )

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE spectral_func_ph (iq )
SUBROUTINE spectral_func_ph ( iqq, iq, totq )
! Compute the imaginary part of the phonon self energy due to electron-
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
wmax_specfun, nw_specfun
USE pwcom, ONLY : nelec, ef, isk
USE elph2, ONLY : epf17, ibndmax, ibndmin, etf, &
wkf, xqf, nkqf, nqtotf, &
wkf, xqf, nkqf, &
nkf, wf, a_all, &
gammai_all,gammar_all, efnew
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, ryd2ev, two, zero, pi, cone, ci
@ -43,8 +43,12 @@
implicit none
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iqq
!! Current q-point index from selecq
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: iq
!! Current q-point index
INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: totq
!! Total q-points in selecq window
!! Counter on the k-point index
@ -123,7 +127,7 @@
!qsquared = (xqf(1,iq)**2 + xqf(2,iq)**2 + xqf(3,iq)**2) * tpiba2
!epsTF = (qTF**2 + qsquared) / (qTF**2/eps0 * sin (sqrt(qsquared)*RTF)/(sqrt(qsquared)*RTF)+qsquared)
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Phonon Spectral Function Self-Energy in the Migdal Approximation (on the fly)")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a/)') repeat('=',67)
@ -134,8 +138,8 @@
WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,a,f10.6,a)' ) &
'Golden Rule strictly enforced with T = ',eptemp * ryd2ev, ' eV'
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gammai_all) ) ALLOCATE( gammai_all (nmodes,nqtotf,nw_specfun) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gammar_all) ) ALLOCATE( gammar_all (nmodes,nqtotf,nw_specfun) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gammai_all) ) ALLOCATE( gammai_all (nmodes, totq, nw_specfun) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED (gammar_all) ) ALLOCATE( gammar_all (nmodes, totq, nw_specfun) )
gammar_all(:,:,:) = zero
gammai_all(:,:,:) = zero
@ -294,10 +298,10 @@
IF (.not. ALLOCATED (a_all)) ALLOCATE ( a_all(nw_specfun,nqtotf) )
IF (.not. ALLOCATED (a_all)) ALLOCATE ( a_all(nw_specfun, totq) )
a_all(:,:) = zero
IF (iq == 1 ) THEN
IF (iqq == 1 ) THEN
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
@ -318,7 +322,7 @@
WRITE(stdout,105) imode, ryd2ev * wq, ryd2mev * gammar_all(imode,iq,1), ryd2mev * gammai_all(imode,iq,1)
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,a,i8,a,i8)' ) &
'Number of (k,k+q) pairs on the Fermi surface: ',fermicount, ' out of ', nqtotf
'Number of (k,k+q) pairs on the Fermi surface: ',fermicount, ' out of ', totq
! Write to support files
@ -351,8 +355,8 @@
IF (iq == nqtotf ) THEN
IF (mpime.eq.ionode_id) THEN
IF (iqq == totq ) THEN
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
! present distribution, or .
SUBROUTINE spectral_func_pl_q ( iq )
SUBROUTINE spectral_func_pl_q ( iqq, iq, totq )
! Compute the electron spectral function including the electron-
@ -32,20 +32,29 @@
nel, meff, epsiHEG
USE pwcom, ONLY : nelec, ef, isk
USE elph2, ONLY : etf, ibndmin, ibndmax, nkqf, &
wkf, nkf, nqtotf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf,&
wkf, nkf, wqf, xkf, nkqtotf,&
esigmar_all, esigmai_all, a_all,&
xqf, dmef
USE constants_epw, ONLY : ryd2mev, one, ryd2ev, two, zero, pi, ci
USE mp, ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY : me_pool, inter_pool_comm
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega, alat, bg
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
implicit none
!! Q-point index in selecq
!! Q-point index
!! Total number of q-points in fsthick window
! variables for collecting data from all pools in parallel case
integer :: iw, ik, ikk, ikq, ibnd, jbnd, iq, fermicount
integer :: nksqtotf, lower_bnd, upper_bnd
INTEGER :: iw, ik, ikk, ikq, ibnd, jbnd, fermicount
INTEGER :: nksqtotf, lower_bnd, upper_bnd
REAL(kind=DP), external :: efermig, dos_ef, wgauss
REAL(kind=DP) :: g2, ekk, ekq, wq, ef0, wgq, wgkq, ww, dw, weight
REAL(kind=DP) :: specfun_sum, esigmar0, tpiba_new
@ -62,7 +71,7 @@
dw = ( wmax_specfun - wmin_specfun ) / dble (nw_specfun-1)
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Electron Spectral Function in the Migdal Approximation")')
@ -89,7 +98,7 @@
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE (stdout, 100) degaussw * ryd2ev, ngaussw
WRITE (stdout,'(a)') ' '
@ -101,7 +110,7 @@
! find the bounds of k-dependent arrays in the parallel case in each pool
CALL fkbounds( nksqtotf, lower_bnd, upper_bnd )
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED(esigmar_all) ) ALLOCATE( esigmar_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nksqtotf, nw_specfun) )
IF ( .not. ALLOCATED(esigmai_all) ) ALLOCATE( esigmai_all(ibndmax-ibndmin+1, nksqtotf, nw_specfun) )
esigmar_all(:,:,:) = zero
@ -109,7 +118,7 @@
! SP: Sum rule added to conserve the number of electron.
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') 'The sum rule to conserve the number of electron is enforced.'
WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') 'The self energy is rescaled so that its real part is zero at the Fermi level.'
WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') 'The sum rule replace the explicit calculation of the Debye-Waller term.'
@ -246,7 +255,7 @@
! The k points are distributed among pools: here we collect them
IF ( iq .eq. nqtotf ) THEN
IF ( iqq == totq ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( xkf_all ( 3, nkqtotf ), &
etf_all ( nbndsub, nkqtotf ) )

View File

@ -514,6 +514,7 @@
USE eliashbergcom, ONLY : nkfs, nbndfs, nsiw, nqfs, limag_fly, memlt_pool
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, my_pool_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -568,7 +569,7 @@
! collect contributions from all pools
CALL mp_sum( memlt_pool, inter_pool_comm )
CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
IF ( limag_fly ) THEN
@ -596,6 +597,7 @@
USE eliashbergcom, ONLY : nkfs, nbndfs, nqfs, lacon_fly, memlt_pool
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, my_pool_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds

View File

@ -260,6 +260,7 @@
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE io_eliashberg, ONLY : eliashberg_write_iaxis
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -520,6 +521,7 @@
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE io_eliashberg, ONLY : eliashberg_write_raxis
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -801,6 +803,7 @@
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE io_eliashberg, ONLY : eliashberg_write_raxis
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -964,6 +967,7 @@
USE epwcom, ONLY : fsthick
USE eliashbergcom, ONLY : nkfs, nbndfs, nsiw, estemp, AKeri, ekfs, ef0, ixkqf, ixqfs, nqfs
USE constants_epw, ONLY : pi, zero
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -1133,6 +1137,7 @@
USE superconductivity, ONLY : mem_size_eliashberg
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -1339,6 +1344,7 @@
USE eliashbergcom, ONLY : nkfs, nbndfs, g2, a2fij, ixkqf, ixqfs, nqfs, ekfs, ef0, &
dosef, wsph
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -1422,6 +1428,7 @@
USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, my_pool_id, npool
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_barrier, mp_sum
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds

View File

@ -17,7 +17,171 @@
SUBROUTINE scattering_rate_q( iq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
SUBROUTINE qwindow(exst, nrr_k, dims, totq, selecq, irvec_r, ndegen_k, cufkk, cufkq)
!! This subroutine pre-computes the q-points that falls within the fstichk
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE elph2, ONLY : nqf, xqf, xkf, chw, etf, nkf
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime, world_comm
USE mp_global, ONLY : my_pool_id
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id, stdout
USE io_epw, ONLY : iunselecq
USE mp_global, ONLY : npool
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_bcast
USE constants_epw, ONLY : twopi, ci
USE epwcom, ONLY : nbndsub, fsthick, use_ws
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE wan2bloch, ONLY : hamwan2bloch
LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: exst
!! If the file exist
!! Number of WS points for electrons
!! Dims is either nat if use_ws or 1 if not
!! Total number of q-points inside fsthick
!! List of selected q-points
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndegen_k(nrr_k, dims, dims)
!! Wigner-Seitz number of degenerescence (weights) for the electrons grid
REAL(kind=DP), INTENT(IN) :: irvec_r(3, nrr_k)
!! Wigner-Size supercell vectors, store in real instead of integer
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT(OUT) :: cufkk (nbndsub, nbndsub)
!! Rotation matrix, fine mesh, points k
COMPLEX(kind=DP), INTENT(OUT) :: cufkq (nbndsub, nbndsub)
!! the same, for points k+q
! Local variable
INTEGER :: ios
!! integer variable for I/O control
!! Counter on coarse q-point grid
INTEGER :: ik, ikk, ikq
!! Counter on coarse k-point grid
INTEGER :: found(npool)
!! Indicate if a q-point was found within the window
!! Counter on bands when use_ws == .true.
INTEGER :: iw2
!! Counter on bands when use_ws == .true.
!! Counter for WS loop
INTEGER :: nqtot
!! Total number of q-point for verifications
REAL(kind=DP) :: xxq(3)
!! Current q-point
REAL(kind=DP) :: xkk(3)
!! Current k-point on the fine grid
REAL(kind=DP) :: xkq(3)
!! Current k-point on the fine grid
REAL(kind=DP) :: rdotk(nrr_k)
!! $r\cdot k$
REAL(kind=DP) :: rdotk2(nrr_k)
!! $r\cdot k$
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: cfac(nrr_k, dims, dims)
!! Used to store $e^{2\pi r \cdot k}$ exponential
COMPLEX(kind=DP) :: cfacq(nrr_k, dims, dims)
!! Used to store $e^{2\pi r \cdot k+q}$ exponential
!selecq(:) = 0
rdotk(:) = 0
rdotk2(:) = 0
IF (exst) THEN
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
OPEN(unit=iunselecq, file='selecq.fmt', status='old', iostat=ios)
READ (iunselecq,*) totq
selecq(:) = 0
READ (iunselecq,*) nqtot
READ (iunselecq,*) selecq(:)
CALL mp_bcast(totq , ionode_id, world_comm )
CALL mp_bcast(selecq, ionode_id, world_comm )
IF (nqtot /= nqf) THEN
CALL errore( 'qwindow', 'Cannot read from selecq.fmt, the q-point grid or &
fsthick window are different from read one. Remove the selecq.fmt file and restart. ',1 )
selecq(:) = 0
DO iq=1, nqf
xxq = xqf (:, iq)
found(:) = 0
DO ik = 1, nkf
ikk = 2 * ik - 1
ikq = ikk + 1
xkk = xkf(:, ikk)
xkq = xkk + xxq
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkk, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk, 1 )
CALL dgemv('t', 3, nrr_k, twopi, irvec_r, 3, xkq, 1, 0.0_DP, rdotk2, 1 )
IF (use_ws) THEN
DO iw=1, dims
DO iw2=1, dims
DO ir = 1, nrr_k
IF (ndegen_k(ir,iw2,iw) > 0) THEN
cfac(ir,iw2,iw) = exp( ci*rdotk(ir) ) / ndegen_k(ir,iw2,iw)
cfacq(ir,iw2,iw) = exp( ci*rdotk2(ir) ) / ndegen_k(ir,iw2,iw)
cfac(:,1,1) = exp( ci*rdotk(:) ) / ndegen_k(:,1,1)
cfacq(:,1,1) = exp( ci*rdotk2(:) ) / ndegen_k(:,1,1)
CALL hamwan2bloch ( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkk, etf(:, ikk), chw, cfac, dims)
CALL hamwan2bloch ( nbndsub, nrr_k, cufkq, etf(:, ikq), chw, cfacq, dims)
IF ( (( minval ( abs(etf(:, ikk) - ef) ) < fsthick ) .and. &
( minval ( abs(etf(:, ikq) - ef) ) < fsthick )) ) THEN
found(my_pool_id+1) = 1
EXIT ! exit the loop
ENDDO ! k-loop
! If found on any k-point from the pools
CALL mp_sum(found, world_comm)
IF (SUM(found) > 0) THEN
totq = totq + 1
selecq(totq) = iq
IF (MOD(totq,500) == 0) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a,i8,i8)')'Number selected, total',totq,iq
IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
OPEN(unit=iunselecq, file='selecq.fmt')
WRITE (iunselecq,*) totq ! Selected number of q-points
WRITE (iunselecq,*) nqf ! Total number of q-points
WRITE (iunselecq,*) selecq(1:totq)
ENDIF ! exst
SUBROUTINE scattering_rate_q(iqq, iq, totq, ef0, efcb, first_cycle )
!! This subroutine computes the scattering rate (inv_tau)
@ -44,8 +208,12 @@
LOGICAL, INTENT (INOUT) :: first_cycle
!! Use to determine weather this is the first cycle after restart
!! Q-point index from the selected q
!! Q-point inde
!! Q-point index
!! Total number of q-points within the fstichk window
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: ef0(nstemp)
!! Fermi level for the temperature itemp
REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: efcb(nstemp)
@ -138,7 +306,7 @@
CALL start_clock ( 'SCAT' )
IF ( iq .eq. 1 ) THEN
IF ( iqq == 1 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') repeat('=',67)
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Scattering rate")')
@ -396,7 +564,7 @@
! Creation of a restart point
IF (restart) THEN
IF (MOD(iq,restart_freq) == 0 ) THEN
IF (MOD(iqq,restart_freq) == 0 ) THEN
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' Creation of a restart point'
! The mp_sum will aggreage the results on each k-points.
@ -411,9 +579,9 @@
IF ( ABS(efcb(1)) > eps ) THEN
CALL tau_write(iq,nqtotf,nkqtotf/2,.TRUE.)
CALL tau_write(iqq,totq,nkqtotf/2,.TRUE.)
CALL tau_write(iq,nqtotf,nkqtotf/2,.FALSE.)
CALL tau_write(iqq,totq,nkqtotf/2,.FALSE.)
! Now show intermediate mobility with that amount of q-points
@ -427,7 +595,7 @@
! The k points are distributed among pools: here we collect them
IF ( iq .eq. nqtotf ) THEN
IF ( iqq == totq ) THEN
! The total number of k points
@ -464,13 +632,13 @@
CALL merge_read( nkqtotf/2, nqtotf_new, inv_tau_all_new )
inv_tau_all(:,:,:) = ( inv_tau_all(:,:,:) * nqtotf &
+ inv_tau_all_new(:,:,:) * nqtotf_new ) / (nqtotf+nqtotf_new)
inv_tau_all(:,:,:) = ( inv_tau_all(:,:,:) * totq &
+ inv_tau_all_new(:,:,:) * nqtotf_new ) / (totq+nqtotf_new)
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' '
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' Merge scattering for a total of ',nqtotf+nqtotf_new,' q-points'
WRITE(stdout, '(a,i10,a)' ) ' Merge scattering for a total of ',totq+nqtotf_new,' q-points'
CALL tau_write(iq+nqtotf_new,nqtotf+nqtotf_new,nkqtotf/2, .FALSE.)
CALL tau_write(iqq+nqtotf_new,totq+nqtotf_new,nkqtotf/2, .FALSE.)
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' Write to restart file the sum'
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' '
@ -552,18 +720,18 @@
WRITE(stdout, '(a)' ) ' Creation of the final restart point'
IF ( ABS(efcb(1)) > eps ) THEN
CALL tau_write(iq,nqtotf,nkqtotf/2,.TRUE.)
CALL tau_write(iqq,totq,nkqtotf/2,.TRUE.)
CALL tau_write(iq,nqtotf,nkqtotf/2,.FALSE.)
CALL tau_write(iqq,totq,nkqtotf/2,.FALSE.)
ENDIF ! restart
ENDIF ! iq
ENDIF ! iqq
CALL stop_clock ( 'SCAT' )
!write(stdout,*),'iq ',iq
!write(stdout,*),'iqq ',iqq
!write(stdout,*),'inv_tau_all(1,5:8,21) ',SUM(inv_tau_all(3,5:8,1))
!write(stdout,*),'inv_tau_all(1,5:8,:) ',SUM(inv_tau_all(3,5:8,:))
@ -597,13 +765,12 @@
iterative_bte, vme
USE pwcom, ONLY : ef
USE elph2, ONLY : ibndmax, ibndmin, etf, nkf, wkf, dmef, vmef, &
inv_tau_all, nkqtotf, Fi_all, inv_tau_allcb, &
zi_allvb, zi_allcb, Fi_allcb, BZtoIBZ, &
s_BZtoIBZ, map_rebal
inv_tau_all, nkqtotf, inv_tau_allcb, &
zi_allvb, zi_allcb, map_rebal
USE transportcom, ONLY : transp_temp
USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero, one, bohr2ang, ryd2ev, electron_SI, &
kelvin2eV, hbar, Ang2m, hbarJ, ang2cm, czero
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_bcast
USE mp_global, ONLY : world_comm
USE mp_world, ONLY : mpime
! SP - Uncomment to use symmetries on velocities
@ -616,6 +783,7 @@
USE constants_epw, ONLY : eps6
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE io_scattering, ONLY : scattering_read
USE division, ONLY : fkbounds
@ -652,6 +820,10 @@
!! Number of points in the BZ corresponding to a point in IBZ
INTEGER :: BZtoIBZ_tmp(nkf1*nkf2*nkf3)
!! Temporary mapping
INTEGER :: BZtoIBZ(nkf1*nkf2*nkf3)
!! BZ to IBZ mapping
INTEGER :: s_BZtoIBZ(3,3,nkf1*nkf2*nkf3)
!! symmetry
REAL(KIND=DP) :: ekk
!! Energy relative to Fermi level: $$\varepsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}-\varepsilon_F$$
@ -1549,7 +1721,9 @@
ENDDO ! nstemp
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond")')
WRITE(stdout,'(5x," to the expected (x,y,z) axis.")')
IF (mpime .eq. meta_ionode_id) CLOSE(iufilsigma)
@ -1563,38 +1737,6 @@
CALL print_clock ('MOB')
!! IF IBTE we want the SRTA solution to be the first iteration of IBTE
!IF (iterative_bte) THEN
! Fi_all(:,:,:,:) = zero
! IF ( ABS(efcb(1)) > eps ) Fi_allcb(:,:,:,:) = zero
! !
! DO itemp = 1, nstemp
! DO ik = 1, nkf
! ikk = 2 * ik - 1
! IF ( minval ( abs(etf (:, ikk) - ef) ) .lt. fsthick ) THEN
! DO ibnd = 1, ibndmax-ibndmin+1
! IF ( vme ) THEN
! vkk(:,ibnd) = REAL (vmef (:, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk))
! vkk(:,ibnd) = 2.0 * REAL (dmef (:, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ibndmin-1+ibnd, ikk))
! tau = one / inv_tau_all(itemp,ibnd,ik+lower_bnd-1)
! Fi_all(:,ibnd,ik+lower_bnd-1,itemp) = vkk(:,ibnd) * tau
! IF ( ABS(efcb(itemp)) > eps ) THEN
! tau = one / inv_tau_allcb(itemp,ibnd,ik+lower_bnd-1)
! Fi_allcb(:,ibnd,ik+lower_bnd-1,itemp) = vkk(:,ibnd) * tau
! !
! ENDDO ! kpoints
! print*,'itemp ',itemp,' ',sum(Fi_all(:,:,:,itemp)), sum(inv_tau_all)
! print*,'itemp cb',itemp,' ',sum(Fi_allcb(:,:,:,itemp)), sum(inv_tau_allcb)
! ENDDO ! itemp
! CALL mp_sum( Fi_all, world_comm )
! IF ( ABS(efcb(1)) > eps ) CALL mp_sum( Fi_allcb, world_comm )

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
!! lower bound for the k-depend index among the mpi pools
INTEGER :: upper_bnd
!! lower bound for the k-depend index among the mpi pools
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ixkqf_tr(:,:)
!! Mapping matrix from k+q (where q is full BZ) to IBZ
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: s_BZtoIBZ_full(:,:,:,:)
!! Rotation that brink that k-point from BZ to IBZ
REAL(kind=DP), ALLOCATABLE :: transp_temp(:), &

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ then
KS_Solvers/Davidson KS_Solvers/Davidson_RCI KS_Solvers/CG KS_Solvers/PPCG \
PW/src CPV/src PW/tools upftools PP/src PWCOND/src \
PHonon/Gamma PHonon/PH PHonon/FD HP/src atomic/src \
EPW/src \
XSpectra/src ACFDT/src NEB/src TDDFPT/src \
GWW/pw4gww GWW/gww GWW/head GWW/bse GWW/simple \
GWW/simple_bse GWW/simple_ip"
@ -78,6 +79,8 @@ for dir in $dirs; do
PHonon/FD | PHonon/PH | PHonon/Gamma | HP/src | TDDFPT/src | XSpectra/src | GIPAW/src )
EPW/src )
DEPENDS="$DEPEND2 $LEVEL2/PW/src $LEVEL2/LR_Modules $LEVEL2/PHonon/PH $LEVEL2/Modules" ;;
GWW/head )
GWW/bse )

View File

@ -149,7 +149,8 @@ clean:
epw_*/specfun.phon epw_*/specfun_sup.phon epw_*/*.tau_restart* \
epw_*/*_elcond_* epw_*/fort.* epw_*/decay.* epw_*/scattering_rate* \
epw_*/*.fc.* epw_*/*_band.dat epw_*/*F_restart* epw_*/*F_restart_CB* \
epw_*/*.mmn epw_*/*.epmatkq* epw_*/*.epmatkqcb* epw_*/sparse* \
epw_*/*.Fin_restart* epw_*/*.Fin_restartcb*
# Special cases for EPW
@rm -rf epw_base/save epw_super/save

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
phonselfen = .false.
a2f = .false.
fsthick = 1.0 ! eV
fsthick = 1.2 ! eV
eptemp = 1 ! K
degaussw = 0.01 ! eV

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
restart = .true.
restart_freq = 1000
selecqread = .false.
lifc = .true.
asr_typ = 'crystal'

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
restart = .true.
restart_freq = 1000
selecqread = .true.
lifc = .true.
asr_typ = 'crystal'

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 11Oct2018 at 15:25:31
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 16Oct2018 at 14:25: 8
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
@ -328,9 +328,9 @@
l(4) = 1
l(5) = 2
l(6) = 2
EPW : 0.25s CPU 0.26s WALL
EPW : 0.23s CPU 0.24s WALL
EPW : 0.33s CPU 0.34s WALL
EPW : 0.31s CPU 0.32s WALL
No wavefunction gauge setting applied
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@
( 0.16574 0.16574 0.33426) : 2.12920
WANNIER : 9.89s CPU 10.13s WALL ( 1 calls)
WANNIER : 9.52s CPU 9.58s WALL ( 1 calls)
Dipole matrix elements calculated
@ -910,6 +910,7 @@
Number of WS vectors for electrons 279
Number of WS vectors for phonons 19
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 19
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 114
Results may improve by using use_ws == .true.
Writing Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep to file
@ -933,7 +934,7 @@
Memory usage: VmHWM = 57Mb
VmPeak = 324Mb
VmPeak = 325Mb
Using q-mesh file: ./LGX.txt
@ -955,39 +956,40 @@
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 2400 ~= 18.75 Kb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 100
We only need to compute 100 q-points
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 100
Memory usage: VmHWM = 57Mb
VmPeak = 324Mb
VmPeak = 325Mb
Unfolding on the coarse grid
elphon_wrap : 16.00s CPU 16.56s WALL ( 1 calls)
elphon_wrap : 15.45s CPU 15.92s WALL ( 1 calls)
set_drhoc : 0.18s CPU 0.18s WALL ( 9 calls)
set_drhoc : 0.17s CPU 0.17s WALL ( 9 calls)
init_vloc : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 10 calls)
init_us_1 : 0.08s CPU 0.09s WALL ( 10 calls)
init_us_1 : 0.08s CPU 0.08s WALL ( 10 calls)
Electron-Phonon interpolation
ephwann : 2.58s CPU 2.96s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep-interp : 1.56s CPU 1.87s WALL ( 100 calls)
ephwann : 2.59s CPU 2.97s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep-interp : 1.50s CPU 1.82s WALL ( 100 calls)
Ham: step 1 : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
Ham: step 2 : 0.03s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep: step 1 : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 48 calls)
ep: step 2 : 0.46s CPU 0.47s WALL ( 48 calls)
DynW2B : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 100 calls)
HamW2B : 0.42s CPU 0.44s WALL ( 20200 calls)
ephW2Bp : 0.29s CPU 0.55s WALL ( 100 calls)
HamW2B : 0.45s CPU 0.46s WALL ( 21866 calls)
ephW2Bp : 0.24s CPU 0.53s WALL ( 100 calls)
Total program execution
EPW : 28.79s CPU 29.99s WALL
EPW : 27.88s CPU 28.78s WALL
Please consider citing:

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 11Oct2018 at 15:26: 1
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 16Oct2018 at 14:25:37
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
Number of WS vectors for electrons 279
Number of WS vectors for phonons 19
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 19
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 114
Results may improve by using use_ws == .true.
Reading Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep from file
@ -153,12 +154,8 @@
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 100842 ~= 787.83 Kb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation
Iteration number: 1
A selecq.fmt file was found but re-created because selecqread == .false.
We only need to compute 343 q-points
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
@ -179,244 +176,26 @@
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872901 eV
Scattering rate
Scattering rate for IBTE
restart and restart_freq inputs deactivated (restart point at every q-points).
No intermediate mobility will be shown.
Fermi Surface thickness = 4.000000 eV
This is computed with respect to the fine Fermi level 6.339674 eV
Only states between 2.339674 eV and 10.339674 eV will be included
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.119477E-01 x-axis
0.208937E-01 y-axis
0.385336E-01 z-axis
0.237917E-01 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.702667E-01 x-axis
0.118372E+00 y-axis
0.245302E+00 z-axis
0.144647E+00 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.184430E+03 x-axis
0.222990E+03 y-axis
0.380774E+03 z-axis
0.262731E+03 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.125303E+03 x-axis
0.151762E+03 y-axis
0.261435E+03 z-axis
0.179500E+03 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 1.10s CPU 1.11s WALL ( 50 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 1 calls)
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.845545E-02 x-axis
0.145166E-01 y-axis
0.309025E-01 z-axis
0.179582E-01 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.494488E-01 x-axis
0.821013E-01 y-axis
0.199056E+00 z-axis
0.110202E+00 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.128316E+03 x-axis
0.164463E+03 y-axis
0.359297E+03 z-axis
0.217359E+03 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.870608E+02 x-axis
0.111699E+03 y-axis
0.247386E+03 z-axis
0.148715E+03 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 2.20s CPU 2.21s WALL ( 101 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 2 calls)
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.819718E-02 x-axis
0.139611E-01 y-axis
0.303669E-01 z-axis
0.175084E-01 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.479056E-01 x-axis
0.789545E-01 y-axis
0.195876E+00 z-axis
0.107579E+00 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.128300E+03 x-axis
0.164450E+03 y-axis
0.359265E+03 z-axis
0.217338E+03 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.869792E+02 x-axis
0.111634E+03 y-axis
0.247258E+03 z-axis
0.148624E+03 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 3.28s CPU 3.29s WALL ( 152 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 3 calls)
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.812795E-02 x-axis
0.139130E-01 y-axis
0.160512E-01 z-axis
0.126974E-01 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.475174E-01 x-axis
0.786928E-01 y-axis
0.985153E-01 z-axis
0.749085E-01 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.602014E+02 x-axis
0.655271E+02 y-axis
0.104217E+03 z-axis
0.766485E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.409034E+02 x-axis
0.445521E+02 y-axis
0.707818E+02 z-axis
0.520791E+02 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 4.38s CPU 4.39s WALL ( 203 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 4 calls)
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.760158E-02 x-axis
0.947590E-02 y-axis
0.133022E-01 z-axis
0.101266E-01 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.442582E-01 x-axis
0.550498E-01 y-axis
0.753436E-01 z-axis
0.582172E-01 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.439385E+02 x-axis
0.525870E+02 y-axis
0.814376E+02 z-axis
0.593211E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.298568E+02 x-axis
0.356770E+02 y-axis
0.552253E+02 z-axis
0.402530E+02 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 5.46s CPU 5.47s WALL ( 254 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 5 calls)
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Creation of a restart point
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
epmatkqread automatically changed to .true. as all scattering have been computed.
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.582870E-02 x-axis
0.757065E-02 y-axis
0.111759E-01 z-axis
0.819175E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.334968E-01 x-axis
0.437302E-01 y-axis
0.634060E-01 z-axis
0.468777E-01 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.439368E+02 x-axis
0.525845E+02 y-axis
0.814358E+02 z-axis
0.593190E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.298485E+02 x-axis
0.356648E+02 y-axis
0.552172E+02 z-axis
0.402435E+02 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 6.54s CPU 6.55s WALL ( 305 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 6 calls)
Temperature 400.000 K
Number of elements per core 15116
Average over degenerate eigenstates is performed
Average over degenerate eigenstates in CB is performed
Writing scattering rate to file
Temperature 500.000 K
Average over degenerate eigenstates is performed
Average over degenerate eigenstates in CB is performed
Writing scattering rate to file
Creation of the final restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.465971E-02 x-axis
0.568930E-02 y-axis
0.878282E-02 z-axis
0.637728E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.267397E-01 x-axis
0.328128E-01 y-axis
0.498193E-01 z-axis
0.364573E-01 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
@ -431,59 +210,13 @@
0.462060E+02 z-axis
0.341906E+02 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 7.48s CPU 7.50s WALL ( 349 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 7 calls)
Iteration number: 2
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013557 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872901 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.508748E-02 x-axis
0.677962E-02 y-axis
0.912891E-02 z-axis
0.699867E-02 avg
0.6999E-02 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.292498E-01 x-axis
0.391414E-01 y-axis
0.522029E-01 z-axis
0.401980E-01 avg
0.4020E-01 Err
Iteration number: 1
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
@ -493,63 +226,15 @@
0.363357E+02 y-axis
0.547466E+02 z-axis
0.424727E+02 avg
0.4247E+02 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.247699E+02 x-axis
0.247699E+02 y-axis
0.372317E+02 z-axis
0.289238E+02 avg
0.2892E+02 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 28.17s CPU 29.57s WALL ( 1 calls)
0.424727E+02 Err
Iteration number: 3
Iteration number: 2
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013557 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872901 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.517573E-02 x-axis
0.702124E-02 y-axis
0.933232E-02 z-axis
0.717643E-02 avg
0.1778E-03 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.297767E-01 x-axis
0.405594E-01 y-axis
0.535011E-01 z-axis
0.412791E-01 avg
0.1081E-02 Err
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
@ -559,15 +244,30 @@
0.369723E+02 y-axis
0.573447E+02 z-axis
0.437631E+02 avg
0.1290E+01 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.251833E+02 x-axis
0.251833E+02 y-axis
0.389751E+02 z-axis
0.297806E+02 avg
0.8567E+00 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 57.00s CPU 59.83s WALL ( 2 calls)
0.129044E+01 Err
Iteration number: 3
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.368935E+02 x-axis
0.368935E+02 y-axis
0.568370E+02 z-axis
0.435413E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.251333E+02 x-axis
0.251333E+02 y-axis
0.386364E+02 z-axis
0.296343E+02 avg
0.221811E+00 Err
Iteration number: 4
@ -575,11 +275,6 @@
The iteration reached the maximum but did not converge.
Memory usage: VmHWM = 23Mb
VmPeak = 300Mb
Unfolding on the coarse grid
elphon_wrap : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
@ -589,16 +284,16 @@
Electron-Phonon interpolation
ephwann : 85.50s CPU 89.77s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep-interp : 85.29s CPU 89.55s WALL ( 1029 calls)
ephwann : 27.61s CPU 28.99s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep-interp : 27.38s CPU 28.76s WALL ( 343 calls)
DynW2B : 0.03s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 1029 calls)
HamW2B : 15.77s CPU 16.12s WALL ( 706580 calls)
ephW2Bp : 2.45s CPU 5.50s WALL ( 1029 calls)
DynW2B : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 343 calls)
HamW2B : 5.03s CPU 5.11s WALL ( 236670 calls)
ephW2Bp : 0.79s CPU 1.83s WALL ( 343 calls)
Total program execution
EPW : 1m25.50s CPU 1m29.78s WALL
EPW : 27.61s CPU 28.99s WALL
Please consider citing:

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 11Oct2018 at 15:27:31
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 16Oct2018 at 14:26: 6
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
Number of WS vectors for electrons 279
Number of WS vectors for phonons 19
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 19
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 114
Results may improve by using use_ws == .true.
Reading Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep from file
@ -152,33 +153,47 @@
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 100842 ~= 787.83 Kb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
Restart from tau_CB: 343/ 343
Restart from tau: 343/ 343
Restart from iter: 3 and iq: 343/ 343
Number of elements per core 12956
Average over degenerate eigenstates is performed
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.465971E-02 x-axis
0.568930E-02 y-axis
0.878282E-02 z-axis
0.637728E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.267397E-01 x-axis
0.328128E-01 y-axis
0.498193E-01 z-axis
0.364573E-01 avg
Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation
Iteration number: 3
Iteration number: 1
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.508748E-02 x-axis
0.677962E-02 y-axis
0.912891E-02 z-axis
0.699867E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.292498E-01 x-axis
0.391414E-01 y-axis
0.522029E-01 z-axis
0.401980E-01 avg
0.401980E-01 Err
Iteration number: 2
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013557 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872901 eV
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
@ -188,64 +203,16 @@
0.702124E-02 y-axis
0.933232E-02 z-axis
0.717643E-02 avg
0.1778E-03 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.297767E-01 x-axis
0.405594E-01 y-axis
0.535011E-01 z-axis
0.412791E-01 avg
0.1081E-02 Err
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
0.108106E-02 Err
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.369723E+02 x-axis
0.369723E+02 y-axis
0.573447E+02 z-axis
0.437631E+02 avg
0.1290E+01 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.251833E+02 x-axis
0.251833E+02 y-axis
0.389751E+02 z-axis
0.297806E+02 avg
0.8567E+00 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
Iteration number: 3
Iteration number: 4
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013557 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872901 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Creation of a restart point
Creation of a restart point
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
@ -254,30 +221,30 @@
0.706249E-02 y-axis
0.936655E-02 z-axis
0.720779E-02 avg
0.3137E-04 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.298890E-01 x-axis
0.408072E-01 y-axis
0.537310E-01 z-axis
0.414757E-01 avg
0.1967E-03 Err
0.196654E-03 Err
Iteration number: 4
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.999998E+13 0.368935E+02 x-axis
0.368935E+02 y-axis
0.568370E+02 z-axis
0.435413E+02 avg
0.2218E+00 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.999997E+13 0.251333E+02 x-axis
0.251333E+02 y-axis
0.386364E+02 z-axis
0.296343E+02 avg
0.1463E+00 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 28.63s CPU 30.12s WALL ( 2 calls)
400.000 6.8619 0.999997E+13 0.519833E-02 x-axis
0.707076E-02 y-axis
0.938236E-02 z-axis
0.721715E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.299135E-01 x-axis
0.408575E-01 y-axis
0.538368E-01 z-axis
0.415360E-01 avg
0.602225E-04 Err
Iteration number: 5
@ -285,11 +252,6 @@
The iteration reached the maximum but did not converge.
Memory usage: VmHWM = 23Mb
VmPeak = 301Mb
Unfolding on the coarse grid
elphon_wrap : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
@ -299,16 +261,13 @@
Electron-Phonon interpolation
ephwann : 28.99s CPU 30.50s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep-interp : 28.78s CPU 30.27s WALL ( 344 calls)
ephwann : 0.22s CPU 0.22s WALL ( 1 calls)
DynW2B : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 344 calls)
HamW2B : 5.33s CPU 5.46s WALL ( 236670 calls)
ephW2Bp : 0.82s CPU 1.86s WALL ( 344 calls)
HamW2B : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 686 calls)
Total program execution
EPW : 28.99s CPU 30.50s WALL
EPW : 0.22s CPU 0.22s WALL
Please consider citing:

View File

@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
`.+s+. .+ys--yh+ `./ss+.
-sh//yy+` +yy +yy -+h+-oyy
-yh- .oyy/.-sh. .syo-.:sy- /yh
`.-.` `yh+ -oyyyo. `/syys: oys `.`
`/+ssys+-` `sh+ ` oys` .:osyo`
-yh- ./syyooyo` .sys+/oyo--yh/
`yy+ .-:-. `-/+/:` -sh-
/yh. oys
``..---hho---------` .---------..` `.-----.` -hd+---.
+sy--/sdMMMhyyyyyyyNMMh- .oyNMMmyyyyyhNMMm+` -yMMMdyyo:` .oyyNMMNhs+syy`
-yy/ /MMM+.`-+/``mMMy- `mMMh:`````.dMMN:` `MMMy-`-dhhy```mMMy:``+hs
-yy+` /MMMo:-mMM+`-oo/. mMMh: `dMMN/` dMMm:`dMMMMy..MMMo-.+yo`
.sys`/MMMMNNMMMs- mMMmyooooymMMNo: oMMM/sMMMMMM++MMN//oh:
`sh+/MMMhyyMMMs- `-` mMMMMMMMMMNmy+-` -MMMhMMMsmMMmdMMd/yy+
`-/+++oyy-/MMM+.`/hh/.`mNm:` mMMd+/////:-.` NMMMMMd/:NMMMMMy:/yyo/:.`
+os+//:-..-oMMMo:--:::-/MMMo. .-mMMd+---` hMMMMN+. oMMMMMo. `-+osyso:`
/yh` :syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy+.`+syyyyyyyyo:` .oyys:` .oyys:` +yh
-yh- ```````````````` ````````` `` `` oys
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine, C. Verdi, and F. Giustino,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 11Oct2018 at 15:28: 2
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
Restart is done without reading PWSCF save file.
Be aware that some consistency checks are therefore not done.
bravais-lattice index = 0
lattice parameter (a_0) = 0.0000 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 0.0000 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 0
number of atomic types = 0
kinetic-energy cut-off = 0.0000 Ry
charge density cut-off = 0.0000 Ry
convergence threshold = 0.0E+00
beta = 0.0000
number of iterations used = 0
Exchange-correlation = not set (-1 -1 -1 -1-1-1)
celldm(1)= 0.00000 celldm(2)= 0.00000 celldm(3)= 0.00000
celldm(4)= 0.00000 celldm(5)= 0.00000 celldm(6)= 0.00000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
a(1) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
a(2) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
a(3) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)
b(1) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
b(2) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
b(3) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
Atoms inside the unit cell:
Cartesian axes
site n. atom mass positions (a_0 units)
No symmetry!
G cutoff = 0.0000 ( 0 G-vectors) FFT grid: ( 0, 0, 0)
number of k points= 0
cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
EPW : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL
EPW : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL
No wavefunction gauge setting applied
Using si.ukk from disk
Using kmap and kgmap from disk
Do not need to read .epb files; read .fmt files
Band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = 8
Use zone-centred Wigner-Seitz cells
Number of WS vectors for electrons 279
Number of WS vectors for phonons 19
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 19
Results may improve by using use_ws == .true.
Reading Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep from file
Reading interatomic force constants
Read Z* and epsilon
IFC last -0.0026126
Norm of the difference between old and new effective charges: 0.0000000
Norm of the difference between old and new force-constants: 0.0000020
Imposed crystal ASR
Finished reading ifcs
Finished reading Wann rep data from file
Memory usage: VmHWM = 12Mb
VmPeak = 273Mb
Using uniform q-mesh: 7 7 7
Size of q point mesh for interpolation: 343
Using uniform MP k-mesh: 7 7 7
Size of k point mesh for interpolation: 40
Max number of k points per pool: 40
Fermi energy coarse grid = 0.000000 eV
Fermi energy is calculated from the fine k-mesh: Ef = 6.339674 eV
Warning: check if difference with Fermi level fine grid makes sense
ibndmin = 2 ebndmin = 0.190
ibndmax = 8 ebndmax = 0.760
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 5880 ~= 45.94 Kb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation
Iteration number: 1
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013560 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872905 eV
Scattering rate
Fermi Surface thickness = 4.000000 eV
This is computed with respect to the fine Fermi level 6.339674 eV
Only states between 2.339674 eV and 10.339674 eV will be included
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Temperature 400.000 K
Average over degenerate eigenstates is performed
Average over degenerate eigenstates in CB is performed
Writing scattering rate to file
Temperature 500.000 K
Average over degenerate eigenstates is performed
Average over degenerate eigenstates in CB is performed
Writing scattering rate to file
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.478637E-02 x-axis
0.478658E-02 y-axis
0.115242E-01 z-axis
0.703239E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.274743E-01 x-axis
0.274758E-01 y-axis
0.637071E-01 z-axis
0.395524E-01 avg
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.340694E+02 x-axis
0.584587E+02 y-axis
0.584588E+02 z-axis
0.503290E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.231476E+02 x-axis
0.397038E+02 y-axis
0.397039E+02 z-axis
0.341851E+02 avg
Note: Mobility are sorted by ascending values and might not correspond to the expected (x,y,z) axis.
Total time so far
SCAT : 0.43s CPU 0.43s WALL ( 343 calls)
MOB : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
Iteration number: 2
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013560 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872905 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.590051E-02 x-axis
0.590248E-02 y-axis
0.116036E-01 z-axis
0.780221E-02 avg
0.7802E-02 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.339718E-01 x-axis
0.339864E-01 y-axis
0.644797E-01 z-axis
0.441460E-01 avg
0.4415E-01 Err
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.306606E+02 x-axis
0.484285E+02 y-axis
0.484296E+02 z-axis
0.425062E+02 avg
0.4251E+02 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.209085E+02 x-axis
0.329592E+02 y-axis
0.329615E+02 z-axis
0.289430E+02 avg
0.2894E+02 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 3.15s CPU 4.22s WALL ( 1 calls)
Iteration number: 3
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013560 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872905 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.644417E-02 x-axis
0.644751E-02 y-axis
0.118128E-01 z-axis
0.823483E-02 avg
0.4326E-03 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.371091E-01 x-axis
0.371345E-01 y-axis
0.657224E-01 z-axis
0.466553E-01 avg
0.2509E-02 Err
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.310017E+02 x-axis
0.501495E+02 y-axis
0.501503E+02 z-axis
0.437672E+02 avg
0.1261E+01 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.211251E+02 x-axis
0.341053E+02 y-axis
0.341071E+02 z-axis
0.297792E+02 avg
0.8362E+00 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 6.21s CPU 8.45s WALL ( 2 calls)
Iteration number: 4
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013560 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872905 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.660118E-02 x-axis
0.660483E-02 y-axis
0.118134E-01 z-axis
0.833980E-02 avg
0.1050E-03 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.380423E-01 x-axis
0.380701E-01 y-axis
0.657563E-01 z-axis
0.472896E-01 avg
0.6342E-03 Err
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.309675E+02 x-axis
0.498542E+02 y-axis
0.498551E+02 z-axis
0.435590E+02 avg
0.2082E+00 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.211041E+02 x-axis
0.339105E+02 y-axis
0.339125E+02 z-axis
0.296424E+02 avg
0.1368E+00 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 9.26s CPU 12.65s WALL ( 3 calls)
Iteration number: 5
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013560 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872905 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.666450E-02 x-axis
0.666825E-02 y-axis
0.118240E-01 z-axis
0.838558E-02 avg
0.4578E-04 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.384180E-01 x-axis
0.384467E-01 y-axis
0.658280E-01 z-axis
0.475642E-01 avg
0.2746E-03 Err
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.309709E+02 x-axis
0.499049E+02 y-axis
0.499058E+02 z-axis
0.435939E+02 avg
0.3491E-01 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.211062E+02 x-axis
0.339436E+02 y-axis
0.339456E+02 z-axis
0.296651E+02 avg
0.2274E-01 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 12.35s CPU 16.89s WALL ( 4 calls)
Iteration number: 6
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013560 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872905 eV
Progression iq (fine) = 50/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 150/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 250/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.668478E-02 x-axis
0.668856E-02 y-axis
0.118253E-01 z-axis
0.839956E-02 avg
0.1398E-04 Err
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.385409E-01 x-axis
0.385698E-01 y-axis
0.658391E-01 z-axis
0.476499E-01 avg
0.8572E-04 Err
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.309706E+02 x-axis
0.498962E+02 y-axis
0.498971E+02 z-axis
0.435880E+02 avg
0.5909E-02 Err
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.211060E+02 x-axis
0.339380E+02 y-axis
0.339399E+02 z-axis
0.296613E+02 avg
0.3816E-02 Err
Total time so far
MOBITER : 15.43s CPU 21.13s WALL ( 5 calls)
Memory usage: VmHWM = 20Mb
VmPeak = 297Mb
Unfolding on the coarse grid
elphon_wrap : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
Electron-Phonon interpolation
ephwann : 18.05s CPU 24.91s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep-interp : 17.87s CPU 24.73s WALL ( 2058 calls)
DynW2B : 0.04s CPU 0.04s WALL ( 2058 calls)
HamW2B : 1.66s CPU 2.01s WALL ( 82360 calls)
ephW2Bp : 5.40s CPU 10.95s WALL ( 2058 calls)
Total program execution
EPW : 18.05s CPU 24.91s WALL
Please consider citing:
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine, C. Verdi and F. Giustino, Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
In addition, if you used anisotropic Eliashberg superconductivity please cite:
E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 87, 024505 (2013)
if you used transport properties (scattering rates, mobility) please cite:
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 97, 121201 (2018)

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
ncarrier = 1E13
mp_mesh_k = .false.
iterative_bte = .true.
epmatkqread = .false.
mob_maxiter = 3
broyden_beta= 1.0
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
restart = .true.
restart_freq = 50
selecqread = .false.
lifc = .true.
asr_typ = 'crystal'
@ -62,7 +64,6 @@
wdata(13) = 'write_hr = .true.'
wdata(14) = 'write_rmn = .true.'
elecselfen = .false.
phonselfen = .false.
a2f = .false.

View File

@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
scattering_serta = .true.
int_mob = .true.
carrier = .true.
ncarrier = 1E13
ncarrier = -1E13
mp_mesh_k = .false.
iterative_bte = .true.
epmatkqread = .true.
mob_maxiter = 4
broyden_beta= 1.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
100 crystal
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01
0.49 0.49 0.49 0.01
0.48 0.48 0.48 0.01
0.47 0.47 0.47 0.01
0.46 0.46 0.46 0.01
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.01
0.44 0.44 0.44 0.01
0.43 0.43 0.43 0.01
0.42 0.42 0.42 0.01
0.41 0.41 0.41 0.01
0.4 0.4 0.4 0.01
0.39 0.39 0.39 0.01
0.38 0.38 0.38 0.01
0.37 0.37 0.37 0.01
0.36 0.36 0.36 0.01
0.35 0.35 0.35 0.01
0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.01
0.32 0.32 0.32 0.01
0.31 0.31 0.31 0.01
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.01
0.29 0.29 0.29 0.01
0.28 0.28 0.28 0.01
0.27 0.27 0.27 0.01
0.26 0.26 0.26 0.01
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.01
0.24 0.24 0.24 0.01
0.23 0.23 0.23 0.01
0.22 0.22 0.22 0.01
0.21 0.21 0.21 0.01
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.01
0.19 0.19 0.19 0.01
0.18 0.18 0.18 0.01
0.17 0.17 0.17 0.01
0.16 0.16 0.16 0.01
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.01
0.14 0.14 0.14 0.01
0.13 0.13 0.13 0.01
0.12 0.12 0.12 0.01
0.11 0.11 0.11 0.01
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01
0.09 0.09 0.09 0.01
0.08 0.08 0.08 0.01
0.07 0.07 0.07 0.01
0.06 0.06 0.06 0.01
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.01
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01
0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.0 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.0 0.03 0.03 0.01
0.0 0.04 0.04 0.01
0.0 0.05 0.05 0.01
0.0 0.06 0.06 0.01
0.0 0.07 0.07 0.01
0.0 0.08 0.08 0.01
0.0 0.09 0.09 0.01
0.0 0.1 0.1 0.01
0.0 0.11 0.11 0.01
0.0 0.12 0.12 0.01
0.0 0.13 0.13 0.01
0.0 0.14 0.14 0.01
0.0 0.15 0.15 0.01
0.0 0.16 0.16 0.01
0.0 0.17 0.17 0.01
0.0 0.18 0.18 0.01
0.0 0.19 0.19 0.01
0.0 0.2 0.2 0.01
0.0 0.21 0.21 0.01
0.0 0.22 0.22 0.01
0.0 0.23 0.23 0.01
0.0 0.24 0.24 0.01
0.0 0.25 0.25 0.01
0.0 0.26 0.26 0.01
0.0 0.27 0.27 0.01
0.0 0.28 0.28 0.01
0.0 0.29 0.29 0.01
0.0 0.3 0.3 0.01
0.0 0.31 0.31 0.01
0.0 0.32 0.32 0.01
0.0 0.33 0.33 0.01
0.0 0.34 0.34 0.01
0.0 0.35 0.35 0.01
0.0 0.36 0.36 0.01
0.0 0.37 0.37 0.01
0.0 0.38 0.38 0.01
0.0 0.39 0.39 0.01
0.0 0.4 0.4 0.01
0.0 0.41 0.41 0.01
0.0 0.42 0.42 0.01
0.0 0.43 0.43 0.01
0.0 0.44 0.44 0.01
0.0 0.45 0.45 0.01
0.0 0.46 0.46 0.01
0.0 0.47 0.47 0.01
0.0 0.48 0.48 0.01
0.0 0.49 0.49 0.01

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
`.+s+. .+ys--yh+ `./ss+.
-sh//yy+` +yy +yy -+h+-oyy
-yh- .oyy/.-sh. .syo-.:sy- /yh
`.-.` `yh+ -oyyyo. `/syys: oys `.`
`/+ssys+-` `sh+ ` oys` .:osyo`
-yh- ./syyooyo` .sys+/oyo--yh/
`yy+ .-:-. `-/+/:` -sh-
/yh. oys
``..---hho---------` .---------..` `.-----.` -hd+---.
+sy--/sdMMMhyyyyyyyNMMh- .oyNMMmyyyyyhNMMm+` -yMMMdyyo:` .oyyNMMNhs+syy`
-yy/ /MMM+.`-+/``mMMy- `mMMh:`````.dMMN:` `MMMy-`-dhhy```mMMy:``+hs
-yy+` /MMMo:-mMM+`-oo/. mMMh: `dMMN/` dMMm:`dMMMMy..MMMo-.+yo`
.sys`/MMMMNNMMMs- mMMmyooooymMMNo: oMMM/sMMMMMM++MMN//oh:
`sh+/MMMhyyMMMs- `-` mMMMMMMMMMNmy+-` -MMMhMMMsmMMmdMMd/yy+
`-/+++oyy-/MMM+.`/hh/.`mNm:` mMMd+/////:-.` NMMMMMd/:NMMMMMy:/yyo/:.`
+os+//:-..-oMMMo:--:::-/MMMo. .-mMMd+---` hMMMMN+. oMMMMMo. `-+osyso:`
/yh` :syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy+.`+syyyyyyyyo:` .oyys:` .oyys:` +yh
-yh- ```````````````` ````````` `` `` oys
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine, C. Verdi, and F. Giustino,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 16Oct2018 at 16: 5:21
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
Restart is done without reading PWSCF save file.
Be aware that some consistency checks are therefore not done.
bravais-lattice index = 0
lattice parameter (a_0) = 0.0000 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 0.0000 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 0
number of atomic types = 0
kinetic-energy cut-off = 0.0000 Ry
charge density cut-off = 0.0000 Ry
convergence threshold = 0.0E+00
beta = 0.0000
number of iterations used = 0
Exchange-correlation = not set (-1 -1 -1 -1-1-1)
celldm(1)= 0.00000 celldm(2)= 0.00000 celldm(3)= 0.00000
celldm(4)= 0.00000 celldm(5)= 0.00000 celldm(6)= 0.00000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
a(1) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
a(2) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
a(3) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)
b(1) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
b(2) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
b(3) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
Atoms inside the unit cell:
Cartesian axes
site n. atom mass positions (a_0 units)
No symmetry!
G cutoff = 0.0000 ( 0 G-vectors) FFT grid: ( 0, 0, 0)
number of k points= 0
cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
EPW : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL
EPW : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL
No wavefunction gauge setting applied
Using si.ukk from disk
Using kmap and kgmap from disk
Do not need to read .epb files; read .fmt files
Band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = 8
Use zone-centred Wigner-Seitz cells
Number of WS vectors for electrons 279
Number of WS vectors for phonons 19
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 19
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 114
Results may improve by using use_ws == .true.
Reading Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep from file
Reading interatomic force constants
Read Z* and epsilon
IFC last -0.0026126
Norm of the difference between old and new effective charges: 0.0000000
Norm of the difference between old and new force-constants: 0.0000020
Imposed crystal ASR
Finished reading ifcs
Finished reading Wann rep data from file
Memory usage: VmHWM = 12Mb
VmPeak = 273Mb
Using uniform q-mesh: 7 7 7
Size of q point mesh for interpolation: 343
Using uniform MP k-mesh: 7 7 7
Size of k point mesh for interpolation: 40
Max number of k points per pool: 40
Fermi energy coarse grid = 0.000000 eV
Fermi energy is calculated from the fine k-mesh: Ef = 6.339674 eV
Warning: check if difference with Fermi level fine grid makes sense
ibndmin = 2 ebndmin = 0.190
ibndmax = 8 ebndmax = 0.760
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 5880 ~= 45.94 Kb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
A selecq.fmt file was found but re-created because selecqread == .false.
We only need to compute 343 q-points
Applying a scissor shift of 0.70000 eV to the conduction states
Temperature 400.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 6.861901 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 7.030498 eV
Temperature 500.000 K
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility VB Fermi level 7.013560 eV
Valence band maximum = 6.255486 eV
Conduction band minimum = 7.660802 eV
Mobility CB Fermi level 6.872905 eV
Scattering rate for IBTE
restart and restart_freq inputs deactivated (restart point at every q-points).
No intermediate mobility will be shown.
Fermi Surface thickness = 4.000000 eV
This is computed with respect to the fine Fermi level 6.339674 eV
Only states between 2.339674 eV and 10.339674 eV will be included
Progression iq (fine) = 100/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 200/ 343
Progression iq (fine) = 300/ 343
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14
epmatkqread automatically changed to .true. as all scattering have been computed.
Number of elements per core 1846
Average over degenerate eigenstates is performed
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.340694E+02 x-axis
0.584587E+02 y-axis
0.584588E+02 z-axis
0.503290E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.231476E+02 x-axis
0.397038E+02 y-axis
0.397039E+02 z-axis
0.341851E+02 avg
Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation
Iteration number: 1
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.306606E+02 x-axis
0.484285E+02 y-axis
0.484296E+02 z-axis
0.425062E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.209085E+02 x-axis
0.329592E+02 y-axis
0.329615E+02 z-axis
0.289430E+02 avg
0.425062E+02 Err
Iteration number: 2
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.310017E+02 x-axis
0.501495E+02 y-axis
0.501503E+02 z-axis
0.437672E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.211251E+02 x-axis
0.341053E+02 y-axis
0.341071E+02 z-axis
0.297792E+02 avg
0.126093E+01 Err
Iteration number: 3
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Elec density [cm^-3] Elec mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 7.0305 0.100001E+14 0.309675E+02 x-axis
0.498542E+02 y-axis
0.498551E+02 z-axis
0.435590E+02 avg
500.000 6.8729 0.100000E+14 0.211041E+02 x-axis
0.339105E+02 y-axis
0.339125E+02 z-axis
0.296424E+02 avg
0.208215E+00 Err
Iteration number: 4
The iteration reached the maximum but did not converge.
Unfolding on the coarse grid
elphon_wrap : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
Electron-Phonon interpolation
ephwann : 2.58s CPU 3.78s WALL ( 1 calls)
ep-interp : 2.37s CPU 3.57s WALL ( 343 calls)
DynW2B : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 343 calls)
HamW2B : 0.27s CPU 0.33s WALL ( 14446 calls)
ephW2Bp : 0.92s CPU 1.89s WALL ( 343 calls)
Total program execution
EPW : 2.58s CPU 3.78s WALL
Please consider citing:
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine, C. Verdi and F. Giustino, Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
In addition, if you used anisotropic Eliashberg superconductivity please cite:
E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 87, 024505 (2013)
if you used transport properties (scattering rates, mobility) please cite:
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 97, 121201 (2018)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
`.+s+. .+ys--yh+ `./ss+.
-sh//yy+` +yy +yy -+h+-oyy
-yh- .oyy/.-sh. .syo-.:sy- /yh
`.-.` `yh+ -oyyyo. `/syys: oys `.`
`/+ssys+-` `sh+ ` oys` .:osyo`
-yh- ./syyooyo` .sys+/oyo--yh/
`yy+ .-:-. `-/+/:` -sh-
/yh. oys
``..---hho---------` .---------..` `.-----.` -hd+---.
+sy--/sdMMMhyyyyyyyNMMh- .oyNMMmyyyyyhNMMm+` -yMMMdyyo:` .oyyNMMNhs+syy`
-yy/ /MMM+.`-+/``mMMy- `mMMh:`````.dMMN:` `MMMy-`-dhhy```mMMy:``+hs
-yy+` /MMMo:-mMM+`-oo/. mMMh: `dMMN/` dMMm:`dMMMMy..MMMo-.+yo`
.sys`/MMMMNNMMMs- mMMmyooooymMMNo: oMMM/sMMMMMM++MMN//oh:
`sh+/MMMhyyMMMs- `-` mMMMMMMMMMNmy+-` -MMMhMMMsmMMmdMMd/yy+
`-/+++oyy-/MMM+.`/hh/.`mNm:` mMMd+/////:-.` NMMMMMd/:NMMMMMy:/yyo/:.`
+os+//:-..-oMMMo:--:::-/MMMo. .-mMMd+---` hMMMMN+. oMMMMMo. `-+osyso:`
/yh` :syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy+.`+syyyyyyyyo:` .oyys:` .oyys:` +yh
-yh- ```````````````` ````````` `` `` oys
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine, C. Verdi, and F. Giustino,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
Program EPW v.5.0.0 starts on 16Oct2018 at 16: 5:25
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
Restart is done without reading PWSCF save file.
Be aware that some consistency checks are therefore not done.
bravais-lattice index = 0
lattice parameter (a_0) = 0.0000 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 0.0000 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 0
number of atomic types = 0
kinetic-energy cut-off = 0.0000 Ry
charge density cut-off = 0.0000 Ry
convergence threshold = 0.0E+00
beta = 0.0000
number of iterations used = 0
Exchange-correlation = not set (-1 -1 -1 -1-1-1)
celldm(1)= 0.00000 celldm(2)= 0.00000 celldm(3)= 0.00000
celldm(4)= 0.00000 celldm(5)= 0.00000 celldm(6)= 0.00000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
a(1) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
a(2) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
a(3) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)
b(1) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
b(2) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
b(3) = ( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
Atoms inside the unit cell:
Cartesian axes
site n. atom mass positions (a_0 units)
No symmetry!
G cutoff = 0.0000 ( 0 G-vectors) FFT grid: ( 0, 0, 0)
number of k points= 0
cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
EPW : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL
EPW : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL
No wavefunction gauge setting applied
Using si.ukk from disk
Using kmap and kgmap from disk
Do not need to read .epb files; read .fmt files
Band disentanglement is used: nbndsub = 8
Use zone-centred Wigner-Seitz cells
Number of WS vectors for electrons 279
Number of WS vectors for phonons 19
Number of WS vectors for electron-phonon 19
Maximum number of cores for efficient parallelization 114
Results may improve by using use_ws == .true.
Reading Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep from file
Reading interatomic force constants
Read Z* and epsilon
IFC last -0.0026126
Norm of the difference between old and new effective charges: 0.0000000
Norm of the difference between old and new force-constants: 0.0000020
Imposed crystal ASR
Finished reading ifcs
Finished reading Wann rep data from file
Memory usage: VmHWM = 12Mb
VmPeak = 273Mb
Using uniform q-mesh: 7 7 7
Size of q point mesh for interpolation: 343
Using uniform MP k-mesh: 7 7 7
Size of k point mesh for interpolation: 40
Max number of k points per pool: 40
Fermi energy coarse grid = 0.000000 eV
Fermi energy is calculated from the fine k-mesh: Ef = 6.339674 eV
Warning: check if difference with Fermi level fine grid makes sense
ibndmin = 2 ebndmin = 0.190
ibndmax = 8 ebndmax = 0.760
Number of ep-matrix elements per pool : 5880 ~= 45.94 Kb (@ 8 bytes/ DP)
Number of elements per core 1528
Average over degenerate eigenstates is performed
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.478637E-02 x-axis
0.478658E-02 y-axis
0.115242E-01 z-axis
0.703239E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.274743E-01 x-axis
0.274758E-01 y-axis
0.637071E-01 z-axis
0.395524E-01 avg
Start solving iterative Boltzmann Transport Equation
Iteration number: 1
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.590051E-02 x-axis
0.590248E-02 y-axis
0.116036E-01 z-axis
0.780221E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.339718E-01 x-axis
0.339864E-01 y-axis
0.644797E-01 z-axis
0.441460E-01 avg
0.441460E-01 Err
Iteration number: 2
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.644417E-02 x-axis
0.644751E-02 y-axis
0.118128E-01 z-axis
0.823483E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.371091E-01 x-axis
0.371345E-01 y-axis
0.657224E-01 z-axis
0.466553E-01 avg
0.250937E-02 Err
Iteration number: 3
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.660118E-02 x-axis
0.660483E-02 y-axis
0.118134E-01 z-axis
0.833980E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.380423E-01 x-axis
0.380701E-01 y-axis
0.657563E-01 z-axis
0.472896E-01 avg
0.634249E-03 Err
Iteration number: 4
Temp [K] Fermi [eV] Hole density [cm^-3] Hole mobility [cm^2/Vs]
400.000 6.8619 0.100000E+14 0.666450E-02 x-axis
0.666825E-02 y-axis
0.118240E-01 z-axis
0.838558E-02 avg
500.000 7.0136 0.100000E+14 0.384180E-01 x-axis
0.384467E-01 y-axis
0.658280E-01 z-axis
0.475642E-01 avg
0.274620E-03 Err
Iteration number: 5
The iteration reached the maximum but did not converge.
Unfolding on the coarse grid
elphon_wrap : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
Electron-Phonon interpolation
ephwann : 0.19s CPU 0.19s WALL ( 1 calls)
HamW2B : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 40 calls)
Total program execution
EPW : 0.19s CPU 0.19s WALL
Please consider citing:
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine, C. Verdi and F. Giustino, Comput. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)
In addition, if you used anisotropic Eliashberg superconductivity please cite:
E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 87, 024505 (2013)
if you used transport properties (scattering rates, mobility) please cite:
S. Ponce, E. R. Margine and F. Giustino, Phys. Rev. B 97, 121201 (2018)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
Program PWSCF v.6.3 starts on 29Aug2018 at 11:16:59
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
Waiting for input...
Reading input from standard input
Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
Max number of k-points (npk) = 40000
Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) = 3
Atomic positions and unit cell read from directory:
Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
a serial algorithm will be used
G-vector sticks info
sticks: dense smooth PW G-vecs: dense smooth PW
Sum 151 151 61 1139 1139 331
bravais-lattice index = 2
lattice parameter (alat) = 10.2620 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 270.1693 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 2
number of atomic types = 1
number of electrons = 8.00
number of Kohn-Sham states= 10
kinetic-energy cutoff = 10.0000 Ry
charge density cutoff = 40.0000 Ry
Exchange-correlation = PBE ( 1 4 3 4 0 0)
celldm(1)= 10.262000 celldm(2)= 0.000000 celldm(3)= 0.000000
celldm(4)= 0.000000 celldm(5)= 0.000000 celldm(6)= 0.000000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
a(1) = ( -0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 )
a(2) = ( 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000 )
a(3) = ( -0.500000 0.500000 0.000000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
b(1) = ( -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 )
b(2) = ( 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 )
b(3) = ( -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 )
PseudoPot. # 1 for Si read from file:
MD5 check sum: c84abb4b0aac9c93a8e9f74896432a0a
Pseudo is Norm-conserving + core correction, Zval = 4.0
Generated using ONCVPSP code by D. R. Hamann
Using radial grid of 1528 points, 6 beta functions with:
l(1) = 0
l(2) = 0
l(3) = 1
l(4) = 1
l(5) = 2
l(6) = 2
atomic species valence mass pseudopotential
Si 4.00 28.08550 Si( 1.00)
48 Sym. Ops., with inversion, found (24 have fractional translation)
Cartesian axes
site n. atom positions (alat units)
1 Si tau( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 )
2 Si tau( 2) = ( 0.2500000 0.2500000 0.2500000 )
number of k points= 216
Number of k-points >= 100: set verbosity='high' to print them.
Dense grid: 1139 G-vectors FFT dimensions: ( 16, 16, 16)
Estimated max dynamical RAM per process > 1.41 MB
The potential is recalculated from file :
Starting wfcs are 8 randomized atomic wfcs + 2 random wfcs
Band Structure Calculation
CG style diagonalization
ethr = 1.25E-15, avg # of iterations = 35.1
total cpu time spent up to now is 6.7 secs
End of band structure calculation
Number of k-points >= 100: set verbosity='high' to print the bands.
highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev): 6.2555 7.1119
Writing output data file
init_run : 0.03s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 1 calls)
electrons : 11.22s CPU 6.51s WALL ( 1 calls)
Called by init_run:
wfcinit : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
potinit : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
hinit0 : 0.02s CPU 0.03s WALL ( 1 calls)
Called by electrons:
c_bands : 11.22s CPU 6.51s WALL ( 1 calls)
v_of_rho : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 1 calls)
Called by c_bands:
init_us_2 : 0.02s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 216 calls)
ccgdiagg : 10.41s CPU 6.04s WALL ( 632 calls)
wfcrot : 0.76s CPU 0.44s WALL ( 632 calls)
Called by sum_band:
Called by *cgdiagg:
h_psi : 8.97s CPU 5.14s WALL ( 70431 calls)
cdiaghg : 0.16s CPU 0.10s WALL ( 632 calls)
Called by h_psi:
h_psi:pot : 8.82s CPU 5.05s WALL ( 70431 calls)
h_psi:calbec : 0.93s CPU 0.65s WALL ( 70431 calls)
vloc_psi : 6.13s CPU 3.43s WALL ( 70431 calls)
add_vuspsi : 1.47s CPU 0.83s WALL ( 70431 calls)
hs_1psi : 8.82s CPU 5.06s WALL ( 69799 calls)
s_1psi : 0.83s CPU 0.55s WALL ( 69799 calls)
General routines
calbec : 1.32s CPU 0.96s WALL ( 140230 calls)
fft : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL ( 11 calls)
fftw : 5.16s CPU 2.89s WALL ( 152238 calls)
davcio : 0.01s CPU 0.01s WALL ( 432 calls)
Parallel routines
PWSCF : 11.49s CPU 6.73s WALL
This run was terminated on: 11:17: 6 29Aug2018

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Program Q2R v.6.3 starts on 29Aug2018 at 11:16:58
This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
"P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at
Parallel version (MPI), running on 1 processors
MPI processes distributed on 1 nodes
reading grid info from file si.dyn0
reading force constants from file si.dyn1
macroscopic fields = T
13.98349 -0.00000 0.00000
-0.00000 13.98349 0.00000
-0.00000 -0.00000 13.98349
na= 1
-0.23421 -0.00000 0.00000
-0.00000 -0.23421 0.00000
0.00000 -0.00000 -0.23421
na= 2
-0.23421 -0.00000 0.00000
-0.00000 -0.23421 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 -0.23421
Norm of the difference between old and new effective charges: 0.57369636801879420052
nqs= 1
q= 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
reading force constants from file si.dyn2
nqs= 4
q= 0.50000000 -0.50000000 0.50000000
q= 0.50000000 0.50000000 -0.50000000
q= -0.50000000 -0.50000000 -0.50000000
q= 0.50000000 -0.50000000 -0.50000000
reading force constants from file si.dyn3
nqs= 3
q= 0.00000000 -1.00000000 0.00000000
q= -1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
q= 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000
q-space grid ok, #points = 8
fft-check success (sum of imaginary terms < 10^-12)
Q2R : 0.00s CPU 0.00s WALL
This run was terminated on: 11:16:58 29Aug2018

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
prefix = 'si'
amass(1) = 28.0855
outdir = './'
iverbosity = 0
elph = .true.
kmaps = .false.
epbwrite = .true.
epbread = .false.
epwwrite = .true.
epwread = .false.
etf_mem = 1
vme = .false.
lifc = .true.
asr_typ = 'crystal'
nbndsub = 8
nbndskip = 0
wannierize = .true.
num_iter = 1500
iprint = 2
dis_win_max = 18
dis_froz_max= 8.5
proj(1) = 'Si : sp3'
wdata(1) = 'bands_plot = .true.'
wdata(2) = 'begin kpoint_path'
wdata(3) = 'L 0.50 0.00 0.00 G 0.00 0.00 0.00'
wdata(4) = 'G 0.00 0.00 0.00 X 0.50 0.50 0.00'
wdata(5) = 'end kpoint_path'
wdata(6) = 'bands_plot_format = gnuplot'
wdata(7) = 'guiding_centres = .true.'
wdata(8) = 'dis_num_iter = 500'
wdata(9) = 'num_print_cycles = 10'
wdata(10) = 'dis_mix_ratio = 1.0'
wdata(11) = 'conv_tol = 1E-9'
wdata(12) = 'conv_window = 4'
elecselfen = .false.
phonselfen = .false.
a2f = .false.
fsthick = 2.0 ! eV
eptemp = 1 ! K
degaussw = 0.1 ! eV
dvscf_dir = './save/'
band_plot = .true.
filkf = './LGX.txt'
filqf = './LGX.txt'
nk1 = 6
nk2 = 6
nk3 = 6
nq1 = 2
nq2 = 2
nq3 = 2
3 cartesian
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.500000000 -0.500000000 0.500000000
0.000000000 -1.000000000 0.000000000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
prefix = 'si'
amass(1) = 28.0855
outdir = './'
iverbosity = 0
elph = .true.
kmaps = .true.
epbwrite = .false.
epbread = .false.
epwwrite = .false.
epwread = .true.
scattering = .true.
scattering_serta = .true.
int_mob = .true.
carrier = .true.
ncarrier = 1E13
mp_mesh_k = .true.
iterative_bte = .true.
epmatkqread = .false.
mob_maxiter = 3
broyden_beta= 1.0
vme = .false.
scissor = 0.7
nstemp = 2
tempsmin = 400
tempsmax = 500
restart = .true.
restart_freq = 50
selecqread = .false.
lifc = .true.
asr_typ = 'crystal'
etf_mem = 1
nbndsub = 8
nbndskip = 0
wannierize = .false.
num_iter = 1500
iprint = 2
dis_win_max = 18
dis_froz_max= 8.5
proj(1) = 'Si : sp3'
wdata(1) = 'bands_plot = .true.'
wdata(2) = 'begin kpoint_path'
wdata(3) = 'L 0.50 0.00 0.00 G 0.00 0.00 0.00'
wdata(4) = 'G 0.00 0.00 0.00 X 0.50 0.50 0.00'
wdata(5) = 'end kpoint_path'
wdata(6) = 'bands_plot_format = gnuplot'
wdata(7) = 'guiding_centres = .true.'
wdata(8) = 'dis_num_iter = 500'
wdata(9) = 'num_print_cycles = 10'
wdata(10) = 'dis_mix_ratio = 1.0'
wdata(11) = 'conv_tol = 1E-9'
wdata(12) = 'conv_window = 4'
wdata(13) = 'write_hr = .true.'
wdata(14) = 'write_rmn = .true.'
elecselfen = .false.
phonselfen = .false.
a2f = .false.
fsthick = 4.0
eptemp = 1 ! K
degaussw = 0.1 ! eV
dvscf_dir = './save/'
nkf1 = 7
nkf2 = 7
nkf3 = 7
nqf1 = 7
nqf2 = 7
nqf3 = 7
nk1 = 6
nk2 = 6
nk3 = 6
nq1 = 2
nq2 = 2
nq3 = 2
3 cartesian
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.500000000 -0.500000000 0.500000000
0.000000000 -1.000000000 0.000000000

View File

@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
scattering_serta = .true.
int_mob = .true.
carrier = .true.
ncarrier = 1E13
ncarrier = -1E13
mp_mesh_k = .true.
iterative_bte = .true.
epmatkqread = .true.
mob_maxiter = 4
broyden_beta= 1.0
vme = .false.
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@
tempsmin = 400
tempsmax = 500
restart = .false.
restart = .true.
restart_freq = 50
lifc = .true.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
calculation = 'nscf'
prefix = 'si'
restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
wf_collect = .true.
pseudo_dir = './'
outdir = './'
ibrav = 2
celldm(1) = 10.262
nat = 2
ntyp = 1
ecutwfc = 10
nbnd = 10
diagonalization = 'cg'
mixing_beta = 0.7
conv_thr = 1.0d-13
Si 28.0855 Si_r.upf
Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
K_POINTS crystal
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.0 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.0 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.0 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.0 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.0 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.166666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.166666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.333333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.333333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.5 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.5 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.5 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.5 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.5 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.5 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.666666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.666666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.833333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.833333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.0 0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.0 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.0 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.0 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.0 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.0 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.0 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.5 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.5 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.5 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.5 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.5 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.5 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.0 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.0 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.0 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.0 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.0 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.0 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.5 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.5 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.5 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.5 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.5 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.5 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.0 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.0 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.0 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.0 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.0 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.0 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.166666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.166666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.333333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.333333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.5 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.5 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.5 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.5 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.5 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.666666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.666666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.833333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.833333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.5 0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.0 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.0 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.0 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.0 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.0 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.0 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.5 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.5 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.5 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.5 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.5 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.5 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.0 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.0 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.0 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.0 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.0 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.0 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.5 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.5 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.5 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.5 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.5 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.5 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.0 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.166666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.333333333333 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.5 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.666666666667 0.00462962962963
0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.833333333333 0.00462962962963

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
prefix = 'si',
epsil = .false.,
outdir = './'
fildyn = 'si.dyn',
ldisp = .true.
fildvscf = 'dvscf'
tr2_ph = 1.0d-14,

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
&input fildyn='si.dyn', zasr='crystal', flfrc='si.fc' /

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
calculation = 'scf'
prefix = 'si'
restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
wf_collect = .true.
pseudo_dir = './'
outdir = './'
tprnfor = .true.
tstress = .true.
verbosity = 'high'
ibrav = 2
celldm(1) = 10.262
nat = 2
ntyp = 1
ecutwfc = 10
diagonalization = 'david'
mixing_beta = 0.7
conv_thr = 1.0d-14
Si 28.0855 Si_r.upf
Si 0.00 0.00 0.00
Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
K_POINTS automatic
6 6 6 0 0 0

View File

@ -88,7 +88,11 @@ inputs_args = ('', '1'), ('', '2'), ('', '4'), ('', '1'),
program = EPW
inputs_args = ('', '1'), ('', '2'), ('', '4'), ('', '1'), ('', '1'), ('', '3'), ('', '3'), ('', '3'), ('', '3')
inputs_args = ('', '1'), ('', '2'), ('', '4'), ('', '1'), ('', '1'), ('', '3'), ('', '3'), ('', '3')
program = EPW
inputs_args = ('', '1'), ('', '2'), ('', '4'), ('', '1'), ('', '1'), ('', '3'), ('', '3'), ('', '3')
program = TDDFPT